Android Library and App for testing Play Store billing
Android library for handling In-App-Billing V3
A sample which uses Google's Play Billing Library and it does InApp Purchases and Subscriptions.
An RxJava wrapper for the Google Play Billing Library
Android In-App Billing Library which provides several Rx Methods for Purchasing, Consuming and Listing Products
A Kotlin In App Purchase library that lets you easily manage your billing process in Android
Godot Android plugin for the Google Play Billing library
Rx wrapper for Billing Library with connection management
RxJava wrapper for Android Play Billing Library
The library that must be referenced in Boid for Twitter's project for it to compile correctly in Eclipse.
Sample app to explain the In-App purchase implementation in Android using Play-billing library
In-app purchase demo using Google Play Billing library for android apps
Android in-app billing library - To semplify in-app billing integration
In-App Purchases in Android. Warning: you don't see billing dialog until upload build to google play.
RxPlayBilling is a simple, lightweight reactive wrapper around the new Android Play Billing Library
This library provides simple to use coroutine versions of the Google Billing Library APIs
Wrapper around Google Play Billing Library, simplifying its use. Handles client connection, querying sku details, owned purchase, different purchase types, acknowledging purchases etc.
In app billing test: purchase, consume, subscribe... using library
This is a sample to check the flow to Android Billing Library.
Sample Android App for Google In-App Purchases
A lightweight implementation of Android In-app Billing Version 3 (Legacy)
Helper library for Android In-App Billing donations
Demonstration of Google play Billing Library for Android Studio.
Android project of Kipopay in app billing library
This library uses OpenIAB as billing implementation an adds a generic ui for sku's with cardslib
Android Google pay inapp billing using anjilab library , multiple subscription package implementation
An Android library to simplify the usage of Google's in-app billing.
Android library to support Google Play In-App Billing API v3
Android library for integrated admob/audience network/vungle ads and google billing.
Abstraction library of AdMob Ads, User Data Consent (User Messaging Platform, UMP) and In App Purchase (Google Play Billing) for easy integration into your Android app.
Java library to build modern applications with high-def itemized financial data. OCR, AI, and NLP for receipts, invoices, bills, and RFC822 email messages.
This is an android application using the tesseract OCR library to compute the amount to pay from a restaurant bill with the tip included.
Android Library for easing Google Play Billing to your apps with support for Subscriptions, Non-Consumable and Consumable Purchases with a beautiful sample app.
Working on Android In-App Purchases for Google Play billing library with the latest version 6.0.0+
Working on Android In-App Purchases for Google Play billing library with the latest version 5.0.0+
Makes Google play in app purchase library (BillingClient) into a flowable that can easily be used in compose world
Android Library to simplify some android in app functions ( In app billing, in app update, in app review)
Working on Android In-App Subscription for Google Play billing library with the latest version 6.0.0+ in Compose
Godot Android plugin for the Google Play Billing Library version 6 (tested on Godot 3.5.2)
inappbilling is a Google Play Billing library that demonstrates how to implement in-app purchases and subscriptions in your Android application
Capacitor JS Plugin for Android, and eventually iOS, that utilises Qonversion and the Android Billing Library. This allows hybrid applications written with Capacitor a way of integrating Subscription based products with Server Side Purchase authentication. Been away for a year but updates and fixes will resume shortly
Suspendable Helper for access BillingClient. It also includes a client-side token validation, if there is not server available
AdManageKit is an open-source Android library designed to simplify the management of Google AdMob ads,tROI firebase tracking, in-app billing, and User Messaging Platform (UMP) consent in Android applications.