A RSS reader library to fetch a RSS feed from the web and parse it to workable objects
This is a very simple RSS library for Android.
Kotlin RSS reader using Google android architecture components libraries
KtRssReader is a Kotlin library for parsing RSS feed on Android.
[Deprecated] Simple Asyncronous RSS 2.0 reader library for Android.
A lightweight library for Android to parse Atom and RSS feeds with support for geospatial data..
A cup of library to Parse RSS for android. Also available as a ConverterFactory for Retrofit & Fuel
This is a demo for how to use golang build a common SDK library for both iOS and Android platform
RSS/Atom reader library for Android
Simple android rss reader. Worked on Java with Rome library
RSS parser designed as a library for Android >=2.1. The design goals are a footprint as small as possible, RSS v2.0 compliance and, of course, ease of use.
A sample app that uses the Android-Rss-Reader-Library project by matshofman
The RSS parser which takes for input a link of rss channel and returns DTO objects such as RssChannel and list of RssItems
Rss-feed for habrahabr.ru. Written in pure java and android sdk/support library with no 3rd party libraries but Simple XML.
The RSS parser which takes for input a link of rss channel and returns DTO objects such as RssChannel and list of RssItems
Simple RSS client created to test out the latest Android libraries
Android application which parses Rss google news feed with libraries retrofit 2,Glide,simpleXml.
A library to load text, rss, and ddg intant answers easily in android
Rss Feed reader and parser using Clean Architecture with only Android official libraries