A mirror of the Android AppRTC demo with sources for the libjingle_peerconnection library.
Open source library to create fast and beautiful video chats over WebRTC
OpenTok React Native - a library for OpenTok iOS and Android SDKs
An Android audio management library for real-time communication apps.
https://appr.tc client project on gradle using prebuilt google WebRTC libraries for android
Android updated WebRTC library with precompiled binaries for all cpu types, java wrapper and apprtc demo. The library is built using pristineio scripts that uses many optimization flags for Android
An easy to use Android library wrapping WebRtc apis, with customizable signaling module and STUN TURN server provider.
All in all WebRTC. A Complete Guide to enable peer to peer **Real-Time Voice Communication** on Android Platform. This repository involves a complete understanding, implementation and documentation related to WebRTC (PeerConnections, ICE Servers, Data Channel) APIs based on Native library so called Libjingle.
A java library to connect Android and java-based WebRTC apps to callstats.io. Also useful for integrating infrastructure components like the jitsi-videobridge, turn-server.
Demo how to work WebRTC library with difference signal protocol
demo for google prebuild version of webrtc native library for android
An android library to add video calling and screen sharing to your android application using just a few lines of code
AppRTC android demo application with callstats library integration
Library containing the compiled WebRTC libraries for Android
Bandyer's android core library for audio&video communication
this is a simple implementation of #Jitsi for android native library for video calling #webrtc
📲 Android Video SDK. Stream's versatile Core + Compose UI component libraries that allow you to build video calling, audio room, and, live streaming apps based on Webrtc running on Stream's global edge network.
A basic Android application with latest WebRTC native libraries and java classes.