AnyChart Android Chart is an amazing data visualization library for easily creating interactive charts in Android apps. It runs on API 19+ (Android 4.4) and features dozens of built-in chart types.
An open source Android library that allows the visualization of large images with gesture capabilities
🎵 [Android Library] A light-weight and easy-to-use Audio Visualizer for Android.
🔦 Showkase is an annotation-processor based Android library that helps you organize, discover, search and visualize Jetpack Compose UI elements
A Android library that provides a vertical swipe calendar interface for your app. And also events visualization.
Audio visualizer library for Android. Written in Kotlin. Light-weight, Flexible, Easy.
The library is a fork of the popular open source Jasper Reports and supports the common features provided by Jasper Reports, but offline and for mobile apps. The PDFReporter library supports iOS, Java and Android library, Windows experimental. For your document and report design you use the PDFReporter Studio where you can visualize your data.
An easy way to visualize in proportions any of your data.
sgMap is multicross GIS engine library, it's made in C, C++ (include android, ios). Supports 2D, 3D (earth) as a kind of visualization map. C, C++, C#, java, android java, VB and javascript is supported as an application development language. Supports over 1000 APIs including 2D, 3D visualization of vector, images and various spatial operations.
Android wrapper for DataMaps JavaScript library - Customizable map visualizations
Robot Visualization Library for Android (mostly port from rosjava)
A simple and minimalist library for music visualization in Android.
Android library to provide a simple visualization of sound
A library to acquire data from external sources mainly through forms on an Android application, store them on a local database and handling the conversion to KML data format to be shown on the Liquid Galaxy System.
An Android library that makes it easy to visualize your data.
A java library for visualizing graphs with opengl that runs on Android, Web, and Desktop
A Calendar library allow to visualize data between the months in different date. This library provided customization UI attributes for calendar.
An online photo browsing and searching app for Android. Uses Flickr for the image library and Google Maps for location based visualizations.
The Main idea of this application is to connect to open source data sites eg. ( ,,...) and visualize its data using MPAndroidChart Library and implement Machine Learning algorithms on it (further developlment).
Visualizes beacons distance on chart. Beacon communication by org.altbeacon:android-beacon-library. It utilizes com.github.PhilJay:MPAndroidChart and com.jakewharton:butterknife
An Android app for monitoring stocks. This will replace Project 3 in the Android Developer Nanodegree. Added enhancements to one app in order to make it production ready. The work included ensuring errors were handled gracefully, building a widget for the home screen, adding support for screen readers, optimizations for localization, and data visualization via a library.
Showkase Android library Implementation that helps you organize, discover, search and visualize Jetpack Compose UI elements.
AirQualityVisualizer is a demo application which is used to display demo for websocket continuous connection andhelps the user to visualize air quality according to city in a graphical format with charts, it is developed using Android Jetpack libraries and MVVM.
Data visualization library 📊 for Android. Based on Chart.js javascript library which is currently the most popular library for web development. Extremely customizable, supports pie, doughnut, line, bar, radar, area, bubble, scatter and mixed types.
Android Library to visualize the gallery through a bottom sheet.
Open-source music visualization library for native Android with a set of smooth, highly customizable music visualizers.