An Android base app with loads of cool libraries/configuration NOT MAINTAINED
CrashReporter is a handy tool to capture app crashes and save them in a file.
Android library that sends the Logcat log to Crashlytics when your app crashes.
Android demo app. Clean Architecture, MVVM, Single Activity, Navigation Component, Room, Retrofit, WebView, Paging Library, LiveData, Coroutines, Hilt, Foreground Service, Bound Service, Notifications, Glide, Timber, Amplitude Analytics, Firebase Crashlytics, Multiple Themes Support
Filmy, an android app, displaying list of movies and its details including rating. Developed to showcase various frameworks and libraries in android.
Old Android demo app (developed in 2020 and released at Play Market for demonstrating my coding practices at that time). Clean Architecture, MVVM, Single Activity, Navigation Component, Room, Retrofit, WebView, Paging Library, LiveData, Coroutines, Hilt, Foreground Service, Bound Service, Notifications, Glide, Timber, Amplitude Analytics, Firebase Crashlytics, Multiple Themes Support
Huawei Mobile Kit library, implement Huawei SDK (Ads, Push, Crashlytics, and more) for Android