A simple android library project for record android screen in Unity
Android plugin library that informs unity about audio focus changes. It also has a reliable way of telling if other applications are currently playing music within unity.
This is a library that uses CMU Sphinx speech recognition engine, that is used in Unity3D.
Android Library Project for PushNotification with Unity
App42 Face book unity library to authorize facebook in Android applicatioin
Unity使用Plugins方式接入Android 渠道SDK的通用框架,使用中间件jar包的形式调用各种渠道SDK,包括Library。
Unity plugin for getting Images from Camera roll on Android or Photo Library on iOS or taking photos with the camera.
Used to build AppAuth-Android client library for UnityGoogleDrive project
Sample to solve Android dependent library by gradle.
Importing an unity project as library to an application of android
Old sample found on Unity Forums. http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/using-the-google-play-services-library-in-an-android-plugin-google-maps.177574/
This library provides the iOS and Android library for zip utilities (zip/unzip) and also includes the Unity3d interface
Sample to solve Android dependent library by gradle.
my android plantform ads multi . include fb , admob,vangle , unity , um .. ok seach as
Unity game https://github.com/LuisReyes98/PlatziPong turned into an android library
an android library for unity, function as bluetooth server
Access native android functionality with a library (plugin) in Unity 3d
a java library for Unity Android apps which observes a heartbeat of the Unity App to check for blocked UI
An experimental project combining Unity AR as a library within a native Android application
Test for Android Speech Recognition to be used in Unity as .jar library
Android Plugin Library for Toast functionally in Unity Project
An android library/wrapper for the flic2, to help easier facilitation of unity3d integration of the flic button
Demo Android application that loads independent Unity projects via their own Android library
MediaPipe multi-hand tracking gpu demo with MediaPipe's Android archive library. Added with data transfer logic.
A communication library between decawave serial device and android/unity. Allows more than one way to access the data of your indoor location system provided by decawave.
This is an android game I designed using android studio. It was written in java using native android libraries only. (Rather than a game engine like Unity)
This is a small exercise of creating a spinning cube with OpenGLES API and Android. In addition Unity as Library.
The Java Library that my Unity-Android-Bluetooth-Low-Energy binds to.