Adb shell ping

This command is used to check the internet related services and network connections

adb shell ping -c numberOfEchoReq URL/IP

Specifies the number of echo Request messages sent

adb shell ping -c1

adb shell ping -W amountOfTimeInMilliseconds URL/IP

Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait for the echo Reply message that corresponds to a given echo Request message to be received

adb shell ping -W 2000

adb shell ping -i intervalInSeconds URL/IP

Specifies the interval in seconds

adb shell ping -i 2

adb shell ping URL/IP

adb shell ping

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is adb shell ping command?

It is a command used for testing and diagnosis for network and connectivity issues.

What is the default time out for the command?

The default time out is 4000ms or 4s

How to exit adb shell ping?

To exit the adb shell ping, simply hit Ctrl+C.

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