A mirror of the Android AppRTC demo with sources for the libjingle_peerconnection library.
OpenTok React Native - a library for OpenTok iOS and Android SDKs
An Android audio management library for real-time communication apps.
https://appr.tc client project on gradle using prebuilt google WebRTC libraries for android
Android updated WebRTC library with precompiled binaries for all cpu types, java wrapper and apprtc demo. The library is built using pristineio scripts that uses many optimization flags for Android
A java library to connect Android and java-based WebRTC apps to callstats.io. Also useful for integrating infrastructure components like the jitsi-videobridge, turn-server.
demo for google prebuild version of webrtc native library for android
Library containing the compiled WebRTC libraries for Android
Bandyer's android core library for audio&video communication
this is a simple implementation of #Jitsi for android native library for video calling #webrtc
A WebRTC, SIP and VoIP library for Android . Designed for real-time communications apps.
A VIdeo Calling Application in Android using Kotlin. Used Firebase as a RealTime Database to store the SDP Offer informations. PeerJS library is used to build the peer to peer connections and used WebRTC for real time communication