A small library which helps to use TabLayout with ViewPager more easily.
Android library for fluid tablayout animation as seen on Snapchat.
An Android library that bring segmented control style to TabLayout
TabLayout extract from Android Design Library for who do not want to import Android Design Library .
simple light weight android library for displaying tabulated data
Small sample using the components and features of Android Design Support Library
Android library for customized TabLayout
Android Design Support Library (DrawerLayout, CoordinatorLayout, Appbar, Toolbar, TabLayout) 2015 API 23 with cards: expandable cards, swipe (left or right) & delete cards, swipe & refresh RecyclerView.
Android Design Support Library TabLayout and ViewPager
This example uses the SmartTabLayout library to create a TabLayout with icons. Android Studio
Smart Fragment Pager Adapter Implementation for ViewPager
Navigation View ve TabLayout arayüz elementlerinde Android 5.1.1 sürümündeki Android Design Support Library ile gelen değişiklikleri örnekleyen proje
An Android library to allow to add animated resizable tabs to your apps easily
A simple TabLayout wrapper with icon & badgeValue library for Android
Extended TabLayout from Android Design Library with some additions
A sample Android app to showcase the support library's ViewPager widget and a TabLayout, for navigation
Android app for submission #2 "Belajar Fundamental Aplikasi Android" at dicoding. This app implements RecyclerView, ConstraintLayout, TabLayout, Parcelable, LOOPJ Library and more.
{DEPRECATED} Sliding tab layout like that of Google Play Store (deprecated use TabLayout in design library instead)
(1) Name :- DatabaseCompileStatement_AS Description :- Database query using rawquery and compile statement. (2) Name :- Metadata_AS Description :- Metadata tad from android manifest to get value like api key. (3) Name :- FragmentCallback Description :- Fragment transaction and inter fragment communication. (4) Name :- CustomSysout_AS Description :- Custom Sysout as sysout works. (5) Name :- LollipopSupport_AS Description :- Recycleview, card view, button default ripple effect design support library. (6) Name :- TabLayout_AS Description :- TabLayout in custom popup with viewpager. (7) Name :- TabLayoutWithAdapters_AS Description :- Tablayout design support library with both pager and fragmentPager adapter. (8) Name :- Arc GIS map Description :- Arc GIS map advance drawing points,polyline,etc. and angle. (9) Name :- SwipeMenuListView_AS Description :- SwipeMenuListView library. (10) Name :- ToolBar_AS Description :- Toolbar design support library. (11) Name :- Hipmob_AS Description :- Hipmob integration live chat application. (12) Name :- TextInputLayout_AS Description :- TextInputLayout set error and edittext floating label. (13) Name :- NavigationView_AS Description :- NavigationView design support library. (14) Name :- Snackbar_AS Description :- Snackbar and Fab design support library. (15) Name :- CollapsingToolbarLayout_AS Description :- CollapsingToolbarLayout design support library.
A sample android application help in implementing ViewPager2 with TabLayout using Androidx and Material library
Prototype of an app using the Android Jetpack libraries, tools and architectural guidance in Kotlin.
Android Mobile APP, Activities, Fragments, API Requests with Volley, Datamodel, ViewModel - MVVM, SQLite DB , Login - Register, Google SignIn, Search View, Favorite List, Notifications, Bottom Navigation Menu, Side Nav Menu, TABLayouts, Recycler View, Clickable Items, Share to Social Media, Save to Internal Storage, Change Profile Pic, Third Party Libraries as Gjon, Picasso, Glide, Material Design
Android app for submission akhir or #3 "Belajar Fundamental Aplikasi Android" at dicoding. This app implements RecyclerView, ConstraintLayout, TabLayout, Parcelable, SQLite, pendingIntent, module for second app, LOOPJ Library and more.
In Android TabLayout is a very creative idea to implement a swipeable screen or tabs introduced in the Design Support library. Android TabLayout provides a horizontal layout to display tabs on the screen. We can display more screens in a single screen using tabs.