Maps SDK for Android Utility Library
A image processing library on Android, base on the libyuv.
RouteDrawer is an Android utils library which
Library for utility classes that can make me and others more productive.
Custom Android support library, include some useful utils and widget
A simple Android utils library to write any type of data into cache files and read them later.
:earth_africa: the simple utility for google maps in android
[Android Library] Facilitating some very common functionalities in the form of utility classes for Android
A utility library to authenticate ParseUsers with the Facebook SDK
A utility library to authenticate ParseUsers with Twitter
Utility libraries and classes that can make me(and others) more productive.
A companion library for the Android BLE Library. Contains parsers for common Bluetooth SIG characteristics.
An extensive collection of Kotlin Android Utils
A library that encapsulates the repeatable actions of Android Cursors.
Common Utils library is developed to reduce efforts to achieve common features of the android apps. While developing the apps, we realized that we’re coding for many common features in all the apps. For e.g. check the network’s availability, using shared preferences, parsing, etc. And like us, many other android developers might be doing the same. So it needs to be reduced for all to save the development time with ease. This is how an idea popped in our mind, and we decided to develop an SDK which can reduce developers’ time and efforts.
Android library that regroup bunch of dateTime utilities
Common utils for Android apps development
Architecture: Android utils library for device info, resources, log, encode, decode, permission, time, files, paths, io etc. Designed for fast development!
Android library for simplifying database schema and migrations management.
Useful logger for Android based on standard android.util.Log class. Simple lightweight (< 50 Kb) implementation of SLF4J API. Easy but powerful configuration via properties file and some additional helpful logging methods. Easy analogue of popular log4j library.
DraggableView is an Android library to make floating draggable view easily using extensions on Kotlin & provided utils class on Java
Utility functions to perform dynamic operations on Android.
Android utilities for easier and faster Kotlin programming.
a powerful android network library base on okhttp
An android library to create the new Android 7.1 shortcuts easily.
This library contain all utils related to google location. like, getting lat or long, Address and Location Setting dialog, many more...
Android utility library which contains usefull utility classes with simple reusable methods.
Android library helping the users to send logs to the developers
A Kotlin extensions + Utils library with Bunch of Help
A simple android library for validate EditText, check internet connection and show Toast.
Android libraries and utils for accessing the FamilySearch Platform API
Samples and Test Utilities Library for the ResourceProvider API Generator Gradle Plugin for Android.
A small collection of reusable utilities for Android, packaged as an Android Library with Gradle support.
AndroidEasyUtils is a simple android library that contains some utils method which is much more needed when working in any android project. Categories are - Validators, Dialog, Progress Dialog, Connectivity, Date Time, Bitmaps, HashMap and Others.
Collection of common utility libraries for Android
Piemission Utils - A utility library for Android Runtime Permissions
This library include some custom views and a util class help you replace android default font in different ways.(keyword:Font TextView, Custom TextView)
A fully "functional" an easy to use android utility library!
This Android Utils tool library is simpler to use and more efficient than other libraries.
Android utility library with math voodoo and object caching
Common library for Android,Util class just like Http, Image,Database and so on,is a library convenient to develop.
Android Utils Functions | Android amazing helper function library
:boom: An independent util library for checking app update info and hint message by dialog,download latest version with notification progress.
An Android library aimed to reduce common boiler-plate code.
Android Toolkit Library:一组Android常用工具类(bitmap 处理,文件操作,加密存储器,网络监测等基础功能)
Operating library based on android address book.
An android utility library for use log, snackbar, dateUtils, Collection utils and many more
About Android Development Customer Utils
A powerful Android Utils wrapper library
This is a parent project as a library. It's a summary of my Android development experience. It concludes lots of tool classes, such as some classes about SharedPreference, IO, Download, Network and so on. Of course, some custom widgets, like RoundedImageView.
A simple android library in which common android utils functions added.
Android library for an easy implementation of utils from Keystore: encryption and decryption. Minimum API 18 (compatibility with Android M or higher).
A utility library for picture manger, dialog builder, pie chart, date and time selection view
A set of common utils functions used within Android applications
Small library of classes useful for dealing with fragments
a utils library for simplifying common and tedious android code
A digest utils library written in Kotlin (For Java and Android) .
Base Appliacation which includes utils,notes,methods,popular class,new widget,and the third library
Library extends java.util.Date and provide methods to return "time ago"/"minutes ago"/"hours ago" date strings based on current date and date provided to JTimeAgo object. Work everywhere where Java ( Java, Scala, Android ) is available.
acharkit is utility framework for android
A java util library, mainly develop to simplify android project developing.
Utility library for Mapbox Android SDK. Inspired by Google Maps Utility Library.
@DEPRECATED My custom android library project including many opensource projects and utils
Android library for run-time permissions. Simply call this utils it will check run-time permissions granted or not.
Utility libraries and classes that can make me(and others) more productive.
A library with easy to use Espresso functions, to reduce your boiler plate code and make testing on android easy
This is a Android Library ,can provider various methods ,tools ,utils ,download pictures and so on .
Android library project for handling adapters of listview, gridview or other views.MergeAdapter , TitleAdapter (Adapter of length 1). This is build upon idea of commonsguy.
A small utility for gradle dependency management that saves a lot of precious time of developer wasted on finding required dependencies for Android libraries.
Library of helpers for Google Maps on Android
Utilities that are useful for a wide range of applications using the Map Kit. Adapted from Maps SDK for Android Utility Library.
Android Library providing different kind of util classes. List of util classes: AppPropertyUtils, ColorUtils, EqualsUtils, IntentUtils, JsonUtils, LogUtils, MeasuresUtils, NumberUtils, StringUtils, Utils, ViewUtils
Utils library for Android
This library includes some good utilities function for Android developers. If you have other good function, please tell me. I am glad to add those function in this library.
Android library with a utils, architecture, networking, multithreading modules within
android common tools、utils library
A lightweight library written for Android to make common data loading tasks easy and simple.
Android library to geet multiple android permissions
Utilitize and Helper collections class for Android project
Simple android app to practice imlemtations of android libraries.
A library that encapsulates the mostly common used functions of Android development.
This library provides a set of common tools java android development
Make Android Aplication Library to use in my projects
This repo about core android to help build android project skeleton + commons utils and work as a library
This is a library for android development which act as a collection of Common utilization functions with biometrics
Boiler plate code and utils library for Android
Utility library to easly integrate joda time in android
An android utils library with kotlin code.
A sample Android Library For Printing Log Message. Excercise Project.
The source code for the vide called 'Create Utils Class' in the Android App Development Master Class for 2020
The source code for the video called 'Finish Rewriting Utils Class' in the Android App Development Master Class for 2020
NextAndroid is a library for android, includes: Tools, Widgets, Utils
[Android Library] Personal Android utility classes
Android 开发工具库(Android development utils library)
Android library that helps developer store encrypted Strings, avoiding RAM information leaks
Utility and Libraries for Android Beginners to begin as Professional Developer
Android utilities library for sharing code between projects.
[Deprecated] convert from
Utility library for Android applications
A library that groups useful utils for a day to day development.
Library mostly used for generic parsing(serializing) of JSON responses, with useful android utils
A lightweight library full of helpers for Android (activities, fragments, views, ... ) and Kotlin (stdlib)
An Android library that help you to build app.
Library for add many snippets for Android Projects
Utility library to reduce boilerplate code and make life easier !
Android Util Library Contain a Small Collection of libraries that we commonly use in our android projects. In the current version, it contains OtpView with SmsRetriver Api and Phone number util with phone number Picker and also Parse a phone number with phone code.
Android library which holds frequently used libraries in simplified manner and some other utilities.
Workaround for Android DateUtils in Japanese language.
Utils library for convenient use of the most frequent things in Android development.
Utility Library For Android Projects
This Android Library has various utility methods as well as nifty views and adapters to be used. "Expansions" are available for Analytics and ActionBarSherlock
This library provides the basic utility in day to day android application development.
Android library which provides useful annotations to create things faster.
Library for simple, quick and ready to use set of most common functionalities for Android
An open source android library designed to minimize boilerplate code, written in kotlin.
Library providing some nice to have utilities when working with Android apps.
Android Library for working with MVP and basic Utils class files
A core utils library for Android, including transition, shared preference, validation
This FileUtils is library project. This library project provide two operations write and read file in form of byte array.You can read and write file into internal storage or external storage in Android Application.
Own libraries which I find helpful for my own projects
A convenience Android library to easily establish best practices
Library for most common Image related tasks on Android.
Library containting utility classes for most common android tasks.
Library project for android. Contains : Http Request & Resoponse. Xml to JSON and JSON to XML Converter. Connection Detector. Location Detector. Date Conversion. Device, Text, Base64 and Maths Utils.
An Util Library Used By AppNikks in their Projects
A simple module wrapping Volley, Gson, and some caching utils into a library to get up and running quickly.
An Android library containing a mixture of small helper classes, functions and views useful for Android projects.
One about android keyStore packaging Library
Source codes describe the use of Android Utility Libraries (e.g Guava, Apache Commons, etc.)
A small library that conveniently provides additional features for logback-android
Library containting utility classes and kotlin extensions for most common view controler related android tasks.
Android Commons is a util library with a set of useful classes to help to developer.
An android library for easy working with lists uses data loaded from the Internet.
The greatest of all time Android utility library for Android engineers and Kotlin fanatics
👍 Android library for social events like Share & Rate & Email
Small library of kotlin utilities for dealing with fragments
Android library to show/hide the soft keyboard
An Android library project that provides various common utilities.
A Java library of utility functions for Android mobile development
这是一个android工作库,集成有自定义view、常用工作类等 (This is an android working library that integrates custom views, common work classes, and more)
Library project, support to the SeeMI android application
Maps SDK for Android Utility Library (Based on HMS Core)
Kotlin library: utility functions for my planned subtitle Android app
Library to make your life easier as an Android Developer.
This is simple library to make daily things easy in android like - using SharedPreferences, Intents, Logs, etc.
Android network library base on Retrofit2/OkHttp3 Rxjava2, provide the relative util/helper class to help you create network part easier and not restrict the flexable
Android Library project with source from
a util library include android bluetooth communication with smart wearable devices on health-monitoring , android app can send msg to/recv msg from wearables
base on android mvp,use library.rxjava rxAndroid rxbus rxbinding.and a lot of utils....
This project contains some useful utils/libraries/tools that you can use in your Android Apps.
A simple library that provides basic data consumption and reporting for Spock and Appium
Kotlin library with useful util methods for Android projects.
Sidekick is a android library with utils, helpers and micro frameworks.
Android helpful utils library containing functions you might move from project to project.
A common utils on Android, move from project WechatHelper to new library
A utility library containing a collection of simple animations performed in Android
Modular Android library with useful utility classes and extensions written in Kotlin.
Android Crons is a util library that allows use crons on Android.
Android Recycler is a util library with a set of useful classes to help implement RecyclerView.
Android library helps take photo full size and pick a photo from the gallery, storage
The ViewUtils is a library for android which helps you to custom a some views more easily
An common utils module that contains libraries that are extremely popular and are often used in almost any Android project.
AndroidUtilCode 🔥 is a powerful & easy to use library for Android. It encapsulates the functions commonly used in Android development which have complete demo and unit test. Using its encapsulated APIs can greatly improve development efficiency. It mainly consists of two modules. One is the main module, utilcode, which includes the utils commonly used in development. The other is subutil which contains the utils is not very common, which is beneficial to simplify the main module. 🔥
Android library for dealing with Android permissions checking and user prompting. Permissions can be grouped together (or not) when providing explainations to the user as to why the permissions are required for various app features.
a library to share any util for android ,almost all for common use!!
android-logger-bridge enables using Android Log util on non Android envinronment. If this library runs on Android, it outputs to logcat. If not, it outputs to stdout.
Extremely incomplete reimplementation of the library for use in Android projects targeting older devices
Contains changes that has to be done in Build files outside the AR Library, plus the templates for Manifest, Theme, Gradle files and so on for AR Processing-Android.
Contains changes that has to be done in Build files outside the AR Library, plus the templates for Manifest, Theme, Gradle files and so on for AR Processing-Android. Build System - Gradle
This is a simple log library for Android platform that includes two functions that one is to print log without providing "tag" parameter and the another one is to save log info on disk space timely
This is my personal preparation of a Java package library, which contains files, network requests, reflection, encryption and decryption, base conversion and a series of packages, in the process of using more convenient. In addition, recently added android compiled files such as DEX, ELF parsing and so on
The project contains library for various kinds of validations which are used in apps.
Library for common util methods that I use across my Android projects. Makes life a helluvalot easier.
A library to help with database setup; working with queries like insert, create, delete, drop, select; for using rest api consumtion; shared preferences; image zoom in and zoom out, applying font to the entire layout, checking if internet connection is available or not, setting an image view in square shape, circular shape, with initial letter or avatat, and replacing null in a string and replacing true or false with 1 or 0, switch button, custom toast message, datetime utils, location services, location address, validation of different types, set max length, set character counter, check if url is valid and much more. Check out the for more information and latest update. You can check out the website '' as well.
A library including utils and components for Android rapid development, based on MVVM [ 基于 MVVM 的 Android 敏捷开发库,提供多种组件和工具 ]
A simple Android Application created to refresh, learn and demonstrate the basic Android Unit Testing Concepts using JUnit, Mockito and Hamcrest libraries. A part of coding is done with the help of CodeLabs Tutorial for Unit Test. Also added multiple Util classes and written different group of combination tests to properly demo tests for the Systems under Test. The three types of test doubles namely mock, fake and stub is used in the process.
Kotlin Extensions (Android extensions) and Helpers for smoother Android development
Probably the best Kotlin utils library for Android. (可能是最好用的 Kotlin 工具库)
A lightweight extensions library for Android and Kotlin