Adb shell dumpsys

This command is used to dump service and deal with batttery configuration

adb shell dumpsys -l

Only list services, do not dump them.

adb shell dumpsys -l

adb shell dumpsys battery

Gets Android device battery info

adb shell dumpsys battery

adb shell dumpsys package packages

list info on all apps

adb shell dumpsys package packages

db shell dumpsys battery set level batteryLevel

Changes the battery level

db shell dumpsys battery set level 65

adb shell dumpsys battery set status 0|1|2|3

change the status to unknown, charging, discharging, not charging or full.

adb shell dumpsys battery set status 3

db shell dumpsys battery reset

resets the battery

db shell dumpsys battery reset

adb shell dumpsys battery set usb 0|1

Changes the status of USB connection to On/Off

adb shell dumpsys battery set usb 0

adb shell dumpsys

adb shell dumpsys

how to image

Frequently Asked Questions

What is adb shell dumpsys command used for?

This command is generally used to dump all the services.

How to change the charging staus of the battery?

To chnage the charging status of your battery, use the adb shell dumpsys battery set status 0|1|2|3 command.

Does changing the battery level or status really affects the battery?

It does not really affect your battery and just mocks it.

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