Rxjava 2.0 wrapper on Google's Android Firebase library.
[DEPRECATED] Android Library to implement Paging support for Realtime Database in RecyclerView.
An Android books library organizer using Firebase Database, AdMob, Firebase Analytics, Goodreads Api and Retrofit with a MVP architecture.
geofencing application for android use firebase database and Geofire Library. The original tutorial link and all credits goes to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rwz-F4YOMBM&lc=z23ver0rkmjuxrd1zacdp432mpjzhqh2vpqugdk2iklw03c010c.1525394303781475 and Farhad2015/Geofence-GeoFire
Firebase Database library to use the firebase database services .
A Library to implement an Assistant for Firebase Realtime Database in Android.
A simple library to get data from Firebase by just passing the database reference path
Android Application for Book Storage using Firebase Realtime Database for applying CRUD operations
Android app to sell books among thee college. Database Connectivity Firebase.
A simple library containing fragments to help displaying a list of items from the Firebase database
Firesnap is a ORM library for Firebase database
My Forum Application using Firebase Authentication and Real Time Database, ListViews , Prettytime library
A simple project demonstating the use of libraries like Firebase Authentication (Google SignIn), Realtime Database and Firebase Recycler Adapter.
It is an android app for users for better, faster and easier retrieval of information and live updates of library through the Firebase database
An Android Chatting rooms app Using Firebase authentication, database and third party libraries like Picasso.
demo online store app by using android-java, firebase database and 3rd party libraries
geofencing application for android use firebase database and Geofire Library. The original tutorial link and all credits goes to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rwz-F4YOMBM&lc=z23ver0rkmjuxrd1zacdp432mpjzhqh2vpqugdk2iklw03c010c.1525394303781475
StalkCode is a Android application that helps you keep track of your coding performance by providing analysis in form of graphs.Features of the Application are It gives info of UpComing Contests, Uses Firebase as a Database , Implemented Android MP Chart library for variety of graphs, Recycler View for display of codes Solved ,etc
The complete Library system with a android application interface for students and Web interface for administration. This project contains the list of books in the online database and students can search for the book with reference to the title, author, book_id and section in their application. The firebase push notification before 3 days of due date. Profile of students with books borrowed and their due date.
Android app that enables users to exchange books with other nearby users using GeoFire library, Google Books API and Firebase Realtime Database.
1-using Firebase Realtime database , Authentication and Storage 2-using thired Libraries as butterknife ,Glide,Android Image Cropper ,Stories progressView and using material desgin
App Resturent is a online food ordering app project and this project contain two apps, a user app to order the food from resturent and another is a owner app to receive the order and to view the open order and upload new food for order. Responsibilities: • Responsible for designing the UI of the Application using XML. • Responsible for java coding • Testing the application functionality in different android versions. • Responsible for store data in Firebase database shows in recycler view . • Responsible for creating FirebaseRecyclerAdater using FirebaseUI. • Responsible for creating Navigation Drawer Layout, Click Events and Recyclerview click event • Responsible for the use of library like picasso library to view the image from database. • Worked in all phases of the project including all phases design, developing, testing & deployment.
This is the demo project for demonstrating the Google-Firebase Authentication, Realtime-Database and FirebaseUI-Android library capabilities. Make sure to create new project on firebase console and add your google-services.json file in it.
Its an Firebase Based Android on to one chat application. Where people could chat with a single person or people can also created chat groups. I'm using Firebase Authentication, Firebase Database, Picasso Library for retrieving picture from Firebase Storage. Its an ongoing project.
An eCommerce android application integrated with the Firebase's Real Time Database , Authentication and Storage. The app integrates JSON , external libraries and implements shopping cart features such as register/login for both admin and user , pull/push products list from API and add/remove item to the shopping cart.
Delta Aura is an Android Application which is build using Firebase authentication and using firebase database and technology used is Glide Library,Sign in with Google,Email and Phone Verification and it is used to connect people and socialize them and we also provide event related information necessary updates to our users.
TestYO is the android project which first extract question and options from docx file with the help of open source library apache poi. This app download files from firebase and then save it in its local database. It also creates online test environment for user.
This is an android app which could be efficient for Students to keep track of their educational condition and University events and news (registration started, Exam date and routine published etc.). Also this app uses Firebase database, Navigation Drawer Layout, Fragment, View Pager, some external Libraries and so on.
ACADEMIC PROJECT: Android based application that enables students to trade goods by coding the program in Java to create fragments for user profile, a list of products to trade, and feedback section. Extracted data from Firebase database to feed product information into application and designed the UI using XML and such libraries as Picasso and Retrofit for photos.
This a an Android based mobile application which basically enables user to have hustle free payment procedure. Apart from that this android mobile application will take care of all your trip history, transactions, help user to manage their vehicles. This app uses firebase for two factor authentication, Room persistence database for storage of the user data. This projects also uses some of the libraries and external resounces for UI design and navigation purposes.
This is an example for an android application in which we get to use the correct form of a camera runtime permisions fragment and its functionality and a standar register and login service using sql for the database not like in my other example that i have used firebase. The project its built outside android studio so you can use the libraries and project structure that you like using this activities cause if you want to change the project within android studio and adding a service it may be a mess if you had a big project going on
A full stack Android personal finance and wealth management app built in Android Studio with Java, XML, Firebase Authentication and Realtime Database, Stanford CoreNLP, AnyChart JavaScript library, Google Cloud Functions written in Node.js, and the Plaid, Dialogflow, News, and Twitter (via Twitter4J) APIs.
An Instant Messaging Android Chat App developed in Kotlin. Features Sign Up, OTP authentication, update user profile and instant messaging. Used Firebase Auth, Cloud FireStore, Realtime Database, Storage and Jetpack Paging Library.
A Book Library (MyApp) Android Web Application using Firebase + Room Database + Touch Gestures + Swipe Gestures
BechDe is purely made for learning purposes ,Here I have Implemented various android library's and methods ,such as Firebase Database, Firebase UI, Glide library, Image Crop library, and many more
Mvvm Structure, boilerplate code; Google ML Kit, Face DetectionFragments and Menu with Toolbar; Android Jetpack; DataBinding, RecyclerView. Google Firebase; Authentication Realtime Database, Storage.Room Database Library, Advanced XML Features. Byte/Character; Input Stream/ Reader
A VIdeo Calling Application in Android using Kotlin. Used Firebase as a RealTime Database to store the SDP Offer informations. PeerJS library is used to build the peer to peer connections and used WebRTC for real time communication
A simple one to one video calling android app built using firebase realtime database and WebRTC library
This project is based on firebase database. Use Image Cropper Library || Show Places on Google Map Android Studio || Get Data from Firebase Database || Custom Fonts
RealTimeStorage is an Android online or file recovery library on Firebase. This library is based on services provided by firabase such as Firestore and RealTime-database.