[Android Library] Take a screenshot of your view layout , programmatically!
Android library helps take screenshots for publishing on Google Play Store.
Android Screenshot Watcher (Screenshot Detection)
A library for programatically capturing screenshots on Android
Library to test Android applications using Espresso test framework with cucumber BDD language and Spoon screenshots
Android library that enables users to take screenshots for Views and Activities.
An Android library to detect when a user has taken a screenshot of your app
a library that help you to listen the screenshot event on android.
An Android Library enabling users to report bugs directly from their mobile device.
Tool used to help QA teams for easier Android bug reporting. This library enables you to take screenshots of your applications and directly submit them to a project managament service via email.
📟 A minimap view library for Android to help the user orienting himself around a big RecyclerView
A simple bug report library that captures app debug info along with a screenshot
A library for making Android UI testing a little easier, which includes retrying failed tests, taking screenshots on failure, and an extended set of test lifecycle annotations.
An android testing library that will help you create localized screenshots of your app!
Android capture screenshot and meta data of current activity programmatic manner.
Flicker Browser Android application with SEARCH feature. Uses CUSTOM JSON PARSING MODEL and picasso library for UI modelling and supported through extensive android platforms and versions(screenshots attached)
Android library to take screenshot and save into custom folder. You can also convert a view from xml, activity or fragment and save as jpg, pdf, jpeg, etc. You can generate screenshot for multiple views and save recursively in custom folder
A sample repo to introduce screenshot testing in Android with different libraries
A library to help auto-generate screenshot tests from Composable Previews with any screenshot testing library: JVM-based (i.e. Paparazzi, Roborazzi) as well as Instrumentation-based (i.e. Shot, Dropshots, Android-Testify, etc.)
Simple Android library to capture screenshots deterministically
A screenshot test library for Android
Compose Screen Capture is an Android library designed to simplify the process of capturing screenshots of layouts created with Jetpack Compose.
An easy-to-use Android library that will help you to take screenshots of specif views of your app and save them to external storage (Including API 29 Q+ with Scope Storage)
Android library - Custom Logger With Screenshots