Provides a JAR and an AAR for embedding the Tor Onion Proxy into a Java or Android Program
Android library (AAR). Highly configurable, easily extendable deep zoom view for displaying huge images without loss of detail. Perfect for photo galleries, maps, building plans etc.
(Android) Networking and Cryptography Library (NaCL) JNI binding. JNI is utilized for fastest access to native code. Accessible either in Android or Java application. Uses SWIG to generate Java JNI bindings. SWIG definitions are extensible to other languages.
Gradle plugin for android which makes easier to inject aar libraries into project
MediaPipe multi-hand tracking gpu demo with MediaPipe's Android archive library
MediaPipe face detection gpu demo with MediaPipe's Android archive library
For android library project, package an uber-aar, including its dependencies. similar to the maven-shade-plugin
A lightweight .aar library to create easily a stable bluetooth connection between Android and Arduino.
This sample is to demonstrate how the AAR protection works.
Gradle plugin for publishing Android (AAR) libraries using Maven Publish plugin.
A script which merging a number of android library into one module. This makes it easier to generate an AAR file.
Android: Vanilla boilerplate to create an Android AAR library, for upload and distribution on the MavenCentral repository.
A concise implementation of BIP-0039 in Kotlin for Android. In order, it prioritizes being secure, concise and idiomatic.
A handy Gradle plugin for publishing your maven packages (like Android AARs or Java JARs) to different kinds of repositories (like Bintray).
An android library to implment dagger with android architecture ViewModel component.
Library Projects - AAR 1
An Android-Gradle plugin for generate DEX classes and a APK from a Library module.
a demo show how to use caffe android aar library
SpringCard library and applications samples for PC/SC over BLE and USB with Android
consume android library .aar file in client app
Creating AndroidLibrary aar file - a sample network call is handled in the library which uses volley library
这是个例子,将Android library打包成aar发布到jcenter的项目 (This is a help Android developer to AAR jcenter project released)
Implements Kotlin Multiplatform as Library (.aar file) for Android Platform
A POC project with multiple modules to reduce development time.
Android Studio build problem with Retrolambda & android library project (.aar)
An aar library for android for better controlling of Admob ads ( Can reduce invalid click and Admob limitation)
An Android library to detect current installed app version and current published Play Store version.
A template is to create libraries, Android AAR and iOS Framework, with Kotlin Native
Provides basic Android environment functions to be exported as AAR library
ActionBarSherlock example for Android Studio, uses .aar library
Android .aar library for combining more pictures into one
Application check the permission conflict with android aar library
The android zxing library used by the phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner.
Android v.28 library (.aar) to allow you leverage your Cumulocity Platform when developing your apps
python-for-android: demonstrates how to use a python service for android in a library(aar) being used by a kotlin app
No more use. (Former description: This repository includes AAR libraries for developers' convenience.)
Android library to build @aar that I can include in projects vs copy pasting all the time
Mozilla ryno fork for android as AAR library snapshot commit 3d3679d
Android Library Example for
The AARCon (Android-based framework forAugmented Reality with Context-Awareness) aims to ease developing context-aware AR applications in Android by offering a base structure for introducing context-aware adaptations as well as a range of preimplemented classes for context monitoring and adaptation purposes. The framework is available as an Android library written in Java for Google's ARCore framework.
A sample Android library that will deploy its aar artifact to a maven repository hosted on github.
The Android Studio version of APertain SDK Library. A(P)ertain Mobile SDK (Android) to provide Customer Engagement Tools such as Smart Rating Prompts, In-App Support, Push Notifications, In-App Survey, App Analytics etc., for Mobile Developers.
Sample application to demonstrate Android library (.aar) publishing to local maven repository
MediaPipe multi-hand tracking gpu demo with MediaPipe's Android archive library. Added with data transfer logic.
Native Android .aar extraction from com.cordova.plugins.cookiemaster.CookieMaster for reuse in native Android as well as Cordova using the Android Studio Library directory structure.
A library that makes it easy to read lists from Firebase and JSON generators.
MAiLog is an Android library (.aar) to receive by email Logs from apps running on real devices
Date pattern and Different Dates selection code with implementation 'com.squareup:android-times-square:1.5.0@aar' library
这是一个简单插件框架示例工程; 各个模块作用: plugin_sdk 为其它模块提供公共接口和属性,并负责更新和加载核心框架 plugin_framework ; plugin_framework 是插件框架核心,负责更新和加载插件(比如 plugin1 ); plugin1 是一个插件应用示例; app 是整个插件框架所依赖的宿主应用程序,插件的代理类就是在其中注册; provided_jars 是专门给插件模块(比如plugin1)使用,目的是提供一些插件编译时引用但又不需要打包的类,目前直接使用android studio中的provided选项时,编译时会报错: Error:Project :plugin1: Provided dependencies can only be jars. is an Android Library.
Library AAR to be used on Android from version API-16. This library defines a multipage Activity that contains Fragments that auto populate a List View with model data coming from a custom data source (be it an external source, database, room database or any other data storage). The library provides the framework to connect the model instances to the Android view renderers using an interactive enabled controller. List expansion/collapse, render layout change depending on context or automatic view update when model changes are out of the box requiring minimal code from developers. Tested on old Android versions and with minimal dependencies to other libraries. Current test code implementation and extension to support custom view non list models.
This is an Android SDK you can import the AAR(It's a basic one so I don't want to distribute.) into your application. This library demonstrate the ways to pass the network response, database objects to the application via callbacks.
Fat AARs for Android, to distribute multiple library modules in a single file with no dependencies, with relocation support.
Eloquent Connection : Android light weight library, made up of two features Call and Network. It can be used in any Android project either using build script or adding aar file, with no need to declare any thing else, it is simply a plug and play library!
AAR library for seeking any malicious trails in Android app. Beware of cheaters!