An offline library to reverse geocoding country names and ISO codes
EasyLocationPicker is a library that allows you to pick user location easily on a map, It has geocoder and places autocomplete integrated
An offline geocode library for android, powered by SQLite, using osm data. 离线地理编码Android库,基于SQLite,使用开放街道地图数据。
A reverse geocoding library. It uses the native Geocoder or the Maps API.
A simple library that runs Android Geocoder tasks asynchronously
Best Muslim android library that provides: Prayer Times, Offline Geocoder, Names of Allah, and Azkars
A library to wrap Google Place Autocomplete SDK, also get last known location in Rx
This android app can get address from GPS value. In first version, It can get GPS value by 2 ways.First is from GPS sensor in smartphone. And text input. Now,I use Geocoder library but information from this is very old (Some country).
WeatherApp for Android which displays weather info for any location or current one. It employs Volley and Glide libraries for API and image handling, FusedLocationProviderClient for location retrieval, Geocoder for fetching location address and Animations for enhancing user experience.