Android library to handle jobs in the background.
Android library to easily queue background and UI tasks
Android library to schedule background jobs using JobScheduler, GCMNetworkManager or AlarmManager, depending on the context.
A sample application of the library
Demo Application to test Android-Job library by Evernote.
Convenient wrapper library to perform network queries using Retrofit and Android Priority Job Queue (Job Manager)
A simple、 light(only two file)、fast 、powerful 、easy to use 、easy to extend 、 Android Library To Manager your AsyncTask/Thread/CallBack Jobqueue ! 一个超级简单,易用,轻量级,快速的异步任务管理器,类似于AsyncTask,但是比AsyncTask更好用,更易控制,从此不再写Thread ! ^_^
React-Native library to handle jobs in the background which is based on android-job.
Android Library - Manage your network requests by jobs conveniently. Build an offline-first app. Queue, Serial, Parallel, Cache and more.
Android library to trigger tasks in background thread using "controlled" Thread-Pool executor
projet d'exmple pour la library Path (Android Priority Job Queue (Job Manager)), utilise aussi EventBus
A sample application showing basic usage of Firebase JobDispatcher. It uses the library to schedule a task (that requires an internet connection) to run every 30 seconds.
Android Picasso library is one of the most popular image downloading and caching library, developed and maintained by Sqaure Inc. It’s very simple to use and you need to write just a few lines of code to do the job.
This is my personal Android library filled with useful tools that i have built over the years, i continue to improve them as i continue my job as an Android Developers
The Firebase JobDispatcher is a library for scheduling background jobs in your Android app, this is a simple sample, for make it real. 😬🌮
Android Translator is a simple library that simplifies your job working with different translations.
Android project with dependency injection(dagger), eventbus, job, databinding, dbflow orm with updated libraries.
A utility library for schedule periodic and non-periodic jobs efficiently.
This is my person android library filled with useful tools that i have built in MLS, I will improve them as I continue my job as an Android Developers
A react native library [For Android] that allows you to run a background service forever (even when the user terminates the app or restart the phone)
The application mainly consists of a map view, once opened it gets user GPS or Network location and requests for nearby venues from Foursquare APIs. Application should cache the retrieved venues so that on next application start up, cached venues are displayed until fresh new venues are retrieved from server. It then places pins of each venue on the map, pin images should be venues images retrieved from Foursquare. Clicking on any pin should open an info window with the name of the venue, when clicking on the info window allow user to check-in in this venue. For user to check-in, this user should be logged in using OAuth implementation of Foursquare login. • I am using Job queue manager library to easily schedule jobs (tasks) that run in the background, improving UX and application stability. You can find it here ( • I am using EventBus that simplifies communication between Activities, Fragments, Threads, Services, etc you can find it here ( • I am using Retrofit that turns your REST API into a Java interface. It depend on Okhttp and Gson library You can find it here ( or ( ) • I am using foursquare-android-oauth You can find it here ( • I am using google play services
This is a template for a barcode reader app in Android, prepared to code whatever you need after getting the barcode from a button in the main activity. The development took a couple hours, most of it just finding a nice library that could do the job and setting up the project. Optimized for gradle and Android Studio.
Android library that saves you a huge amount of time by doing the most cumbersome and most frequent jobs for you - layout management and REST communication.
Today we are going to learn new design widget in Android naming Bottom Navigation View which has been added to version 25 of the Design Support Library. The Bottom Navigation View has been in the material design guidelines for some time, but it hasn’t been easy for us to implement it into our apps. Some applications have built their own solutions, whilst others have relied on third-party open-source libraries to get the job done. Now the design support library is seeing the addition of this bottom navigation bar, let’s take a dive into how we can use it!
This is the android app which i made for a Hyper Track coding challenge for android developer job. With this app you can search for movies which had been shot in san francisco and display those locations on google maps. This app fetches the data from open source api. This supports Autocomplete for movie name. The base activity returns the info about the movie and then the compass shape floating action button with display the locations as markers on google map activity. The app uses open source library gson for deserializing json response to java object. An API service for http connection using apache default http library.And also this app uses the google maps android api & google maps geocoding api to lookup for addresses. This app isn't production ready as due to limited time, some app crashes incase of exceptions aren't covered. Overall the architecture is explained in the doc
A Multi-Module Mobile App that shows a list of available remote jobs and their details from Remotive Jobs API to demonstrate the concept of Modularization in android, Android Library modules and Dynamic Feature modules
Library for inspecting Android WorkManager jobs
Android application for searching part-time job using osmdroid library & server-app
A nice challenge that give me my first job on IT. Android with JAVA and some libraries.
Project made for practicing development while applying for jobs in 2021. Goal was to study MVVM in Android. Libraries used include Android Navigation Architecture, ViewModel, Hilt, Room