Sample project showcasing the steps to publish and consume Android Libraries on the GitHub Packages Registry
Android 开发中通过接口获取实现类,可用于module之间的通信,通过注解解决module的依赖初始化问题,良好的多线程环境下的线程安全以及性能。a concise di library which can get implementation class for a interface easily in multiple module app , also avoid check null when want to invoke a implementation by interface.
A file hub for educational materials of all types. v1.0 is specifically for EEE students worldwide.
App for displaying GitHub user list developed with Kotlin, RxJava 2, RxAndroid, Dagger 2, Retrofit 2, Paging Library, Glide, ViewModel, LiveData, Data Binding, Navigation Component.
A book library app with option of viewing the books description and adding the book to the favorites. Made using Kotlin and XML on Android Studio
Showcases multiple android feaures, libraries and architecture
This is a sample repository that uses GitHub packages to publish android libraries
Example app with transitioning screens and using external libraries for CS-446 class.
Feel Free to contribute Libraries working demo to help others.
This project is done by android architecture like Live Data,View Model ,room persistence library and google paging library.
Android Application to provide/search Libraries and Frameworks from Android Phone.
This is to test publishing an android library to GitHubPackages.
Android application display github users in endless recyclerview using Retrofit library and Picasso and view user profile in webView
"Book Hub" is a book app. It displays a list of popular books. The app also provides the full description of each book. You can also add a book to favorites and view it on the Favorites screen. Additionally, the book app has different screen including Profile, which contains the details of the app's developer, and an About App screen that contains has the description of the app. Using Book Hub enjoy your own personal book library on your device!
Android app for PitHubProject with Retrofit, Butterknife, MaterialDesign and other libraries
Android -Practice using the Retrofit Library to retrieve JSON data from the GitHub API
An android app written in Kotlin. It utilizes the Retfrofit library to consume GITHUB API.
An Android App that shows user profile data and repos using RetroFit & RxJava2 library with the help of GitHub API
StudentHub - Project written in Java in Android Studio IDE with forum and library for sharing video lessons.
Developer's Hub is an Android App which provides free libraries and source code for different programming languages.
This android application depicts the recommended architectural pattern(MVVM) for developing android apps. The data for the app is fetched from then the JSON data is parsed into Kotlin Object through Retrofit and MOSHI library. The users' avatars are loaded into an image view using Glide library, and the images are shown on the app through a recylerview adapter. An onClick listener is implemented on the recyclerview to navigate to a detail fragment where the user avatar and login name is then displayed.