A Java library used to read and extract data from NFC EMV credit cards (Android/PCSC).
Open source MIFARE DESFire EV1 NFC library for Android
:iphone: [Android Library] Get device information in a super easy way.
android 2.3 nfc access felica command for Library project
Here are 3 starter apps to kick off your NFC development for Android. These apps were originally created for _Professional Android Sensor Development_ published by Wrox Press and forked from the book's _Great Android Sensing Toolkit_ library available on github: https://github.com/pchen/gast-lib
React Native library to interact with Status Keycard using NFC connection (Android only)
This is an Android library designed for two-way NFC payments whith Android KitKat devices.
This is a minimalistic sample project which shows how the android-kitkat-nfc-library (https://github.com/jetonmemeti/android-kitkat-nfc-library) and the android-nfc-payment-library (https://github.com/jetonmemeti/android-nfc-payment-library) can be used.
Java library for accessing Estonian ID cards, for Desktop and Android (NFC)
Android NFC App to read and display the Track 2 information from a PayPass/PayWave card. using EMV library http://sourceforge.net/projects/emvtools/
This is an Android library which offers NFC peer-to-peer functionality for Android KitKat devices.
An Android Library to read card data from NFC enabled cards
An easy to use NFC library for Android
Helper library to read out the current balance of canteen cards using NFC.
A Java based library for use on NFC enabled Android devices. For help email info@flomio.com
Android Nfc helper library (under development!) with foreground management, Bluetooth handover (untested!) and a set of helper methods/classes
SpringCard library and applications samples for PC/SC over BLE and USB with Android
Library to emulate a nfc tag on an android phone
Demonstration on broken instrumentation tests when uses-library com.android.nfc_extras and testing on real nfc device with api >= 26
Library for NFC on Android using androidx lifecycle extensions and functional interfaces.
Android app to demo Google speech & fetching library catalogue information from FINNA API
Java and Android library wrapper around the functionality of the Mifare Classic Tool library for Android.
Android Application which enables the user to use their DBS ID cards to login into Library Website
This is a library and android app that makes you able to use your phone's nfc scanner in java applications over your internal network or the internet.
Ultrasimplified android payment card reader using this library https://github.com/devnied/EMV-NFC-Paycard-Enrollment
This library handles the custom serialization on byte level used in android-nfc-payment-library (https://github.com/jetonmemeti/android-nfc-payment-library) and MBPS see (https://github.com/orgs/MBPS-Project/dashboard).
Demo Android application for the Mifare Classic Tool library: https://github.com/maxieds/MifareClassicToolLibrary
Android library for working with near field communication (nfc), fingerprint reader and more on the fp07 device.
A nifty (Android) library for capturing, verifying and authenticating fingerprint on the Huifan-7000 Bluetooth Reader. It can also be used to read NFC Cards on said device
This is a library to use ACS readers with an android device to have the same NFC capabilities an inbuilt readers. It also supports control codes to send commands to readers without a tag placed on the reader. I hope to make it an API like library to use across the board for all android devices.
ID scanning Android app and library. Supports MRZ, NFC, Barcodes, and ID PASS Lite cards.
Open source MIFARE DESFire EV1 NFC library for Android, works also with DESFire EV2 and DESFire EV3 tags
Kotlin library designed to facilitate the retrieval of EMV (Europay, MasterCard, and Visa) data via APDU (Application Protocol Data Unit) communication using NFC (Near Field Communication) on Android devices.
Eclipse Keyple™ Project: Android NFC plugin library for end users