Adb logcat

This command is used to display the device logcat

adb logcat *:V

Only shows the Verbose level which is the lowest priority

adb logcat *:V

adb logcat *:D

Only shows the Debug level

adb logcat *:D

adb logcat *:I

Only shows the Info level

adb logcat *:I

adb logcat *:W

Only shows the Warning level

adb logcat *:W

adb logcat *:E

Only shows the Error level

adb logcat *:E

adb logcat *:F

Only shows the Fatal level

adb logcat *:F

adb logcat *:S

Only shows the Silent level which is the highest priority

adb logcat *:S

adb logcat -b radio

Shows buffer containing radio/telephone related messages

adb logcat -b radio

adb logcat -b event

Shows buffer containing event related messages

adb logcat -b event

adb logcat -b main


adb logcat -b main

adb logcat -c

Clear the entire log table and exit

adb logcat -c

adb logcat -d

Dump the entire log to screen and exit

adb logcat -d

adb logcat -f test.logs

Writes log messages to the test.logs file

adb logcat -f test.logs

adb logcat -g

Prints the size of specified log buffer and exits

adb logcat -g

adb logcat -n count

Sets the maximum number of rotated logs to the specified count value

adb logcat -n 5

adb logcat

adb logcat

how to image

Frequently Asked Questions

What is abd logcat command?

It is a simple command to show the device logs. It comes with various options so that we can easily filter out the logs which we are interested in.

How to save abd logcat?

Right-click in the logcat messages window, choose select all. Then your save will be all logcat messages in that window (including the ones scrolled out of view).

How to exit abd logcat?

Simply hit Ctrl+C to exit the adb logcat.

What's the lowest and highest priority values in log messages?

In log messages, verbose has the lowest priority and silent has the highest priority.

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