Android Graph Library for creating zoomable and scrollable line and bar graphs.
A powerful 🚀 Android chart view / graph view library, supporting line- bar- pie- radar- bubble- and candlestick charts as well as scaling, panning and animations.
Charts/graphs library for Android compatible with API 8+, several chart types with support for scaling, scrolling and animations
Simple and lightweight library for drawing sparklines / graphs. Support markers and gradients.
Forcelayout is library for android. You can drawing graph with spring-like attractive forces. Inspired by force layout in D3.js.
Code snippets that use the Microsoft Graph to perform common tasks, such as sending email or managing groups, from within an Android app. This sample uses the Microsoft Graph Client Library to work with the data, and the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for authentication of users' work or school Office 365 accounts and personal accounts.
This is a custom graph library where you can customize the graph as you want. The key features are you can take the full control over drawing the path, change the gradient color (Start Color - End Color), Change the circle color, Change the circle radius, Change the path color, Change the line thickness, On/Off Gridlines, Change the grid line color, On/Off Graduations, Change the graduation text color, Draw graph with different starting point, Draw graph from the left border (X0 - coordinate), Draw graph with exact coordinates given, Draw graph from left border and stretch until the end of the screen and it is Supported on OS - JellyBean 4.1 and above
Graph view library to plot audio signal amplitudes in real time
Use Microsoft Graph to access a user’s Microsoft account data from within an Android app. This sample uses the Microsoft Graph Client Library to work with the data, and uses the Azure AD v2.0 endpoint for authentication of users of personal or work or school accounts.
Simplegraph is android library for simple graph view that is similar to the ones you see on coin exchange sites.
:bar_chart: Android library for plotting and editing graphs :chart_with_upwards_trend:
Code snippets that use the Microsoft Graph to perform common tasks, such as sending email or managing groups, from within an Android app. This sample uses REST calls directly to the Microsoft Graph endpoint, and the Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) for authentication of users' work or school Office 365 accounts.
Kotlin Charts/graphs library for Android compatible with API 21+, several chart types with support for scaling, scrolling and animations
An Android custom view library to display color coded information in a graphical format
Sip VoIP Android application integrating liblinphone library and Microsoft Graph API.
A Graph library which can leverage missing data points with dotted lines!
andoid circle graph library
Android Line Chart or Line Graph using MpAndroid Library Tutorial
A library for creating customisable, animated radial graphs for Android apps.
This is an android library for displaying graph such as bar chart, spiral, pie chart etc written in kotlin.
This custom android library can be used to show line graph. Y values are recommended to be used as double , while x values can accept Date and double types.
Android Library that makes it easy to track the different space matrix of a Storage Volume
A small library to create and display Gauge graph for Android
Support library for PDF from android os 5th
A Graph Library for support all graphs in Android Application
Android Library to draw 1st co-ordinate lines graph
Android library used to generate charts and graphs
Static analysis library for extracting the approximate dependency graph from Java/Android/JavaScript
Android Line Chart or Line Graph using MpAndroid Library Tutorial
Android GraphView with animation Library
An Android Charting Library to easily integrate Bar Graphs, Pie Charts and Line Graphs in your android applications
MPAndroidChart ( Library is a beautiful graphing solution for android
Graphview for Android that plots points automatically based on Unix time input.
This is full android code for drawing line graphs with AchartEngine library
Android specialization of the Graphic library
Example usage of Apollo library for Android
a template android project with the graphhopper library included
A library about drawing graph in android
A graph library and an exampe application for Android
App for displaying SciGraph chart developed with Kotlin, Coroutines, Dagger 2, ViewModel, LiveData, SciGraph Android Library.
Open source graphing library for Android
Practice Project to learn GraphQL using Apollo library for Android and as public endpoint. Shows Movies and their details.
An android application which simulates real time data plotting various libraries.
Testing with this cool GraphView library:
an android plugin to access graphhopper routing library with cordova
Library with useful classes that use Double instead of Float, with the same use as classes from '' package .
Making a simple Scatter Plot with an OnDataPointListener using the Android graphing library "GraphView."
Tiny tp of manipulation graph view library for drawing graph on android plateform
This an Android Application that reads CSV files and creates graphs using the flot JavaScript library for jQuery.
Working with graph using Eaze Graph Library. Example of Pie Chart,Bar Chart, Line Chart and Stacked Bar Chart with Animation
Android library which simplifies the creation of a Dagger2 dependency graph while helping mentain the code more readable
Easy Microsoft Sync Adapter is an Android Library based on Microsoft Graph for syncing with all Microsoft based calendars.
Charts/graphs library for Android compatible with API 8+, several chart types with support for scaling, scrolling and animations
A library for Android platform to observe fps status and convert the fps data to curve graph.
Charts/graphs library for Android compatible with API 8+, several chart types with support for scaling, scrolling and animations
Path Graph is an Android library that parses geographic coordinates(Location Objects) to scaled X,Y coordinates to build a graph of user pathing.
A java library for visualizing graphs with opengl that runs on Android, Web, and Desktop
StalkCode is a Android application that helps you keep track of your coding performance by providing analysis in form of graphs.Features of the Application are It gives info of UpComing Contests, Uses Firebase as a Database , Implemented Android MP Chart library for variety of graphs, Recycler View for display of codes Solved ,etc
A Chart, also called Graph, is a graphical representation of data in which data is represented by symbols such as bars, lines, bubbles etc. Using MpAndroidChart Library, we can draw various graph but focus of this tutorial will be on Bar chart. A Bar Chart is a diagram in which the numerical values of variables are represented by the height or length of lines or rectangles of equal width. This Library works for Android API 8 and above but if we are using animations, it needs API 11 and above.
A Chart, also called Graph, is a graphical representation of data in which data is represented by symbols such as bars, lines, bubbles etc. Using MpAndroidChart Library, we can draw various graph but focus of this tutorial will be on Bar chart. A Bar Chart is a diagram in which the numerical values of variables are represented by the height or length of lines or rectangles of equal width. This Library works for Android API 8 and above but if we are using animations, it needs API 11 and above.
A powerful Android chart view / graph view library, supporting line- bar- pie- radar- bubble- and candlestick charts as well as scaling, dragging and animations.
An android app which shows the corona details of any specific country and pie chart graph by fetching data from json api with the help of Volley library.
A powerful Android chart view / graph view library, supporting line- bar- pie- radar- bubble- and candlestick charts as well as scaling, dragging and animations.
mobile application on android, BLE communication to embedded device in electric outlet, settings and dimming control for each outlet and metrics from current usage displayed using MPAndroid Graph Library
Uses Android sensors to graph readings from the accelerometer and light sensor in real time. Also uses the media library and animations to play sounds and animate based on the sensor readings. Java
First App that I made using Android Studio. Main function is that you can check the plants-caring-cycle which you choose at the first time you register a plant. moreover I used several libraries to make graph, customized calendar.. thanks
AChartEngine is a charting library for Android applications. It currently supports the following chart types: line chart area chart scatter chart time chart bar chart pie chart bubble chart doughnut chart range (high-low) bar chart dial chart / gauge combined (any combination of line, cubic line, scatter, bar, range bar, bubble) chart cubic line chart All the above supported chart types can contain multiple series, can be displayed with the X axis horizontally (default) or vertically and support many other custom features. The charts can be built as a view that can be added to a view group or as an intent, such as it can be used to start an activity. The model and the graphing code is well optimized such as it can handle and display huge number of values. AChartEngine is currently at the 1.0.0 release. New chart types will be added in the following releases. Please keep sending your feedback such as we can continually improve this library. Find us on Facebook, too: Read a short introduction to AChartEngine here: Another good tutorial can be read here:
✨ A very Minimal, Sleek and Powerful Graph library for Android built with Kotlin & Jetpack Compose
An android compose library with different Graphs and Charts
AndroidTableauLibrary is an Android SDK library supports variety of analytic graphs which developers simply integrate on Android project. - by @sung2063
📊 A powerfull and flexibel Android chart / graph view library.
A powerful 🚀 Android chart view / graph view library, supporting line- bar- pie- radar- bubble- and candlestick charts as well as scaling, panning and animations.