An Android Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Library with RxJava2 interface
Android Library for Async Data Loading and Caching
Small library that wraps Google Play Service API in brilliant RxJava Observables reducing boilerplate to minimum.
The easiest HTTP networking library for Kotlin/Android
Lightweight Java and Android library for integration with Ethereum clients
Android paging library implementation with RxJava
🚀 A Complete Fast Android Networking Library that also supports HTTP/2 🚀
🗺 [DEPRECATED] Reactive Location APIs Library for Android and RxJava 2
Showcase of RxJava used with MVP and some other popular android libraries
Android library listening network connection state and Internet connectivity with RxJava Observables
Rxjava 2.0 wrapper on Google's Android Firebase library.
Android NTP time library. Get the true current time impervious to device clock time changes
A lightweight, simple, smart and powerful Android routing library.
RxJava wrapper on Google's Firebase for Android library
a MVP library for Android favoring a stateful Presenter
Android library scanning BLE beacons nearby with RxJava
An Android base app with loads of cool libraries/configuration NOT MAINTAINED
Simple RxJava library for requesting and observing Android runtime permissions
Android library monitoring device hardware sensors with RxJava
Redux for Android. Predictable state container library for Java/Android
RxJava bindings for the Palette library on Android
:fire:Android开发 常用基础公共库(mvp/mvvm/retrofit/rxjava/socket/ble/多语言) 直接下载或依赖即可使用
RxPS - RxJavaPriorityScheduler - A RxJava Priority Scheduler library for Android and Java applications
AndLinker is a IPC library for Android, which combines the features of AIDL and Retrofit. Allows IPC call seamlessly compose with RxJava and RxJava2 call adapters.
Lightweight Android library for building reactive apps.
👏 Android 示例程序:MVP, MVVM, 组件化, AndroidX, ARouter, RxJava, EventBus, ButterKnife, 视频播放, 视频直播, 网络访问, 布局和控件整理等
Android library to get contacts using RxJava
Android library listening available WiFi Access Points and related information with RxJava Observables
⚡️Demo Android project for playing with RxJava, RxAndroid, RxBindings, RxLifecycle and other Rx related libraries on Android.
FeatureAdapter (FA) is an Android Library providing an optimized way to display complex screens on Android.
Android library to easily serialize and cache your objects to disk using key/value pairs.
A geocaching Android app using MVP architecture and modern libraries
An RxJava wrapper for the Google Play Billing Library
NYBus (RxBus) - A pub-sub library for Android and Java applications
🛠 A small Kotlin library to make shared preferences easy + RxJava and Coroutines support
⌨️ RxJava library to fetch suggestions for keywords using Google Suggest API
RxJava wrapper for Android Play Billing Library
🍯 A RxJava library to access Raw EMG data from your Myo 📈 (plus an Android companion App 📱)
A easy to use api client that combines the power of Retrofit, Realm, Gson, Rxjava and Retrolambda in a easy to use library for Java and Android
A simple library to prevent debounce click on Android widget,convert into RxJava.
A Kotlin library that makes biometric authentication quick and easy.
A showcase and a playground with MVVM, Android Architecture Components, Room Persistence Library, DataBinding, RxJava2, Retrofit2, Glide4 and so on.
Android RxJava library for Social auth (Google, Facebook) and Smart Lock For Passwords
A Kotlin library which helps to request runtime permissions in Android.
Android library designed to greatly simplify the implementation process of an MVVM-based application by providing all the means necessary to solve the common problems and avoid the annoying boilerplate code.
A RxJava based library using native code to convert images to Lowpoly for Android
This is a template for starting a new android project following MVP architecture with Dagger DI and jack compiler enable to use java 8 lambas. Include most of the necessary libraries for a typical android project.
Android application with MVP architecture and usage of other advance libraries: RxJava, Dagger, Retrofit, Gson etc.
A tiny rxjava wrapped Android send mail client library
ReactiveConnectivity - a library for Listen Connectivity Change on Android
A simple example of a project using MVP architecture with RxJava 2 Retrofit 2 library for Android in Kotlin for beginners.
Android onActivityResult wrapper powered by RxJava
Android library to quickly and easily get the users context using the Awareness API and RxJava
Android custom gallery library sample in Kotlin, MVVM, RxJava
Flickr client for Android using MVP, Dagger 2 and RxJava among other open source libraries.
a library for android make you easy to use mvp+kotlin+dagger+retrofit+rxjava
Interop library for exposing Android's main thread and loopers as RxJava 3 Schedulers directly.
Smart rate library for Android made with Koltin, RxJava 2, Dagger 2 and Moxy MVP
This is up-to-date android studio project for native android application, that is using modern tools and libraries.
RxJava library for showing a loading (i.e. progress bar) state while waiting for async data with minimal effort and advanced options.
An Rx/Flow gallery which allows to set and do limited or unlimited multi-selection on pictures and retrieve selections. Its based on MVVM clean architecture and supports pagination based on page size. It also returns the selected pictures for your tasks. It uses Android Database Cursor API to query images from device storage asynchronously using RxJava or Kotlin Flow API and returns them based on provided page size value when its scrolled. It also provides open to implement delete option to permanently remove pictures from gallery. It can be used with in your app or as a foundation for your own android library.
RxJava binding APIs for observable fields and observable collections from the Data Binding Library
Reactive wrapper for Google location and places API
A retrofit calladapter for request progress, change code from square's retrofit library 'retrofit-adapters/rxjava2'
Minimalistic Android implementation of The Elm Architecture with android architecture components integration.
Reactive Auth APIs Library for Android and RxJava 2
✈️ Android library listening airplane mode with RxJava Observables
library for android inapp purchase with rxjava
Android Booster: An Android starter project that utilizes a basic MVP/MVVM/MVI/VIPER architecture framework and contains several popular Android libraries, including Databinding, Dagger 2, Retrofit 2, RxJava 2, ButterKnife, Glide, Picasso, Leak Canary, Timber, and other useful libraries.
An android download library based on rxjava.
A library that facilitates the access to Android devices' sensors
Fast and light image loading library based on kotlin
A Light weight Actor Model library that helps communication between Components in a Message Driven manner
An Android library written in Kotlin that wraps the CountDownTimer so it can be used with RxJava.
A small library that helps you keep track of operations progress. It allows you to show progress bar (indicator) in a convenient way.
A Rxjava location library which wrrap Android LocationManager & Google Play Service APIs
该Library基于mvp ,mvvm ,封装常用功能,使用Retrofit+RxJava+okhttp封装http请求
a download management library for Android with RxJava as core
An Android Library to get location updates with a nice and clean rxJava API.
An example Android app built with MVP using the latest Android libraries.
RandomUser API Android client using Retrofit 2 + RxJava + Android Data Binding Library
A simplistic Android Twitter client demonstrating the use of the MVP pattern, unit tests with pure JUnit4 and Robolectric, UI testing using UI Automator and Espresso, usage of various libraries such as Dagger 2, RxJava, Retrofit, Twitter SDK, RecyclerView, Butter Knife, Picasso, Joda-Time, etc
Getting started with Kotlin And third-party libraries Glide, Dagger 2, Retrofit 2, Realm, MVP and RxJava on Android
Personal pet project aimed to get familiar with the following android specific frameworks/libraries/tools: AndroidRx, RxJava, Dagger2, RetroLambda, Retrofit2
This is up-to-date android studio project for native android application written in Kotlin, that is using modern tools and libraries.
Library for Android that encapsulates location retrieval using RxJava, returning observables
Android library to request permissions using RxJava
Kotlin unidirectional data flow library with RxJava 3 for Android/Java
A Lite android reactive library with observable streams , just like a simple version of rxJava(rxAndroid).
A library that provides a set of functional patterns to enable chaining operations one after another, also helps not cutting RxJava2 streams
An example project for using Kotlin, rxJava, rxKotlin, Dagger and many other libraries in an Android app.
Simple Android application with the Clean Architecture, Also used MVVM for presentation layer. Dagger, RXJava, RX Android and Android jetpack libraries used in this simple application too.
RxLog is a simple helper library to handle your RxJava logs. Supports both RxJava1 and RxJava2
This is a sample project for room persistence library by using Rx Java.
公用库, rxjava + mvp +retrofit +okhttp 架构,application初始化优化
RxJava3 bindings for Paging 2.x.x library
Request support cache, rxjava, custome request adapter with other Httprequest library
Simple demonstration of MVP with Dagger2/Android Data Binding Library and RxJava
An Android client library for getting current regional retail gas prices from U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) public data sets.
An Android Library to POST JSON and normal GET/POST using Rxjava. It's a networking library.
Testing project for Netflix RxJava reactive progamming library.
Github client Android Java sample app showing instant search and pagination.
Movie discovery app showcasing Android best practices with Google's recommended architecture: MVVM, Offline support, Android Architecture Components, Paging library, Dagger 2, RxJava 2 & Retrofit 2.
RxJava – Reactive Extensions for the JVM – a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences for the Java VM.
My project to learning the most awesome nd wooow Reactivex java and android libraries!!!
simple example of RxJava and RxAndroid library in kotlin
This project uses some third-party trending libraries to implement various features
Direct integration of RxJava with the Data Binding library
some frequently_used library,including pull_refresh_recycleview,rxJava,retroFit,TFS with retrofit,tab_bar,loading_view
Sample code for Rxjava and Rxandroid libraries.
Programming language: Kotlin Architecture: MVP Library : Rxjava, Dagger 2, Retrofit
⚡️ Demo Android project for playing with RxJava, RxAndroid, RxBindings, RxLifecycle and other Rx related libraries on Android, just for learning purposes
An android instant app (instant feature from Google) with mvp, clean architecture and some libraries: rxjava, dagger-android, rxlifecycle
App for displaying GitHub user list developed with Kotlin, RxJava 2, RxAndroid, Dagger 2, Retrofit 2, Paging Library, Glide, ViewModel, LiveData, Data Binding, Navigation Component.
Fast Android Networking Library Demo With RxJava
Project built to discuss and show the example of many working RxJava Libraries
A repository for demo Android apps using various popular Android libraries.
Loading, Content & Error pattern to create a consistent way of communication between ViewModel or Presenters and the View(Activities/Fragment/CustomViews) using SingleLiveEvent's.
Android paging library implementation with RxJava and Handling Empty States. Based on
Simple project with clean architecture, android lifecycle, paging library consuming reddit api
If you are new to Rxjava for Android, you can play with this code to get first look at the library
A simple integration of various Android libraries. View for more details.
RxJava, Retrofit 2.0, Butterknife all the latest Rx1 library in one project! Android 7.0
:movie_camera: Popular Movie discovery app: Kotlin+ MVVM + RxJava + Android Architecture Components + Paging library & Retrofit2.
Library for writing Android apps in a reactive way.
This is library project for call API Synchronous and Asynchronous with the use of okhttp
Android Movie App MVVM | Paging Library, RxJava, Retrofit in kotlin
Android library for converting BaseObservable to RxJava Observable
Android – Movie App | Using MVVM, Paging Library, RxJava and Retrofit
Download manager implemented using RxJava
Android library for detecting leaks related to RxJava 1.x
An AndroidSensors companion library that allows to easily store AndroidSensors records
A Movie Android App that uses themoviedb api with MVVM Architecture, Kotlin, RxJava, Retrofit and Pagination with android architecture components paging library
RxMvi is a simple Redux/MVI-like Android library that helps to manage state using RxJava 3.
⚡️Wilderness-survival-Android-NetWorkLibrary(荒野求生之Android网络库) 封装了retrofit+rxjava+okhttp+gson方便你轻松获取荒野中的各种资源!
A sample app design with MVP pattern. I have used Dagger2, Realm and retrofit respective libraries to show data from a RestFul API returning json.
A Java library that enables applying Functional Programming concepts like currying and partial application for functions, also it supports types like Either, Try, etc... using RxJava 2 interfaces, compatible with Java 7 and above
A repo to teach myself how to post and retrieve data from API using Retrofit and RxJava libraries
RxNetworkAndroid is an Android library that notifying the network connection state with RxJava 3 Observables.
App that explores data binding, RxJava, and popular libraries for native Android
Android template with a single `app` module. Uses AAC navigation library, Room, RxJava, Retrofit, etc
Movie Catalog Application using Jetpack Library, Retrofit, RxJava, etc.
Core library helps in building the skeleton of Android apps. It encapsulated commonly used MVP pattern and follows clean architecture principle for building scalable Android apps. It facilitates quick project setup using common libraries such as Dagger, Butterknife, Retrofit, RxJava etc.
Model-View-Presenter-Router. Android app based on modified MVP+VIPER architecture guidelines. Nucleus library helps with state persistance, RxJava with event flow. No DI used so far, but Dagger2 is a candidate.
Android - A book library with clean architecture powered by RxJava, Dagger, Retrofit, and the Google Books API.
A simple application that shows how to use Dagger-android library
Project sederhana penerapan Android Architecture Component, yang merupakan salah satu bagian dari Android Jetpack by Google dengan menggunakan MVVM (Model View ViewModel) sebagai Design Programming Pattern dalam pengembangannya. sumber:
A simple example of a project using MVP architecture with RxJava 2 Retrofit 2 library for Android in Java for beginners.
Android application which fetches image Urls from an API using RXJava and Retrofit libraries and display them in Recycler View using Picasso Library.The App also retrieves user contacts in csv file,zips it and stores it on phone's memory
A basic app implementing the Master-Detail navigation pattern using an MVP architecture. Libraries: RxJava, Retrofit, PIcasso, Butterknife
A project to familiarize yourself with operators in the reactive programming paradigm using the RxJava, RxAndroid, RxKotlin and RxBinding libraries.
A sample android project demonstrates fetching remote data using retrofit, rxJava, paging library,live data and viewmodel
A project for retrieving a big data rows from web with the help of Retrofit library, rxJava - Observable and Glide for the simple images display.
Sample playground application with MVVM Architecture, LiveData, Dagger 2.17, Paging Library, Retrofit and RxJava
Android开发 常用基础公共库(mvp/mvvm/retrofit/rxjava/socket/ble/多语言) 直接下载或依赖即可使用
This repository was created to show the use of MVP + Klotin + Retrofit 2 in Android Studio. Simple movie application with nice UI. To see the use of Paging Library move to the branch "architecture-components"
An Android Bluetooth Low Energy GATT Server Library with RxJava3 interface
Habitube - The Movie Library. Stack of Technologies: AndroidX, Room, Moxy(Moxy Community), Cicerone, Toothpick, RxJava, Retrofit, Glide
A wrapper HTTP networking library by Retrofit + OkHttp + RxJava for Android
Android library, which allows to monitor raw touch events on the screen of the device with RxJava
Wether App Assignment using Android and its supported libraries like Dagger, RxJava, Retrofit etc
A Simple Project For Implementing Clean Architecture With RxJava And Other Useful Libraries In Android.
building a dogList Application using Android Jectpack, fragment, retrofit, RxJava and more new libraries.
Android test MVP application with the modern libraries (RxJava, Dagger2, Retrofit2)
Provides a flexible cache library for Android applications integrated with RxJava.
Android Demo project that include Room Database library, RxJava and 100% Kotlin.
Android library based on Socket.IO to simplify sockets implementation with RxJava
base on android mvp,use library.rxjava rxAndroid rxbus rxbinding.and a lot of utils....
Project to play with tools, frameworks and libraries related to android/java/rxjava etc
A sample Android weather app using MVP , Dagger2,RxJava among other open source libraries.
An Android library provide a simple implementation to provide the network connection status by rxjava stream
Every UI element on your Android application emits events. The code that you’ve been writing is a reaction to some event, such as user tapping a button or a REST response from your backend service. We usually handle it by multiple instances of event listeners such as OnClickListener. All is well until you try track and handle multiple states. The common example is validation of registration form. To tackle this, smart people from Netflix have made a nifty little library called RxJava and its binding for Android named RxAndroid.
Simple and lightweight library for adapting ContenResolver/SharedPreferences in Android to RxJava
Simple MVVM architecture android application using Rxjava, Dagger and jetpack libraries.
Android app using Retrofit & RxJava to hit a movies API for a refresh on these libraries.
An Android Library to POST JSON and normal GET/POST using Rxjava.
An Android library for v2 of to use with RxJava.
Movie App that uses TheMovieDB api, Android Studio, Kotlin, RxJava, Retrofit, Room, Paging Library, etc
A study of MVVM, Kotlin, RxJava 2, Dagger 2, and others android libraries.
Android library based on Socket.IO to simplify sockets implementation with RxJava
A library including utils and components for Android rapid development, based on MVVM [ 基于 MVVM 的 Android 敏捷开发库,提供多种组件和工具 ]
Starting Point of Retrofit library fetch json data from a REST client and display data within the app...Features to be added MVP, Dgger2, RXJAVA
Repo App from Udemy: Advanced Android Architecture. A Git Repo app that utilizes Dagger 2, RxJava, Retrofit, Butterknife and other libraries.
An Android library to get Android M's runtime permissions with a nice and clean RxJava API.
This is an app I'm currently working on to practise Android libraries such as Retrofit, Room, RxJava, Dagger, Picasso/Glide and MVVP architecture pattern.
# Modern Android Features - MVVM architecture using Java, Dagger2, RxJava, Retrofit, LiveData, Mockito and Glide (and maybe bunch of other libraries, will see)
applying rxjava along with retrofit2. Mainly applied rx libraries 2, retrofit libs 2 and respective code updates into this project:
This repo contains some sample Kotlin code to work with Retrofit, RxJava, Anko Library(video), Camera, RecyclerView, SharedPreferences,Get Permissions, Notification ...
An Android app that lets you to search for movies and demonstrates simple usage of Dagger, Otto, Retrofit, Picasso and RxJava libraries/tools.
a music information finder application with jetpack libraries, full-material design, gradle kotlin dsl, and databinding.
Demo Android app showing off usage of the Giphy API and many common libraries (Dagger 2, Butterknife, RxJava, Retrofit2)
A simple calendar app for Android. Uses Google Calendar API, and written in Kotlin, using RxJava, Retrofit, Dagger2 libraries.
Consuming REST API using Retrofit Library with the help of MVVM, Dagger 2, LiveData and RxJava 2 in Android
This is the sample projects with Dagger plus retrofit plus rxjava plus room persistence library for an android
A library implementation for faster binding of android views with observables. Uses rxjava 1.x and rxandroid 1.x dependencies
An android task which was done using latest tools and libraries like RxJava, Mvvm architecture, Dagger2, okHttp and retrofit.
A sample Android app which showcases implemantation of fragmentless MVP and usage of Dagger2,RxJava among other open source libraries
Android application is developed with using 3rd party libraries: OkHttp+Retrofit(network), RxJava(multithreading), Retrolambda and ButterKnife.
Preflin is An Android library for easy access to Android Shared preferences. It also enables listening for changes on specific keys on a SharedPreference with RxJava support.
A library that will check for an update of an app from Google PlayStore with the use of RxAndroid and RxJava.
In this tutorial series, we’re building an android movie app that will fetch, movie list from a REST API. Using: - Kotlin - MVVM architectural pattern - Paging library for Pagination - RxJava - Retrofit - REST API
An Android app showing list of data from local database and having add, update and delete option. App developed using MVVM architecture and libraries like RxJava, Dagger, Architecture Components and Room of Database.
Use Jetpack to build a modern Android App. Implementing navigation , fragments, layouts, notifications etc. with the help of mvvm architecture , using different libraries like retrofit , room , rxjava and glide
This is repository of blog Libraries section. It shows usage of choosen libraries and frameworks for Android apps.
DroidBox is a Android library (written in Kotlin), based on AndroidArchitecure, RxJava, AndroidDatabinding and Dagger2, which allows you to create your android apps more efficiently and faster.
Native Android news reader app that consumes data from NewsAPI while demonstrating Android best practices, architecture components, and use of popular libraries (RxJava, Retrofit, Dagger 2, etc.).
MVPLibrary 是以JessYanCoding大神的MVP开源框架为主体、进行了一些扩展增删处理、加入了一些项目中常用的及自己开发的组件、是一个整合了大量主流开源项目的 Android MVP 快速搭建框架, 其中包含 Dagger2、Retrofit、RxJava 以及 RxLifecycle、RxCache 等 Rx 系三方库, 并且提供 UI 自适应方案, 本框架将它们结合起来, 并全部使用 Dagger2 管理
I pulled the data using the Coin Ranking API and showed this data on the chart with the MPAndroid library and previous values. Using Room Database, we can add and remove crypto coins to favorites.
This is a complete working example of how to work Android Room Persistence library. In this app I create a Book Library app with dependency injection, RxJava and with Room Persistence.
Weather is a simple android application to show weather update across the globe. Hence the main purpose of this project is to demonstrate the usage of some important android libraries like RxJava, Dagger2, Retrofit2 along with Android DataBinding, Room. In Addition, this application is developed following the MVVM architecture.
Guide for testing the Room Database. Contains solution for working with the different libraries support by Room.
Android library written in Kotlin for providing base MVP core for Clean Architecture
该Library是基于Kotlin语言封装的一个库,主要是用来创建一个kotlin项目时,作为项目的简单封装,使用该Library作为依赖引入,即可进行项目开发,省去一些前期准备工作。 该Library主要进行了一下封装:1、 采用普通MVC架构的方式,对Activity,Fragment,Adapter和一些工具类的封装以及自定义View的实现; 2、采用Retrofit+RxJava 对http请求进行相应的封装,可设置公共参数,并对RX生命周期进行处理;3、 采用MVP架构,对上面封装的Activity,Fragment 进行二次封装; 4、该项目使用了org.jetbrains.anko ,可实现对布局文件的自动依赖注入,kotlin文件中的View名称就是对应View的 id;
A showcase of RxJava and Model View Presenter, plus a number of other popular libraries for android development, including Dagger2, Retrofit, and ButterKnife.
310/5000 wazzaby is a social network whose goal is to connect people with common points, it is the native android version migrated in Kotlin MVVM, the libraries used are: (LiveCycle, LiveData, Retrofit 2, RxJava, Glide , Palette, Mudex, Coroutine, Room Data, Databinding, Okhttp,work manager, Fcm ...)
PockemonApp project for using latest android tools and trends Integrated the Paging library, RxJava , LiveData, ViewModel, DataBinding, Room,MVP, MVVM architecture and Repository pattern.
An application which shows the list of Dogs in Kotlin, using Android JetPack libraries, Navigation, Lifecycle,LiveData,MVVM,Room,RxJava, Retrofit, Glide for Images, Data Binding
Android library built on top of Realm. Provides seamless RxJava 2 integration and simple get/put/update/delete methods tailored for more idiomatic usage in Kotlin.
This app is example how to use androidx component and architecture component using room database and daager 2, mvvm architecture,android jetpack libraries and Rxjava
an android movie app that will fetch, movie list from a REST API. Using: - Kotlin - MVVM architectural pattern - Paging library for Pagination - RxJava - Retrofit - REST API
Marvel project for using Kotlin and latest android tools and trends Integrated the Paging library, RxJava , LiveData, ViewModel, DataBinding, Room,MVP, MVVM architecture and Repository pattern.
Android application "Find a Movie" that utilizes The Movie Database API, Retrofit 2, RxJava 2, pagination, Glide, and Timber Logging library
Second (and my first wrote in Kotlin) application for my Android Development course on Wroclaw University of Technology. Used libraries: Retrofit, RxJava, Dagger 2
a library that provides the "Property" concept to Java, in a reactive manner, where properties are variables that does not need a setter and getter methods, they hold there set() and get() operations in there Wrapper Object "", also they can be converted to RxJava2 Observable or Observer
A sample Android project skeleton in Kotlin which includes the best practices for developing a modern Android app: Architecture Components, AndroidX and some other best-in-class third party libraries like Retrofit, RxJava, Dagger 2, etc.
Free listening to the network Radio (radio) project, the project audio source from the network, do not use for commercial purposes, if there is infringement please contact: Project based on MVVM model development: Databinding+retrofit+rxjava+room Audio connection format is mostly m3u8 format, Android does not have a good playback m3u8 format implementation, so the use of third-party library playback, such as please inform, learn Audio Playback library: Vitamio
An application to fetch popular or highest rated movies from theMovieDb site and use the most common practises and external libraries used in android such as Retrofit, Live Data, ViewModel, Dagger 2 - dependency injection, Butterknife, Lifecycle, Glide, interceptor, RxJava, RxAndroid etc.
Aplicación de película de Android Kotlin que obtendrá una lista de películas de una API REST. Utilizando - MVVM architectural pattern - Paging library for Pagination - RxJava - Retrofit - REST API
A sample app which illustrates the best practices for developing a modern Android app using Kotlin, AndroidX, Architecture Components and some of other best-in-class third party libraries like RxJava, Dagger 2, etc.
This android application which gets news from and show to user. This app includes cashing function (saving in data base), configuration changes function, retrofit library and realm library. And this application NOT includes clean architecture, MVP pattern, RxJava and Dagger.
This App will use Twilio for Sms Marketing Online Service with modern architecture of Android called MVVM and Most popular Library RxJava, Data Binding, Dagger, and Most recommended Database Room for storing Message History. This App will use static Json of Contacts kept in raw folder itself
An example app that uses the New York Times API to list movie reviews of current releases. MovieMate demonstrates the use of popular Android libraries such as RxJava, DataBinding, Retrofit, Picasso, and the MVVM architectural pattern. Please let me know if you have any questions!
This repository consists of basic implementation of the Room Library from the Android Architecture Components. Here you'll see how you can interact with the database and perform basic tasks like Insertion, Deletion and Updation. We have used LiveData, RxJava and Coroutines to observe changes.
Movie application that lists movie posters, titles, and ratings a user can click to find out more details. This application is built using MVVM architecture as well as several Android Jetpack libraries which include Retrofit, RxJava, Room, and Glide. Git utilized for version control.
Movie 🎞 Paradise 🤍 is an Android TV 📺 app. ExoPlayer, Dagger 2, RxJava, ButterKnife, Timber, Glide, Picasso libraries used.