Android glide dependency libraries



Android demo app which was built according to Master/Details, MVVM, Repository and Dependency Injection design pattern guidelines and includes such modern android libraries like Dagger2, RxJava2, Android Architecture Components(ViewModel, LiveData and Room), Data Binding, Retrofit 2 and Glide.

Updated 06 Aug 2020

Android Volley Example with Glide and Butterknife dependency libraries

MIT License
Updated 18 Jul 2018

This project is just for demonstration purpose using updated Libraries and design Pattern like MVVM, Android Architecture Component, Dependency Injection, Retrofit, Paging, Glide & Material Design Concept.

Updated 17 Sep 2019

An application to fetch popular or highest rated movies from theMovieDb site and use the most common practises and external libraries used in android such as Retrofit, Live Data, ViewModel, Dagger 2 - dependency injection, Butterknife, Lifecycle, Glide, interceptor, RxJava, RxAndroid etc.

Updated 14 Jun 2019

In this Demo project I am using retrofit, kodein(kotlin dependency injection),Kotlin Coroutines, MVVM in kotlin, Room database, Glide library for image loading, Android Navigation Architecture, Groupie library for recyclerview, this app includes signin, signup, profile detial, get lists of items from web service and store in local database,

Updated 10 Dec 2019

This Android app allows users to check the latest price of various cryptocurrencies, as well as stay updated on the latest news in the crypto world. The app utilizes Kotlin for development, MVVM for better maintenance, Hilt for dependency injection, Retrofit for network requests, Glide for image loading, and Spark library for displaying charts.

Updated 15 Nov 2024

Android MVVM application which loads data from the web service and displays list Below are the libraries used in this project Network: -Retrofit -Okhttp3 -Moshi Reactive Library: -RxJava -RXAndroid Dependency Injection: -Dagger Network Image Loading: -Glide Database: -Room

Updated 18 Jan 2021

In this android application, I call the API by Volley library , do image processing, add multiple libraries in android and share functionality. I use API that is random meme API by github. Also give internet permission and add JsonObjectRequest. I use Glide libraries and add the following dependencies in gradle, add progress bar and set its visibility and lastly set it into recommended way by move the Queue request code to Mysingleton class. This application uses network connectivity and through API call it shows the random meme image that generated by API and add next button which will show the next random meme and also add the share button which will give url of meme and helping to share the meme among friends.

Updated 19 Jan 2021

how to image

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