Android library contain custom realisation of EditText component for masking and formatting input text
A library to show emoji in TextView, EditText (like WhatsApp) for Android
AppCompatEditText extension library that allows to set a icon to show/hide the password.
📅 A set of EditTexts with built-in support for Date and TimePicker's using Fragments
A simple library that can connect your autocomplete edittext to Google places api
Android library for pin edit text
A PIN view library for Android. Use to enter PIN/OTP/password etc.
A single EditText instead of a classical form. Library that implements flavienlaurent's singleinputform
Country Code Picker (CCP) is an android library which provides an easy way to search and select country or international phone code. Also supports Android EditText phone mask and international phone validation.
Android Library for auto-formatting money on EditText
Form validation and feedback library for Android. Provides .setText for more than just TextView and EditText widgets. Provides easy means to validate with dependencies.
A tiny library for easily validating TextInputLayouts in Android
Library for Emoji View like Hangouts, Emoji TextView and Emoji EditText
EditText/MaskText library use for empty, masking, pattern, and range validation📱📋
A numeric EditText widget for Android
Block EditText is a library provide an input view present in multiple block style that common use in TAC or credit card field.
Material Design text field that comes in a box, based on (OLD) Google Material Design guidelines.
Custom font library for android | Library to change/add font of Entire Android Application at once without wasting your time - TextViews, EditText, Buttons, Views etc.,
A library to show emoji in TextView, EditText (like WhatsApp) for Android, simple to integrate and upgrade
A View wrapper for EditTexts in Android. Add Views inside/outside EditTexts using this library
Android library to make form validation easier
A simple android library for validate EditText, check internet connection and show Toast.
A customised EditText view serving the purpose of taking numeric One Time Password from a user. With stunning animation, and high customizability.
[DEPRECATED]A library for inputing the verification code into EditText automatically in Android.Android开发中实现自动填写验证码的开源库。
SlickForm is an Android library that let you define a custom array of EditTexts with the purpose of handling a form in a cool animated way.
Android library for EditText. Easy way for add phone readability in your project.
An auto-formatted edittext android to Indonesia Rupiah Currency.
Android Library to set font of TextView, Button, EditText, and RadioButton in XML without editing Java code to set Typeface.
This library add the ability to listen to drawables touch events for TextView subclasses
Code editor android library (custom syntax highlighting, number lines, etc)
Minimal markdown formatting library for android
**DEPRECATED**. Use the native and support library variants instead - An android library that makes it easy to add custom fonts to edittexts and textviews
Android Form Validation Library, just simple and easy
A Kotlin-based Android view validation library with a simple DSL.
An Android library to create an easy experience for adding and removing tags based on a wrapper around an EditText.
Android demo app/library for easy implementation of chip-like text in your TextViews (EditText, AutoCompleteTextView, etc..)
An Android Library that help you to customize views (Button, EditText, ImageView), by adding border with the size and color that you want, and give it the corner radius that you seems cool, and you can also make an imageview looks like a circle.
A Library to manage properties of Edittext and Textview
Android library | Vertical Lines in EditText Like a NotePad :grin:
Put masks to edit fields with this library. It is so easy!
Provides clear button with EditText
Android EditText input validation library
An android small library to show and hide password in a EditText
An Android library to use what3words autosuggest
A Scalable EditText library for Android, which can be scaled by touching and dragging the edges of the EditText.
EditText Floating Labels: Android design support library
Quick guide on implementing android floating labels for EditText using design support library.
A simple library for providing masks for EditTexts
Android library that provides a simple way to input hexadecimal content in an Android application.
Android Simple Library for Making Taggable TextView & Taggable EditText
EditText with Autocomplete Functionality that supports customizing how the items will be drawn
Android Floating Label EditText Example using Android Design Support Library
This is an example of Android's new Data Binding Library showing how to have a two way communiction. Normally, Data BInding only works from the Object to layout and not Vice-Versa. Eg- If two EditTexts are bind to the same class object, updating object's value from one EditText should automatically show updated value in second EditText. But this doesn't happens, the values in EditText are only updated when using a "set" method. Further changes to the class's object are not reflected in the layout. However, if we use two way binding, then changes made in one EditText will automatically be updated in second EditText, since they are both using same object.
Country (ISO/phone code) material picker library based on EditText (TextInputEditText). [Fresh port to kotlin androidx of]
This contains Custom Progress dialog, Circular Image, Custom ImageView Pager & Custom EditText library. Apart from this, this repo contains ParallaxScrollView demo project
Floating Label EditText Example Using Android Design Support Library
Using the new material library from google to implement Chips just like the Gmail app. Using commas to generate new chips from EditText inside ChipGroup and deleting them on close icon click or backspace press from soft keypad.
Android Library for working with EditText validation before submit
Android library extending the functionality of the standard EditText.
Library for numbers runtime formatting in Android's EditText Widget
Awesome Input Layout is an android library to display layout with multi EditText that can be rotated, autofit, zoom, delete within the app.
Android library with custom Edit-text view purpose is to provide functionality to listen when user finished typing. Implement an interface to listen when user stop typing in edit text or finish typing in edit text.
Android library for TextView, EditText, View with border, color, background, radius & more
A library to show emoji in TextView, EditText (like WhatsApp) for Android
A simple library which can be used to validate edittext in android for empty values.
CustomWidgets is a library use Android UI controls such as TextView, Button, EditText, ChechBox, RadioButton, Switch, ToggleButton, CircleImageView, SeekBar, etc with Custom typefaces.
A library that allows you to enter multiple sets of related texts in one EditText without need to create multiple input fields to pick this data in android
Android Material Design Floating Labels for EditText.In design support library a new element called TextInputLayout was introduced to display the floating label on EditText.The EditText has to be wrapped by TextInputLayout in order to display the floating label.This is very useful.
(1) Name :- DatabaseCompileStatement_AS Description :- Database query using rawquery and compile statement. (2) Name :- Metadata_AS Description :- Metadata tad from android manifest to get value like api key. (3) Name :- FragmentCallback Description :- Fragment transaction and inter fragment communication. (4) Name :- CustomSysout_AS Description :- Custom Sysout as sysout works. (5) Name :- LollipopSupport_AS Description :- Recycleview, card view, button default ripple effect design support library. (6) Name :- TabLayout_AS Description :- TabLayout in custom popup with viewpager. (7) Name :- TabLayoutWithAdapters_AS Description :- Tablayout design support library with both pager and fragmentPager adapter. (8) Name :- Arc GIS map Description :- Arc GIS map advance drawing points,polyline,etc. and angle. (9) Name :- SwipeMenuListView_AS Description :- SwipeMenuListView library. (10) Name :- ToolBar_AS Description :- Toolbar design support library. (11) Name :- Hipmob_AS Description :- Hipmob integration live chat application. (12) Name :- TextInputLayout_AS Description :- TextInputLayout set error and edittext floating label. (13) Name :- NavigationView_AS Description :- NavigationView design support library. (14) Name :- Snackbar_AS Description :- Snackbar and Fab design support library. (15) Name :- CollapsingToolbarLayout_AS Description :- CollapsingToolbarLayout design support library.
Jetpack compose country code picker (CCP) is an android library which provides an easy way to search and select country or international phone code. Also supports Android EditText phone mask and international phone validation.
A simple Varification pin entry editText library for Android.
An Android library to apply predefined formatting to the EditText field
It is an Android Custom EditText Library that allows you to easily set the background color of EditText, the color of the border, the thickness, the radius, and the state when it is focused
💸 A small Android library that dynamically reformats user input (from an EditText) for displaying currency values in any locale or currency.