Android image chooser libraries



An Easy Image/Video Chooser Library for your Android Apps

Updated 20 Oct 2020

Multiple image selector library for Android

Updated 16 Feb 2020

Android library to choose image from gallery or camera with option to compress result image

MIT License
Updated 12 Nov 2020

A simple and easy to use Media Picker android library. Choose any image, video or audio from your device

MIT License
Updated 18 Nov 2020

WAProfileImage - A library for Android for choosing and editing profile image like WhatsApp

Updated 05 Sep 2020

This is sample application for using facebook fresco and imagechooselibrary to upload the picture from library or camero for android mobile app

Updated 29 Sep 2016

Android ImagePicker library use to choose images from Gallery and also provide an option to capture image from camera.

MIT License
Updated 27 Sep 2018

Library contains Location, Run time Permission, Image chooser in Android Project

Apache License 2.0
Updated 20 Feb 2019

Android Library

Updated 12 Nov 2019

wrapper for image-chooser-library and android-crop

Updated 19 Mar 2016

Image gallery library by using coroutine to help user to choose image (single or multi) from android device without usage of android gallery intent

Apache License 2.0
Updated 12 Jul 2020

With the help of Yalantis cropping library, This library aims to provide the easiest way to choose, crop, and display images using android studio. It also handles permissions requests.

MIT License
Updated 18 Jul 2020

An android library that allows selection of multiple images from gallery. It shows an initial album (buckets) chooser and then images in selected album. Can limit the number of images that can be selected. Can be used in apps with APK 11 onwards.Compressor is a lightweight and powerful android image compression library. Compressor will allow you to compress large photos into smaller sized photos with very less or negligible loss in quality of the image.

Updated 01 Jul 2020

Android library to choose and upload image to server by using HTTP POST

Updated 31 Jan 2016

A nice library for android to choose local images and videos.

Updated 31 Aug 2020

This is a Android App where user choose the wallpaper for the mobile screen.In this ,we use Unsplash API (Rest API) and popular android libraries like ButterKnife for binding view,Glide 4 to load image from server ,Retrofit for sending requests and handling responses ,GSON to convert JSON to Java Objects , Realm to save data in Android application.

Updated 07 Nov 2020

Present users with a grid arrangement of movie posters upon launch. Allow users to change sort order via a setting: The sort order can be by most popular or by highest-rated (movie data fetched from the Internet with the MovieDB API) or by favorite movies (movie data fetched from the local database). Allow users to choose enabling offline use or not via a setting: When enabling offline use is checked, movie posters and movies' basic information will be saved to users' local app cache folder for future offline usage, and will be automatically updated approximately every 24 hours. Created three tables (Movie, Trailer, Review) in one local database. Implemented Content Provider to access the database to fetch favorite movies data. Allow users to tap on a movie poster and transition to a detail screen with additional information such as: original title / movie poster image thumbnail / a plot synopsis / user rating / release date / trailers / reviews. Allow users to view and play trailers via an Intent either to launch in Youtube app or a web browser (if Youtube app isn't installed on the user's phone). Allow users to mark a movie as a favorite in the details view by tapping the star floating action button. Allow users to delete a movie from the favorite movie database by tapping the star button again. Color grey on the star indicates the movie is not stored in the database. To display the details requires an API request. Color yellow on the star indicates the movie is stored in the database (including trailers and reviews). To display the details does not require an API request. Implemented sharing functionality to allow the user to share the first trailer's Youtube URL from the movie details screen. Allow users to interact with the app via a widget: When click the widget title, the app main screen opens directly. When click one of the widget movies' list, the clicked movie detail screen opens directly. Implemented deep links, so that when users go back from one movie's detail screen, it will come back to the app's main screen instead of jumping out of the app directly. Allow users to get a highest-rated popular movie notification every day. Incorporated libraries to simplify the amount of code, such as: Using Picasso to fetch images and load them into views. Using RecyclerView and ConstraintLayouts to implement efficient layout design. Used adapters and viewholders to populate list views. Used databinding to populate details views. Support custom layout-land design to use up white spaces when the phone is rotated to landscape mode. Support different dimensions on Android tablets. Support default language: English and another language: Chinese. Support accessibility for vision-limited users. Stored all the strings in string.xml. Stored all the dimens in dimens.xml.

Updated 07 Jun 2020

how to image

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