Android settings libraries



android settings in React Native

Updated 18 Jul 2020

Android library that allows applications to add dialog-based slider widgets to their settings

MIT License
Updated 16 Feb 2020

Phrase is an Android string resource color setting library

Updated 24 Oct 2020

Library to add material designed Preference/Settings screen to an Android App

Apache License 2.0
Updated 03 Nov 2020

A library for easily creating and adding settings (AKA preferences) to your android app

Apache License 2.0
Updated 10 Nov 2020

Small library for creating menus with fast settings

MIT License
Updated 28 Jul 2020

🛠 A small Kotlin library to make shared preferences easy + RxJava and Coroutines support

Apache License 2.0
Updated 23 Nov 2020

an android library for setting custom font in xml layout

Updated 31 Jul 2020

Android Library for Setting a View via Fluent Interface

Updated 10 Feb 2020

Small android library that allows you to change wifi proxy settings programmatically.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 17 Jun 2020

Android generic settings library to handle all kinds of items in your application. (Equivalent to PreferenceFragment)

Apache License 2.0
Updated 07 Nov 2018

This library contain all utils related to google location. like, getting lat or long, Address and Location Setting dialog, many more...

Apache License 2.0
Updated 09 Nov 2020

:watermelon: An Android library that lets you implement MaterialPreferences on Setting UI.

MIT License
Updated 11 Jun 2020

A HSV style Color Picker Dialog library for Android (with Alpha setting)

Updated 29 Aug 2020

An android library to help you get rid of boiler plate code when setting up Recyclerview

MIT License
Updated 20 Jul 2020

⚙️ Simple Settings library for Android

MIT License
Updated 20 Nov 2020

[Deprecated] A settings library for Android

Apache License 2.0
Updated 26 Jan 2020

android advanced sharedpreference library

Updated 12 Jan 2019

Library for quick and convenient creation of activities such as "About Us" or "Settings". With its help you can easily add references to your other activities and sociali using ready-made patterns, but you can easily create your own positions using transparent Api. Library written using material components.

Updated 21 Aug 2020

Android library to help creating a settings main screen similar to the Android system one.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 21 Jan 2020

Android library to create beautiful, clean and minimal UIs.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 20 Nov 2020

This library can be used to set advanced settings for wifi such as manual proxy and static ip configurations through your app.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 25 May 2020

Updated 17 Dec 2018

Java library for apps settings (windows/linux/android)

Updated 04 Nov 2016

An android library which provide lock according to system settings

Updated 27 Dec 2019

An Android Library that implements ScanSettings supports for all devices.

Updated 21 Aug 2020

An Android Preference/Settings library

MIT License
Updated 29 Jul 2019

Android Preference Library

Updated 05 Apr 2019

A library for using rx + onActivityResponse/onRequestPermissionsResult on android. For example for using rx and permissions/gplay settings/google login etc.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 10 Sep 2019

An android library for quickly setting up a user profile

Updated 30 Jul 2020

Utility library for Android with Kotlin to help you to create and manage simple settings of application.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 04 Nov 2020

Example project which shows basic usage of AndroidSettings ( library

Updated 15 Jul 2019

React Native library for android to open app notification settings.

Updated 29 Oct 2020

This is android template project to help android developers set up android project quickly. Idea of creating this template(But with working demo) project is that developers do not have to go through repetitive process of selecting useful libraries and setting up base project every time.

Updated 31 Mar 2016

Android library for requesting and setting pin codes with individual boxes for the pin inputs

Updated 02 May 2018

Cyface Android Energy Settings library: Checks and informs the user when a setting might prevent background location tracking

GNU General Public License v3.0
Updated 07 May 2020

This Android App notifies you when your battery is fully charged. You can also select battery level and many customizations from settings screen. This App uses Repository pattern along with latest Android Framework Libraries and Best Practices to maintain clean code . The app is also available on Playstore

Updated 03 Aug 2020

A library that interfaces with SharedPreferences and makes it easy to store data across devices including Android Wear syncing

MIT License
Updated 04 Sep 2016

An android generic settings library to build your settings/preference screen in zero time

Apache License 2.0
Updated 10 Jun 2018

Highly simplified Android programming helper library

Updated 05 Jul 2019

A library for setting custom typefaces to Android views

Updated 24 Jul 2015

Android library for setting custom persian font type to views

Updated 07 Dec 2017

An Android custom star rating view which support setting

Updated 22 Jun 2017

Android Library to manage settings in an app through SQLite Database.

Updated 13 Sep 2018

This library mimics the Setting Buttons found in the default Android Settings app.

Updated 20 May 2020

This SDK using StarIO library is for changing SteadyLAN setting.

MIT License
Updated 16 Oct 2020

android library to create settings like button having a switch in the middle

Updated 19 Jan 2018

Android library for setting custom fonts to UI Widgets

Apache License 2.0
Updated 20 Aug 2020

An Android library for taking action at runtime based on device security settings

MIT License
Updated 12 Dec 2014

An Android library that manages test app preference settings via UIAutomator

GNU General Public License v3.0
Updated 28 May 2018

Android library that provides a handy tool for creating views for your application's settings

Updated 16 Jul 2019

A test project which is meant to be a guide for setting up Android libraries and publishing them as artifacts.

Updated 24 Feb 2016

This kotlin library allows you to validate Huge Forms containing Fields in android just by a single line, It saves you from the hassle of checking individual edit text boxes one by one then setting the error. This library supports edit texts view and no custom view is required. it also supports error validation for TextInputLayouts.

MIT License
Updated 27 Dec 2019

An android soundboard and wallpaper setting application that uses soundPool and Picasso library.

MIT License
Updated 08 Sep 2015

Sun rising and setting as a android custom view library coded in Kotlin

Updated 24 Feb 2018

Android Internet Connectivity Checker is library for check internet connection and open connection setting

Updated 14 Nov 2018

Android library for easily creating TextViews/Buttons that implement a custom Typeface, allows for setting of the typeface in the XML.

Updated 21 Jan 2014

This is a template for a barcode reader app in Android, prepared to code whatever you need after getting the barcode from a button in the main activity. The development took a couple hours, most of it just finding a nice library that could do the job and setting up the project. Optimized for gradle and Android Studio.

Updated 09 Feb 2019

Color Dynamo is an Android library that lets developers create styles and themes that can be changed dynamically. The library allows setting both background colors and text colors dynamically, as well as saving and loading "styles". The library includes two styles by default, dark and light.

Updated 24 Jun 2019

Sunshine application for Android devices is a weather forecast app which uses OpenWeatherMap API - - to synchronize forecast data. Allows users to see forecast for 2 weeks for specific location and more detailed information for chosen day, to change settings like units, preferred weather icon pack, location, and turn On/Off notifications, share weather information and open location on Google maps. Uses SQLite data storage and such libraries as: support-v4, appcompat-v7, glide, play-services-gcm. Covered functionality by Unit tests. Provides different layouts/styles for different device sizes and API versions. Added accessibility support (sound and LTR), localization for 2 languages.

MIT License
Updated 01 Aug 2020

mobile application on android, BLE communication to embedded device in electric outlet, settings and dimming control for each outlet and metrics from current usage displayed using MPAndroid Graph Library

Updated 23 Mar 2016

A library to help with database setup; working with queries like insert, create, delete, drop, select; for using rest api consumtion; shared preferences; image zoom in and zoom out, applying font to the entire layout, checking if internet connection is available or not, setting an image view in square shape, circular shape, with initial letter or avatat, and replacing null in a string and replacing true or false with 1 or 0, switch button, custom toast message, datetime utils, location services, location address, validation of different types, set max length, set character counter, check if url is valid and much more. Check out the for more information and latest update. You can check out the website '' as well.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 14 Sep 2020

A library to help with database setup; working with queries like insert, create, delete, drop, select; for using rest api consumtion; shared preferences; image zoom in and zoom out, applying font to the entire layout, checking if internet connection is available or not, setting an image view in square shape, and replacing null in a string and replacing true or false with 1 or 0.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 08 May 2019

This Android Application was designed with the intent to help traditional web developers easily make the transition over to android development. My goal in writing this is to give developers all of the tools they needs to create a business/social app. Within 10 minutes you can make this project your own and are coding your custom business logic, not spending hours/days setting up your app, framework and libraries.

Updated 10 Mar 2016

Android Tutorial 1. Android Studio Tutorial 2. Android Studio Overview 3. Android Intent 4. Android Spinner 5. Android ListView 6. Android Fragment Lifecycle 7. Android Passing Data between Fragments 8. Android WebView 9. Android ActionBar 10. Android Custom ActionBar 11. Android Animation 12. Android Capture Image 13. Android Custom Fonts 14. Android Location API GPS Tracking 15. Android Location Google Play Services 16. Android Increase Gradle Build Speed 17. Android NavigationView 18. Android SearchView 19. Android GridLayoutManager 20. Android MVP 21. Android Picasso 22. Android Internal Storage 23. Android External Storage 24. Android Shared Preferences 25. Android SQLite 26. Android Notification 27. Android AlertDialog 28. Android GridView 29. Android Gallery View 30. Android ProgressDialog 31. Android AsyncTask 32. Android BroadcastReceiver 33. Android ListView Custom Adapter 34. Android ViewFlipper 35. Android ButterKnife 36. Android Non Scrollable ListView 37. Android JSONObject 38. Android XML Parser 39. Android Runtime Permissions 40. Android Data Binding 41. Android Data Binding Advanced 42. Retrofit Android 43. OkHttp Android 44. Android Login Registration App 45. Android Interview Questions 46. Android Multi Search 47. Android Layout LinearLayout 48. Android FrameLayout AbsoluteLayout 49. Android ScrollView TableLayout 50. Android Navigation Drawer 51. Android CollapsingToolbarLayout 52. Android ImageView 53. Android TextSwitcher ImageSwitcher 54. Android AutoCompleteTextView 55. Android ProgressBar 56. Android SeekBar RatingBar 57. Android Toggle Button, Switch 58. Android Countdown Timer 59. Android ExpandableListView 60. Android Date Time Picker 61. Android Radio Button 62. Android Floating Widget 63. Android Checkbox 64. Android CardView RecyclerView 65. Android RecyclerView with Dividers 66. Android ViewPager 67. Android Drag Drop 68. Android Floating Action Button 69. Android SnackBar 70. Android Swipe Refresh 71. Android Shared Element Transition Animation 72. Android ConstraintLayout 73. Android ConstraintLayout Example 74. Android TextInputLayout 75. Android Percent Layout 76. Android Google Maps 77. Android Google Maps Example Tutorial 78. Google Static Maps 79. Android Google Maps Current Location 80. Android Google Map Route Drawing 81. Google Places API Welcome to Retrofit Android Example Tutorial. Today we’ll use the Retrofit library developed by Square to handle REST API calls in our android application. Table of Contents [ hide ] 1 Retrofit Android 2 OkHttp Interceptors 3 Setting Up the Retrofit Interface 4 Retrofit Android Example Project Structure Retrofit Android Retrofit is type-safe REST client for Android and Java which aims to make it easier to consume RESTful web services.

Updated 07 Sep 2020

Loggy is a library for android developers for logcat . we have really good framework Log , which is really good to print data on log . but problem is that we have to comment or erase or delete that particular line from program , but using Loggy you just have to set a method whether you want to show your log data or not . you can turn off your all printing logs by just setting a method

MIT License
Updated 05 Jan 2020

Present users with a grid arrangement of movie posters upon launch. Allow users to change sort order via a setting: The sort order can be by most popular or by highest-rated (movie data fetched from the Internet with the MovieDB API) or by favorite movies (movie data fetched from the local database). Allow users to choose enabling offline use or not via a setting: When enabling offline use is checked, movie posters and movies' basic information will be saved to users' local app cache folder for future offline usage, and will be automatically updated approximately every 24 hours. Created three tables (Movie, Trailer, Review) in one local database. Implemented Content Provider to access the database to fetch favorite movies data. Allow users to tap on a movie poster and transition to a detail screen with additional information such as: original title / movie poster image thumbnail / a plot synopsis / user rating / release date / trailers / reviews. Allow users to view and play trailers via an Intent either to launch in Youtube app or a web browser (if Youtube app isn't installed on the user's phone). Allow users to mark a movie as a favorite in the details view by tapping the star floating action button. Allow users to delete a movie from the favorite movie database by tapping the star button again. Color grey on the star indicates the movie is not stored in the database. To display the details requires an API request. Color yellow on the star indicates the movie is stored in the database (including trailers and reviews). To display the details does not require an API request. Implemented sharing functionality to allow the user to share the first trailer's Youtube URL from the movie details screen. Allow users to interact with the app via a widget: When click the widget title, the app main screen opens directly. When click one of the widget movies' list, the clicked movie detail screen opens directly. Implemented deep links, so that when users go back from one movie's detail screen, it will come back to the app's main screen instead of jumping out of the app directly. Allow users to get a highest-rated popular movie notification every day. Incorporated libraries to simplify the amount of code, such as: Using Picasso to fetch images and load them into views. Using RecyclerView and ConstraintLayouts to implement efficient layout design. Used adapters and viewholders to populate list views. Used databinding to populate details views. Support custom layout-land design to use up white spaces when the phone is rotated to landscape mode. Support different dimensions on Android tablets. Support default language: English and another language: Chinese. Support accessibility for vision-limited users. Stored all the strings in string.xml. Stored all the dimens in dimens.xml.

Updated 07 Jun 2020

Project Overview Project Overview Most of us can relate to kicking back on the couch and enjoying a movie with friends and family. In this project, you’ll build an app to allow users to discover the most popular movies playing. We will split the development of this app in two stages. First, let's talk about stage 1. In this stage you’ll build the core experience of your movies app. You app will: Present the user with a grid arrangement of movie posters upon launch. Allow your user to change sort order via a setting: The sort order can be by most popular or by highest-rated Allow the user to tap on a movie poster and transition to a details screen with additional information such as: original title movie poster image thumbnail A plot synopsis (called overview in the api) user rating (called vote_average in the api) release date Why this Project? To become an Android developer, you must know how to bring particular mobile experiences to life. Specifically, you need to know how to build clean and compelling user interfaces (UIs), fetch data from network services, and optimize the experience for various mobile devices. You will hone these fundamental skills in this project. By building this app, you will demonstrate your understanding of the foundational elements of programming for Android. Your app will communicate with the Internet and provide a responsive and delightful user experience. What Will I Learn After Stage 1? You will fetch data from the Internet with theMovieDB API. You will use adapters and custom list layouts to populate list views. You will incorporate libraries to simplify the amount of code you need to write Ready to start building?

Updated 10 Mar 2017

how to image

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