An implementation of android shopping cart library project for Android
A Shopping cart library for Android that allows you add to add items to cart and retrieve at ease using JSONObjects.
The android library that provides a simple and similar to NumberPicker that can be used in shopping cart as a quantity picker. It's very easy to use. . I hope that you will like it, and enjoys it. ^ ^
A quick way to add shoping cart functionality to your android apps
An android Gradle library which comes in handy in developing shopping cart related applications
An eCommerce android application integrated with the Firebase's Real Time Database , Authentication and Storage. The app integrates JSON , external libraries and implements shopping cart features such as register/login for both admin and user , pull/push products list from API and add/remove item to the shopping cart.
A Shopping cart library for Android that allows you add to add items to cart and retrieve at ease.
An android library developed with kotlin which comes in handy in developing shopping cart related applications.