A memory leak detection library for Android.
📱 AppListManager (Android Library) makes managing application and activity lists easy.
A memory leak tracking library for Android and Java.
Demo project for Square's LeakCanary, a awesome library that help you to detect memory leak in your Android project.
A Android Extension Library For JavaMemoryLeakFixer That To Fix The Memory Leak In Android Framework!
A sample project to demonstrate memory leak issues in the Android Support Library when using Fragments in combination with the Loader API.
SlushFlicks has been built upon public APIs from IMDB. This application helps users to view trending, popular, upcoming and top-rated movies and Tv shows and their detailed information. Users can also search for a movie or Tv show. This app also cache data to support offline browsing. This is a personal project and the core objective of this project was to have hands-on experience on recent Android jetpack library components like navigation, paging and MVI architecture. In addition to this, Local unit testing is also being implemented in this project. Furthermore, worked on optimization by eliminating memory leaks and reducing gpu-overdraw.
轻量级的安卓内存泄漏检查工具A lite memory leak detection library for Android
Android library to run tasks after particular time (optionally repetitively) without worrying about memory leaks!