A library for easily implementing social login/share buttons
A simple android library to easily implement social login into your android project
An Android Library that provides social login for 15 platforms within by RxJava2, Kotlin and Firebase Authentication.
Library for login in social networks
:globe_with_meridians: SocialManager is a simple RxJava2 android library to easily implement social login into your android project.
Leon Social Login is an Android library written to Integrate (Twitter, Facebook, Google, SnapChat) login.
This SDK provides the tools to use OneAll on the Android platform. It allows users to login with their social network accounts and to share messages with their friends. The library is integrated with a few lines of code and uses native Android integration with Facebook and Twitter where possible.
Android library for easy social login integration
Single Library Provide Facebook, Google and Twitter Login Functionality
:globe_with_meridians: SocialManager is a simple RxJava2 android library to easily implement social login into your android project.
Library that helps Android Developer to login like social login facebook and g+ and also have option to login normally.
Android library for implementing login/share easily for social networks
Android Social Login Helper library to simplify facebook and google login code integration in any android app.
Library for easy work with Facebook and Google on Android
An android library to integrate third-party sharing and login
A library to make social login easy in android.
An Android library that makes login with Social Networks or Email easier
Android Mobile APP, Activities, Fragments, API Requests with Volley, Datamodel, ViewModel - MVVM, SQLite DB , Login - Register, Google SignIn, Search View, Favorite List, Notifications, Bottom Navigation Menu, Side Nav Menu, TABLayouts, Recycler View, Clickable Items, Share to Social Media, Save to Internal Storage, Change Profile Pic, Third Party Libraries as Gjon, Picasso, Glide, Material Design
A simple android library to easily implement social login into your android project