🚀 A Complete Fast Android Networking Library that also supports HTTP/2 🚀
The easiest HTTP networking library for Kotlin/Android
Kotlin Networking - An elegant networking library written in Kotlin
🏐 Volley library : make everything faster . Its an improvements for Volley by Google for Android https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/volley
Android library listening network connection state and Internet connectivity with RxJava Observables
Open Source Library for GPU-Accelerated Execution of Trained Deep Convolutional Neural Networks on Android
Android Network Intents (ANI) is a library to send Android Intent objects to listening apps/devices via multicast (UDP).
WordPress Network and Persistence layer based on the Flux architecture
Common Utils library is developed to reduce efforts to achieve common features of the android apps. While developing the apps, we realized that we’re coding for many common features in all the apps. For e.g. check the network’s availability, using shared preferences, parsing, etc. And like us, many other android developers might be doing the same. So it needs to be reduced for all to save the development time with ease. This is how an idea popped in our mind, and we decided to develop an SDK which can reduce developers’ time and efforts.
Android library to record the network calls through the interceptor mechanism of the http clients.
Android library listening network connection state and change of the WiFi signal strength with event bus
A library that handles long-running downloads, handling the network interactions and retrying downloads automatically after failures
A Titanium Appcelerator module to interact with iBeacons via the Radius Networks' iBeacon native android library
[Android Library] Network Service Discovery helper for Android
:satellite: [Android Library] Simplified async networking in android
An android library to effortlessly connect to available WiFi networks
A P2P library for Android for discovery on local networks using UDP and transfer in general using TCP sockets
a powerful android network library base on okhttp
Library for login in social networks
Android and Java library for mocking and testing networking layers with built-in support for Retrofit.
Networking library used by WordPress-Android and other WordPress-*-Android components
Simple Android library to notify Android device network changes and react properly.
Samples for usage of Networking and Persistence libraries using TheMovieDB Api
Repo of the Open Source Android library : RoboSpice. RoboSpice is a modular android library that makes writing asynchronous long running tasks easy. It is specialized in network requests, supports caching and offers REST requests out-of-the box using extension modules.
(Android) Networking and Cryptography Library (NaCL) JNI binding. JNI is utilized for fastest access to native code. Accessible either in Android or Java application. Uses SWIG to generate Java JNI bindings. SWIG definitions are extensible to other languages.
Public key pinning with Android volley networking library
Android networking and database library, which includes multiple retries for HTML access and serializes database access to prevent crashes. This library is used by WorxForUs and can be found in products associated with the Android app for checkliststogo.com. Check the website below for the documentation.
Smash is Volley inspired networking library that's using OkHttp in its core
Flexible and Easy HTTP/REST Communication library for Java and Android
Android Volley Wrapper library to make networking easy, flexible and better
Library for asynchronous execution of HttpGet, HttpPost, HttpPut, HttpDelete, Multipart-Put, Multipart-Post and HttpUrlConnection with callback.
DownZ is a Http Library that makes networking for Android apps easier and faster
OkHttp and AsyncHttp network framework in the request rate, success rate, memory and CPU consumption, etc.OkHttp 和 AsyncHttp 比较,在请求速度、成功率、内存使用率、cpu使用情况等进行比对,希望对网络框架的选择有些帮助
An android restful api/networking library using okhttp library as backbone.
Super cool android library to manage database caching and networking with ease.
A fully fledged and easy to use RESTful client/Networking library for Android
Android Simple Network Library for HTTP and Image Requests with cool features implemented with Simple Demo using some Material Design UI Elements.
A smart, reliable, and highly customizable debug menu library for Android apps that supports screen recording, network activity logging, and many other useful features.
Extension of the Android networking library Volley. Adds support of local request along with the network ones, and some other cool stuff.
Simple library to handle network connections in different views in just few lines of code.
A simple but powerful HTTP networking library for Android. It features a Fluent chainable API, and it's powered by Java/Android's URLConnection classes for maximum compatibility and speed.
Webi Fast and full of features HTTP library that makes easy networking and caching response for Android apps
This is a network client written on top of retrofit to perform network call just by plug n play this library.
Built with node.js(express.js) and mysql on the server-side and Android Volley HTTP library on the client side for transmitting network data
Basic Android Client/Server Library for finding a Local Network Server IP
:bar_chart: [Android-Library] Monitor network data information of your apps in android devices. NOTE : won't work from nougat and above due to security reasons.
Official Android library and sample app for Expedia Affiliate Network API V3.
⭕ Text recognition, Leptonica-based deep learning technology, the text on the picture, intelligent recognition as editable text. Support printing and handwriting recognition, including ID cards, business cards and other card types, but also support notes, waybills and other customized scene identification, can effectively replace the manual entry of information scenes. Available in both Chinese and English language libraries, recognition accuracy up to 94%. No networking required.
DroidNet is an Android Networking Library listening for network connection state and Internet connectivity with the assumption that active internet connection or not. Connecting to a network doesn’t necessarily mean that device has active internet connection
🍂 Jetpack Compose image loading library which can fetch and display network images using Glide, Coil, and Fresco.
Android Volley networking library polished/sharpened by adding OKHttp 2.3 stack, Multipart Requests, Gson and much more..
Android library listening network connection state and Internet connectivity with Coroutines Flow
An Easy to use retrofit based network/api call extention for android
This SDK provides the tools to use OneAll on the Android platform. It allows users to login with their social network accounts and to share messages with their friends. The library is integrated with a few lines of code and uses native Android integration with Facebook and Twitter where possible.
a library for check network available on Android, which uses ping or request url to get the real network status.
A client-side Android library to monitor and limit network traffic sent by your apps
F4pl0's Awesome Request Library for Android
an asynchronous, netty-based network library for Android communication on LAN.
A set of hopefully useful classes for common networking use cases.
An Android library that provides a simple loading image and network request.
I'm using this App to teach myself network libraries in Android. Second Android project attempted.
Networking API is an HTTP library that makes networking for Android apps easier.
A library containing helpful networking and data managing code that we use across our projects.
It's a networking library. You can call RESTful APIs in your project by using this.
Details about Android App and server connection using Retrofit Network library is given in my blog site. Please be mentioned the blog is written in Bengali. If you know Bengali, you are most welcome. I described here Client side (Android) as well as server side (by PHP).
Convenient wrapper library to perform network queries using Retrofit and Android Priority Job Queue (Job Manager)
:tangerine: A simple library that can detect network state changes on Android device. / 通过使用BroadcastReceiver来检测Android设备网络变化的库
Android fastest network library
library for monitoring android network request with okhttp
An Android library for linking @ mentions & Hashtags to their corresponding social network
A Java library that can be used to create mnemonics for the Stellar Network (e.g. for your Android app)
Material Design, Using of widgets, SQLite Database, Realm Database, Android MVP, RESTful API's, Network Libraries(Volley, Retrfit) etc
Android Weather Application. Using open weather API and Retrofit for networking library.
Android kotlin library that provides useful information about the network
This library for Android will take any set of events and batch them up before sending it to the server. It also supports persisting the events on disk so that no event gets lost because of an app crash. Typically used for developing any in-house analytics sdk where you have to make a single api call to push events to the server but you want to optimize the calls so that the api call happens only once per x events, or say once per x minutes. It also supports exponential backoff in case of network failures
Renderscript Image Blur and Using Volley Network Library News And Update
A library to configure the ESP8266 wifi network using an Android application in the same way Google do with Chromecast.
This app is for testing various networking libraries in the open source world for android
Demonstration of networking from REST API into an Android application using Kotlin, Retrofit and Room persistence library.
Some times because of Server problem we are facing A Network Fluctuatuion while calling the API. To resolve that problem I've made a Simple lightweight library which provides Functionality to Retry that API call at time of network error. Take a look and Feel free to Contribute.
Library for simple bluetooth networking on Android (Classic Bluetooth, not BLE)
A network helper library written in Kotlin for Android
Small utility library for Android to evaluate requirements in order for some action to proceed. For example: network connection, permissions (API 23), system services (location, bluetooth, ...), etc.
Shows how to use Googles Volley library to networking
Lightning Network Daemon (lnd) wrapper library for Android
Fast, Efficient and Elegant Android Neural Network Library with strong GPU acceleration, implemented CNN, Squeezenet yet.
The exercise consists of implementing a library for connection-oriented network service and a small application which uses this library.
SmartAd is an easy-to-use library for AdMob and Audience Network advertising frameworks in Android.
Android common library. It's extremely common and simple, only 99 kb for everything! Include : Log, Base64, FlashLight, SilentInstaller, Network, Toastor, WakeLock, Check, Averager, TimeCounter, AndroidUtil, AppUtil, BitmapUtil, ClassUtil, DialogUtil, FieldUtil, FileUtil, HexUtil, MD5Util, NotificationUtil, NumberUtil, PackageUtil, RandomUtil, ShellUtil, TelephoneUtil, VibrateUtil, PhoneReceiver, SmsReceiver, NotificationService, etc.
A Simple Android library to check various types of network connections, to allow an app check internet connectivity status in realtime.
Volley Networking Library Illustrative Example with Image, Data Model and Caching
This code is about the integrating the volley networking library for doing the fastest network operations
Using The Fast Android Networking Library In Kotlin Language
ConnectivityListener is an Android library to listen for Network changes
A repo to teach myself how to post and retrieve data from API using Retrofit and RxJava libraries
Samples which involve Retrofit, Volley and other various networking libraries
A highly modular network service discovery and broadcast library that utilizes Kotlin's coroutines
Everything about various Android networking libraries
An Android app that demonstrates paging using network only (endless data) or network/db (limited data)
Example of using a library for Networking in Android
Reactive Android library for observing network connectivity and internet access with RxJava2
Android Library for simplifying APIs requests from android apps based on Volley http networking library
A Android library helps simple online features (chat, member management) easily
Android library for implementing login/share easily for social networks
A copy of the Android networking library with fixes to handle 401 Auth errors reported as network exceptions
An Android App to show basic networking using Retrofit library and Fake REST API.
Practice with important android libraries.
A Complete Fast Android Networking Library that also supports HTTP/2
An Android library for observing network connectivity as either Livedata or Flow.
An example of data insertion and fetch from server using fast android networking library and image load from web, sdcard, drawable and load thumbnail from video using universal image loader library.
Android library with a utils, architecture, networking, multithreading modules within
A Library for simplify network loader in paging recyclerview
A repo about the do network call using RxAndroidNetworking library within 10minutes for any type of API Call.
Android volley is a networking library was introduced to make networking calls much easier, faster without writing tons of code. By default all the volley network calls works asynchronously, so we don’t have to worry about using asynctask anymore.
Android Cacheable Network Library For HTTP & JSON RPC protocol. Cache network responses to use later. Designed for offline first approached architecture.
Fast Android Networking Library Demo With RxJava
A library for the native Android platform to provide easy access to common methods and save 50% development time by reusing persistent model, networking, navigation and other utility classes. Just add this library to your Gradle and access all methods to complete tasks easily. Time is the money and AppBajarLIB is your money saver! I am working continuously to improve/rich this codebase, stay tuned.
Sample demonstrating how to use Google Maps Android API v2, Realm DB and Volley network library.
This android library use for android devices communicated with each other by socket in local area network
Android core using okhttp network library and kotlin language
This is very simple networking call application made with retrofit networking library in android. This example is taken from androidhive.com for the pupose of practice
Coucou is a network service discovery and broadcast library for Flutter that supports both Android and iOS.
Create a simple app which connects to the GitHub API to retrieve and display list of my repositories. libraries: OkHttp, Volley, Retrofit
VolleyBecomesEasy makes network call simple, you just need to add two interface. The rest of network call will be handled by the library itself
Simple library to help inspecting your network data
Deploy is a Proof of concept Networking library using AsynkTask Loaders.
An Android Library to POST JSON and normal GET/POST using Rxjava. It's a networking library.
it will be quickly and easy ,if develop an android application base on this library,#ImageLoader# #NetWork# #ListView# #Cache#
Android-Networking-Libraries, this repository is for the people who following my Android Networking Libraries eBook.
This is a parent project as a library. It's a summary of my Android development experience. It concludes lots of tool classes, such as some classes about SharedPreference, IO, Download, Network and so on. Of course, some custom widgets, like RoundedImageView.
Volley is a networking library that manages network requests and their response caches without the developer having to write a lot of “boilerplate” code
High performance Android HTTP Client Library. Create a Request and pass to RequestThreadPool. The RequestThreadPool manages worker threads to process the request. The worker thread handles caching, network request, data parsing, retry, and finally provide callback to the caller.
Libraries for the android developer to get a quick start for writing network based program
A library for querying an Android device about the hardware on the device. (CPU usage, memory, network, display, processes, etc)
The pool is an android support library that lets you serve ads to your apps from multiple sources, including the AdMob Network, Facebook, and third-party ad networks.
Android working with Volley Library easy implementation in android, Networking with the Volley Library, get Json String volley VBage Tech
Slide Deck: Android Networking - Project Info -> Simple project showing how to handle HTTP Networking on Android using both Java Native and OkHttp libraries
A networking library for Android built using a combination of both Volley and OkHttp library. You can use this on both HTTP and HTTPS request.
Server is a light and fast HTTP library that makes networking for Android apps very simple. It is specially designed for transfer String and JSON data between android app and live server. Another major advantage of this is that it is very friendly with PHP.
An android music player that can locally share music libraries and play queues with other devices in the network using the same app
Creating AndroidLibrary aar file - a sample network call is handled in the library which uses volley library
An easy-to-use asynchronous network library
An Android Library to monitor the Network Connectivity Changes
Useful android library to simplify handling loading, no network and working sates anywhere in app.
A lightweight network library for Android base on AsyncTask.
Very simple demo of Volley Network library for Android
Code snipt to make network call in android using kotlin, without using any 3rd party library
A networking library for HTTP long polling / comet connections
Android library for BLE mesh networking
An android library which make networking for android app easier
Android network library base on Retrofit2/OkHttp3 Rxjava2, provide the relative util/helper class to help you create network part easier and not restrict the flexable
A networking and image downloading library from google
Android demo project utilizing the networking library Volley
College App Series _ android web service (library: android fast networking)
A networking library for Android that builds on top of Volley.
A networking library for Android that deals with request prioritization and multi-threaded request.
Example for testing an HTTP library -Volley- that makes networking for Android apps easier and most importantly, faster.
An app that uses paging library and networking library to show Reddit home feed
Android Network Library & Framework Analysis and Tutorial
Android Social Networks is library which makes working with social networks easier.
A Zeroconf library that allows you to discover network services and to broadcast your own. Based on Apple Bonjour and Android NSD.
A simple networking library to reduce all network related boilerplates in any Android project.
Android Library for validating a Network Operator
P2P library to connect multiple android devices together
A simple weather app that makes use of volley library. Volley library is an HTTP library that makes networking for android apps easier and faster.
An example to integrate Retrofit networking library in android
An android rest client app based on the networking library.
practice on Fast Android Networking Library ,Recycle View ,Intent,Toolbar
Simple Photo Uploading example using android Retrofit Networking library
A *Better Robust Communication Library* for Android ad hoc networking
Based on Google Android Volley networking library, with extra additions : OkHttp, streaming, ...
A simple and easy use networking library for Android / iOS , It's cross platform :D
Library for monitoring network status and optionally attach listeners on network state change.
Android library which makes it easier to disable and enable UI elements whose action require presence of network connection
Network file system library for Android
Android. Network request implementation without libraries
Volley is an HTTP library that makes networking for Android apps easier and most importantly, faster.
This is an example implementation of the Facebook connectionclass library with the Natve broadcast receiver from ChilldoftheHorn's BABBQNetworkReceiver to determine the best network speed standards and classifiers to use dynamically througha combination of radio information, download speed, and system broadcasts.
This application is used to test android network libraries.
A library for network diagnosis, easy to use and extensible.
Network Monitoring library for the TrinityMirror Android app
Android app implementing pagination with Android paging library along with Retrofit framework implementation for network call
Android volley is a networking library was introduced to make networking calls much easier
Fork of Android volley networking library supplied by Google. Origin : https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/volley
Android library to easily use volley for network calls using strategy pattern.
Fork of Android Volley Networking Library. https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/volley
Pemogramman Android menggunakan library Fast Android Networking dan Database Maria DB (MQYSL)
Repositori ini berisi tentang pembuatan aplikasi android dengan Library Fast Android Networking
Easy-Volley-Android HTTP library that makes networking for Android apps easier and, most importantly, faster
Sampel penerapan Library Fast Android Networking GET JSON Array di Android
Just like name,this is a Android http network library used OkHttp and Volley.
OAuth library for Android: retrieves OAuth tokens from multiple social networks.
A simple library to log network calls in our android device.
This project contains implementation of MVP(Model-View-Presenter) with Dagger2 , Retrofit (Networking Library),RxJava2, ButterKnife,Glide
This is an example Android Networking library and check the network connection
A networking library based on OkHttp3 with lifecycle aware component and coroutines for better multiprocessing
Stream your favorite Videos from your Android Device over Network.
An example on how to use Volley networking library to make CRUD operations
a powerful android base library,Is include mvc,ioc,network,cache,orm,popural android ui
A library that helps you opening social networks from your app
An Android library that makes login with Social Networks or Email easier
Neural Network Kotlin Library for JVM and Android
Android library for monitoring network and internet connectivity
SlimRequest is tiny library for android network handling.
Android Dagger 2 dependency injection with retrofit network library usage
B4A Library wrap for Android NSD (Network Service Discovery)
A Lifecycle aware network state change listener library for Android
Android library for easy sharing in social networks
A library to check Internet and Network Connectivity in Android
Library for easier to build network requests with retrofit.
RxNetworkAndroid is an Android library that notifying the network connection state with RxJava 3 Observables.
A simple library to connect an Android device to a Wi-Fi network.
This contains examples of different volley library example for network call.
I show a list , after consume a rest service with Fast Android Network library
Blog Posting Android App using Volley Network Library also offline Storage for posts using room database
NNI is a library which makes using neural networks in android is easier.
Android volley is a networking library was introduced to make networking calls much easier, faster without writing tons of code.
A wrapper HTTP networking library by Retrofit + OkHttp + RxJava for Android
This library downloads the image or json file async over network and cache in working memory
🚀 This application is developed for listing the github repositories for the particular github user by using Github repositories api..in this application network operations are made using Android Retrofit Library for Network Call 🚀
This is a library for android that you can use to get the mac address of the connected devices in the same network your device is connected to.
Used NodeJS, ExpressJS and MongoDB for building API for URL encoding & decoding and integrating it with Android using OkHttp networking library.
a simplified approach to using the volley networking library for android
Library to facilitate the development of Ad hoc networking apps in Android
Volley is an HTTP library that makes networking for Android apps easier and most importantly, faster.
A sample application that will demonstrate how to use different networking libraries in Android.
Android sample app using Volley, an HTTP library that makes networking easier and faster.
A library to make easier to use Networking in Android app
Udacity kotlin tutorial which helps in learning of networking library retrofit android
Easy-Volley-Kotlin-Android HTTP library that makes networking for Android apps easier and, most importantly, faster
Restful api (importing JSON data using android networking library an displaying it in recycler view )
An Android library to manage a local network ad hoc (Network Service Discovery) communications.
Source file to integrate Stetho into Fuel - The easiest HTTP networking library for Kotlin/Android
Android Weather Application. Using open weather API and Retrofit for networking library.
Simple Application to show the usage of retrofit android networking library
This is example of Using Retrofit networking library for consuming API calls in Android
Created a sample project in Kotlin with MVP pattern and using Fast Android Networking library.
Simple application to show the usage of volley library in android networking
Volley is an HTTP library that makes networking for Android apps easier and most importantly
A simple app to search the keywords using Android JetPack components LiveData, ViewModel and Networking library.
Created a sample project in Kotlin with MVP pattern and using Fast Android Networking library.
Last Summer I wanted to make an android library, but made an application instead. This is my attempt at the same thing, but in the form that I wanted. My goal is relatively simple (since most of the hard work was done last Summer), build a library that can be used to simplify android networking. I wanted to do this when I looked for non-barebones android networking, and only found HammerNet, which appears to have stopped its development. I want to include more though, but that will have to wait to see how this goes, since I only have my phone (4.0.3) and my tablet (4.4.2) to test on. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me!
The Paging Library helps you load and display small chunks of data at a time. Loading partial data on demand reduces usage of network bandwidth and system resources.
Android app where the data is obtained by using Retrofit network library. The data is saved inside an IntentService and then with the help of ResultReceiver, the fragment is informed to update the UI
Android quiz game project. Shared preference. Volley network library. JSON api. android animation.
Clone from android network library Volley. (https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/volley)
Make network api call with help of Kotlin Coroutine. This sample code is based on Kotlin and uses Retrofit networking library.
Android Library - Manage your network requests by jobs conveniently. Build an offline-first app. Queue, Serial, Parallel, Cache and more.
Sample project on android network library and image loading library with efficient recylerview
[Android Library] An Network Service Discovery Helper library written in Kotlin
We have used Volley as networking library in lot of my articles. Today we are going to look at another awesome library Retrofit to make the http calls. Retrofit is denitely the better alternative to volley in terms of ease of use, performance, extensibility and other things. It is a type-safe REST client for Android built by Square. Using this tool android developer can make all network stuff much more easier. As an example, we are going to download some json and show it in RecyclerView as a list.
Z-Stream is an HTTP library that makes networking for Android apps easier and, most importantly, faster.
Kotlin Network Layer applying Concepts of Clean Architecture, Using Dagger2, Coroutines, MVVM Android Jetpack applying Android View Model, LiveData and Retrofit Library
Sample App that integrates the principles and libraries of ReactX programming, ViewModel to create network requests on Android.
A simple Weather Forecast Android App with MVP Architecture using Kotlin language and Retrofit network calling library.
Here I separate the Activity from the Network layer using an Abstraction layer by Retrofit Library
Fetch images as per search query and retrieve results in to Grid View. Uses Kotlin and Java as technologies. Internally uses MVVM,LiveData,ROOM persistence library. Retrofit and Kotlin coroutines for Networking calls.
Simple application to Find the IP Address from connected internet. Here I used Network call (GET method) with Retrofit Library
This is the sample Android project that demonstrates the use of Retrofit 2.0 Networking library with Okhttp 3.0.
Android | iOS | React Native - Working with Networking, Firebase Analytics, Service, Views, Material UI, SQLite, Augmented Reality Demo Codebases, Android ML Kit, Popular Library Implementations & More
Android network framework, based on the chain network library built by Retrofit, supports the calling style of okhttp.
example app of creating network connections and json parsing without any external library
This light-weight library provides drawable with letter/text just like the Gmail/Contacts app. It can be used with existing/custom/network ImageView classes.
Using the Paging Library to load and display small chunks of data at a time. Loading partial data on demand reduces usage of network bandwidth and system resources.
An android application that is retrieving data from wundergound url using retrofit. Retrofit is a library that is used for networking in android
Volley is an HTTP library that makes networking for Android apps easier and most importantly, faster. Volley is available through the open AOSP repository.(from android developer)
Android test application for the BlueMike infrastructure-less P2P Bluetooth network library.
Android library for integrated admob/audience network/vungle ads and google billing.
Library for monitoring network state on Android applications with minimum sdk of 21
separate from the network library of volley, not associate Android logic
This is Simple Model-View_Presenter Design Pattern for android application.Consist of Volley network library
A library to agregate android ad network (increase fill rate - ads mediation)
Android library provides the ability to download videos from social networks
[Deprecated] An Android library that makes developers use network request extremely easy.
Aster is a network request library for android, supporting HttpURLConnection, Volley, OkHttp3, Retrofit2 as HTTP client.
Library for Client-Server communication (through sockets) on Android with zeroconf using Network Service Discovery (NSD)
This is a simple repository for implement Retrofit Network library for Android
Clean Architecture which have MVVM, ACC, Databinding, Dependency injection(Dagger 2.x), Retrofit networking Library with Client okHttp, Builder pattern and Android Support Library etc.
An Android library project (Eclipse) that provides a simple local (WiFi) network scan for devices.
An Android library provide a simple implementation to provide the network connection status by rxjava stream
Clean Architecture which have MVVM, ACC, Databinding, Dependency injection(Dagger 2.x), Retrofit networking Library with Client okHttp, Builder pattern and Android Support Library etc.
The Weka ML library for Java is FREE and provides access to various ML algorithms and neural networks. These algorithms can be utilized for a variety of purposes, including facial recognition, which can be done for free unlike APIs like Kairos or Microsoft Azure. Clone this repo, give it a star, and have fun using the facial recognition app!
This is an Android project. It contains an application project which uses a library project. This library is added as a git submodule in this repo. Now this library is also a gradle project hence I have added it as a Module. This will be very useful for parallel development where you want to make changes to both referenced library and your application in the Studio project. In this example I added a network library Volley as a git submodule hence we can customise volley, always have the latest changes from the remote repo and debug our application easily in case of issues.
Dagger2 with Recyclerview using Retrofit Library and useed Android Dagger 2 dependency injection with retrofit network library in our android application.
Library for managing downloads of an Android application featuring resume, pause and integrity verification (checksum / hash) for environments with low quality network and intermittent connectivity.
Android volley is a networking library was introduced to make networking calls much easier, faster without writing tons of code. By default all the volley network calls works asynchronously, so we don’t have to worry about using asynctask anymore.
Android volley is a networking library was introduced to make networking calls much easier, faster without writing tons of code. By default all the volley network calls works asynchronously, so we don't have to worry about using asynctask anymore
This Sample contains the flexible use of Volley Android library, and has included swipe fragment update sample. The volley library is updated. Also implementing the network calls and getting the response is became easier than ever for android. You can also find the file uploading.
Standard Android app it's an Android application that gather a bunch of useful library together into a standard application , in witch helps you be more productive and fast coder , it contains the best ranking library like Retrofit for http client networking and Dagger 2 for dependencies injection and so on, read all the article for the details and to get start using the app .
Easy to use library that is bringing stories to native android apps. Enable power that social networks have with your own stories, in just a few simple lines of code.
This is an app to demonstrate data fetching from api with help of Retrofit and Fast Android networking library, in both Java and Kotlin programming language.
I connected this application to my own server using the localhost and took data from there. Here I used Network call (GET and POST method) with Retrofit Library
Demo of Endless Recycler List with http calls. Using the following libraries: Android Annotations - general use, Volley - networking, Gson - json parsing and Picasso - images.
Simple android news app using Volley networking library and NEWSAPI.org as news source. Articles are displayed in a recyclerview list.
Simple app to showcase use and understanding of persistence and networking libraries, using Android Architecture Components (Room, ViewModel, LiveData) and Paging.
Step by step guide to develop a simple android application to upload the user’s location to the server using Retrofit Networking library
An android application which fetch latest movies from network call using Retrofit+kotlin+coroutines+paging library+databinding+MVVM+liveData
Geolocation based social networking application which provides a smooth experience to the users on their route or through traffic. Integrated Google map API and its functions and also implemented connection using Java Socket Library along with password encryption and email verification at backend. This is only the Android App and not the Backend Code
A simple network speed test app on Android, calling function from the library JSpeedTest powered by akinaru.
A simple android library to draw a Clock Loader while doing some blocking operation like network call.
Android application is developed with using 3rd party libraries: OkHttp+Retrofit(network), RxJava(multithreading), Retrolambda and ButterKnife.
Android Basic Application with communicationg server and by using 3rd party libraries like Butterknife for view injection, Dagger2.0 for Dependency Injection, Rx-Java and Retrofit for network communication and GSON for image loading form the server etc.
Provides latest news and weather forecast from the web-services (newsapi.org and openweathermap.org) by location. Network connection guaranteed by using of Volley library. Also, the app notifies the user about information updatings (Service & AlarmManager).
A wrapper of the Volley network library for Android (see http://developer.android.com/training/volley/index.html), which offers an easy interface to integrate and use.
An android library project which performs the network requests and parse them. It uses google-gson library for the parsing the json.
Details about Android App and server connection using Retrofit Network library.Its the advance way to Json data parsing,We use json data convert JSONSchama2pojo library
The application mainly consists of a map view, once opened it gets user GPS or Network location and requests for nearby venues from Foursquare APIs. Application should cache the retrieved venues so that on next application start up, cached venues are displayed until fresh new venues are retrieved from server. It then places pins of each venue on the map, pin images should be venues images retrieved from Foursquare. Clicking on any pin should open an info window with the name of the venue, when clicking on the info window allow user to check-in in this venue. For user to check-in, this user should be logged in using OAuth implementation of Foursquare login. • I am using Job queue manager library to easily schedule jobs (tasks) that run in the background, improving UX and application stability. You can find it here (https://github.com/path/android-priority-jobqueue) • I am using EventBus that simplifies communication between Activities, Fragments, Threads, Services, etc you can find it here (https://github.com/greenrobot/EventBus) • I am using Retrofit that turns your REST API into a Java interface. It depend on Okhttp and Gson library You can find it here (https://github.com/square/retrofit) or (http://square.github.io/retrofit/ ) • I am using foursquare-android-oauth You can find it here (https://github.com/foursquare/foursquare-android-oauth) • I am using google play services
Android Library : LiveServer is a light and fast HTTP Server Library that makes networking for Android apps very simple. It is specially designed for transfer String and JSON data between Android App and Server. Another major advantage of this library is that it turned MySQL Database into a Real-time Database and it is very friendly with PHP.
This is a simple map library(for android) which can help your app to fetch google map tiles beforehand so that our app can use map without network available.
Detects Gimbal beacons, logs beacon events on Android, works with Gimbal manager, interaction with Gimbal API's to view, activate and deactivate beacons from the device. Uses Android Asynchronous Http Client library for networking.
This is the Blood Bank android application. The idea of this app is to be able to find donors in our city with a specific blood group and also share our request for urgent blood in the community of our city. Working This is a simple PHP web server using a free hosting provider: http://000webhost.com There we have our MySQL database and some PHP scripts that are our APIs. For android the languages we are using are Java and XML. Tool Android Studio Libraries Used Volley: https://gist.github.com/RISHABH3821/bc48fe91119c2efa14cfab1accc71376 Glide(For loading images): https://github.com/bumptech/glide Fast Android Networking (For better Image Upload): https://github.com/amitshekhariitbhu/Fast-Android-Networking
310/5000 wazzaby is a social network whose goal is to connect people with common points, it is the native android version migrated in Kotlin MVVM, the libraries used are: (LiveCycle, LiveData, Retrofit 2, RxJava, Glide , Palette, Mudex, Coroutine, Room Data, Databinding, Okhttp,work manager, Fcm ...)
Free listening to the network Radio (radio) project, the project audio source from the network, do not use for commercial purposes, if there is infringement please contact: 464955343@qq.com Project based on MVVM model development: Databinding+retrofit+rxjava+room Audio connection format is mostly m3u8 format, Android does not have a good playback m3u8 format implementation, so the use of third-party library playback, such as please inform, learn Audio Playback library: Vitamio
A light-weight lifecycle aware library written in Kotlin that helps you to capture network connectivity events, i.e. when you goes online and offline (similar to YouTube)
This application demonstrates how to utilize the Chart Cards View in the SAP Fiori UI library. The app is intended to provide an example implementation of these controls with a real network API data source, i.e. the COVID Tracking APIs, so that users can understand how to use the SAP Fiori Chart Cards View to expand the functionality of their own applications.
Network Connection Class is an Android library that allows you to figure out the quality of the current user's internet connection.
This Android library will help you with an alert dialog to ask for the permissions and requirements to scan the wifi networks arround you
Simpalm Logging Library an enhance of native Android logging mechanism to enhance functionality. User can additionally track user navigation path, permissions granted along wit network status.
NetworkImageView is a simple but a very useful way of writing and using image views in Android for handling network images using glide library.
This News application explores some features of Android Architecture Components (Paging, LiveData, ViewModel) along with network libraries (Retrofit, picasso) while following MVVM architecture
web3j is a lightweight, highly modular, reactive, type safe Java and Android library for working with Smart Contracts and integrating with clients (nodes) on the Ethereum network:
This is a library and android app that makes you able to use your phone's nfc scanner in java applications over your internal network or the internet.
Nemo is an Android network request manager library using Volley for running HTTP request and using Gson to parse the Json response from server.
ExtraSense Network is a wifi mesh network for android devices a library/app to easy establish a connection between devices to send messages and some data an app first maybe using some open libs
Android client that enables package browsing and extracts bundles from a RESTful web service. No third-party libraries are used in networking. Package paths are rendered via Google maps.
Teleport is a flexible application and library to perform network operations such as sharing files over network. It uses java sockets as a medium of communication. Teleport is flexible enough to peform almost any kind of network operation by extending the library and adding JUST your business logic. Teleport is platform independent(Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android).
Android demo app created for ARM. AI Chef uses ARM Compute Library to train a neural network to automatically recoginse scanned ingredients, recommend recipes based on them and provide a shopping list of other ingredients needed to complete the selected recipes.
COVID 19 is a project based on an android platform which allows users to track and get the latest update of COVID 19 infected people.MVP architecture has used to develop and organize this project as well as retrofit networking library in order to fetch data from the API
We at NavGurukul, Made this application while learning Android application development. We used many components like recyclerview, cardview, fragments, viewpager, APIs etc in this application. We used Volley Library for the network communication and Picasso Library for the image.
This is a sample project which uses following android components : 1. MVVM Architecture 2. Kotlin Language 3. Databinding to bind the data to view. 4. Navigation Component for navigation. 5. Moshi library for parsing JSON 6. Kotlin Coroutines for async tasks. 7. Retrofit for network calls. 8. Glide to download and set Images. 9. Constraint layout
Van of the Open Source Android library : Fandrift. Fandrift is a modular android library that makes writing asynchronous long running tasks easy. It is specialized in network requests, supports caching and offers REST requests out-of-the box using extension modules.
Rawr it’s a short videogame done in the network programming class that connects a screen and an android phone as a controller using UDP protocol. The computer part is programmed in java using processing as the graphic library.
This is Book Listing App made with using Google Book's Api, And Layout Designing With Android.support Design Library. User can also scan books by barcode and share books via social networks
Android application which makes network calls using 3 libraries ION, Retrofit and Volley and stores the data in DB using content providers and then displays in the list in recyclerview.
Dogs Breed list Android App in Kotlin in MVVM using LiveData with Coroutines when performing network operations using Retrofit2. The app was polished to use latest libraries and design pattern. With little boilerplate thanks to databings.
This is an android app using kotlin. In this app I've tried to use mvvm design pattern, room database library, retrofit for network call, coroutines for async task operation and Kodein framework for dependency injection
Retro Request library is based on Retrofit Library useful for make the http calls. This library (Retro Request) is easy to use compare to Retrofit just you have to put the parameter. Retrofit is denitely the better alternative to volley in terms of ease of use, performance, extensibility and other things. It is a type safe REST client for Android built by Square. Using this tool android developer can make all network stuff much more easier.
A Gallery App that fetches its media from Flickr through it's public API. No External Networking Libraries were used in this project, which makes it hard to debug and maintain. This was part of Android Big Nerd Ranch 2nd Edition
A android application that fetches articles from a static end point, displays it as a list and opens it in a WebView when clicked. This application has used mostly only system provided APIs as far as possible and I have avoided using additional third party libraries for networking and data storage. Though it does use Dagger 2 for dependency Injection.
Demo interaction with AccuWeather API using Fast Android Networking (FAN) Library. There are Path and Query parameters, which search for area named "Long Son" and show their IDs, provinces and positions. The UI was not properly created as it's not the main point.
These Example Will give a basic idea Applying MVP in Android Application. In These I used Couple Of Open Source Libraries 1) Volley For Networking 2) Event Bus For Communication Between Classes . More Changes Has to be Done Will be done Soon .
A sample how Dagger component could be used as an interface of another dagger component located in a different android module (library). Why? For example, it could be useful if you develop a SDK required a network, but the network must be implemented and provided by the app.
ADRENALIN-RV weaves monitoring code at load time and is able to instrument all loaded classes. In addition to the default classes inside the application package (APK), ADRENALIN-RV covers both the Android class library and libraries loaded at runtime from the storage, network, or dynamic generation, which static weaving won't be able to monitor.
What is Retrofit?Retrofit is a type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java. You can make network requests using Retrofit and it is used in android to call RESTful APIs. Why Retrofit? Though it is not necessary that you use a library like Retrofit for the network calls in your application. But if you will not use a library you have to take care of a lot of things, and it increases the task and amount of code. Whereas Retrofit has predefined methods to quickly perform network requests. We also have other libraries in android for example volley, but if you are still using Volley for network operations then it is highly recommended that you should migrate to retrofit now. Retrofit is better than volley. In this Retrofit Android Tutorial series we will learn a lot of things. We will learn - Building RESTful API using SLIM framework - Making the calls from our android app using Retrofit - We will also learn deploying the REST API
This project has developed to help the religious person. In this app user can see the daily updated prayer time, list of kalima, important sura for namaz, the 99-holy name of Allah, some important hadis & tasbi. This application was developed using Java, Rest API And Volley network library. And also, I flow the MVVM Pattern with architecture component ( Databinding and LiveData and android View Model ).
JKPMUtils is an Android library to help you to ask runtime permissions, add more permissions, load circular images, display messages, move from one activity to another, System time, date, bluetooth feature availability, check Network availability, check fields, add, replace, remove fragments. That's it.
This is my personal preparation of a Java package library, which contains files, network requests, reflection, encryption and decryption, base conversion and a series of packages, in the process of using more convenient. In addition, recently added android compiled files such as DEX, ELF parsing and so on
This is the final project that passed Udacity's Android Nanodegree's Stage 2 challenge. The app pulls movie data such as top-rated and most-popular movies from an outside database. The project demonstrates the use of network API via AsyncTask, persistence storage and live data using SQLite Room library, and other functionalities such as selecting favorite movies of choice.
This is an Android application using Google AppEngine, Google Big Table and Mobilyzer library, for conducting network measurement experiments on mobile devices. This app will collect and leverage crowd-sourced data and allow users to validate the performance guarantees provided by various service providers like AT&T, T-Mobile.
This is an Android SDK you can import the AAR(It's a basic one so I don't want to distribute.) into your application. This library demonstrate the ways to pass the network response, database objects to the application via callbacks.
A complete guide to work on JSON parsing in android. I am using ion asynchronous network call library (https://github.com/koush/ion) to fetch json from ipstack, ipstack offers one of the leading IP to geolocation APIs and global IP database services worldwide. Link is here https://ipstack.com/
Pokemon is a small demo application based on modern Android application tech-stacks and MVVM architecture. This project is for focusing especially on the new library Hilt of implementing dependency injection. Also fetching data from the network and integrating persisted data in the database via repository pattern.
Many Android apps rely on instantiating objects that often require other dependencies. For instance, a Twitter API client may be built using a networking library such as Retrofit. To use this library, you might also need to add parsing libraries such as Gson. In addition, classes that implement authentication or caching may require accessing shared preferences or other common storage, requiring instantiating them first and creating an inherent dependency chain. If you're not familiar with Dependency Injection, watch this quick video. Dagger 2 analyzes these dependencies for you and generates code to help wire them together. While there are other Java dependency injection frameworks, many of them suffered limitations in relying on XML, required validating dependency issues at run-time, or incurred performance penalties during startup. Dagger 2 relies purely on using Java annotation processors and compile-time checks to analyze and verify dependencies. It is considered to be one of the most efficient dependency injection frameworks built to date.
DevByteViewer app displays a list of DevByte videos. DevByte videos are short videos made by the Google Android developer relations team to introduce new developer features on Android. They're also a great way to stay up to date with new features as they come out as well as tips and best practices. This app fetches the DevByte video list from the network using the Retrofit library and displays it on the screen. It uses a ViewModel and LiveData to hold the data and update the UI. Since the video list is big, results are displayed in a RecyclerView.
#Retrofit2 to handle network requests by building a simple log in app that will perform POST and GET requests. #Two parameter username and password. #It'll show in response name,id,mobile,type and token etc.This app have some separate Login features for customer and admin. Admin can see all the customers data. Admin can change user password on request. Also admin can delete a customer id. But a customer can not access this features. Customers can only see his profile and he/she can update his/her information. CRUD operations are done by using Retrofit library. Retrofit is used on the client side (Android) to make HTTP request to REST API.
Android application that portrays in memory-network caching technique, using a repository class to provide a clean app architecture, and illustrating the use of the WorkManger API to run tasks on the background, in order to ensure users limited resources(space, battery etc) are utilized efficiently. To relate the techniques above, this an image gallery app that displays images of GitHub users obtained from https://api.github.com/users. The JSON objects are fetched from the API, and parsed as Kotlin objects with the use of Retrofit and MOSHI library, the network data is then cached into a structured in-memory database, and the app loads the cached data into a domain class where the repository, view and view-models can make use of it. The users' avatars are loaded into an image view using Glide library, and the images are shown on the app through a ListView Adapter. An onClick listener is implemented on the RecyclerView to navigate to a detail fragment where the user avatar and login name is then displayed.
Project Overview Project Overview Most of us can relate to kicking back on the couch and enjoying a movie with friends and family. In this project, you’ll build an app to allow users to discover the most popular movies playing. We will split the development of this app in two stages. First, let's talk about stage 1. In this stage you’ll build the core experience of your movies app. You app will: Present the user with a grid arrangement of movie posters upon launch. Allow your user to change sort order via a setting: The sort order can be by most popular or by highest-rated Allow the user to tap on a movie poster and transition to a details screen with additional information such as: original title movie poster image thumbnail A plot synopsis (called overview in the api) user rating (called vote_average in the api) release date Why this Project? To become an Android developer, you must know how to bring particular mobile experiences to life. Specifically, you need to know how to build clean and compelling user interfaces (UIs), fetch data from network services, and optimize the experience for various mobile devices. You will hone these fundamental skills in this project. By building this app, you will demonstrate your understanding of the foundational elements of programming for Android. Your app will communicate with the Internet and provide a responsive and delightful user experience. What Will I Learn After Stage 1? You will fetch data from the Internet with theMovieDB API. You will use adapters and custom list layouts to populate list views. You will incorporate libraries to simplify the amount of code you need to write Ready to start building?
Fitur yang harus ditambahkan pada aplikasi: Pencarian film Syarat: Pengguna dapat melakukan pencarian Movies. Pengguna dapat melakukan pencarian Tv Show. Widget Syarat: Pengguna dapat menampilkan widget dari film favorite ke halaman utama smartphone. Tipe widget yang diterapkan adalah Stack Widget. Reminder Syarat: Daily Reminder, mengirimkan notifikasi ke pengguna untuk kembali ke Aplikasi Movie Catalogue. Daily reminder harus selalu berjalan tiap jam 7 pagi. Release Today Reminder, mengirimkan notifikasi ke pengguna berupa informasi film yang rilis hari ini (wajib menggunakan endpoint seperti yang telah disediakan pada bagian Resources di bawah). Release reminder harus selalu berjalan tiap jam 8 pagi. Terdapat halaman pengaturan untuk mengaktifkan dan menonaktifkan reminder. Aplikasi Favorite Syarat: Membuat aplikasi atau modul baru yang menampilkan daftar film favorite. Menggunakan Content Provider sebagai mekanisme untuk mengakses data dari satu aplikasi ke aplikasi lain. Berikut kerangka tampilan yang bisa Anda gunakan sebagai referensi: 201902180856320073cc3b59071a00e26d5be08eecc67d.png Kesempatan untuk submission Anda diterima akan lebih besar jika: Notifikasi dapat berjalan pada perangkat Oreo dan setelahnya Data pada widget dapat diperbarui secara otomatis ketika terdapat perubahan pada data favorite. Menggunakan SearchView pada fitur pencarian film. Menggunakan library pihak ketiga seperti Retrofit, Fast Android Networking, dsb. Menggunakan library penyimpanan lokal pihak ketiga seperti Room, Realm, dsb. Menerapkan design pattern seperti MVP, MVVM, Arch Component, dsb. Aplikasi bisa memberikan pesan eror jika data tidak berhasil ditampilkan. Menuliskan kode dengan bersih. Submission Anda akan ditolak jika: Fitur pencarian tidak berjalan dengan baik. Fitur pencarian tidak memanfaatkan endpoint dari TheMovieDB. Fitur reminder tidak berjalan dengan baik. Fitur release today reminder tidak memanfaatkan endpoint dari TheMovieDB. Tidak dapat menampilkan data favorite ke dalam Stack Widget. Tidak terdapat aplikasi atau modul baru yang menampilkan data favorite. Tidak menerapkan Content Provider sebagai mekanisme untuk mengakses data dari satu aplikasi ke aplikasi lain. Tidak Mempertahankan semua fitur aplikasi dan komponen yang digunakan pada aplikasi Movie Catalogue (Local Storage). Informasi yang ditampilkan pada daftar ataupun detail film, tidak relevan. Aplikasi force closed. Project tidak bisa di-build. Mengirimkan file selain proyek Android Studio. Mengirimkan proyek yang bukan karya sendiri. Resources Gunakan endpoint berikut untuk melakukan pencarian film. Movies: https://api.themoviedb.org/3/search/movie?api_key={API KEY}&language=en-US&query={MOVIE NAME} Tv Show: https://api.themoviedb.org/3/search/tv?api_key={API KEY}&language=en-US&query={TV SHOW NAME} Contoh: https://api.themoviedb.org/3/search/movie?api_key=123456789&language=en-US&query=Avenger Gunakan endpoint berikut untuk mendapatkan film yang rilis pada tanggal hari ini. Movies release: https://api.themoviedb.org/3/discover/movie?api_key={API KEY}&primary_release_date.gte={TODAY DATE}&primary_release_date.lte={TODAY DATE} Contoh: https://api.themoviedb.org/3/discover/movie?api_key=123456789&primary_release_date.gte=2019-01-31&primary_release_date.lte=2019-01-31 Catatan: Pastikan format tanggal yang kalian gunakan benar. Format tanggal yang digunakan adalah "yyyy-MM-dd". Ketentuan Beberapa ketentuan umum dari proyek aplikasi: Menggunakan Android Studio. Menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Kotlin atau Java. Mengirimkan pekerjaan Anda dalam bentuk folder Proyek Android Studio yang telah diarsipkan (ZIP). Tim penilai akan mengulas submission Anda dalam waktu selambatnya 3 (tiga) hari kerja (tidak termasuk Sabtu, Minggu, dan hari libur nasional). Tidak disarankan untuk melakukan submit berkali-kali karena akan memperlama proses penilaian yang dilakukan tim penilai. Anda akan mendapat notifikasi hasil pengumpulan submission Anda via email, atau Anda dapat mengecek status submission pada akun Dicoding Anda. Tips Sebelum mengirimkan proyek, pastikan Anda sudah mengekspornya dengan benar. Bagaimana cara ekspor proyek ke dalam berkas ZIP? Pilih menu File → Export to ZIP File... pada Android Studio. Pilih direktori penyimpanan dan klik OK. Dengan cara di atas, ukuran dari berkas ZIP akan lebih kecil dibandingkan Anda melakukan kompresi secara manual pada file explorer.