Android java library for FFmpeg binary compiled using
Convert audio files inside your Android app easily. Supported formats: AAC, MP3, M4A, WMA, WAV and FLAC.
Customizable Android video recorder library that can combine multiple videos
Examples of using FFMpeg library on Android with Kotlin
A sample app that uses FFmpeg's shared libraries
安卓平台下,图片或视频转化为ascii,图片转化成低多边形风格图形,emoji表情填充图片,合并视频用到ffmpeg库。已实现带色彩的ascii码图片或视频.On the Android platform, the picture or video is converted to ascii, the picture is converted into a low-poly style graphic, the emoji expression is filled with the picture, and the merged video is used in the ffmpeg library. Adding color ascii code pictures or videos later. Androidプラットフォームでは、画像またはビデオはASCIIに変換され、画像は低ポリスタイルのグラフィックに変換され、絵文字表現は画像で埋められ、マージされたビデオはffmpegライブラリで使用されます。 カラーASCIIコードの写真やビデオを後で追加する
No-latency video recording library for Android using ffmpeg
The ffmpeg library with x264 for android platform, it compiled by android ndk tools. The could be used in other apps.
Android ffmpeg library used to change a video's resolution or frame rate
Android video Triming using FFMPEG library.
Video metadata provider library (collect metadata from ExoPlayer, FFMpeg, Native Android)
FFmpeg is a free and open-source project consisting of a vast software suite of libraries and programs for handling video, audio, and other multimedia files and streams
the repository shows you how to build Ffmpeg library for use on Android
A simple Android app using FFmpeg library courtesy of
a sample android project using the ffmpeg_android_java library
a sample app using ffmpeg-android-java library from
Android extensions for Xuggler library
An application that uses Android NDK to process videos using the open source ffmpeg library
AudioTool - an android library that provides audio manipulation functions like increase/decrease speed, pitch, volume, bass, etc. Library also provides cut, noise remover, and other interesting and helpfull functions
A hybrid android mediaplayer library using FFmpeg or the default android MediaPlayer implementation
This is a library of FFmpeg for android... 📸 🎞 🚑