Asynchronous socket, http(s) (client+server) and websocket library for android. Based on nio, not threads.
🚀 A Complete Fast Android Networking Library that also supports HTTP/2 🚀
Android java library for FFmpeg binary compiled using
Preview version of the Bluetooth Mesh Provisioner and Configurator library
The easiest HTTP networking library for Kotlin/Android
Android Multi Bluetooth Library
Android Automatic License Plate Recognition library ( ported for android.
This is a clone of Volley, with the relevant changes made to make it work with Square's OkHttp library. It also has Jackson integrated to provide a convenient object model.
Net packets capture & injection library designed for Android
Wrapper library around Android's HttpUrlConnection.
Simple PickerView for Android - code from
A fork of the ksoap2 library ( to support the Android platform.
PRDownloader - A file downloader library for Android with pause and resume support
Multi-threaded HTTP server library for Android devices
An android simple but clear sample project for MVP pattern, including mvp usage with eventbus. @Deprecated, try google official solution:
Exif extended library for Android, based on jhead c library (
A Powerful Android Charting Library by
DEPRECATED - Use instead
Simple API to perform AES encryption on Android. This is the Android counterpart to the AESCrypt library Ruby and Obj-C (with the same weak security defaults :( ) created by Gurpartap Singh.
A Android Studio Project For
OkHttp and AsyncHttp network framework in the request rate, success rate, memory and CPU consumption, etc.OkHttp 和 AsyncHttp 比较,在请求速度、成功率、内存使用率、cpu使用情况等进行比对,希望对网络框架的选择有些帮助
:satellite: [Android Library] Simplified async networking in android
🏐 Volley library : make everything faster . Its an improvements for Volley by Google for Android
Android library to record the network calls through the interceptor mechanism of the http clients.
Demo app for the Android library providing APIs to interact with iBeacons which is developed by:
Unofficial API Wrapper for Android
The implementation of Android "Architecture Components" sample explained by Google :
🔎 An HTTP inspector for Android & OkHTTP (like Charles but on device) - More Chucker than Chuck
Android has deprecated the Apache module(HttpPost and HttpGet) since API level 22, Now the alternate way is to use JAVA's built in library HttpURLConnection Class. This tutorial does not involves any library to send and recieve data like Volley, HttpOk etc. For Tutorial link
The template project that uses Android Architecture Components with Repository pattern. The simple app that uses awesome Fuel library instead of Retrofit for perfoming HTTP request. The app also persists data using the Room library and display data in RecyclerView.
Deprecated. Now lives here:
Sample implementation of CandyBar
A simple android asynchronous library for android using okhttp
Sample project for android-gif-drawable library
Reactive motion for Android. Deprecated; please use the Motion library in Material Components for Android instead:
A github clone of
Kotlin version of android boilerplate app that showcases architecture and libraries used at ribot
Indicator for PhotoView Library
ews-java-api library packaged for Android. For API details see
A simple library for letting Point of Sale take in-store payments for your app using Point of Sale API.
SweetAlert for Android, a beautiful and clever alert dialog
Simple implementation of kevinsawicki's HttpRequest library in an Android app
A sample project which can be used as a base in order to develop Media Library applications for Android TV. Follow the series of blogs starting at in order to keep up to date with the process
Flexible and Easy HTTP/REST Communication library for Java and Android
Wizard Pager is a library that provides an example implementation of a Wizard UI on Android, it's based of Roman Nurik's wizard pager (
An example implementation of the OkHttp http client library by Square
Kotlin Networking - An elegant networking library written in Kotlin
Kotlin HTTP request library for Android, adapted from @jkcclemens/khttp.
OBSOLETE Java library to access the Opera Link API. PLEASE USE INSTEAD
UI design library for smartwatch Apps on Ticwear or Android Wear.
A Demo of Pinterest Layout using the AndroidStaggeredView by etsy. Original library can be found here —
Android library module for OIDC inspired from
Android Simple Network Library for HTTP and Image Requests with cool features implemented with Simple Demo using some Material Design UI Elements.
PMML evaluator library for the Android operating system (
Features of the new Design Support Library in a sample application - client project on gradle using prebuilt google WebRTC libraries for android
Open SCADA library based on Moka7 (
This is the simple library for developed on Android.
Ever asked yourself how to POST data or files in Android? This tiny library lets you send a post request easily in Android, and even enables tracking progress of upload.
Software library for Android applications. Fork from
An Android library to add a glitch effect into a string, inspired by Gist for this library is here:
An android restful api/networking library using okhttp library as backbone.
An android library for QuickSms SMS gateway (
DownZ is a Http Library that makes networking for Android apps easier and faster
Built with node.js(express.js) and mysql on the server-side and Android Volley HTTP library on the client side for transmitting network data
FlyHttp library for http client requests and served with Android.
Library to perform HTTP Data Source calls to the Plex Manufacturing Cloud from Android devices
QR code reader library
A RatingBar library for android, you can customize size ,color ,spacing and image easily!Support right to left。效果可以参看:
A android video cache library clone from danikula's repository, for Android Studio 3.4,See author source repository
📬 The LifecycleModel class is designed to store and manage UI-related data in a lifecycle conscious way, the LifecycleModel class allows data to survive configuration changes such as screen rotations, it also handles the communication of the Activity / Fragment with the rest of the application, base on
Implementation of
Android app that uses the syncplay-java library. Should work with protocol.
A sample application of the library
A library that makes android HTTP requests easier and requires no boiler plate code; based on Google's Volley library.
Simple Android GCM push library. + test web page.
A simple but powerful HTTP networking library for Android. It features a Fluent chainable API, and it's powered by Java/Android's URLConnection classes for maximum compatibility and speed.
Webi Fast and full of features HTTP library that makes easy networking and caching response for Android apps
AndroidAsyncHttpLibrary Loopj (fix)
Android to fetch PHP file without using any library. For tutorial
This is a minimalistic sample project which shows how the android-kitkat-nfc-library ( and the android-nfc-payment-library ( can be used.
A multi-part/form uploader for the Volley HTTP library
Contoh project Android untuk implementasi koneksi HTTP pada aplikasi android, implementasi design pattern Observer dan penggunaan beberapa komponen dari Material Design Support Library
Sample for new Architecture Components from Google
F4pl0's Awesome Request Library for Android
RetrofitHelper is an Open Source Android library that used to make HTTP request easily.
GetJson is the simplest HTTP library to Receive JSON Data from REST Service.
A simple library for show a counter in action menu, based
An example implementation of Google's architecture, found here:
在著名的开源表达式解析器IK Expression( 基础之上加以修改,使之成为一个Android Library Project,IKExpression.cfg.xml文件源设置更方便
Tapjoy Android Publisher Library (downloaded from
Common library for Android,Util class just like Http, Image,Database and so on,is a library convenient to develop.
A Java wrapper over NDCrash C library Don't forget to run git submodule update --init --recursive after checking out.
An android translation(based on Data Binding Library) of Album Sample app from Martin Fowler’s original article on Presentation Model(MVVM) pattern.
A simple Kotlin library for http request in Android.
android design library 各种组件的综合使用demo,原文出自
Http/Https library for Android. Supports Text/Binary/Json/DownloadFile/UploadFile etc.
**DEPRECATED**. Use the native and support library variants instead - An android library that makes it easy to add custom fonts to edittexts and textviews
MaterialStepper is a custom Android View Library inspired by:
simple http library wrap around native socket, provide multiplexing.
Library that generates User-Agent string for http requests
Icons fields generator for Android-Iconics Library
Asynchronous socket, http (client+server), websocket, and library for android. Based on nio, not threads.
An Android Client Library of [Libvncserver](
A chainable HttpRequest/Response library for Android.
the simple utility for google maps in android :
Simple and light Rest API calling library for the android.
Android NFC App to read and display the Track 2 information from a PayPass/PayWave card. using EMV library
An Android Library project that makes it easier to asynchronously load bitmaps from http sources
Fork from little-fluffy-location-library (
A Sqlite class library implementation of the android 'SharedPreferences' object.
已废弃,请转至: 自定义相机拍摄照片、拍摄视频,使用Luban进行压缩照片。
Android Library Project with pre-built JNI Libraries from this Bypass Fork:
Java android library for creating a Multi-Threaded Http Server on android .
Android Client for API. The library inside this app can also be used for SE JAVA apps.
Android image grabber/fetcher library with automatic resizing and memory, disk, and http caching.
Rate library for Android,The implementation of
An android store and forward library for http post requests. It will keep trying to post your requests until there is a valid connection. Reyna is Icelandic for 'try'.
⚔️base libraries for⚔️
Fork from
A normal web server written in android using nanohttpd library
A plugin for Cordova using ZXing library from
This is an AndroidStudio/Gradle port for the android-lockpattern library hosted at: This is for use in more modern projects that use the superior gradle build system.
Simplified Google Play Games Library partially based on
Here are 3 starter apps to kick off your NFC development for Android. These apps were originally created for _Professional Android Sensor Development_ published by Wrox Press and forked from the book's _Great Android Sensing Toolkit_ library available on github:
Android recycler view not supports for onItemClickListner event. This library helps to wrap up and gain the missing recycle view item click and item long click functions. This library is a project carried by Lakitha, give a visit
Indian Comedy shows.This app contains all Indian famous comedy can download and watch all your favorite comedy videos .the database used here is mysqli and for connection I used php.this app also contains a funny comedy timeline like fb. Used Json and Volley library for Loading datin in a very fast way also provides Cache during offilne. Apk available at Fdroid:-
Android Vector Drawable Example using AppCompat Support Library :-
An Android java library for asynchronously making http requests and notifying observers of the response and its contents
Just trying to improve this library
An enhanced version of pdfjet (, an Android compatible Java library to generate PDF documents. This version fixes some problems for adding content to certain pdf files.
An Eclipse IDE supported library to bring fully animated Material Design components to pre-Lolipop Android. Ref.:
Kotlin Android Architecture Library by eMan. Sample demo app you can find here
This is app is a product of my Android Jetpack Lifecycle tutorial which can be found here:
该Library基于mvp ,mvvm ,封装常用功能,使用Retrofit+RxJava+okhttp封装http请求
Sample application to abstract Http client library from app
Utility library for http communication in Android Apps
geofencing application for android use firebase database and Geofire Library. The original tutorial link and all credits goes to: and Farhad2015/Geofence-GeoFire
Reads SQLite databases and generates classes that can be used with Room (
Mirror of Android Open Source Project Volley HTTP Library, with build patches applied
Java based URL Shortener API for android similar to
LoopJ library in combination with latest version of httpclientandroidlib
Library which uses the FlexboxLayout
Fork of AndroidSoap library byt Auth Gabor
This library is a modified version of the JoystickView widget (and its associated classes) available from the mobile-anarchy-widgets project on Google Code ( I've stripped the code to my needs and added some customization options that I needed for my own project.
Android library that provide auto managing Cookies inside OkHttpClient
This is a port of the java geom library to android. (See
Google Vision API on Android with Volley Library for HTTP Requests
Networking API is an HTTP library that makes networking for Android apps easier.
showcase a bug in androidX leanback library
This is a library that contains practical animations: Rotation, Flip, Horizontal and Vertical Shake, Pulse.
Android data-binding for library
You can find a clear explanation of how this library works & how to use it in your project from this article(
An integration of
Just like name,this is a Android http network library used OkHttp and Volley.
Android Library and Client for httpbin
Project in Android for WI using REST and
A checked/button with Twitter's heart explosion like animation (for Android). Based on the Android library:
very very easy library.
An Android library for TestPoke Beta Testing & Crash Reporting
An Android library to make simple http requests simple.
Android library for providing push notifications in your Android app from
Gradlized android-midi-lib(
A lightweight, asynchronous, Http Library which simplifies android HTTP Communication.
Perform asynchronous Http requests on Android using ASYNC and HTTP libraries.
I've written some example that use OkHttp library to connect the http request.
Fork from
Kotlin library to mock http responses that fits into retrofit
A tool that help u to find librarys in maven. Inspired by
A small Android Java library built using HttpURLConnection for handling HTTP POST and GET requests.
[Deprecated] convert from
An Android library to make HTTP requests.
Tutorial Penggunaan Library OkHttp pada pemrograman Android
Web Controller using OkHttp to request REST API server and store data locally using Realm.
Callback-based async http client library for Android
We have used Volley as networking library in lot of my articles. Today we are going to look at another awesome library Retrofit to make the http calls. Retrofit is denitely the better alternative to volley in terms of ease of use, performance, extensibility and other things. It is a type-safe REST client for Android built by Square. Using this tool android developer can make all network stuff much more easier. As an example, we are going to download some json and show it in RecyclerView as a list.
A Simple Synchronous HTTP Wrapper Library for Android. Using HttpUrlConnection. Easy and Flexible.
Loading the UI asynchronously. So you can stop worrying about profiling your app to find that one thing that drops the frames of your fancy animation. Demo of the AsyncLayoutInflater thats part of the backward compatibility library from Android.
Android application for
Hi Android Kotlin developers , this is the simple Kotlin app for Retrofit HTTP library . Retrofit use to make a HTTP calls . I am new in Kotlin so any changes or some thing went to the wrong then please give me a note. In this project i also covered recycler list view internet connection check and other stuff. thank you,
Following a tutorial at on how to create a module
Http Library for Java & Android Apps
High performance Android HTTP Client Library. Create a Request and pass to RequestThreadPool. The RequestThreadPool manages worker threads to process the request. The worker thread handles caching, network request, data parsing, retry, and finally provide callback to the caller.
This is a small Android project, where you can learn how to create an Android Contact FORM and CRUD with Realm Mongo DB. In this project, we've used: AndroidStudio, Java, ConstraintLayout, TextView, ImageView, Button, RecyclerView, View.OnLongClickListener, Realm (Object Database Management System), Picasso Library(image downloading and caching library) hope that will helps you, Thanks.
Sample code provided by This code demonstrates use of otto event bus library to communicate between components of android application. For more info Visit -
Third party librabries make developers' live way easy. They can significantly reduce the amount of code in your project. You can build robust apps by simply these libraries. In this tutorial I am going to introduce some very powerful libraries for android app development. Lets do some reading practic first. Dagger-2-ButterKnife-Retrofit-OkHttp-Picasso-Gson-Annotations
Unity game turned into an android library
Working Android Project for testing
A simple and powerful library to send HTTP Requests and retrieve JSON data in Android.
popular library " android async http " demos ,implment some http request and download functions.
【Kotlin-Version】 Http/Https library for Android. Supports Text/Binary/Json/DownloadFile/UploadFile etc.
multiple range highlight sample android source code for following library->
:fire::fire::fire: Android + Kotlin + Redux = :heart:
Processing for Android UI Library As originally posted on:
Fork of
URL shortening library in Java using default Android HTTP and parsing libraries.
Android library for receiving CSI data through Serial from an ESP32 using (
Android Library for simplifying APIs requests from android apps based on Volley http networking library
Sample android app for medium. It showcases process of generating android client library from OpenAPI specification found at
you can get more information here
Consuming http methods (GET, POST) using volley libraries in android oreo. Connecting Android with Real World Data !! Example Library
Library for REST on android apps. It includes HTTP components from Apache HttpClient, besides the Android native connections.
Utilisation du library OkHttp avec Gson et GsonFormat dans le cadre d'un projet android avec le webService OpenDataParis
Some demos built around the overlay feature (preview + picture + video record) of @natario1's CameraView ( Android library.
Android client library for reddit cross-device history sync
高德定位基础library类;高德定位地址Android sdk
Simple http library meant for android development.
This is a patched version of the Support Library V7 AppCompat. It fixes the following bug:
Android framework for development with readable code base written in kotlin
As this is a popular HTTP client library I wanted to expand my knowledge test its functionality in a small project
A lightweight WebSocket library for Android devices following RFC 6455 guidelines. Support for both client and server side WebSocket implementations.
Android Library to manage the UDOO BLU board by BLE -
Java Library to access NotifyMyAndroid public API
An edited (beautified) version of android-wheel library (
Android standard support library, like AES encryption, Json string parser from Android asset dir, Drawable view, and AsyncTask http request
Fetcher - A Human Friendly HTTP Library for Android
Sample project using rick morty ( implementing a version of clean architecture with an mvvm workflow. This project also outlines the use of Coroutines and my personal library Ketro (
Server-Sent Event with oksee library
[Deprecated] convert from
An android library design to converts an image into a pixelated version.Inspired by .
Plist parser for Google HTTP Client Library fro Android
Weka Port to Android Library
An Android HTTP Client library running using AsyncTask. Suitable for short content transmission.
Odin is a lightweight Http Library wich simplifies the android HTTP Communication
Android library for service
Android DayNight Theme Example using AppCompat support library:-
App demonstrating the proper use of the Volley HTTP library.
Android Room Library Relations example for
HTTP client library for Android & regular Java applications. Wraps around HttpURLConnection making it fun to consume RESTFul APIs/backends.
An simple application that explores Android Architecture Components
A library for Picture&Video select on Android.inspired by
A test project to explore the Volley library, the HTTP Library by Google for Android platform
MPAndroidChart ( Library is a beautiful graphing solution for android
Android Cacheable Network Library For HTTP & JSON RPC protocol. Cache network responses to use later. Designed for offline first approached architecture.
Http request library for DAL layer in Android base on okhttp3, RxJava2.
Common HttpClient for iOS and Android platforms with dependency injection libraries - Dagger 2 - Android
This is a sample project used to compare different HTTP libraries available on Android
the image picker library fork from . do some change ,now support android 7.0
How to use Volley, Retrofit, and OkHttp networking libraries in Android.
MoviesStore-Android Retrofit 2 + Dagger 2 + Butterknife + Glide. Based on my other repository
Retrofit has been Handled !! || Consumable code for request API (Pixabay API) || Link
A simple example of using Volley Library in Android to make Http requests.
A sample android client consuming rest api using OkHttp library. json-server is used for quick backend
Membuat CRUD dengan library ROOM menggunakan android java. sumber belajar
A networking library for HTTP long polling / comet connections
Android application using retrofit library for making http requests
Warning: Deprecated! It's strongly recommended to use custom LayoutManager with RecyclerView instead of this library (for decrease used memory in long lists). Layout with a looped scrolling for android. Sample here:
Implementação do tutorial:
Very often you need to use javax.sound. or* but due to dalvik limitation you can't, here you can find a ported version of the compiled jar file and also the source code to compile it with maven. (mvn clean package) in the directory with the pom.xml, also don't forget to set your java home variable to a jdk version of java for maven to work properly. Also check out he is the one who ported the library
A mirror of; an Android port of Apache's HttpComponents library (version 4.2.3)
Example for testing an HTTP library -Volley- that makes networking for Android apps easier and most importantly, faster.
Fork of Open Pixel Control library for Java/Android from
Implementation of this awesome library and will continue to add more Modern Android Development
Retrofit HTTP Library (Sumber:
SmartLib is a prototype of Crowdsourced Book Library that can be populated with iOS and Android Smartphones and meta-information is gathered through the Google Book API. More info: http:/
Http/Https web call library for Java and Android
Android library for accessing News API.
Android Library for Inventiv Critic:
a library support ftp and http file download
Test StackBlur library
An Android project library that help you to make a Asynchronous HTTP Connections
Collection of useful libraries for Java.
The application mainly consists of a map view, once opened it gets user GPS or Network location and requests for nearby venues from Foursquare APIs. Application should cache the retrieved venues so that on next application start up, cached venues are displayed until fresh new venues are retrieved from server. It then places pins of each venue on the map, pin images should be venues images retrieved from Foursquare. Clicking on any pin should open an info window with the name of the venue, when clicking on the info window allow user to check-in in this venue. For user to check-in, this user should be logged in using OAuth implementation of Foursquare login. • I am using Job queue manager library to easily schedule jobs (tasks) that run in the background, improving UX and application stability. You can find it here ( • I am using EventBus that simplifies communication between Activities, Fragments, Threads, Services, etc you can find it here ( • I am using Retrofit that turns your REST API into a Java interface. It depend on Okhttp and Gson library You can find it here ( or ( ) • I am using foursquare-android-oauth You can find it here ( • I am using google play services
retrofit-jsonapi-converter is a Kotlin library for Android that adapts with retrofit to be able to map http responses with jsonapi.
Proof of concept about Android Architecture components. This proof os concept is based in the following concept:
Country (ISO/phone code) material picker library based on EditText (TextInputEditText). [Fresh port to kotlin androidx of]
A simple example of implementing pagination with paging library from Architecture Components. With using Github API for load repositories info.
Thanks for article:
Android autoupdate library. Android 自动升级类库。see
Training project using library Epublib
Example project which shows basic usage of AndroidSettings ( library
This is a demonstration to show how to implement Ideamart Subscription API with Android with using Retrofit HTTP Library
Android paging library implementation with RxJava and Handling Empty States. Based on
Server is a light and fast HTTP library that makes networking for Android apps very simple. It is specially designed for transfer String and JSON data between android app and live server. Another major advantage of this is that it is very friendly with PHP.
本科时做的基于Java的图书管理系统的Android APP,JavaWeb在
The Generic Quest Library for Android (GQL8) helps you create questionnaires within an Android application. A questionnaire is defined within a very simple JSON files, and then the library creates it dynamically and displays it as a set of ordered Android activities. Results are returned as a JSON array of values. It works for Android API 8 and higher. Find a how-to example in
Library project for android. Contains : Http Request & Resoponse. Xml to JSON and JSON to XML Converter. Connection Detector. Location Detector. Date Conversion. Device, Text, Base64 and Maths Utils.
Simple java game for android with libgdx3 library made from
implementing 4 different test strategies in android from plus one Robolectric Testing from
Http library for Android applications, it performs the basic https requests(GET, POST...etc.)
Sample for tutorial
Android library that simplifies the process of requesting permissions at runtime.
Freetime is an android-oriented library that provides tools to rest http, gui, services, multithread .. etc
Lightweight Java and Android library for integration with Ethereum clients
Android Library that converts HTTP URL with Parameters to Post for Web Views
A communication library for Android to create and send http request
Super-lightweight HTTP client library in Java for Android and the JVM
A simple weather app that makes use of volley library. Volley library is an HTTP library that makes networking for android apps easier and faster.
A Cordova/AngularJS Plugin (for Android only) which helps to perform HTTP requests using the awesome Retrofit 2 library under the hood.
Android Http Client is a small library to make requests to any internet service simple and practical way. You can implement multiple interfaces for the management of the responses. It also includes interfaces for managing upload and download of files.
Fork of with usage of newer libraries version and AndroidX.
This android-studio project repo contains a few main android library 'modules' which allows Android phones to connect and read/parse GNSS (GPS/GLONASS/Galileo/BeiDou) position data from existing Bluetooth GNSS Receivers like the EcoDroidGPS Bluetooth GPS Receiver ( - which is the main target device and developed by the same author of this project and also others similar 'nmea-like-messages over RFCOMM' devices like the HOLUX Bluetooth GPS devices, the Garmin GLO, etc.
Trying out Material Design on Android, using some great ideas from
Android app implementation library steganography ( with kotlin programing language
Push library for Android to go with the push notification server on library: declarative layouts, minimize glue binding app logic to layouts
SnowShoe Android library (very loosely based on
Testing android architecture component
Uses volley HTTP library to make simple httprequests to an express webserver.
Android boilerplate app that showcases architecture and libraries used at Rolling Glory
An Android Library for acessing the Datamuse Word API.
Android Monkey Library - inspired from
Android Geofencing module using the latest google geofencing library. The library uses eventbus for event handling between classes. Please refer to this post for JAR issues: If you are having issues when dexing and are using An appcelerator version less than 5.4.0.GA in a module then please refer to this JIRA ticket, particularly my Sean Conway comments:
Android Design Support Library包的使用
Demo project for Android Modules library
android-json-rpc client library(fork from
Android client library + sample to synchronize files with Hourglass server []
use library from the apk of
Instagram private API library based on original work of
An example of the android joystick library at
Truth Table Generator for Android using JEval library:
A wrapper library for REST API.
A Complete Fast Android Networking Library that also supports HTTP/2
An Android library for executing HTTP requests and parsing JSON files.
MVVM architecture android mobile application. Integrated Rooms Database library and Retrofit for HTTP call Inspired Library for Android
library make http get/post request calls, handles only JSON response and maps to bean
Volley is an HTTP library that makes networking for Android apps easier and most importantly, faster.
An Android library for making threaded HTTP requests
Android multi tasking multi-threaded HTTP download library
Tasking OpenSRP Android client library
Android java library for asynchronous http requests with sessions support
Module / Library Version from:
JayboneNetworking - An HTTP library for Android for using APIs easily.
Room ->
Old sample found on Unity Forums.
Android application using Android Component Library and reactive approach taken from and
Inspire from [11:46 PM, 23/05/2020] Cadi: [11:46 PM, 23/05/2020] Cadi:
Port from into a gradle library
Copy of library that works in Android Studio
App créée à partir du tuto afin d'apprendre l'utilisation d'API.
A complete CRUD Demo app (native android) using RhoConnect Java Client Library to connect Rhomobile RhoStore back end app at
Library to display and monitor connection status. This library is described in the following article. .
Fork of Android volley networking library supplied by Google. Origin :
Android library powered on top of openconnect project ( to provide VPN connexion
Library developed to assist in the development of Android applications with 'Google Play Service Location', with several classes and helper methods. This project uses the AndroidSupportLib library.
@Vikctar Loading images from the Internet using Glide Library. Source code by Ravi Tamada.
Code following Pluralsight course
Per-commit copy of the official releases at
Aster is a network request library for android, supporting HttpURLConnection, Volley, OkHttp3, Retrofit2 as HTTP client.
A simple Android app that uses the loopj ASYNC http library for Android to connect to a bottle server that serves RESTful JSON over localhost.
A simple Android app using FFmpeg library courtesy of
Fork of Android Volley Networking Library.
An Android Library that makes it easy to make grid views with sectioned data and headers that stick to the top. Fork
Clone from android network library Volley. (
Android SQLite example from
a sample app using ffmpeg-android-java library from
Easy-Volley-Android HTTP library that makes networking for Android apps easier and, most importantly, faster
Android DatePicker TimePicker NumberPicker library whick fork
Fork of Google's Android Volley library. Origin: