Android library to animate Floating Action Button to Bottom Sheet Dialog and vice-versa
Android library that provides the floating action button to sheet transition from Google's Material Design.
A multi-functional FAB component with customizable options
A new canvas drawing library for Android. Aims to be the Fabric.js for Android. Supports text, images, and hand/stylus drawing input. The library has a website and API docs, check it out
Android UI library of FAB speed dial
FAB to Toolbar Button library for Android Material Collapsing Toolbar
A general purpose android UI library to show a user show menu in accordance of Floating action button with material design guidelines.
Android Library to create Floating Action Button Animations.
A simple library to use a menu of FloatingActionButtons from Design Support Library that follow Material Design Guidelines
[Updated Clans FAB library] Android Floating Action Button based on Material Design specification
An Android library for getting a FAB to slide in and out in sync with a scrolling AppBarLayout
A library that helps using Animated Vector Drawables.
Android Floating Action Button with ProgressRing Library
Floating Action Menu Android library built around the design FABs
Attractive, stylish and customizable toast library for Android.
This library implements the floating action button to sheet transition as per the Google’s Material Design documentation. It can be used with any Floating Action Button Library from Android API level 14.
Android Material Design Floating Action Button implementation by new android design support library.
Android library to provide a sticky side menu with options in form of bubbles.
Library to implement the Bottom Navigation component from Material Design guidelines
Ejemplo app con elementos de toolbar,Fab,TablaLoyout,NavigationNew,SnackBar y TextImputLayout
An android library that creates a FAB audio recorder button
A small android application using the volley library to connect a db to the app.
This is a sample application with special expanding Floating Action Button (FAB). Find the complete tutorial on here: You can also find the video tutorial at here: Project done by Sabith Pkc Mnr.
Android library to animate Floating Action Button to Bottom Sheet Dialog and vice-versa
In this exampleල implement the android Floating Action Button (FAB) in android application using design support library. Floating Action Buttons (FAB) are used for a promoted action. Android floating action buttons (FAB) come in different two sizes, default and mini size. Default size of FAB is used for most of the cases and mini size is only used to create virtual continuity with other screen elements. Implementing FAB in app using design support library is not so difficult.
This is an android library with one FloatingActionButton expandable to total five FABs.
Android library that provides the floating action button to sheet transition from Google's Material Design.
Demonstrates a bug in the Android Design Support Library with the FloatingActionButton.
In this project, I build a full stack, scaled web solution that features a robust library of movies and stars as well as an Android Application. Back end consists of RESTful APIs, MySQL DB w/ Master/Slave Replication, Connection Pooling and Load Balancing.
Floating Action Menu Android library built around the design FABs based on
(1) Name :- DatabaseCompileStatement_AS Description :- Database query using rawquery and compile statement. (2) Name :- Metadata_AS Description :- Metadata tad from android manifest to get value like api key. (3) Name :- FragmentCallback Description :- Fragment transaction and inter fragment communication. (4) Name :- CustomSysout_AS Description :- Custom Sysout as sysout works. (5) Name :- LollipopSupport_AS Description :- Recycleview, card view, button default ripple effect design support library. (6) Name :- TabLayout_AS Description :- TabLayout in custom popup with viewpager. (7) Name :- TabLayoutWithAdapters_AS Description :- Tablayout design support library with both pager and fragmentPager adapter. (8) Name :- Arc GIS map Description :- Arc GIS map advance drawing points,polyline,etc. and angle. (9) Name :- SwipeMenuListView_AS Description :- SwipeMenuListView library. (10) Name :- ToolBar_AS Description :- Toolbar design support library. (11) Name :- Hipmob_AS Description :- Hipmob integration live chat application. (12) Name :- TextInputLayout_AS Description :- TextInputLayout set error and edittext floating label. (13) Name :- NavigationView_AS Description :- NavigationView design support library. (14) Name :- Snackbar_AS Description :- Snackbar and Fab design support library. (15) Name :- CollapsingToolbarLayout_AS Description :- CollapsingToolbarLayout design support library.
Done Netology course (Android SDK, Kotlin, MVC, Single-Activity, Material Design (Toolbar, FAB, TextInputLayout и TextInputEditText), ListView, API WolframAlpha (Java Library), Coroutines, TextToSpeech, RecognizerIntent и runCatching)