A library that extends the Android toast framework.
An Android hook library to fix Toast BadTokenException
An Android library that takes the standard toast to the next level with many styling options
Make your native android Toasts Fancy. A library that takes the standard Android toast to the next level with a variety of styling options. Style your toast from code.
GlideToast is a android library to implement flying Toast Animation
Custom toasts with color and icon for Android.
:ticket: Android library, Custom toast and dialog (2018)
Android library to create customizable floating animated toasts like in Clash Royale app
CookieBar is a lightweight library for showing a brief message at the top or bottom of the screen.
Android library with collection of some smart toasts designs.
Easy to use Custom Toast Library for Android
Lightweight Android library for a new way to create toasts in Android, similar to Bootstrap alerts.
An Android library for handling Toast BadTokenException happening on Android API level 25 and showing Toast smoothly on All Android versions.
A simple library to create a toast like button in the bottom right corner of your app's activity
An easy-to-use library to create tasty 😋 Toasts with a bunch of flavours 🌈. It also provides effortless methods to create Instagram like Toasts 💓
CookieBar2 is an Android library for displaying messages, notifications and alerts at the top or bottom of the screen. A great alternative for toast messages. Excellent replacement for snackbar notifications. Android messages never looked better!
This is an Android Library for developer to use Android Toast and Customized Toast easily.
A simple library for creating animated warnings/dialogs/alerts for Android.
Deprecated - Android toast library with steroids
A simple android library for validate EditText, check internet connection and show Toast.
Make your native Snackbar and Toast Fancy. A library that takes the standard Snackbar and Toast to the next level with a variety of styling options. A highly customizable, powerful and easy-to-use alerting library for Android. This library allows you to show messages or alerts in your app quickly and easily.
Support android ui automaton such as identify Toast and PopupWindow for appium
Kotlin ,常用工具类封装、commonliarary、Activity等组件扩展、SharedPreferences封装 、Toast封装 等
An elegant looking and easy to use informative library with LiveData integration for Android.
A fully and highly customizable material designed Toast for Android.
Attractive, stylish and customizable toast library for Android.
A simple library to add custom toast to android applications.
An Easy-to-use Kotlin based Customizable Modules Collection with Material Layouts by BlackBeared.
An Android library that takes the standard Android Toast to the next level with built-in icons from font-awesome and many styling options that gives your app and user experience an extra awesome feeling!
A rich Toast library that can display images, titles, and descriptions.
A toastoregg library for android.
Toasty library Kotlin version with Kotlin Extensions
🍞 Make your native android Toasts Tasty using React Native wrapper library
Toast Silicon is an android library for colorful and beautiful toast message. It is a custom android toast library support success, warning, danger, info, primary toast message. Moreover this library support multiline toast also
AckBar is a very lightweight and customizable android library to display brief message to user.
Using this Library you can replace your Old Toast to New Toast. This is currently in beta version. more features will added soon.
Android library to simplify hints, dialogs, popups, toasts and snackbars inside your app.
Android Programming For Beginner: Create your own android library
Sample to solve Android dependent library by gradle.
An android utility library for use log, snackbar, dateUtils, Collection utils and many more
A simple but awesome library for displaying customized "Toasts" & "AlertDialogs".
Android common library. It's extremely common and simple, only 99 kb for everything! Include : Log, Base64, FlashLight, SilentInstaller, Network, Toastor, WakeLock, Check, Averager, TimeCounter, AndroidUtil, AppUtil, BitmapUtil, ClassUtil, DialogUtil, FieldUtil, FileUtil, HexUtil, MD5Util, NotificationUtil, NumberUtil, PackageUtil, RandomUtil, ShellUtil, TelephoneUtil, VibrateUtil, PhoneReceiver, SmsReceiver, NotificationService, etc.
Following a tutorial at https://medium.com/@anujguptawork/how-to-create-your-own-android-library-and-publish-it-750e0f7481bf on how to create a module
Just wonder how to make an android libraries then I created it by myself
Toasteeii is an Android Library that helps in creating Toast in Android easily and with your personal Styles
Simple Android Library to create custom Android Toasts
This is a simple android toast library which makes your code shorter.
This is an Android Library for developer to use Android Toast and Customized Toast easily.
Android library to provide TOP (or BOTTOM) toast functionality. Write in Kotlin.
A Simple Centralized library to show Toasts Android
Boost your android development performance with lazylibrary.
Small test library which toasts stuff, just to understand how libraries work
An Android library to help write log messages and Toasts.
JavaFX library to display Toast messages similar to android
Android Plugin Library for Toast functionally in Unity Project
Android library for working with Toast file in Android sdk .
Android app common widget library, include: toast, dialog, window, picker, enhanced recycler view etc.
📱 Android Library to implement, beautiful, stylish 😍 Toast in Android apps easily.
This is an android toast library for showing easily android toast.
Simple library for managing awesome custom toast in Android SDK
Library for android application to implement custom toasts.
Sample to solve Android dependent library by gradle.
A simple library to create customized toast messages.
Custom Toast Library for Android-Customize your toast in one line
A library to show customized toast instead of the boring ones.
Small library for making customized toasts messages (Android)
Simple Custom Android library that creates Beautiful Looking Toasts
ToastUtil library for Android Applications to easily show Toasts in a decent way with three different type of Toasts
This Android library is used to fix two serious bugs of Toast with the easiest way.
It is a simple Android library implemented in Kotlin, which help you to implement Custom Toast and Snackbar in a single function call
A simple Android library to add more expressive toasts with sound.
Spice up your native android Toast library and make new cool animated Toasts in Android Studio. This custom made library helps you to design cool animated Toasts easily with minimal lines of code.
A simple Toast and Snackbar native wrapper library for React Native android.
We know that the display of toast is controlled by the notification authority of Android system. My library is to solve the control of notification authority. If you have a better plan, welcome to exchange: chenrongqiing@163.com
Toast your regular android Toasts. Toasts is a simple android library written with ❤️ in Kotlin to provide predefined and customizable toasts with styling and icon options. Toasts besides being customizable are as simple to use as Logs.
Library for android pop up message (Snackbar, Toast, Alert dialog)
An open source library to quickly check for internet connection, make quick toasts etc.
Crouton is an Android library project designed to replace Toast Notifications.
Create an android application for a library with the following specifications. The library has only one copy of each book. The user should enter his/her name and select a book from pull down menu populated with the books xml file. Once the user selects the book and clicks the "issue" button, the system should check the book status from a text file that contains transactions (issues and returns). If a book is available, add new transaction to the file with the username, book title and status "issued". If the book is already issued, show a toast that shows the user with whom the book is. If the user clicks the "return" button, add a record to the file with user, book title and "returned".
An awesome android library to show custom toast, alert-dialog, logs and progress dialog with few lines of code.
The project contains library for various kinds of validations which are used in apps.
An Android app that uses ZXing library to scan a QR code, copies its result in the clipboard and shows it in a Crouton toast
The HoverTip Android library provides an easy way to show text message tip when the user long-clicks or hovers using Samsung S-Pen on a view, similar to what a toast does.
Android library will help you to deal with toasts, snackbars or any kind of message you want according to MVI/MVP/MVVP paradigm
Simple library project that you can use in your android projects for various application level utilties like logging, toast display, location and many more application services etc.
A library to help with database setup; working with queries like insert, create, delete, drop, select; for using rest api consumtion; shared preferences; image zoom in and zoom out, applying font to the entire layout, checking if internet connection is available or not, setting an image view in square shape, circular shape, with initial letter or avatat, and replacing null in a string and replacing true or false with 1 or 0, switch button, custom toast message, datetime utils, location services, location address, validation of different types, set max length, set character counter, check if url is valid and much more. Check out the README.md for more information and latest update. You can check out the website 'https://amitjangid80.github.io/multiutillib/' as well.
This is an Android Application which demonstrates the "Bar Code Scanning Feature" using the famous android picture mapping third party Library called Z Xing. The Application also uses android components such Activities, Fragments. It also implements concepts of android such as Text View, Web View and Toast Notifications.
Allow Ursviks small store to keep track of its inventory of products by storing products information in a SQLite Database, including picture, name, price, supplier email and current quantity of products. Implemented ContentProvider to read(query), create(insert), update and delete all products' information from the database. Implemented CursorAdapter to display all products' information in the ListView of main screen. Add one product information by clicking the ADD button at the bottom of the main screen. Add or change product's picture by taking photo or choosing from library. Implemented Runtime Permission Handling for Android 6.0+ and Android API 23+. Also implemented Permission Handling for early versions of Android. Type in product's name, price, supplier email and current quantity. Implemented Option Menu both in Main screen and Edit Screen. Implemented sanity check: If picture is empty, the ImageView on the single item view is invisible. Name, price and current quantity cannot be empty. Supplier email must be valid if provided. Numbers cannot be negative. Otherwise a Toast message will be displayed. Click each product item in the ListView of main screen to edit this product's information. Toast message shows at the bottom to indicate user whether the saving or updating product information is successful or not. Track products' current quantities by tracking the number of sale products or receive products. Click the SALE button on each single item view to track the sale of one product and store the current quantity into the database. In the edit view, type in sale quantity or receive quantity to track large amount sale or receive. Toast message shows at the bottom if there are not enough products for sale. Click Order button in the edit mode to open the Email App to send an order email to the product's supplier using product's information in the database. Ask user confirmation before deleting a product's or all products' information. Warn user about losing unsaved changes. An empty state is implemented when there is no products' information in the database. Also show a message in the empty view to instruct user how to start adding a product's information into the database.