Android app that uses JSoup external Library to parse HTML into DOM and then read that data
News app developed with news feeds provided by different news channels and news papers.By using jsoup library(HTML parser) news feed is fetched.
HtmlParserLibrary allows you to load your html content in customisable ViewGroup. The various tags can be handled with android style resources and added as separate views inside the customised HTMLParserView.
Sample for HTML Parser using Jsoup Library in an Android app using Kotlin.
Execution stage of the capstone project temporarily uses JSOUP library to parse HTML for new programs from instantwatcher until Netflix gets back to me with an API key..
Android Web Browsing Application built on the jsoup HTML Parsing Library which allows the user to view webpages using HTML whitelists to simplify web pages and protect against XSS attacks.
Wired Article Android Mobile Application . Gets the last 5 articles in and checks the most common words in every one of them . Then it translates the most common move words into the Turkish Language. Used Volley as a module for sending request , Yandex API for the words translations into the Turkish Language , Picasso Library for pure and fast download and implementation for images and JSOUP Library to parse the HTML code .
HtmlAnnotator is an HTML rendering library based on Kotlin Multiplatform and Compose Multiplatform, with support for parsing CSS styles. It also supports the Android View system.