Android library providing simple way to control divider items (ItemDecoration) of RecyclerView
Android library to control Transition animates. A simple way to create a interactive animation.
An Android library that bring segmented control style to TabLayout
Android library providing a simple UI control for scrolling through RecyclerViews
:package: The user interface controls library for Android geo applications
Build a simple filter view with customizable controls.
A JAVA implementation of Promise .then control flow library.
Java files in Android Studio library for MobileTouchControls lib
💾 A Powerful library to control and simplify the usage of shared preference in Android.
A simple Android UI library for segmented controls (toggle buttons) with material-ish styling.
A library that gives full control over text related technologies such as bidirectional algorithm, open type shaping, text typesetting and text rendering
This is a project designed to help controlling Android MediaPlayer class. It makes it easier to use MediaPlayer ListView and RecyclerView. Also it tracks the most visible item in scrolling list. When new item in the list become the most visible, this library gives an API to track it.
This library's menu classes has exactly the same look and feel of Android's quick controls found in Browser but with additional improvements for handling.
A music playback and control library for Android applications. This library is an encapsulation of the android-UniversalMusicPlayer.
InputAccessLib is a library that enhances the compatibility of Android applications with a variety of alternative input devices such as external keyboards, adapted switches, hands-free kits and remote controls.
This is a Java library to control GPIO/IIC/SPI/UART on Android
Madman (Media ads manager) is a high performance alternative to Google's standard IMA android SDK. If you have your own VAST server and want to render video ads and have full control over the UI, then this library is for you.
Android library for infrastructure common to my remote-control apps.
:sparkles: Fadecandy server library to manage your Fadecandy USB controlled LED driver on Android
This application demonstrates the available components in the SAP Fiori UI library. The app is intended to provide an example implementation of each control, so that users can take the samples and expand their own applications to use the Fiori library.
OSC (Open Sound Control) libraries and tools written in Java. The design principle of these components is to adopt a 'pooled' approach to message handling and hence are ideal for Android as well as the desktop
Android library for controlling Roku Media Player
This is a custom graph library where you can customize the graph as you want. The key features are you can take the full control over drawing the path, change the gradient color (Start Color - End Color), Change the circle color, Change the circle radius, Change the path color, Change the line thickness, On/Off Gridlines, Change the grid line color, On/Off Graduations, Change the graduation text color, Draw graph with different starting point, Draw graph from the left border (X0 - coordinate), Draw graph with exact coordinates given, Draw graph from left border and stretch until the end of the screen and it is Supported on OS - JellyBean 4.1 and above
Android remote control UI and robot control library for Arduino based robots.
An Android library that help you to build app. It contains three custom controls. They are DividerLinearLayout, LinearListView, DraggableLinearListView.
Noritake ITRON's VFD(Vacuum Fluorescent Display) Control Library for Android
A library for managing zoom controls on interactive views such as maps
CheckTextList is a library for controlling a list of CheckedTextView.
Sony Camera Remote API java library, Android and command-line remote control apps
It's a mock library for Retrofit/OkHttp in android development, to control mock response in run-time.
This library provides an easy way to access and control your Android devices through adb tool.
A Java-based SDK to help streamline controlling Neosensory devices over Bluetooth Low Energy on Android. Built on top of GitHub user weliem's BLESSED library.
A library that allows you to send and receive messages between Android devices via any external server, and as a result gives you the ability to remotely control your device
Fork of Open Pixel Control library for Java/Android from
Library for controling and receiving data for Android Detector apps
A basic keyboard Android app that controls, using bluetooth connection, an Arduino circuit to play sounds. The entire project is based on Ardutooth library, to manage bluetooth connection.
Android library to trigger tasks in background thread using "controlled" Thread-Pool executor
A library to wrap up common game control classes that can be used in multiple projects
Audio Focus Library for B4A designed for apps that need to take control of android audio properly
Simple, Reliable, Fully controlled library for managing progress bars in android
An aar library for android for better controlling of Admob ads ( Can reduce invalid click and Admob limitation)
Simple view with controls for audio playback. Uses MediaPlayer internally to simplify playback.
shared libararies for android develop, contains common UI library such as common control and data model, media library such as codec and live broad cast.
An Android library to control the feelSpace naviBelt from your application.
An Android library for controlling various gestures on RecyclerView items.
An android library providing a media player for your content and handing background playback and media control notification.
Library to use BF-20 Door Control relay with rs485 in android
This is an Android app to control a bluetooth scale car, using OpenCV library for line detection.
Library containting utility classes and kotlin extensions for most common view controler related android tasks.
A text to speech library based on Android TTS API which provide more controls on reading
Optical character recognition and send control command to Arduino via Bluetooth using BluetoothSPP Library
An alternate state control for views for Android. Can be used for showing that a RecyclerView or any other View has no data
CustomWidgets is a library use Android UI controls such as TextView, Button, EditText, ChechBox, RadioButton, Switch, ToggleButton, CircleImageView, SeekBar, etc with Custom typefaces.
A button library for Android develop in Kotlin. Uses latest AndroidX libraries with custom button components to have a larger control on functionality
A collection of reusable Android components like RecyclerViews with adapters, ListViews with floating action buttons and much more. The intention of this library is to reduce the time consumed in developing most commonly used Android controls and classes.
BTK is an app that aims to help the control of libraries collections and some common related process such as book loans.
This is a small library that allows you to control the Syma S107 IR helicopter with any IR blaster enabled android device.
kYee - a Kotlin based Android library to facilitate control of the Xiaomi Yeelight smart lighting system
[WIP] Simple kotlin library to control Tello using an Android App
kHue - a Kotlin based Android library to facilitate control of the Philips Hue smart lighting system
Application Version Control (Update) Android's Library for Custom Server based API
Control GPIOs of Raspberry Pi by Using Android App and a third party library "GenAsync.lib"
This library is helper to control shimmer for View in Android
An android app to control devices over the XConsole protocol which uses the XClient library
Freeware device control of br500 card reader for android. you can expand library as needed
Library for controlling GPIO using real time fire base database. Quick prototyping for android things OS.
Low level library to control a ROBOBO! ROB robotic platform from a Java/Android application.
Minimalistic music player for android (version 4.4+) with Pebble music control and library integration
Take control of your personal data with Incognoto, your secure incognito notes.
A Java library for controlling a Tor instance via its control port. It is used in the Android app Orbot as well as others.
This application demonstrates how to utilize the Chart Cards View in the SAP Fiori UI library. The app is intended to provide an example implementation of these controls with a real network API data source, i.e. the COVID Tracking APIs, so that users can understand how to use the SAP Fiori Chart Cards View to expand the functionality of their own applications.
An extension of "PRDownloader" by "MindOrks" having a DownloaderQueue to control downloads properly. A file downloader library for Android with pause and resume support
This project is using openCV library with android to control a robot car equipped with Arduino uno controller board.
Android application develop to control Spotify with the voice using the Spotify API and a voice recognition library
This is an android library to control both external ACS readers and read tags. I hope to have an open library for everyone with an ACS reader.
(May 2013) Project to learn Arduino and Amarino, the Bluetooth library interface between Android and Arduino. It consists in a rotating multicolor LED lamp with a star map lampshade. This Android application controls the lights and the stepper motor.
Circular Animated Drawable is a animation library that allows you to animate your views. It allows you to control and customize the animation of your views at different states. It also allows you to customize the differenct propoerties of the animation as well like color,opactiy etc.
(1) Name :- ActionBarSearchView Description :- Action bar search view. (2) Name :- Adsfree Description :- Admob integration. (3) Name :- AndroidDayDreamDemo Description :- Day dream demo. (4) Name :- android query demo live Description :- Google play live app details parsing. (5) Name :- Arc GIS map Description :- Arc gis map integration without hash key. (6) Name :- aviarySdk Description :- Aviary integration for image operations. (7) Name :- BetterGestureDetector Description :- Gesture accrate detection. (8) Name :- BlinkText Description :- Blinking text. (9) Name :- BuzzBoxSDKHelloWorld Description :- Buzz box integration cron scheduler. (10) Name :- CircularProgressBar Description :- Circular progress bar. (11) Name :- ContactNumbersDemo Description :- Get contact details from device. (12) Name :- ControlViewheight Description :- Manage height of specific view. (13) Name :- ControlViewHeightSeekbar Description :- Two listview manage appropriate hieght. (14) Name :- DownloadManagerAndroid Description :- Download specific file online. (15) Name :- Facebook Integration Description :- Facebook integration. (16) Name :- Graphview Description :- Graphview demo. (17) Name :- HB 1337 Description :- Virus and antivirus. (18) Name :- HomeButtonEvent Description :- Block home button press. (19) Name :- HomeLauncher Description :- Home launcher demo. (20) Name :- InAppPurchaseTut Description :- InAppPurchase demo. (21) Name :- KeyboardCustom Description :- Creating Custom keyboard demo. (22) Name :- MapDemoGeofencing Description :- Location map for geo fencing. (23) Name :- MapDemoV2Final Description :- Map demo for google version 2. (24) Name :- OpenGLESSquare Description :- Opengl moving square. (25) Name :- pagination numbering 2 Description :- Pagination type 2. (26) Name :- Pagination numbering Description :- Pagination type 1. (27) Name :- PhoneGapCordova Description :- Phone gap simple cordova demo. (28) Name :- PhoneGapCordovaCamera Description :- Phone gap for camera. (29) Name :- PhoneGapCordovaParsing Description :- Phone gap for parsing. (30) Name :- PhoneGapCordovaSMS Description :- Phone gap for sending sms. (31) Name :- RotatingWheel Description :- Rotating wheel by user interaction. (32) Name :- RotatingWheelSocialsites Description :- Rotating wheel by user interaction for socialsites. (33) Name :- RunningBackgroundServices Description :- Get Running services in background for package name/class name. (34) Name :- SearchList Description :- Searching from a specific list. (35) Name :- SearchViewContacts Description :- Search from contacts details. (36) Name :- SlidingDrawer Description :- Sliding drawer from bottom over another activity. (37) Name :- SpeechToTextDemo Description :- Convert speech to text. (38) Name :- TextToSpeak Description :- Convert text to speech. (39) Name :- TouchCordinates Description :- Get coordinate of user touch intergration. (40) Name :- TreeViewListDemo Description :- Tree view integration demo. (41) Name :- UninstallDeleteapp Description :- Uninstall another app from my app after removing admin permission. (42) Name :- ViewPagerCustomWidthFragment Description :- Fragment in viewpager. (43) Name :- WearableNotification Description :- Wearable notification. (44) Name :- WearablePages Description :- Wearable pages. (45) Name :- WidgetDemo Description :- Widget demo. (46) Name :- CameraIntentAll Description :- Camera demo for picture as well as video demo. (47) Name :- CameraOverlay Description :- Camera overlay image as aim shooting game. (48) Name :- DrmIntegration Description :- Drm Integration library for authorize users apk file. (49) Name :- SwipeRefreshLayout Description :- SwipeRefreshLayout Pulltorefresh like google. (50) Name :- TwitterIntegration Description :- Twitter Integration. (51) Name :- CameraADev Description :- Custom Camera for picture as well as video capture from android developer. (52) Name :- DataBaseSQLiteCRUD Description :- Simple SQLite CRUD funtions for contact database. (53) Name :- DataBaseSQLiteDBUtility Description :- Simple SQLite DBUtility all files and basic operations. (54) Name :- CustomDropdownMenu Description :- Custom Dropdown/Poup Menu. (55) Name :- CalenderSimpleView Description :- Simple calender view as well as timestamp using calender class. (56) Name :- CalendarProviderADevIntent Description :- Calender provider Intent from android developer. (57) Name :- AnimationTextViewAnimateLayoutChanges Description :- Animation of adding view inside another view using animatelayoutchanges. (58) Name :- DragnDropLowVersion Description :- Drag n drop funtionality for low version. (59) Name :- GoogleWalletAdev Description :- Google Wallet Integration from android developer. (60) Name :- AndroidShootingGame Description :- Android Shooting Game without opengl. (61) Name :- ViewPagerAnimation Description :- ViewPager page transformation for pages like alpha,scaling,rotation. (62) Name :- GoogleCloudWirelessPrintingIntent Description :- Google cloud wireless printing integration from google developer. (63) Name :- Barcode_or_QRCode_Scanner_openurl Description :- Barcord/QR code scanner from google play and open result url in browser. (64) Name :- MSServerListSyncSample Description :- List Sync Sample using MS Server. (65) Name :- SlidingMenuAPI Description :- Sliding Menu jeremyfeinstein library like facebook,gmail,etc. (66) Name :- GCMIntegration Description :- Google cloud messageing integration for notification. (67) Name :- NoiseAlert Description :- Detect noise or blow sound. (68) Name :- GregorianCalendar Description :- Basic Gregorian Calendar information. (69) Name :- getVariableName Description :- Get name of the variable not its value. (70) Name :- GoogleAnalyticsV4Adev Description :- Google analytics integration V4. (71) Name :- FlipboardAnimationAdev Description :- Animation like Flipboard. (72) Name :- Html5Camera Description :- Camera in Html5 without phonegap. (73) Name :- CopyPasteClipboard Description :- Copy & Paste Clipboard textual data. (74) Name :- AndroidPhpMysql Description :- Php and Mysql data parsing in android. (75) Name :- SpellChecker Description :- Check spelling and give appropriate suggestion for enter text. (76) Name :- PdfReader Description :- Read pdf file.Barcode/QR code scanner. (77) Name :- BarcodeQRcodeIntegration Description :- Barcode/QR code scanner using ZbarScanner lib and also Zxing lib without intent. (78) Name :- InstagramIntegrationApi Description :- Instagram Integration using sample demo. (79) Name :- Logger Description :- Read logger/logcat using api. (80) Name :- SmsControl Description :- Control device via sms codes. (81) Name :- EncryptDecryptString Description :- Encrypt string and Decrypt the same string. (82) Name :- FloatingActionButton Description :- Floating Action Button. (83) Name :- DownloadAndUnzipFile Description :- Download And Unzip File. (84) Name :- MoPubAd Description :- MoPub Ad Banner integration . (85) Name :- ListViewParsingDB_AndroidStudio Description :- ListView Parsing in android studio. (86) Name :- CustomCamera_AS Description :- Custom Camera using surfaceview. (87) Name :- ResizeableBox_AS Description :- Resizeable Box like crop. (88) Name :- AudioRecorder_AS Description :- Audio Recorder. (89) Name :- DateAndTimePicker_AS Description :- Date And Time Picker. (90) Name :- CustomActionBar_AS Description :- Simple Custom ActionBar. (91) Name :- CustomSpinner_AS Description :- Custom Spinner with default text item. (92) Name :- SendEmail_AS Description :- Send email in background after authentication. (93) Name :- GoogleAnalytics_AS Description :- GoogleAnalytics integration demo for crash and screen. (94) Name :- BroadcastReciever_AS Description :- Broadcast Reciever for sms ,call and boot receiver. (95) Name :- Azure Description :- Azure storage gsi credentials zip dowload. (96) Name :- InAppPurchase_AS Description :- In App Purchase simple demo. (97) Name :- iOS_Listview Description :- Simple Listview in ios. (98) Name :- iOS_Database Description :- Sqlite Database in ios. (99) Name :- MessangerList_AS Description :- Messanger Listview UI send and recieve. (100) Name :- FindingFriend_AS Geofencing for enter and exit another pin.
ExtendedChipGroup extend from ChipGroup which was added in google material library. I added a function to control the max number of lines, as well as buttons for while / hiding chips
This app is very easy and user friendly to use. It provides variety of filters that can improve the image as per the user’s choice. Since Instagram is becoming very popular these days we have chosen to develop this app that can improve our skills in android and have overall idea about photo editors. Zomato, Andorid Hive. This library offers basic image operations like controlling Brightness, Saturation and Contrast and few image filters. This app improvises the library and hosted it on a public maven repository so that we can integrate in our projects very easily.
KTM Technologies nlcmd is a natural language phrase matching library for Android, that can be used to implement fine grained voice control features
PhotoViewer is a simple wrapper library for Android Compount Controls. Square Image View is an Image View with an square dimension. Rectangle Image View is an image View with a rectangle dimension. SpiralPhotoView is a view group which is used to place multiple image view that is portrait or landscape in a single Spiral view.
This is a videogame made with processing library and android sdk. it is inspired in space invaders and you control the game from your phone
We know that the display of toast is controlled by the notification authority of Android system. My library is to solve the control of notification authority. If you have a better plan, welcome to exchange:
This is a library to use ACS readers with an android device to have the same NFC capabilities an inbuilt readers. It also supports control codes to send commands to readers without a tag placed on the reader. I hope to make it an API like library to use across the board for all android devices.
mobile application on android, BLE communication to embedded device in electric outlet, settings and dimming control for each outlet and metrics from current usage displayed using MPAndroid Graph Library
Android Kotlin library providing an adapter that displays a loading state when no other items exist in the adapter. It will also show an error state controlled by a flag.
Ground Control is an annotations-based Android library that eliminates boilerplate when implementing runtime permissions. It uses aspect-oriented programming to weave in calls to the generated boilerplate code at the appropriate execution points.
An Android library that let's you place a personalized seek bar with numbers indicators above it. The selected number indicator has its height higher than the others around it. You can even control the way the wave will behave.
Android App that can be used to control RC car, There are two ways to control car in app: by using arrows or by using Joystick. This app is using library I wrote to deal with bluetooth in events driven manner, all operations are asynchronous.
A simple Android application to search videogames and its games. It aims to test new frameworks version and show some skills. I 'm going to use Dagger, Mockito for mock unit tests, JUnit for tradicional unit tests, Retrofit, Gson, Picasso, ButterKnife and Android Design Support Library. I’ve developed this project using MVP architecture and I’ve “programmed to an interface” to be able to do inversion of control. My view layer is the more passive as possible and in this way I can focus my unit tests on presenter and model layers. I like to strongly separate each layer and charge the presenter to call the other layers.
A brand new rubik solver application designed in android studio and openGl library. It shows steps both in 2D and 3D. It has both admob and facebook ad integrated which can be controlled over a server. Quiet Intuitive UI designing. Download and enjoy solving cube with ease.
This is the initial version of the voice controlled bot, created for a hackathon at Siemens. Uses CMU PocketSphinx for keyword detection and usb to serial library to send commands from android to arduino through serial port, using usb otg. Code may have redundancy.
Movie application that lists movie posters, titles, and ratings a user can click to find out more details. This application is built using MVVM architecture as well as several Android Jetpack libraries which include Retrofit, RxJava, Room, and Glide. Git utilized for version control.
The JSONCrypt library is specifically used for encrypting and decrypting data that is sent and received between a client and a server. This library can be easily used by budding programmers to secure their data transmission. The library makes use of 128 bit AES encryption of data, followed by either RSA encryption or developer specified custom encryption of the AES key. This grants the user absolute right to control and manage the security of their data. Further, a user is entitled to various methods of creating an AES key for encryption. Library users include both J2EE and Android developers working extensively on server request and response.