geofencing application for android use firebase database and Geofire Library. The original tutorial link and all credits goes to: and Farhad2015/Geofence-GeoFire
Android Geofencing module using the latest google geofencing library. The library uses eventbus for event handling between classes. Please refer to this post for JAR issues: If you are having issues when dexing and are using An appcelerator version less than 5.4.0.GA in a module then please refer to this JIRA ticket, particularly my Sean Conway comments:
SKT Geofence API를 쉽게 사용할 수 있도록 Wrapping한 Library 입니다.
Geofence helper library for Android - No longer maintained, see my JCVD lib for replacement
geofencing application for android use firebase database and Geofire Library. The original tutorial link and all credits goes to:
An Android application and library for creating and editing geofences.
This is simple android application which I developed in process of learning android location services and google map APIs. This application fetches your current location and show it in map. User can mark their location and can add geofences alert to it. This application also uses Android design support and app compat library.