Android json cache libraries



Webi Fast and full of features HTTP library that makes easy networking and caching response for Android apps

Apache License 2.0
Updated 29 Jul 2020

A powerful (super fast) image loading, and memory caching library for android. With Pearl you can also save Json String and retrieve it later on if you want to display data in your app while the smartphone is in offline mode.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 13 Nov 2018

Android Cacheable Network Library For HTTP & JSON RPC protocol. Cache network responses to use later. Designed for offline first approached architecture.

MIT License
Updated 23 Apr 2020

Indian Comedy shows.This app contains all Indian famous comedy can download and watch all your favorite comedy videos .the database used here is mysqli and for connection I used php.this app also contains a funny comedy timeline like fb. Used Json and Volley library for Loading datin in a very fast way also provides Cache during offilne. Apk available at Fdroid:-

Updated 18 May 2019

MVFetcher is a library for downloading image and json also cache the data

Updated 21 Jan 2019

A simple library for Android which caches the Images/JSON from server

Updated 16 Apr 2018

An Android file loader library that can download Images, JSON or any file and cache

BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
Updated 11 Oct 2019

Android library #1 on GitHub. WIL aims to provide asynchronous remote image loading, caching and displaying. The purpose of the WIL is to abstract the downloading (images, pdf, zip, etc) and caching of remote resources (images, JSON, XML, etc) so that client code can easily "swap" a URL for any kind of files ( JSON, XML, etc) without worrying about any of the details. Resources which are reused often are continually re-downloaded and cached, WIL doesn't use infinite memory.

MIT License
Updated 03 Jun 2020

This library downloads the image or json file async over network and cache in working memory

Updated 12 Nov 2016

An Android Application to fetch data from JSON API , parse it and display it in Custom listview with all details of user (Images are handled by Picasso library : A powerful image downloading and caching library).

Updated 27 Sep 2020

Robust, reliable and concise media loading (i.e. Image, JSON, PDf, etc.) library for Android focused on smooth scrolling. It also supports in-built configurable memory cache.

MIT License
Updated 08 Oct 2019

Android library to download resource(Image,String,Json..) from server in parallel and also has in memory cache.

Updated 19 Nov 2016

Android app that shows a list of the top rated and most popular movies by using JSON API. Implements libraries as Picasso for image downloads and caching, Volley for HTTP request.

Updated 10 Mar 2020

(1) Name :- accelormeterSensor Description :- Using acceloremeter sensor to print Sensor event values. (2) Name :- ActionBarDropdownNavigation Description :- Action bar with dropdown navigation type. (3) Name :- android-actionbar-master Description :- Action bar buttons like add/delete/show. (4) Name :- Android Contact ListView Description :- Fake Contact listview. (5) Name :- AndroidListViewActivity Description :- Listview by extending ListActivity. (6) Name :- android-pulltorefresh-master Description :- Pulltorefresh demo. (7) Name :- Android-PullToRefresh-master Description :- Pulltorefresh handmark demo. (8) Name :- Android-Universal-Image-Loader-master Description :- Universal Image loader. (9) Name :- AnimationAllInOne Description :- Animation like fade/zoom/rotate. (10) Name :- arrayloop Description :- Different types of loops for arraylist items. (11) Name :- autocompletetextimagedemo Description :- Autocomplete with image and text. (12) Name :- BarcodeScanner Description :- Intent for Barcord scanner from google play. (13) Name :- bluetoothtoggle Description :- Toggle on/off bluetooth. (14) Name :- buttonpressed Description :-Status of button is pressed or not. (15) Name :- call Description :- Using TelephonyManager to get device phone number. (16) Name :- calling Description :- Intent to make call to specific number. (17) Name :- cellid Description :- Get cellid to get location. (18) Name :- Compass Description :- Google Glass - compass. (19) Name :- countrycode Description :- Get country code using Locale. (20) Name :- CustomLinkyfy Description :- Using custom linkyfy for various intents. (21) Name :- customlistviewBaseAdapter Description :- Listview with custom base adapter. (22) Name :- custompopup Description :- Dialog custom popup. (23) Name :- CustomSpinner Description :- Custom spinner with default value. (24) Name :- custom-ui Description :- Social Auth – custom UI. (25) Name :- databaseFromAsset Description :- Access database from asset folder. (26) Name :- dragndrop Description :- Drag and drop image demo. (27) Name :- expandablelistview Description :- Expandable listview demo. (28) Name :- flightmode Description :- Toggle on/off flight mode. (29) Name :- FragmentsTest Description :- Simple Fragment demo. (30) Name :- gallerydemo Description :- Image Gallery demo. (31) Name :- GestureDetection Description :- Detect gestures from user. (32) Name :- google image loader api complete Description :- Google image loader. (33) Name :- gpsonoff Description :- Toggle on/off GPS. (34) Name :- gpsonofstatus Description :- Get status of GPS on/off. (35) Name :- Gridlayout Description :- Grid layout demo. (36) Name :- gridviewsimple Description :- Simple grid view. (37) Name :- gsondemo Description :- Gson demo. (38) Name :- hbcustomlibaray Description :- Custom library demo. (39) Name :- HBfragment Description :- Fragment demo with detail and list view. (40) Name :- hideappfromlauncher Description :- Hide app icon from launcher. (41) Name :- highlightedittext Description :- Highlight the selected text. (42) Name :- home pressed Description :- Detect home button press. (43) Name :- HorizontalScrollViewActivity Description :- Horizontal scroll view demo. (44) Name :- ImageGridActivity Description :- Image grid using lru cache. (45) Name :- imageloadergoogle Description :- Google Image loader for auto complete. (46) Name :- imageloaderListViewWithJSONFromURL Description :- Image loader in listview pasring. (47) Name :- InstalledAppNames Description :- Get list of installed apps. (48) Name :- itemcount Description :- Item count calculation. (49) Name :- jasondemo Description :- Jason parsing demo. (50) Name :- jasonparsedemo Description :- Various kind of object json parsing using pojo. (51) Name :- JSONExampleActivity Description :- Json parsing post. (52) Name :- Jsonparsefromtxtfile Description :- Json parsing from txt file. (53) Name :- layoutadddynamically Description :- Adding infinity layout dynamically on button press. (54) Name :- layoutweightdemo Description :- Using layout weight for UI. (55) Name :- Linkedin Description :- Linkedin integration. (56) Name :- linkedinbest Description :- Linkedin integration. (57) Name :- Listview_baseadapter_getItemViewType Description :- Listview with getitemview type for different ui view per listitem. (58) Name :- LiveWallpaper Description :- Live Wallpaper demo. (59) Name :- MyAndroidAppActivity Description :- Simple string buffer. (60) Name :- mypopup Description :- Custom dailog. (61) Name :- notification Description :- Simple notification demo. (62) Name :- Notification_count Description :- Notification Badge count. (63) Name :- Paginated ListView Demo Description :- Pagination for listview. (64) Name :- PayPalSDKExample Description :- Paypal integration. (65) Name :- PinItDemo Description :- Pint it integration. (66) Name :- progressbardemo Description :- Progressbar demo. (67) Name :- ProximatySensorDemo Description :- Using Proximaty sensor for printing values. (68) Name :- pulltorefresh and dragndrop to gridview Description :- Pulltorefresh and drag n drop to gridview. (69) Name :- readtextfile Description :- Read simple text file. (70) Name :- recentRunningBackgroundAppList Description :- Get list of apps that were running recently. (71) Name :- rfile Description :- Get id value from view using r file. (72) Name :- ribbonsample Description :- Ribbon sample demo. (73) Name :- roatation Description :- Get status of rotation on/off. (74) Name :- rotatecenter Description :- Animate image rotation at center point. (75) Name :- screenorientation Description :- Get status of screen orientation landscape/portrait. (76) Name :- SdcardFormat Description :- Format sd card. (77) Name :- selectspeed Description :- Select speed ui txtsheild. (78) Name :- sendemail Description :- Send an email using intent. (79) Name :- share-bar Description :- Social Auth – custom UI. (80) Name :- share-button Description :- Social Auth – custom UI. (81) Name :- sharemyapp Description :- Share app apk from device. (82) Name :- signature Description :- Signature using image bitmap paint. (83) Name :- SimpleListView Description :- Simple listview demo. (84) Name :- smserrors Description :- Send sms and get various exceptions. (85) Name :- socialauth-android Description :- Social Auth demo. (86) Name :- Stopwatch Description :- Google Glass - Stopwatch. (87) Name :- SwitchButton Description :- SwitchButton toggle on/off demo. (88) Name :- textlink Description :- Text as a link url. (89) Name :- Timer Description :- Google Glass - Timer. (90) Name :- toggleButton Description :- Get status Toggle button on/off. (91) Name :- triangledrawable Description :- Draw triangle using drawable xml. (92) Name :- uninstallapp Description :- Uninstall app. (93) Name :- unknownsource Description :- Toggle on/off unknown source flag. (94) Name :- videodemo Description :- Simple video view to play rstp files. (95) Name :- videoviewdemo Description :- Video view to play Youtube files. (96) Name :- ViewPagerDemo Description :- Simple viewpager demo. (97) Name :- ViewpagerInDialogPopup Description :- View pager inside Dialog pop. (98) Name :- webviewnonxss Description :- You tube video play in webview using video id. (99) Name :- webviewyoutubeapi Description :- Simple video play in webview. (100) Name :- zoomtry Description :- Zoom in and zoom out animation.

Updated 16 Oct 2020

Universal Resource Handler is a general purpose library based on Java & Android API for downloading any kind of resource (Images, Json data, Xml etc...) from a provided URL. Universal Resource Handler downloading and caching any given resource is asynchronously processed in a separate background thread to make sure the UI main thread is not frozen or blocked by any mean for a better UX and code design. Thanks to it's memory caching system, saving or loading from the memory cache is never been easier. All resources are downloaded from a URL (or CDN) and then cached in the memory for any instant later access. The memory caching system is based on the LRU (Last Recently Used) algorithm, which is a powerful caching algorithm that automatically evicts resources being held in the cache and not used for a certain amount of time.

Updated 29 Nov 2017

Android application that portrays in memory-network caching technique, using a repository class to provide a clean app architecture, and illustrating the use of the WorkManger API to run tasks on the background, in order to ensure users limited resources(space, battery etc) are utilized efficiently. To relate the techniques above, this an image gallery app that displays images of GitHub users obtained from The JSON objects are fetched from the API, and parsed as Kotlin objects with the use of Retrofit and MOSHI library, the network data is then cached into a structured in-memory database, and the app loads the cached data into a domain class where the repository, view and view-models can make use of it. The users' avatars are loaded into an image view using Glide library, and the images are shown on the app through a ListView Adapter. An onClick listener is implemented on the RecyclerView to navigate to a detail fragment where the user avatar and login name is then displayed.

Updated 29 Sep 2020

PolitcalPreparedness is an example application built to demonstrate core Android Development skills as presented in the Udacity Android Developers Kotlin curriculum. This app demonstrates the following views and techniques: - [Retrofit]( to make api calls to an HTTP web service. - [Moshi]( which handles the deserialization of the returned JSON to Kotlin data objects. - [Glide]( to load and cache images by URL. - [Room]( for local database storage. It leverages the following components from the Jetpack library: - [ViewModel]( - [LiveData]( - [Data Binding]( with binding adapters - [Navigation]( with the SafeArgs plugin for parameter passing between fragments

Apache License 2.0
Updated 26 Jul 2022

Final project AITU students Cinema app allows get new popular movies We get movies from The Movie Database API. Open-source libraries used Android Async HTTP - Simple asynchronous HTTP requests with JSON parsing Glide - Image loading and caching library for Android

Updated 21 Apr 2023

how to image

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