Android library that allows launching a custom activity when your app crashes, instead of showing the hated "Unfortunately, X has stopped" dialog.
This library allows to use customized Rating Dialog inside applications.
📱 An Android Library for 💫fluid, 😍beautiful, 🎨custom Dialogs.
Android Library for showing Material Dialog with little customization
Custom AlertView Dialogue is the world's most advanced alert view library. Custom AlertView Dialogue includes simple message popups, confirmation alerts, selector popups, action sheet bottom menus, and input/feedback contact forms.
Custom Permissions Dialogue is the only permissions library that supports ALL permission request scenarios. This library handles multiple edge cases such as not enabling all permissions or permanently rejecting a permission request.
Android dialog library to give user feedback about the common operations like Success, Warning and Errors.
:ticket: Android library, Custom toast and dialog (2018)
An Android library used for making an Android application more faster with less amount of code. Shortify for Android provides basic functionalities of view and resource binding, view customization, JSON parsing, AJAX, various readymade dialogs and much more.
Common is a basic component library for android ——UI Components, MVP Base, MVP Customization, Auto Loader, Auto Pager, Components, Tools; UI组件化,MVP Base,MVP定制, 自动加载,自动分页Pager, 模块化, 功能组件, 更多工具类...
A simple Android library for displaying a DateAndTimePicker with From and To ranges as a CustomDateTimePicker. This custom picker allow user to pick both date and time in same dialog at same time.
A library for building Custom Consent Form for Android
This library allows to use customized Rating Dialog inside applications.
The library is used to display custom alert dialogs on the android system. With its help you will be able to display messages quickly and aesthetically. The entire application is written using material components.
Android Library that shows simple and customizable flat designed dialogs with no title. API 15+ required.
A simple but awesome library for displaying customized "Toasts" & "AlertDialogs".
This is how to create bottom sheet dialog without using any third party libraries or any special classes. We use only class.
Android library that allows create custom share dialog
Custom Dialog library for android
This repository includes some custom dialogs for Android
NamanCustomAlertDialogLibrary is the customize Android alert dialog library feel free to use it.
A library to create beautiful customized dialogs in Android
custom Dialog Android Library (Easy To Use)
Custom progress dialog library written in Java.
Extension of the class. This library allows you to use a custom layout view
This contains Custom Progress dialog, Circular Image, Custom ImageView Pager & Custom EditText library. Apart from this, this repo contains ParallaxScrollView demo project
This is simple library to show alert dialog box as per your requirement with basic callback functionality.
This library will provide an alternative to the existing alert dialog in android.
A library to create custom progress bar (Like Progress Dialog in Android)
Library that helps a few lines of code to show AlertDialog with button's onClick callbacks, or to show custom AlertDialog from service, for example.
this android library will give you a custom Timer dialog that contain only minutes and seconds.
Brush up your mobile app with customized Progress Dialog. Beautiful Progress Dialog is a small library that let you show custom Progress Dialog into your app. It can show static images, GIFs and the new Lottie Animation.
An awesome android library to show custom toast, alert-dialog, logs and progress dialog with few lines of code.
Use this light weight android library to Get a customized floating menu dialog with nice animations looking like IOS dialog to be used as a menu dialog in android.
A simple android app for taking notes. ConstraintLayout, Custom Views (Shaped layouts, custom alert dialogs), Room Persistence Library, View Binding, Reading External Storage, Android Permissions
(1) Name :- accelormeterSensor Description :- Using acceloremeter sensor to print Sensor event values. (2) Name :- ActionBarDropdownNavigation Description :- Action bar with dropdown navigation type. (3) Name :- android-actionbar-master Description :- Action bar buttons like add/delete/show. (4) Name :- Android Contact ListView Description :- Fake Contact listview. (5) Name :- AndroidListViewActivity Description :- Listview by extending ListActivity. (6) Name :- android-pulltorefresh-master Description :- Pulltorefresh demo. (7) Name :- Android-PullToRefresh-master Description :- Pulltorefresh handmark demo. (8) Name :- Android-Universal-Image-Loader-master Description :- Universal Image loader. (9) Name :- AnimationAllInOne Description :- Animation like fade/zoom/rotate. (10) Name :- arrayloop Description :- Different types of loops for arraylist items. (11) Name :- autocompletetextimagedemo Description :- Autocomplete with image and text. (12) Name :- BarcodeScanner Description :- Intent for Barcord scanner from google play. (13) Name :- bluetoothtoggle Description :- Toggle on/off bluetooth. (14) Name :- buttonpressed Description :-Status of button is pressed or not. (15) Name :- call Description :- Using TelephonyManager to get device phone number. (16) Name :- calling Description :- Intent to make call to specific number. (17) Name :- cellid Description :- Get cellid to get location. (18) Name :- Compass Description :- Google Glass - compass. (19) Name :- countrycode Description :- Get country code using Locale. (20) Name :- CustomLinkyfy Description :- Using custom linkyfy for various intents. (21) Name :- customlistviewBaseAdapter Description :- Listview with custom base adapter. (22) Name :- custompopup Description :- Dialog custom popup. (23) Name :- CustomSpinner Description :- Custom spinner with default value. (24) Name :- custom-ui Description :- Social Auth – custom UI. (25) Name :- databaseFromAsset Description :- Access database from asset folder. (26) Name :- dragndrop Description :- Drag and drop image demo. (27) Name :- expandablelistview Description :- Expandable listview demo. (28) Name :- flightmode Description :- Toggle on/off flight mode. (29) Name :- FragmentsTest Description :- Simple Fragment demo. (30) Name :- gallerydemo Description :- Image Gallery demo. (31) Name :- GestureDetection Description :- Detect gestures from user. (32) Name :- google image loader api complete Description :- Google image loader. (33) Name :- gpsonoff Description :- Toggle on/off GPS. (34) Name :- gpsonofstatus Description :- Get status of GPS on/off. (35) Name :- Gridlayout Description :- Grid layout demo. (36) Name :- gridviewsimple Description :- Simple grid view. (37) Name :- gsondemo Description :- Gson demo. (38) Name :- hbcustomlibaray Description :- Custom library demo. (39) Name :- HBfragment Description :- Fragment demo with detail and list view. (40) Name :- hideappfromlauncher Description :- Hide app icon from launcher. (41) Name :- highlightedittext Description :- Highlight the selected text. (42) Name :- home pressed Description :- Detect home button press. (43) Name :- HorizontalScrollViewActivity Description :- Horizontal scroll view demo. (44) Name :- ImageGridActivity Description :- Image grid using lru cache. (45) Name :- imageloadergoogle Description :- Google Image loader for auto complete. (46) Name :- imageloaderListViewWithJSONFromURL Description :- Image loader in listview pasring. (47) Name :- InstalledAppNames Description :- Get list of installed apps. (48) Name :- itemcount Description :- Item count calculation. (49) Name :- jasondemo Description :- Jason parsing demo. (50) Name :- jasonparsedemo Description :- Various kind of object json parsing using pojo. (51) Name :- JSONExampleActivity Description :- Json parsing post. (52) Name :- Jsonparsefromtxtfile Description :- Json parsing from txt file. (53) Name :- layoutadddynamically Description :- Adding infinity layout dynamically on button press. (54) Name :- layoutweightdemo Description :- Using layout weight for UI. (55) Name :- Linkedin Description :- Linkedin integration. (56) Name :- linkedinbest Description :- Linkedin integration. (57) Name :- Listview_baseadapter_getItemViewType Description :- Listview with getitemview type for different ui view per listitem. (58) Name :- LiveWallpaper Description :- Live Wallpaper demo. (59) Name :- MyAndroidAppActivity Description :- Simple string buffer. (60) Name :- mypopup Description :- Custom dailog. (61) Name :- notification Description :- Simple notification demo. (62) Name :- Notification_count Description :- Notification Badge count. (63) Name :- Paginated ListView Demo Description :- Pagination for listview. (64) Name :- PayPalSDKExample Description :- Paypal integration. (65) Name :- PinItDemo Description :- Pint it integration. (66) Name :- progressbardemo Description :- Progressbar demo. (67) Name :- ProximatySensorDemo Description :- Using Proximaty sensor for printing values. (68) Name :- pulltorefresh and dragndrop to gridview Description :- Pulltorefresh and drag n drop to gridview. (69) Name :- readtextfile Description :- Read simple text file. (70) Name :- recentRunningBackgroundAppList Description :- Get list of apps that were running recently. (71) Name :- rfile Description :- Get id value from view using r file. (72) Name :- ribbonsample Description :- Ribbon sample demo. (73) Name :- roatation Description :- Get status of rotation on/off. (74) Name :- rotatecenter Description :- Animate image rotation at center point. (75) Name :- screenorientation Description :- Get status of screen orientation landscape/portrait. (76) Name :- SdcardFormat Description :- Format sd card. (77) Name :- selectspeed Description :- Select speed ui txtsheild. (78) Name :- sendemail Description :- Send an email using intent. (79) Name :- share-bar Description :- Social Auth – custom UI. (80) Name :- share-button Description :- Social Auth – custom UI. (81) Name :- sharemyapp Description :- Share app apk from device. (82) Name :- signature Description :- Signature using image bitmap paint. (83) Name :- SimpleListView Description :- Simple listview demo. (84) Name :- smserrors Description :- Send sms and get various exceptions. (85) Name :- socialauth-android Description :- Social Auth demo. (86) Name :- Stopwatch Description :- Google Glass - Stopwatch. (87) Name :- SwitchButton Description :- SwitchButton toggle on/off demo. (88) Name :- textlink Description :- Text as a link url. (89) Name :- Timer Description :- Google Glass - Timer. (90) Name :- toggleButton Description :- Get status Toggle button on/off. (91) Name :- triangledrawable Description :- Draw triangle using drawable xml. (92) Name :- uninstallapp Description :- Uninstall app. (93) Name :- unknownsource Description :- Toggle on/off unknown source flag. (94) Name :- videodemo Description :- Simple video view to play rstp files. (95) Name :- videoviewdemo Description :- Video view to play Youtube files. (96) Name :- ViewPagerDemo Description :- Simple viewpager demo. (97) Name :- ViewpagerInDialogPopup Description :- View pager inside Dialog pop. (98) Name :- webviewnonxss Description :- You tube video play in webview using video id. (99) Name :- webviewyoutubeapi Description :- Simple video play in webview. (100) Name :- zoomtry Description :- Zoom in and zoom out animation.
An android mobile app written with Java that connects to a Google datastore NDB using a RESTful API written in Python. The app implements various activites and custom dialog boxes to allow the user to add new books and members to the datastore as well as checkout and return books for each member.
🧩 Android library to pick an image from gallery or camera. Super easy. Inline result. No need for FileProvider, custom UI or localizations.
This is an Android Library for showing Material Dialog with little customization with icons, colors, divider line. Example is available in app module.
A custom android popup dialog library which provides you a lot of popup dialog with and without animation
Android Library to create Lottie animation view dialog easily with a lot of customization
CuteDialog- Android Custom Material Dialog Library
An android library through which users can add a customized loading dialog box with Lottie Animations.
A simple library to show custom dialog with animation in android
An Android Library containing a set of custom dialogs
Android Library to create various kinds of Custom Progress Dialog
An Android library that offers a flexible and visually enhanced date picker, allowing developers to easily integrate and customize date selection dialogs in their applications. It supports theming, localization, and additional features to align with various app designs and user experiences.
Android library that helps developers choose the hour and minute intervals from customized dialog which is not possible with MaterialTimePicker.
An android application which demonstrates the mechanism to create a custom alert dialog using Google's Material Design library for Android.