Android volley in studio libraries



It is the most easiest volly example in android using Android Studio

Updated 19 Jul 2015

sample for both libraries in android studio with its API

Updated 15 Dec 2016

Retrieve json data from reddit API using Volley library in Android Studio

Updated 16 Jan 2019

Dictionary App Project in android studio using api and volley library. Java is used for backend.

Updated 22 Jun 2020

Use of Google volley library to fetch JSON Object in Android Studio

Apache License 2.0
Updated 02 Jun 2019

User Profiling that includes basic login and sign up with web services using volley library in android studio

Updated 18 Apr 2019

News Application in android Studio using Volley Library and Mock Api

Updated 07 Nov 2018

This is an Android project. It contains an application project which uses a library project. This library is added as a git submodule in this repo. Now this library is also a gradle project hence I have added it as a Module. This will be very useful for parallel development where you want to make changes to both referenced library and your application in the Studio project. In this example I added a network library Volley as a git submodule hence we can customise volley, always have the latest changes from the remote repo and debug our application easily in case of issues.

Updated 03 Feb 2018

This mobile application was developed as an assignment project for a credit course of PGDIT Degree. The application scan a barcode using ZxingScanner library using Android Studio, fetch data from api using Volley and manipulate data in order to track expiry date for user.

Updated 17 Jan 2020

This is the Blood Bank android application. The idea of this app is to be able to find donors in our city with a specific blood group and also share our request for urgent blood in the community of our city. Working This is a simple PHP web server using a free hosting provider: There we have our MySQL database and some PHP scripts that are our APIs. For android the languages we are using are Java and XML. Tool Android Studio Libraries Used Volley: Glide(For loading images): Fast Android Networking (For better Image Upload):

Updated 27 Aug 2020

This app shows the stats of Covid-19 patients in various states and union territories of India. In this project I have used Recycler and Card views to give the UI a better look. I have used Android Studio as IDE and Java as the programming language. For parsing Json API I have used Volley Library and the API used is from

Updated 26 Aug 2020

how to image

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