LicensesDialog is an open source library to display licenses of third-party libraries in an Android app.
Android library to show "Rate this app" dialog
📱Android Library to implement animated, 😍beautiful, 🎨stylish Material Dialog in android apps easily.
Android Five Stars Library is a small library that helps developer add a "Rate My App" dialog to their applications. It's called "Five Stars" because the dialog has a different behaviour based on the rating given by the user.
This library is a set of simple wrapper classes that are aimed to help you easily create fancy material dialogs.
An Android library that shows a customizable Material-based bottom sheet. API 11+ required.
An Android library to create fully material designed bottom dialogs similar to the Android Pay app.
This library allows to use customized Rating Dialog inside applications.
An Android library for easily constructing Material Design Dialog in Android version 2.2 ~ L.
A library managing navigation, nested Fragment, StatusBar, Toolbar for Android
Make your native android Dialog Fancy and Gify. A library that takes the standard Android Dialog to the next level with a variety of styling options and Gif's. Style your dialog from code.
Android library for Date and Time Picker in same dialog
Android library to show emojicon dialog box over soft keyboard
Android library to animate Floating Action Button to Bottom Sheet Dialog and vice-versa
Make your native android Dialog Fancy. A library that takes the standard Android Dialog to the next level with a variety of styling options. Style your dialog from code.
📱 An Android Library for 💫fluid, 😍beautiful, 🎨custom Dialogs.
Library that allows you to easily and quickly create forms in Android with little code
Library for Android DialogFragment.
A simple library based on PopupWindow to create Tooltips on Android. 💚
Material dialog :heart: morphing animation ----------- An android kotlin UI library for building beautiful animations for converting a floating action button into a material dialog.
Android library that allows applications to add dialog-based slider widgets to their settings
Panter Dialog is an stylish android library that helps users add cool features like adding header and header logos
A plug and play ;) android library for displaying a "rate this app" dialog
A library that builds on the AppCompat Design Library and provides additional common components such as AccountHeaderView, FloatingActionMenu, CircleImageView, Picker Dialogs, FlexibleToolbarLayout, Delightful Detail Drawables and TypefaceCompat.
Android loading or progress dialog widget library, provide efficient way to implement iOS like loading dialog and progress wheel
An Android library for conveniently displaying HTML in a dialog.
A light-weight, easy-to-implement, and easy-to-look-at way to do a tutorial pager or dialog on Android
[DEPRECATED] An android library to display the licenses of your application libraries in a easy way.
Android Library for showing Material Dialog with little customization
📱Android Library to implement beautiful dialogs in android apps easily
An Android library that encourages users to rate the app on the Google Play.
Android library that allows launching a custom activity when your app crashes, instead of showing the hated "Unfortunately, X has stopped" dialog.
TTFancyGifDialog makes your Android Dialog Fancy and more Beautiful. A library that makes normal Android Dialog to high level Dialog with many styling options and fully customizable. Make dialog from few lines of code.
An android library to display a material-designed dialog with header.
Continuous speech recognition library for Android with options to use GoogleVoiceIme dialog and offline mode.
Library for android application to implements smart rate dialog
Easy to use library to add tooltips to your app
A collection of easy to use and extendable DialogFragment's for Android
Library for Material Design lists, cards, dialogs, etc
:ticket: Android library, Custom toast and dialog (2018)
SweetAlert for Android, a beautiful and clever alert dialog
Android library which can turn any View into a draggable dialog with swipe to dismiss feature.
:earth_americas: Android library. If GPS disabled, dialog shown and if user confirms GPS enabled. (2016)
Its a library for the creating simple success and warning dialogs for android
🎨 A library that lets you implement ColorPicker, ColorPickerDialog, ColorPickerPreference.
Android dialog library to give user feedback about the common operations like Success, Warning and Errors.
Selection Dialogs is Android library allowing quickly create colors and icons selection dialogs, and providing simple views to display selected items.
A simple library for creating animated warnings/dialogs/alerts for Android.
A simple library that displays a beautiful the currencies allowing the user to pick the currency she wishes and provide details like country code, iso code name, symbol and flag.
Custom AlertView Dialogue is the world's most advanced alert view library. Custom AlertView Dialogue includes simple message popups, confirmation alerts, selector popups, action sheet bottom menus, and input/feedback contact forms.
Lightweight Android library that simplifies management of DialogFragments
AndroidRate is a library to help you promote your Android app by prompting users to rate the app after using it for a few days.
Android library that simplifies the process of fingerprint authentications.
Custom Permissions Dialogue is the only permissions library that supports ALL permission request scenarios. This library handles multiple edge cases such as not enabling all permissions or permanently rejecting a permission request.
An android library to display the licenses of your application libraries in a easy way.
Android Spinner Dialog Library supported on both Java and Kotlin, Use for single or multi selection of choice
Beautiful alert dialog android library like ios dialog
Improved dialogs and dialog fragments for Android.
An android library to display a rate dialog in an easy way.
An Android library that lets you create a nice interface dialog layout in a simple and easy way ,with different types which you can use easily without any boilerplate code and with a great flexibility to fit your desired user interface.
A dialog utility library. Decoupling between dialog library and Android fragment.
Android library that shows a dialog to let the user rate this app in the Google Play store
An Android library that provides a simple implementation of a DialogFragment
This is android library implementing bottom sheet like fancy dialog
An Android library to easily display attribution information of open source libraries.
A simple, Lightweight App Updater Library for Android
You can easyly show image list in dialog with this library.Image list contains url or drawable.
RatingRequest library is a simple android dialog for request rating and review.
Android Library that checks if there is an Ad Blocker enabled and shows a customizable dialog. API 8+ required.
Android chatbot using: Dialogflow ( for machine learning & NLP, AWS DynamoDB NoSQL Database, DynamoDB Object Mapper, AWS Cognito Identity. Android Architecture Components: Room Persistence Library, ViewModel, Live Data. MVVM Architecture Pattern
This Library provides a very simple implementation of some android material picker's dialogs which were not available as open source library. It includes android Number/Interval picker which can be used as Year picker, Month picker and any time duration Picker. It also includes Material Gender Picker Dialog which was much required.
An android library that makes it really easy to deal with dynamic permissions. Based on the context, library automatically decides whether to show a dialog (in case app is in foreground) or a notification (in case permission is required by a background service).
This library contain all utils related to google location. like, getting lat or long, Address and Location Setting dialog, many more...
A dependency-free android dialog library. Uses regular support-v7 only.
Android Library to easily integrate Dialogflow based chatbots into an existing application with Chat screen.
An Android music picker library for picking alarm, notification or ringtones sound using an Activity or a dialog.
An Android library used for making an Android application more faster with less amount of code. Shortify for Android provides basic functionalities of view and resource binding, view customization, JSON parsing, AJAX, various readymade dialogs and much more.
Library project to display Android Dialog with a blur effect.这是一个使用renderscript库实现的模糊背景的Android DialogFragment对话框
A library to show iOS like AlertView in Android as Dialogs
A HSV style Color Picker Dialog library for Android (with Alpha setting)
A simple Android library containing several time/date pickers and dialogs.
AndroidEasyUtils is a simple android library that contains some utils method which is much more needed when working in any android project. Categories are - Validators, Dialog, Progress Dialog, Connectivity, Date Time, Bitmaps, HashMap and Others.
This library allows launching a crash activity when the app crashes, instead of showing the hated "Unfortunately, X has stopped" dialog.
Common is a basic component library for android ——UI Components, MVP Base, MVP Customization, Auto Loader, Auto Pager, Components, Tools; UI组件化,MVP Base,MVP定制, 自动加载,自动分页Pager, 模块化, 功能组件, 更多工具类...
Date and Time Picker Dialog Library for Android 4.0+
An elegant looking and easy to use informative library with LiveData integration for Android.
🚀 A very customizable library that allows you to present menu items (from menu resource and/or other sources) to users as a bottom sheet.
A library to be used for creating android-L like dialogs on android 2.3+
CountryCurrencyPicker is an android picker library for country and / or currency. You can implement it as fragment or dialog. It offers the option to search for country values and / or currency values. Inspired by country-picker-android and currency-picker-android
An Android library providing a dialog, which asks the user to rate the app or give feedback. You can also use the library to show the Google in-app review easily under certain conditions.
Android library to show a dialog informing of the use of cookies to the users on the EU.
Simple wrapper library for Android Dialog, looks like Fullscreen Dialog specified in Google Material Design
Android library which can turn any View into a draggable dialog with swipe to dismiss feature.
:boom: An independent util library for checking app update info and hint message by dialog,download latest version with notification progress.
An Easy-to-use Kotlin based Customizable Modules Collection with Material Layouts by BlackBeared.
Android Library that checks for updates on Google Play, GitHub, Amazon, F-Droid or your own server. This library notifies your apps' updates by showing a Material dialog, Snackbar or notification.
A library for building Custom Consent Form for Android
In-App Purchases in Android. Warning: you don't see billing dialog until upload build to google play.
😍⭐⭐Material Smart Rating App - An Android library that encourages users to rate the app on Google Play.⭐⭐😘
Kotlin Android library for asking users to rate the app
DialogBoot is an Android library based on annotation processor to create a dialog. It reduces the boilerplate code of a Dialog
SharedElementDialog is MaterialDesign SharedElementTransition library for Android.
The library is used to display custom alert dialogs on the android system. With its help you will be able to display messages quickly and aesthetically. The entire application is written using material components.
This library allows to use customized Rating Dialog inside applications.
Kotlin Anko - common dialogs using kotlin anko library
An Android library for displaying a dialog where it presents new features in the app.
Android backport library for Datepicker
Android Library that make easy to implement App rate dialog
An android library to handle displaying a camera view inside an alert dialog easily
A utility library for picture manger, dialog builder, pie chart, date and time selection view
PriorityDialog allows you to create a dialog with set of priorities. This library allows you to create all type of dialogs(simple,List, progress, date picker, time picker)
A simple but awesome library for displaying customized "Toasts" & "AlertDialogs".
Android library to implement iOS's UIActionSheet-like popup using BottomSheetDialog
Lovely and especially simple library
Android library that displays to the user a dialog with the "cookies" message which is required by the EU laws
🌠 Simple way make your beautiful dialog (Bottom Sheet Dialog)
A Simple ARGB color picker library for android, the color picker is a dialog fragment which allows a user to pick a color.
Android library to simplify hints, dialogs, popups, toasts and snackbars inside your app.
A library that takes the standard android dialog to the next level.
A simple Android library for displaying a DateAndTimePicker with From and To ranges as a CustomDateTimePicker. This custom picker allow user to pick both date and time in same dialog at same time.
Android library displaying a progressdialog with more cutomizations
Android Dialog Library (ADL) is a library providing facilities to create Alert Dialog in your Android application.
Android library that allows create custom share dialog
Android utility library that add some power ups to the BlueVia android SDK providing the functionality of showing a dialog to perform the oauth dance.
Android Library that shows simple and customizable flat designed dialogs with no title. API 15+ required.
This repository includes some custom dialogs for Android
Five Star Dialog For Android App
A library for android app in kotlin. Helping in database, animations, dialogs, shared preferences.
Customizable dialog library for Android
An android library to display, search and select options in dialog view (popup).
Andorid library to the creation of dialogs. With this library can be created very quickly while keeping the code clean.
Custom Dialog library for android
NamanCustomAlertDialogLibrary is the customize Android alert dialog library feel free to use it.
Addig Android project with DialogUtils library. Also showing how to use and configure in Gradle in same project
Extension of the class. This library allows you to use a custom layout view
A beautiful Sweet Alert Dialog Examples in Java using Library.
Android app common widget library, include: toast, dialog, window, picker, enhanced recycler view etc.
AndroidUiWidget🍉 is a rich android widget library,it can greatly improve your development efficiency.🍉
This is a simple Android library as Persian Date(year,month,(day is optional)) picker
custom Dialog Android Library (Easy To Use)
Library to select file from the file system for android
A library to create beautiful customized dialogs in Android
Custom progress dialog library written in Java.
The android library show dialog rate on app and on Google Play Store
implementation camera kit library with dialog fragment
This is how to create bottom sheet dialog without using any third party libraries or any special classes. We use only class.
simple android library for color picker
Andialog / Android-Rate-Dialog is a library to help you make RateDialog easier than before.
Library of date picker dialog for Android
A beautiful and advanced material dialog library for android
Android library to display AlertDialog from the bottom of screen
This is a simple Android Library that will enable developers to add multi Sim SMS functionality in android. When Implemented it will display a dialog asking users to choose the SIM from which they want to send the SMS.
Library that helps a few lines of code to show AlertDialog with button's onClick callbacks, or to show custom AlertDialog from service, for example.
Android library for easy sharing in social networks
Android library for easily displaying bottom sheet dialogs.
Use 📱Android Library to implement animated, 😍beautiful, 🎨stylish Material Dialog in android apps easily.You can use this in your project free.
Useful 📱Android Library to implement animated, 😍beautiful, 🎨stylish Material Dialog in android apps can use this code in your project.
Alert Dialog Box library to create checkboxes or RadioGroup with a list of array in one line
This library allows you to show dialog quickly, simply, animated and beautiful.
A simple Android library compatible from API 14, which builds a material dialog with version info for the app; using the same style as Google's version info dialogs.
A dialog activity library, to show dialog on context or activity
An android library written in Kotlin which makes creating new dialogs in android a piece of cake!
An android library to help reduce repetitive work of designing and configuring Fragments with List(ListFragment) and Data(Table)Fragment
This contains Custom Progress dialog, Circular Image, Custom ImageView Pager & Custom EditText library. Apart from this, this repo contains ParallaxScrollView demo project
An android library to create ranged time picker dialog using material design components.
A library to create custom progress bar (Like Progress Dialog in Android)
android library that can be used to create retro looking dialog windows
An Android library that shows a customizable Material-based bottom sheet.
An Android Library that shows on the bottom of the screen a fully customisable dialog.
EasyRate is an Android library for dealing with app ratings & feedbacks. In simple words, it shows a modern and well-designed dialog to engage users to rate your app on the Google Play Store.
With this library you can easily use Alert dialog in Android.
This is simple android dialog open source library written with kotlin.
This is an android library that holds 'About Me' template as a customizable alert dialog.
Android library providing a list of selectors
This library will compare current application version number to the versions that are stored in remote locations and show dialog to user with prompt to update their app.
A simple random color generator and picker dialog library for android.
This an android library which show the bottom sheet dialog for AppHouseBD details
Android LovelyDialog examples. Read more here
A color picker library for Android project. It's simple, easy to implement and cool!
Android Library for working with image list selection and single image selection
Android library helping to create a QuickActionBar dialogs.
Library for android pop up message (Snackbar, Toast, Alert dialog)
NewQuickAction is a small android library to create QuickAction dialog.
An android library to display release notes dialog without pain.
GnarlyDialog is a fancy little Android Dialog library that makes it easy to create pretty, animated dialog messages in your apps.
An advanced picker dialog library for Android written in Kotlin.
Android Library that provides developers a dialog box with an integrated timer along with a circular progress indicator
EasyChangelogDialog is a library that allows you to display a change log dialog
this android library will give you a custom Timer dialog that contain only minutes and seconds.
Android Library for showing a dialog containing only a single indeterminate progressbar in the center of the screen
RMP-AppiraterKit is an Android library to create your customaizable user review dialog.
Android library for displaying a "rate this app"dialog on google play store with auto disabling and auto manage dialog appearance
Most customizable, flexible, easy and colorful android Alert Dialog popup library
This is simple library to show alert dialog box as per your requirement with basic callback functionality.
This is a single file Class library for android. It has no dependencies. Just copy paste the file and use it.
Use this light weight android library to Get a customized floating menu dialog with nice animations looking like IOS dialog to be used as a menu dialog in android.
Brush up your mobile app with customized Progress Dialog. Beautiful Progress Dialog is a small library that let you show custom Progress Dialog into your app. It can show static images, GIFs and the new Lottie Animation.
An awesome android library to show custom toast, alert-dialog, logs and progress dialog with few lines of code.
If you need a Confirm or Cancel Alert Dialog, You can use SweetAlert . Dont forget to add library to dependencies .
Android library to animate Floating Action Button to Bottom Sheet Dialog and vice-versa
AndroAlert is an Alert Dialog Library for android developers Daily Use
Android Library to display a fragment dialog to choose a country.
An Android library for creating Loading dialogs/bars with Lottie animations
This library will provide an alternative to the existing alert dialog in android.
Android Library to select Files/Directories from Device Storage.
An android mobile app written with Java that connects to a Google datastore NDB using a RESTful API written in Python. The app implements various activites and custom dialog boxes to allow the user to add new books and members to the datastore as well as checkout and return books for each member.
To select country information such as country name, flag, dial code, currency and states. Android library as a list implementation with activity and dialogs.
An Android library containing a Kurdish date picker and a time picker with Material Design style
It is an android library that allows the user to open the audio link as a dialog form
the aim of this projet is making a library of every neccessary component for android application, it has some classes for making copy of files,prepared class for list view, dialogs , date and time picker and ...
A simple android app for taking notes. ConstraintLayout, Custom Views (Shaped layouts, custom alert dialogs), Room Persistence Library, View Binding, Reading External Storage, Android Permissions
🧩 Android library to pick an image from gallery or camera. Super easy. Inline result. No need for FileProvider, custom UI or localizations.
This is an Android Library for showing Material Dialog with little customization with icons, colors, divider line. Example is available in app module.
This Android library will help you with an alert dialog to ask for the permissions and requirements to scan the wifi networks arround you
World Country Picker dialog example Read more here
A native Android application created using Java and the Android Studio IDE. Demonstrates practice and knowledge of SQLite Database library, navigating through multiple activities, creating and pulling information out of alert dialogs, and utilizing the Recycler View.
(1) Name :- accelormeterSensor Description :- Using acceloremeter sensor to print Sensor event values. (2) Name :- ActionBarDropdownNavigation Description :- Action bar with dropdown navigation type. (3) Name :- android-actionbar-master Description :- Action bar buttons like add/delete/show. (4) Name :- Android Contact ListView Description :- Fake Contact listview. (5) Name :- AndroidListViewActivity Description :- Listview by extending ListActivity. (6) Name :- android-pulltorefresh-master Description :- Pulltorefresh demo. (7) Name :- Android-PullToRefresh-master Description :- Pulltorefresh handmark demo. (8) Name :- Android-Universal-Image-Loader-master Description :- Universal Image loader. (9) Name :- AnimationAllInOne Description :- Animation like fade/zoom/rotate. (10) Name :- arrayloop Description :- Different types of loops for arraylist items. (11) Name :- autocompletetextimagedemo Description :- Autocomplete with image and text. (12) Name :- BarcodeScanner Description :- Intent for Barcord scanner from google play. (13) Name :- bluetoothtoggle Description :- Toggle on/off bluetooth. (14) Name :- buttonpressed Description :-Status of button is pressed or not. (15) Name :- call Description :- Using TelephonyManager to get device phone number. (16) Name :- calling Description :- Intent to make call to specific number. (17) Name :- cellid Description :- Get cellid to get location. (18) Name :- Compass Description :- Google Glass - compass. (19) Name :- countrycode Description :- Get country code using Locale. (20) Name :- CustomLinkyfy Description :- Using custom linkyfy for various intents. (21) Name :- customlistviewBaseAdapter Description :- Listview with custom base adapter. (22) Name :- custompopup Description :- Dialog custom popup. (23) Name :- CustomSpinner Description :- Custom spinner with default value. (24) Name :- custom-ui Description :- Social Auth – custom UI. (25) Name :- databaseFromAsset Description :- Access database from asset folder. (26) Name :- dragndrop Description :- Drag and drop image demo. (27) Name :- expandablelistview Description :- Expandable listview demo. (28) Name :- flightmode Description :- Toggle on/off flight mode. (29) Name :- FragmentsTest Description :- Simple Fragment demo. (30) Name :- gallerydemo Description :- Image Gallery demo. (31) Name :- GestureDetection Description :- Detect gestures from user. (32) Name :- google image loader api complete Description :- Google image loader. (33) Name :- gpsonoff Description :- Toggle on/off GPS. (34) Name :- gpsonofstatus Description :- Get status of GPS on/off. (35) Name :- Gridlayout Description :- Grid layout demo. (36) Name :- gridviewsimple Description :- Simple grid view. (37) Name :- gsondemo Description :- Gson demo. (38) Name :- hbcustomlibaray Description :- Custom library demo. (39) Name :- HBfragment Description :- Fragment demo with detail and list view. (40) Name :- hideappfromlauncher Description :- Hide app icon from launcher. (41) Name :- highlightedittext Description :- Highlight the selected text. (42) Name :- home pressed Description :- Detect home button press. (43) Name :- HorizontalScrollViewActivity Description :- Horizontal scroll view demo. (44) Name :- ImageGridActivity Description :- Image grid using lru cache. (45) Name :- imageloadergoogle Description :- Google Image loader for auto complete. (46) Name :- imageloaderListViewWithJSONFromURL Description :- Image loader in listview pasring. (47) Name :- InstalledAppNames Description :- Get list of installed apps. (48) Name :- itemcount Description :- Item count calculation. (49) Name :- jasondemo Description :- Jason parsing demo. (50) Name :- jasonparsedemo Description :- Various kind of object json parsing using pojo. (51) Name :- JSONExampleActivity Description :- Json parsing post. (52) Name :- Jsonparsefromtxtfile Description :- Json parsing from txt file. (53) Name :- layoutadddynamically Description :- Adding infinity layout dynamically on button press. (54) Name :- layoutweightdemo Description :- Using layout weight for UI. (55) Name :- Linkedin Description :- Linkedin integration. (56) Name :- linkedinbest Description :- Linkedin integration. (57) Name :- Listview_baseadapter_getItemViewType Description :- Listview with getitemview type for different ui view per listitem. (58) Name :- LiveWallpaper Description :- Live Wallpaper demo. (59) Name :- MyAndroidAppActivity Description :- Simple string buffer. (60) Name :- mypopup Description :- Custom dailog. (61) Name :- notification Description :- Simple notification demo. (62) Name :- Notification_count Description :- Notification Badge count. (63) Name :- Paginated ListView Demo Description :- Pagination for listview. (64) Name :- PayPalSDKExample Description :- Paypal integration. (65) Name :- PinItDemo Description :- Pint it integration. (66) Name :- progressbardemo Description :- Progressbar demo. (67) Name :- ProximatySensorDemo Description :- Using Proximaty sensor for printing values. (68) Name :- pulltorefresh and dragndrop to gridview Description :- Pulltorefresh and drag n drop to gridview. (69) Name :- readtextfile Description :- Read simple text file. (70) Name :- recentRunningBackgroundAppList Description :- Get list of apps that were running recently. (71) Name :- rfile Description :- Get id value from view using r file. (72) Name :- ribbonsample Description :- Ribbon sample demo. (73) Name :- roatation Description :- Get status of rotation on/off. (74) Name :- rotatecenter Description :- Animate image rotation at center point. (75) Name :- screenorientation Description :- Get status of screen orientation landscape/portrait. (76) Name :- SdcardFormat Description :- Format sd card. (77) Name :- selectspeed Description :- Select speed ui txtsheild. (78) Name :- sendemail Description :- Send an email using intent. (79) Name :- share-bar Description :- Social Auth – custom UI. (80) Name :- share-button Description :- Social Auth – custom UI. (81) Name :- sharemyapp Description :- Share app apk from device. (82) Name :- signature Description :- Signature using image bitmap paint. (83) Name :- SimpleListView Description :- Simple listview demo. (84) Name :- smserrors Description :- Send sms and get various exceptions. (85) Name :- socialauth-android Description :- Social Auth demo. (86) Name :- Stopwatch Description :- Google Glass - Stopwatch. (87) Name :- SwitchButton Description :- SwitchButton toggle on/off demo. (88) Name :- textlink Description :- Text as a link url. (89) Name :- Timer Description :- Google Glass - Timer. (90) Name :- toggleButton Description :- Get status Toggle button on/off. (91) Name :- triangledrawable Description :- Draw triangle using drawable xml. (92) Name :- uninstallapp Description :- Uninstall app. (93) Name :- unknownsource Description :- Toggle on/off unknown source flag. (94) Name :- videodemo Description :- Simple video view to play rstp files. (95) Name :- videoviewdemo Description :- Video view to play Youtube files. (96) Name :- ViewPagerDemo Description :- Simple viewpager demo. (97) Name :- ViewpagerInDialogPopup Description :- View pager inside Dialog pop. (98) Name :- webviewnonxss Description :- You tube video play in webview using video id. (99) Name :- webviewyoutubeapi Description :- Simple video play in webview. (100) Name :- zoomtry Description :- Zoom in and zoom out animation.
A custom android popup dialog library which provides you a lot of popup dialog with and without animation