Android Face Detection using google play service vision, tutorial based on Udacity Advance Android Development App, Lesson 3: Libraries
Third party librabries make developers' live way easy. They can significantly reduce the amount of code in your project. You can build robust apps by simply these libraries. In this tutorial I am going to introduce some very powerful libraries for android app development. Lets do some reading practic first. Dagger-2-ButterKnife-Retrofit-OkHttp-Picasso-Gson-Annotations
Miwok app tutorial, from Udacity. Helped me understand many android development concepts, such as using sound libraries, applying correct layouts, displaying images...
A flappy bird like space shooter game. Made for android without the use of any additional libraries. Made as part of and with help from the lectures and tutorial of the course 'Game Development for Android' at Uppsala University []
A platformer game made for android without the use of any additional libraries. Made as part of and with help from the lectures and tutorial of the course 'Game Development for Android' at Uppsala University []