A very simple arc layout library for Android
Processing mode and core library to create Android apps with Processing
An open source, Geographical based, Augmented Reality library
Archive for every released revision of the support library, from Android [Discontinued in 2014]
Arrow is Lightweight library toolbox for Java and Android Development.
The template project that uses Android Architecture Components with Repository pattern. The simple app that uses awesome Fuel library instead of Retrofit for perfoming HTTP request. The app also persists data using the Room library and display data in RecyclerView.
The implementation of Android "Architecture Components" sample explained by Google : https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/architecture/guide.html
Android library for displaying web articles in a readable format
A lightweight Android library to communicate with Arduino through usb.
Sample to practice PagingLibrary & RX
Android library that allows perform manipulations with text and easily combine it with images.
An android library which lets you define clickable areas in your images.
Android library designed to simplify the implementation of the video autoplay in the RecyclerView
Android eyes blinking counter supplied via OpenCV library.
A demo application showcasing the use of the new Android Architecture Components Lifecycle classes. In this example, a Lifecycle Aware Video Player is created using the Exoplayer Library
Android Library to View an Article Offline
In this project we connect an Android device with an Arduino board through OTG Connection - USB , using an external library. As a first step , we open connection to the device , then you write a byte to the plate, to ask you to send values of 4 sensors at the time, to read them , and represent them on the display device .
ArabicTTS (TextToSpeech) Android library with a sample
Sample for new Architecture Components from Google https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/architecture/index.html
AR-based library for Android which is capable of detecting faces and overlaying images above the user’s head
A combination of different android projects using the ARCore library
An Android project template based on Clean Architecture using architecture components library (Live data, View model and Room), RxJava2, Dagger2 and Retrofit2.
Android chatbot using: Dialogflow (Api.ai) for machine learning & NLP, AWS DynamoDB NoSQL Database, DynamoDB Object Mapper, AWS Cognito Identity. Android Architecture Components: Room Persistence Library, ViewModel, Live Data. MVVM Architecture Pattern
An example implementation of Google's architecture, found here: https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/architecture/index.html
A small library that is capable to run an aria2 executable without UI
An easy-to-use arc Menu library for Android.
Android ResOurce MAp - simple library for reading and writing multimap from/to android resources
This library will help you to pass and receive fragment arguments in easier way
Library for interacting with an Ark Ecosystem Blockchain using the JVM. Written in Kotlin and fully interoperable with Java & Android.
An empty Android application and library with initial configuration
A lightweight .aar library to create easily a stable bluetooth connection between Android and Arduino.
A library for easily creating augmented reality applications for the Google Cardboard on Android.
This project has been created as a playground just to practice a little bit of Kotlin and it's libraries; It has been structured in a multi-module fashion, with semantics guided by Clean Architecture; this means that high-level modules don't know anything about low-level ones.
A simple project containing a host app, a plugin app and a library to explain the basics of a plugin architecture on Android.
A demo for Android LifeCycle components from the Architecture Components library
(自用) My Android architecture library in Kotlin. Enjoy the convenience of data binding and MVVM mode.
Arsenal of Animations for Android - Makes your life easier. The library works hard for you so you don't waste precious time implementing animations.
Companion for the Swift Composable Architecture. A library for building applications in a consistent and understandable way, with composition, testing, and ergonomics in mind.
For a Medium / ProAndroidDev post about Android library publishing to Github Packages
This library contains interfaces and base classes for architectural elements in Nodes Android projects
An example Android app built with MVP using the latest Android libraries.
Simple Android application with the Clean Architecture, Also used MVVM for presentation layer. Dagger, RXJava, RX Android and Android jetpack libraries used in this simple application too.
This app is example/skeleton/basic example of very recommended Android Architecture Using some of very best android library.Android Clean Architecture
Libraries containing homegrown architecture related utility classes
this library used to convert English numbers to Arabic word
An android library which lets you define clickable areas in your images.
It's a Movie App created with Android, Retrofit2, Pagination Library, MVVM Architecture Pattern and Dagger2.
PixerArt is photo-library app where you can search photos and download the photos of you choice.
This is an easy to use library for android-arduino communication over bluetooth
📑 A minimalist Android todo app based on Clean Architecture with MVP (for the presentation layer) using architecture components library RxJava2, Dagger2 and ButterKnife.
An simple application that explores Android Architecture Components https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/architecture/index.html
Alert Dialog Box library to create checkboxes or RadioGroup with a list of array in one line
Proof of concept about Android Architecture components. This proof os concept is based in the following concept: https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/architecture/adding-components.html
Sample code library for exploring Augmented Reality and its integration with the Android
This project uses the sceneform and ArCore library for creating an AR experience in your app
A nice utility library to help encrypt data within shared prefs
MyArchiveMobile is an App to archive and organize media!
Validation library to use in Android applications
Android annotation library to generate the project's activity/fragment/viewmodel dagger structure.
Simple AR Browser Android library which represents single camera activity with customizable AR and UI overlays.
Android lifecycle architecture library.
Android library to create a project using a Clean Architecture
Basic annotation library for Android Sqllite
Simple Example to understand Life cycle aware component library from Android.
Android Library to work on an Onboarding slides, so there is no need to build this from scratch, Thank me later.
The architecture of the mobile application for Android using the MVVM pattern and HILT, LiveData, Retrofit and Kotlin Coroutines libraries
WIP: Android library creating unique image from string.
Libraries containing homegrown architecture related utility classes
Everything about various Android networking libraries
Android MVP Architecture with popular libraries.
A basic keyboard Android app that controls, using bluetooth connection, an Arduino circuit to play sounds. The entire project is based on Ardutooth library, to manage bluetooth connection.
A communications library built to allow data to be sent from Android device to Arduino.
Display pictures of cats on Android using the Arrow functional library for Kotlin.
Combine mutliple sources using live data and room.
An experimental project combining Unity AR as a library within a native Android application
The architecture of the mobile application for Android using the MVVM pattern and HILT, LiveData, Room, Retrofit and Kotlin Coroutines libraries
This is an Android project integrating AR technology using Google ARcore library. In the app you can add a 3d animal objects to your camera scene
Implementation Android JetPack Architecture Room Persistence Library
Wrap boilerplate Dagger 2, Android Arch ViewModel into a library
Example app based on Android Architecture Components Library
android architecture components - MVVM and Live Data with Material library
Wordlist app developed using the Architecture Component libraries
An example with using volley library with an abstracted way
Titanium module for working with the Arduino Android library
Testing android architecture component https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/architecture/index.html
Sunshine is a work-in-progress weather app based on Udacity's course project. The main purpose of this project is to master clean architecture approaches, Android Jetpack libraries and Material Components and... testing. It is still in its really EARLY stages of development and currently contains only one piece of UI.
Getting my hands dirty with android architecture component library
The Kotlin core library for the Argus Android application.
Fork of https://github.com/android10/Android-CleanArchitecture-Kotlin with usage of newer libraries version and AndroidX.
Android Clean Architecture is an android library projects which makes life easier and code base clean by forcing user to use MVP architectural pattern in a smart manner.
Testing the new android design support library
Serial communication between native android using usbSerial library by felHR85
Example project showing a modular architecture with a container application and common code in shared libraries
Android "Guess the word" app that shows main Data Binding library features.
This project developed with Java and Parse Database library on Android Studio.
Set of utility libraries aiming to ease Android development with Kotlin
To do list app implemented with android architecture components libraries using MVVM architecture pattern.
Android project with dependency injection(dagger), eventbus, job, databinding, dbflow orm with updated libraries.
Android GUI for the arity arithmetics and plotting library, similar to a scientific calculator
Project to demonstrate Android Architecture Component libraries (Room, ViewModel, LiveData and LifeCycle)
Example library for tutorial on publishing to Maven Central with OSSRH
Simple sleep quality tracker app that shows how to implement the Room library to work with a local database.
A test project which is meant to be a guide for setting up Android libraries and publishing them as artifacts.
Android Studio Library Module Early Access Preview for ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android
Android Injection library for arguments of Fragment. In Kotlin.
Half-built Android game utilizing JBox2D libraries for physics.
Library for EVERYTHING. Make you life easier with this library. For Android Developing. Created by JurijTSL.
Sampel penerapan Library Fast Android Networking GET JSON Array di Android
A Clean Architecture sample for EasyMVP android library
Android game for AR Drone 2.0 using the JavaDrone library
Artful - A deft library to fill your Android Runtime's SQLite object mapping needs
This project demonstrates workings with some of Android Architecture Components Library.
An Android library that makes developers use Arcgis 100 offline tiles extremely easy.
A library providing utilities for text wrapping in Android.
This is simply game - slot machine, based on Android wheel library
Android library to add special menu which displays each items on an arc regarding the available space on screen and a specified radius.
Sample Android Application in Java designed using the best in class Architecture using niche libraries from the depth of my Knowledge | Kotlin version WIP
The purpose of this project is to implement all suggestions of the Android Architecture Guideline. https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/architecture/guide.html
Sample App that integrates the principles and libraries of ReactX programming, ViewModel to create network requests on Android.
Android Architecture Components Best Practice using (LiveData, Room Library, ViewModel, Retrofit2, Koin, Coroutines, & Navigation Component), by Shady Selim
A simple Weather Forecast Android App with MVP Architecture using Kotlin language and Retrofit network calling library.
Project sederhana penerapan Android Architecture Component, yang merupakan salah satu bagian dari Android Jetpack by Google dengan menggunakan MVVM (Model View ViewModel) sebagai Design Programming Pattern dalam pengembangannya. sumber: https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/architecture/ https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/architecture/viewmodel
Augmented Reality Senior Project utilizing image processing library implemented in openGL for Android
Modern Todo App built with Kotlin and Jetpack Libraries, Room Persistence Library.
Android tasks app written in kotlin using room, google paging library, junit, livedata, viewmodels etc...
A sample project demonstrating how to use android architecture components library
[WIP] - A sample demonstrating the usage of Android architecture components [https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/architecture/index.html] v1.0.0 while fetching the latest New York Times best selling book lists.
This project is based on MVVM architecture and have a use of multiple recommended libraries. We have tried to create a skeleton project that can be used to start a project
Android Application built using Architecture Components and AndroidX library.
A demo for Android LiveData components from the Architecture Components library
An android app that shows and search images from flickr and uses bioroid library.
An Android library that manages test app preference settings via UIAutomator
A demo for Android ViewModel component from the Architecture Components library
Experimenting a little bit with Android Architecture Components, Clean Architecture and some popular libraries.
Java library and annotation processor that makes dagger multibindings easy
IMDb Archive Android App ( Firabase realtime database and authentication , OMDb RESTFul API, Glide Library )
An android library to send information to the arduino over auxiliary cable
Demo of a Products List screen on Android with using Architecture Components library + Retrofit + Room
Android app used to test connection with Arduino and HC-05 bluetooth module using Amarino Library.
Implementation of multiple Android and Kotlin library module for artifact publish
React Native library wraps the native Curbside ARRIVE SDK for iOS and Android..
This is a project for my MSc Course called Applied Information Systems. It consists of an Android application that utilizes the OpenCV library for image processing and a piece of code for an Arduino controller. The final product is a car that uses the cellphone's camera to navigate itself between 2 dark lines.
Clean Architecture which have MVVM, ACC, Databinding, Dependency injection(Dagger 2.x), Retrofit networking Library with Client okHttp, Builder pattern and Android Support Library etc.
This app is example how to use androidx component and architecture component using room database and daager 2, mvvm architecture,android jetpack libraries and Rxjava
Android app to reserve rooms in LDSBC library. Project on Hiatus, to be further developed by others.
This project's usage is that study to apply new libraries or main skills on android project.
Project for learning to programming in Kotlin with the MVVM architecture pattern using the collection of libraries Android Architecture Components
Android sample app to understand how Room Persistence library works, while using some of the Architecture Components.
This is a project using the latest architecture components and the Paging Library to retrieve data using MVVM pattern
Kotlin app which showcase implementation of collection of libraries that help you design robust, testable, and maintainable apps.
Contains changes that has to be done in Build files outside the AR Library, plus the templates for Manifest, Theme, Gradle files and so on for AR Processing-Android.
Android application for the VicsWagon that works through OpenAccessory, allowing it to work with android versions 4.2 and above when USB debugging is disabled. Requires IOIOLibAndroid and IOIOLibAccessory library projects.
Contains changes that has to be done in Build files outside the AR Library, plus the templates for Manifest, Theme, Gradle files and so on for AR Processing-Android. Build System - Gradle
Note taking app, using the Android Architecture Component libraries (Room, ViewModel and LiveData ), a RecyclerView and The data will be stored in an SQLite database which supports insert, read, update and delete operations.
In this sample Navigation architecture component is used for navigating from source to destination by using jetpack navigation library and handle the navigation drawer and deep linking is also implemented and safe guard library is used to pass the arguments from one screen to another screen and argument is also received in deep linking using query perameter
Implementation of Clean MVVM architecture in Android in pure kotlin with usage of jetpack solutions and popular open sources libraries. The application uses The Rick and Morty API based on the television show Rick and Morty
This first real project that I develop by myself try to be the base clean architecture for future projects. At the same time It will grow up including UI changes with new Android Design Library. Another interesting ideas I have are: using dagger 2 instead of dagger or change the Bus Implementation, giving a try to AutoBus From BQ.
A project which tracks the path of drone enter the coordinates to a range will run set picture frames of each coordinates and transfer it to computer dynamically so set of frames or video can show the path from one place to another. A functioning drone, an android mobile which good camera and some good skills to operate drone is required for this project. Project is basically implemented on java but we have used different code snippets/libraries for video to picture frame conversion and to connect it to computer through wifi signals at run time.
This repo contains a sample project demonstrating a crash in android support library version 25.1.0 when using TextInputLayout in the locale "ar_XB", which is the right-to-left psuedolocale
The AARCon (Android-based framework forAugmented Reality with Context-Awareness) aims to ease developing context-aware AR applications in Android by offering a base structure for introducing context-aware adaptations as well as a range of preimplemented classes for context monitoring and adaptation purposes. The framework is available as an Android library written in Java for Google's ARCore framework.
AUF-AR is a Location Based Augmented Reality Android Library. Just implement this library, make your own a location based augmented realitiy app.
Android AR application to detect periodic table elements. Displays augmented images onto the elements using Google's ARcore library.
JekpackCompose with Arrow framework for handling response from server efficiently