AAR decompiler
Decompile your Android AAR using AAR decompiler
Apk decompiler
Decompile your Android APK using APK decompiler
ARSC Decompiler
Decompile your Android ARSC using ARSC decompiler
Dex Decompiler
Decompile your Android DEX using DEX decompiler
Jar Decompiler
Decompile your Android JAR using JAR decompiler
Jar File opener
Extract contents from your Jar file
Java decompiler
Decompile your class files using Java decompiler
Apk opener
Extract contents from your APK file
SMALI Decompiler
Decompile your android smali using smali decompiler
Sqlite viewer
Online sqlite viewer
Adb commands
List of useful adb shell commands
Android & ios libraries
Useful collection of android & ios libraries