Unified API Library for: Cloud Storage, Social Log-In, Social Interaction, Payment, Email, SMS, POIs, Video & Messaging. Included services are Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, Box, Egnyte, PayPal, Stripe, Google Places, Foursquare, Yelp, YouTube, Vimeo, Twitch, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Line, Viber, Facebook, GitHub, Google+, LinkedIn, Slack, Twitter, Windows Live, Yahoo, Mailjet, Sendgrid, Twilio, Nexmo, Twizo.
:cloud: JSpeedTest : speed test client library for Java/Android
DrupalCloud is a library for native Android applications to communicate with Drupal web services.
Google Cloud Platform Text To Speech library use API_KEY on Android Example.
A library which helps you register Google Cloud Messaging tokens and listen for GCM messages.
Simple Google Cloud Messaging(GCM) integration library for Android.
Java wrapper library to send messages to Android clients through Firebase Cloud Messaging
Library to use Jsoup on Android for web pages with Cloudflare
Android library for getting photo or video from a device gallery, cloud or camera. Working with samsung devices. Made by Stfalcon
Android library to transform Firebase Cloud Firestore documents, queries, and collections into LiveData
Live Transcribe is an Android application that provides real-time captioning for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. This repository contains the Android client libraries for communicating with Google's Cloud Speech API that are used in Live Transcribe.
Small library for sync android SqlLite database to cloud storage (for now only GDrive)
This application demonstrates the available components in the SAP Fiori UI library. The app is intended to provide an example implementation of each control, so that users can take the samples and expand their own applications to use the Fiori library.
Firebase Cloud Messenging Helper Library - Helps you to send fcm notifications or data to your Android projects
Library to perform HTTP Data Source calls to the Plex Manufacturing Cloud from Android devices
This library provides the developer with a huge power to access the HALO cloud platform to consume generic information, push notifications and many other services
Android library for silently sharing photos to multiple endpoints including Dropbox, Facebook and Google Cloud Print
Sample app that streams from an Android device into BigQuery using the new gcloud-java library
Open source library that helps you integrate Cloudcherry into your Android app
Android WordCloud Generator library which creates wordcloud as in Bitmap type
OLAMI API Java client library and sample codes
The plugins-login-common library for authenticating with the Google Cloud Platform shared by several IDE plugins including Google Cloud Tools for Eclipse, Google Cloud Tools for IntelliJ, and Android Studio.
Android library for adding voice replies to the cloud for processing
[UNMAINTAINED] A Java library for implementing the third-party application server component of the Android Cloud to Device Messaging (C2DM) framework.
Kii Cloud Library for Android volley implementation
Android ap[plication using LibraryCloud rest API to search for and save catalog data
Android application to browse Harvard University's library cloud REST service
CloudDowloadProgressBar library is used to understand the drawing on canvas using paints. Also this custom progress indicator can be used to show download process for the item, which are downloading. you can also use this component to show the status in percentage format. If you don’t want to show progress indicator you can disable it and it will show percentage text only. Vice versa also possible in this component.
Cloud Phone Library for Android - Powered by Leucotron
An android library project that can be easily integrated in to your game. Illustrates how to use App42 leaderboard cloud APIs.
Rx implementation Kii Cloud Library
Joke telling Android app with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints.
An Android library simplifying file hosting services operations.
A library that makes it very easy to implement Google Cloud Messaging in Android Apps .
Kii Cloud library for Android enitity implementation
Implementation of basic recycler view along with cloud functions and android notifications
An application that has a java and android libraries, it also uses Google Cloud Endpoints
This library is for uploading the images from android applications to the CloudfyImage server
Api-free library to retrieve and sync files hosted on Cloudbox.com
Java/Android library for communicating with the Aspose.HTML Cloud API
Android library for communicating with the Aspose.Pdf for Cloud API
Java (android) library for communicating with the Aspose.Slides Cloud API
A Simple ODM Library for Firebase Cloud Firestore for Android
A library application to completely automatize and manage the process of checking out, holding and administering dues!
REST library written to be used in android applications for WolkAbout Smart IoT Cloud. This version requires Android Annotations 4.0.0
Java Google Cloud Messaging for Android library. Just a clone of java-c2dm just now.
Java Library for Google Cloud Messaging to send IOS & Android apps.
Joke telling Android Application with Java Library, Android Library and Google Cloud Endpoints Implementation
Lightweight Java library for sending push notifications to iOS or Android devices via APNS or GCM.
This project uses Gradle to build a joke-telling app, factoring functionality into libraries and flavors to keep the build simple. Google Cloud Endpoints development server is configured to supply the jokes.
Udacity Build It Bigger Project showcasing: Free/Paid Flavors + App Engine Standard + Google Cloud Endpoints (GCE) + Gradle Custom Tasks + Android & Java Libraries.
Google Cloud Endpoints | Android Library | Free and Paid versions
Google Cloud Datastore Library - Wrapper around Java API - Android
Android app with multiple flavors, libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints.
This application demonstrates how to utilize the Chart Cards View in the SAP Fiori UI library. The app is intended to provide an example implementation of these controls with a real network API data source, i.e. the COVID Tracking APIs, so that users can understand how to use the SAP Fiori Chart Cards View to expand the functionality of their own applications.
A Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) client helper library for Android suitable for common use cases.
Using Google Cloud Endpoints and a custom library to communicate changes to the application.
Text Recognizer Using google cloud vision and google ML library , use check different branches for implementation
App retrieves jokes from Google Cloud Endpoints module and displays them via an Activity from the Android Library
An android application to upload images from device to cloud server using Volley library.
A Udacity project exploring Android Studio, Gradle, Android and Java Libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints
Android-optimised library for connecting sensor-enabling Android apps to our cloud system
Joke telling app with free and paid version for Android, implementing multiple libraries, Google Cloud Endpoints and Google AdMob.
Storager is an extremely lightweight, but very high-powered library for clouds and local storages for Android
this project consist of four modules A Java library,Google Cloud Endpoints (GCE),Android Library,Android app.
Project with Android Library, Java Library, Google Cloud Endpoints and AdMob
A java library, an android library, and a google cloud endpoints module
Key words: Gradle, Android library, Java library, Cloud backend, Google App Engine, Free/Paid flavors
Build It Bigger is an app with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints.
In this project, you will create an app with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints.
An Android app that tells jokes with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints.
Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree - A simple joke-telling app that integrates Google Cloud Endpoints, a Java library and an Android library with Gradle in multiple flavours.
An app with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints
Create an app with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints.
This app consists of a Java library that provides jokes, a Google Cloud Endpoints (GCE) project that serves those jokes, an Android Library containing an activity for displaying jokes, and an Android app that fetches jokes from the GCE module and passes them to the Android Library for display.
A Joke telling Android app with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints.
An Android app with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints (GCE).
Android App with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints.
Android app with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints
Simple gradle multiproject demonstrating usage of libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints for Android apps
Tugas UTS Android Menggunakan Fragments, Image processing library & Firebase Cloud Messaging Notification
Android App which experiments with various camera features and libraries including OCR, Barcode and Cloud Upload.
All-in-one game framework and library for Android. Used in Cloud Glider:
Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree project using libraries and Google Cloud Endpoint
Distributed mobile Android application that serves jokes through a backend library running on google cloud.
Android app with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints
Build It Bigger is an Android app which tells jokes. This app is created with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints. This is a Project 4 of Udacity's Android Developer Nanodegree.
The first Java UI Open Source Library For Viewing Scenery Views Like : Sun , Moon, Clouds & Stars with animation in background of your layout parent replacing the solid colors with beautiful interactive one
JokeTelling project that makes use of multiple subprojects using Android library, Java library, and Google Cloud Endpoints
To Do List Application which uses Cloud FireStore with Google Firebase to manage/change the data real-time maintaining persistent data. Added third-party libraries for UI design.
Simple example project for combining an Android library, a Java library, and a Google Cloud Endpoints project into an Android application.
Android application that randomly displays a joke. Uses a custom Java Library, a custom Android library and a Google Cloud Endpoints module. Free and "Paid" Versions
This Android project showcases multiple flavors that use multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints. It has a Java library to provide jokes, an Android library with an Activity to display jokes, an Android app to fetch jokes from Google Cloud Endpoints module and pass to Android library.
Android app with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints. A Java library that provides content, a Google Cloud Endpoints (GCE) project, an Android Library containing an activity, and an Android app that fetches content from the GCE module and passes them to the Android Library for display.
In this project, you will create an app with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints. The finished app will consist of four modules: A Java library that provides jokes A Google Cloud Endpoints (GCE) project that serves those jokes An Android Library containing an activity for displaying jokes An Android app that fetches jokes from the GCE module and passes them to the Android Library for display
An open image library with the capability to upload user's image to the cloud and fetch. Showing some images from PIXABAY image API. A user can log in using Google and they can upload their own image to the cloud. Firebase is used for storing data. Tools Used : Android, Pixabay image API and Firebase.
This app incorporates a custom Java library as well as a custom Android library. Using Google Cloud Endpoints it fetches jokes from the Java library and passes it to the Android library for display.
App retrieves jokes from Google Cloud Endpoints module and displays them via an Activity from the Android Library
(1) Name :- ActionBarSearchView Description :- Action bar search view. (2) Name :- Adsfree Description :- Admob integration. (3) Name :- AndroidDayDreamDemo Description :- Day dream demo. (4) Name :- android query demo live Description :- Google play live app details parsing. (5) Name :- Arc GIS map Description :- Arc gis map integration without hash key. (6) Name :- aviarySdk Description :- Aviary integration for image operations. (7) Name :- BetterGestureDetector Description :- Gesture accrate detection. (8) Name :- BlinkText Description :- Blinking text. (9) Name :- BuzzBoxSDKHelloWorld Description :- Buzz box integration cron scheduler. (10) Name :- CircularProgressBar Description :- Circular progress bar. (11) Name :- ContactNumbersDemo Description :- Get contact details from device. (12) Name :- ControlViewheight Description :- Manage height of specific view. (13) Name :- ControlViewHeightSeekbar Description :- Two listview manage appropriate hieght. (14) Name :- DownloadManagerAndroid Description :- Download specific file online. (15) Name :- Facebook Integration Description :- Facebook integration. (16) Name :- Graphview Description :- Graphview demo. (17) Name :- HB 1337 Description :- Virus and antivirus. (18) Name :- HomeButtonEvent Description :- Block home button press. (19) Name :- HomeLauncher Description :- Home launcher demo. (20) Name :- InAppPurchaseTut Description :- InAppPurchase demo. (21) Name :- KeyboardCustom Description :- Creating Custom keyboard demo. (22) Name :- MapDemoGeofencing Description :- Location map for geo fencing. (23) Name :- MapDemoV2Final Description :- Map demo for google version 2. (24) Name :- OpenGLESSquare Description :- Opengl moving square. (25) Name :- pagination numbering 2 Description :- Pagination type 2. (26) Name :- Pagination numbering Description :- Pagination type 1. (27) Name :- PhoneGapCordova Description :- Phone gap simple cordova demo. (28) Name :- PhoneGapCordovaCamera Description :- Phone gap for camera. (29) Name :- PhoneGapCordovaParsing Description :- Phone gap for parsing. (30) Name :- PhoneGapCordovaSMS Description :- Phone gap for sending sms. (31) Name :- RotatingWheel Description :- Rotating wheel by user interaction. (32) Name :- RotatingWheelSocialsites Description :- Rotating wheel by user interaction for socialsites. (33) Name :- RunningBackgroundServices Description :- Get Running services in background for package name/class name. (34) Name :- SearchList Description :- Searching from a specific list. (35) Name :- SearchViewContacts Description :- Search from contacts details. (36) Name :- SlidingDrawer Description :- Sliding drawer from bottom over another activity. (37) Name :- SpeechToTextDemo Description :- Convert speech to text. (38) Name :- TextToSpeak Description :- Convert text to speech. (39) Name :- TouchCordinates Description :- Get coordinate of user touch intergration. (40) Name :- TreeViewListDemo Description :- Tree view integration demo. (41) Name :- UninstallDeleteapp Description :- Uninstall another app from my app after removing admin permission. (42) Name :- ViewPagerCustomWidthFragment Description :- Fragment in viewpager. (43) Name :- WearableNotification Description :- Wearable notification. (44) Name :- WearablePages Description :- Wearable pages. (45) Name :- WidgetDemo Description :- Widget demo. (46) Name :- CameraIntentAll Description :- Camera demo for picture as well as video demo. (47) Name :- CameraOverlay Description :- Camera overlay image as aim shooting game. (48) Name :- DrmIntegration Description :- Drm Integration library for authorize users apk file. (49) Name :- SwipeRefreshLayout Description :- SwipeRefreshLayout Pulltorefresh like google. (50) Name :- TwitterIntegration Description :- Twitter Integration. (51) Name :- CameraADev Description :- Custom Camera for picture as well as video capture from android developer. (52) Name :- DataBaseSQLiteCRUD Description :- Simple SQLite CRUD funtions for contact database. (53) Name :- DataBaseSQLiteDBUtility Description :- Simple SQLite DBUtility all files and basic operations. (54) Name :- CustomDropdownMenu Description :- Custom Dropdown/Poup Menu. (55) Name :- CalenderSimpleView Description :- Simple calender view as well as timestamp using calender class. (56) Name :- CalendarProviderADevIntent Description :- Calender provider Intent from android developer. (57) Name :- AnimationTextViewAnimateLayoutChanges Description :- Animation of adding view inside another view using animatelayoutchanges. (58) Name :- DragnDropLowVersion Description :- Drag n drop funtionality for low version. (59) Name :- GoogleWalletAdev Description :- Google Wallet Integration from android developer. (60) Name :- AndroidShootingGame Description :- Android Shooting Game without opengl. (61) Name :- ViewPagerAnimation Description :- ViewPager page transformation for pages like alpha,scaling,rotation. (62) Name :- GoogleCloudWirelessPrintingIntent Description :- Google cloud wireless printing integration from google developer. (63) Name :- Barcode_or_QRCode_Scanner_openurl Description :- Barcord/QR code scanner from google play and open result url in browser. (64) Name :- MSServerListSyncSample Description :- List Sync Sample using MS Server. (65) Name :- SlidingMenuAPI Description :- Sliding Menu jeremyfeinstein library like facebook,gmail,etc. (66) Name :- GCMIntegration Description :- Google cloud messageing integration for notification. (67) Name :- NoiseAlert Description :- Detect noise or blow sound. (68) Name :- GregorianCalendar Description :- Basic Gregorian Calendar information. (69) Name :- getVariableName Description :- Get name of the variable not its value. (70) Name :- GoogleAnalyticsV4Adev Description :- Google analytics integration V4. (71) Name :- FlipboardAnimationAdev Description :- Animation like Flipboard. (72) Name :- Html5Camera Description :- Camera in Html5 without phonegap. (73) Name :- CopyPasteClipboard Description :- Copy & Paste Clipboard textual data. (74) Name :- AndroidPhpMysql Description :- Php and Mysql data parsing in android. (75) Name :- SpellChecker Description :- Check spelling and give appropriate suggestion for enter text. (76) Name :- PdfReader Description :- Read pdf file.Barcode/QR code scanner. (77) Name :- BarcodeQRcodeIntegration Description :- Barcode/QR code scanner using ZbarScanner lib and also Zxing lib without intent. (78) Name :- InstagramIntegrationApi Description :- Instagram Integration using sample demo. (79) Name :- Logger Description :- Read logger/logcat using api. (80) Name :- SmsControl Description :- Control device via sms codes. (81) Name :- EncryptDecryptString Description :- Encrypt string and Decrypt the same string. (82) Name :- FloatingActionButton Description :- Floating Action Button. (83) Name :- DownloadAndUnzipFile Description :- Download And Unzip File. (84) Name :- MoPubAd Description :- MoPub Ad Banner integration . (85) Name :- ListViewParsingDB_AndroidStudio Description :- ListView Parsing in android studio. (86) Name :- CustomCamera_AS Description :- Custom Camera using surfaceview. (87) Name :- ResizeableBox_AS Description :- Resizeable Box like crop. (88) Name :- AudioRecorder_AS Description :- Audio Recorder. (89) Name :- DateAndTimePicker_AS Description :- Date And Time Picker. (90) Name :- CustomActionBar_AS Description :- Simple Custom ActionBar. (91) Name :- CustomSpinner_AS Description :- Custom Spinner with default text item. (92) Name :- SendEmail_AS Description :- Send email in background after authentication. (93) Name :- GoogleAnalytics_AS Description :- GoogleAnalytics integration demo for crash and screen. (94) Name :- BroadcastReciever_AS Description :- Broadcast Reciever for sms ,call and boot receiver. (95) Name :- Azure Description :- Azure storage gsi credentials zip dowload. (96) Name :- InAppPurchase_AS Description :- In App Purchase simple demo. (97) Name :- iOS_Listview Description :- Simple Listview in ios. (98) Name :- iOS_Database Description :- Sqlite Database in ios. (99) Name :- MessangerList_AS Description :- Messanger Listview UI send and recieve. (100) Name :- FindingFriend_AS Geofencing for enter and exit another pin.
Simple application that tells a joke but made complex using gradle concepts. It involves usage of multi-module android project including a java library that returns jokes, an android library to display the jokes and a Google cloud Endpoints module that is kicked off via an async task.
A Joke Telling App uses Google Cloud Endpoints, Java and Android Libraries and has different product flavors
Android app with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoind. An Udacity Nanodegree project.
Joke telling app with free/paid flavors. Multi-project build with java and Android libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints.
Joke app , with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints. Android Nanodegree Project 5
Retrieves jokes from Google Cloud Endpoints module and displays them via an Activity from the Android Library.
This is a udacity project app, using Google Cloud Sdk as backend server and Modules for Java and Android Library
Includes the FinalProject application that uses android and java libraries as well as a Google Cloud Endpoint to display jokes
Gradle app is Udacity's Android Nanodegree project with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints.
Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree project#4 (Gradle), app with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints
Project for Udacity's Android Nanodegree program. App with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints
A Udacity Android Nanodegree app that uses multiple flavors, libraries, and Google Cloud Endpoints to display jokes.
An App with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints
Udacity Android course, this project contains an Java library(Joker), an Android library(androjoker) an Google cloud Endpoint(gcpjoker) uses the joker to fetch application and a Android application using all these components
Android app created under guidance of Udacity for generating Java Libraries, Android Libraries and Google Cloud Engine to tie it together in Android application using amazing Gradle build tool
Part of the Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree, Risus, the joke app, aims to demonstrate advanced Android concepts such as Java Libraries, Android Libraries, Backend, Build Flavor, Google Cloud Engine among many more.
An Android application focused on Gradle build tools. The app implements product flavors, contains Java library, Android Library, Google Cloud End Points and an Android app to combine functionalities from multiple modules.
Project 4 for the Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree. BuidItBigger implements Gradle, Java & Android Libraries, and Google Cloud Endpoints to produce a joke telling app.
Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree Project 4 - An Android Joke Teller app with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints.
Joke-Telling App. A project for Udacity's "Android Developer Nanodegree Program", developing a joke-telling app that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints. Gradle for Android.
Multi-project Android application using custom Java and Android libraries to supply [really bad] jokes to the user via Google Cloud Endpoints Backend
iGateLink is an Android library that makes integration with IoT devices and Fod/Cloud computing resources easier using your Android device as a gateway between them.
Build-it-bigger is a nice project from Udacity Nanodegree Android Developer about learing to use Gradle, Java and Android Library, Google Cloud Endpoints.
An Android app that fetches jokes from the Google Cloud Endpoints module and passes them to the Android Library for display
Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree project 5. App showcases Free/Paid Flavors, Google Cloud Endpoints (GCE), Gradle Custom Task, Android & Java Libraries.
This Project an example for controller big project with different resources like java library or Android library or Google cloud backend or ... .
An App that has an example of 1.Java Library 2.Android Library 3. GCE (Google CLoud EndPoints) 4.AdMpb 5. Flavors 6. Espresso Testing
An app with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints. It consists of four modules. A Java library that provides jokes, a Google Cloud Endpoints (GCE) project that serves those jokes, an Android Library containing an activity for displaying jokes, and an Android app that fetches jokes from the Google Cloud Endpoint module and passes them to the Android Library for display.
An Android app that retrieves jokes from Google Cloud Endpoints module and displays them via an Activity from the Android Library. This is a part of Android Nanodegree project. This project is a part of Udacity Android Nanodegree.
In this project, you will use Gradle to build a joke-telling app, factoring functionality into libraries and flavors to keep the build simple. You'll also configure a Google Cloud Endpoints development server to supply the jokes.
This Apps is about chatting and academic information for Islamic University of Indonesia this apps technology using firebase cloud messaging for sending a message and receive notification directly to communicate the data to our server, this apps is using Volley library
#Android developer nanodegree-udacity..... This is an app with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints. The finished app consists of four modules. A Java library that provides jokes, a Google Cloud Endpoints (GCE) project that serves those jokes, an Android Library containing an activity for displaying jokes, and an Android app that fetches jokes from the GCE module and passes them to the Android Library for display.
created an app with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints.An Android app fetches jokes from the GCE module and passes them to the Android Library for display .
Android Nanodegree project4 - A Joke Telling App that contains multiple flavours(free and paid). It consists of a Java library that provides jokes, a Google Cloud Endpoints (GCE) project that serves those jokes, an Android Library containing an activity for displaying jokes, and an Android app that fetches jokes from the GCE module and passes them to the Android Library for display.
Joke telling app that uses libraries and flavors to keep the build simple. Gradle app engine plugin to deploy back-end on Google Cloud Endpoints. Contains both free and paid flavors to the app.
Android app with four modules. A Java library that provides jokes, a Google Cloud Endpoints (GCE) project that serves those jokes, an Android Library containing an activity for displaying jokes, and an Android app that fetches jokes from the GCE module and passes them to the Android Library for display.
Android: Retrieves a joke from the Google App Engine using Google Cloud Endpoints to be displayed in an Activity. Implemented use of Java and Android Libraries and also incorporated functioning Android Unit Tests.
An app with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints. The finished app will consist of four modules. A Java library that provides jokes, a Google Cloud Endpoints (GCE) project that serves those jokes, an Android Library containing an activity for displaying jokes, and an Android app that fetches jokes from the GCE module and passes them to the Android Library for display.
App with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints. Use of Gradle's advanced features.
App with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints. The finished app will consist of four modules. A Java library that provides jokes, a Google Cloud Endpoints (GCE) project that serves those jokes, an Android Library containing an activity for displaying jokes, and an Android app that fetches jokes from the GCE module and passes them to the Android Library for display.
In this project, you will create an app with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints. The finished app will consist of four modules: A Java library that provides jokes A Google Cloud Endpoints (GCE) project that serves those jokes An Android Library containing an activity for displaying jokes An Android app that fetches jokes from the GCE module and passes them to the Android Library for display
In this project, you will create an app with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints. The finished app will consist of four modules. A Java library that provides jokes, a Google Cloud Endpoints (GCE) project that serves those jokes, an Android Library containing an activity for displaying jokes, and an Android app that fetches jokes from the GCE module and passes them to the Android Library for display.
an app with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints. The app consists of four modules: 1-A Java library that provides jokes 2-A Google Cloud Endpoints (GCE) project that serves those jokes 3-An Android Library containing an activity for displaying jokes 4-An Android app that fetches jokes from the GCE module and passes them to the Android Library for display
In this project, you will create an app with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints. The finished app will consist of four modules. A Java library that provides jokes, a Google Cloud Endpoints (GCE) project that serves those jokes, an Android Library containing an activity for displaying jokes, and an Android app that fetches jokes from the GCE module and passes them to the Android Library for display.
Create an app with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints. The finished app will consist of four modules. A Java library that provides jokes, a Google Cloud Endpoints (GCE) project that serves those jokes, an Android Library containing an activity for displaying jokes, and an Android app that fetches jokes from the GCE module and passes them to the Android Library for display.
In this project, I will create an app with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints. The finished app will consist of four modules. A Java library that provides jokes, a Google Cloud Endpoints (GCE) project that serves those jokes, an Android Library containing an activity for displaying jokes, and an Android app that fetches jokes from the GCE module and passes them to the Android Library for display.
In this project, I created an app with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints. The finished app consists of four modules. A Java library that provides jokes, a Google Cloud Endpoints (GCE) project that serves those jokes, an Android Library containing an activity for displaying jokes, and an Android app that fetches jokes from the GCE module and passes them to the Android Library for display.
This project, uses multiple flavors with multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints. App consists of four modules. A Java library that provides jokes, a Google Cloud Endpoints (GCE) module that serves those jokes, an Android Library containing an activity for displaying jokes, and an Android app that fetches jokes from the GCE module and passes them to the Android Library for display. MVP architecture is used.
In this project, This App created with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints. The finished app will consist of four modules. A Java library that provides jokes, a Google Cloud Endpoints (GCE) project that serves those jokes, an Android Library containing an activity for displaying jokes, and an Android app that fetches jokes from the GCE module and passes them to the Android Library for display.
A multiple flavor app that uses multiple libraries including a java library that provides jokes, Google Cloud Endpoints(GCE) project that serves those jokes and Android Library containing an activity for displaying jokes
A Joke-telling Android App that uses Gradle , factoring functionality into libraries and flavors to keep the build simple. Also configured a Google Cloud Endpoints development server to supply the jokes.
Udacity Android NanoDegree - Project 4 : Build it Bigger, a joke-telling app with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints.
Project for Udacity's Android Nanodegree Program. It's an app with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints
Udacity Build It Bigger Project showcasing: Free/Paid Flavors + App Engine Standard + Google Cloud Endpoints (GCE) + Gradle Custom Tasks + Android & Java Libraries.
Create an app with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints (Project 4 of the Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree).
Udacity Android Nanodegree Project which is an app with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints as backend.
Joke app with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints - submission for Udacity's Android Developer NanoDegree course by Google
Project 4 from the Android Developer Nanodegree. Creating an app with multiple flavours that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints.
Android application which build and test joke telling app with free and paid flavors , deploy a Google cloud messaging backend and using external libraries
The finished app consists of four modules: 1.A Java library that provides jokes 2. A Google Cloud Endpoints (GCE) project that serves those jokes 3. An Android Library containing an activity for displaying jokes 4.An Android app that fetches jokes from the GCE module and passes them to the Android Library for display
A Java library that provides jokes, a Google Cloud Endpoints (GCE) project that serves those jokes, an Android Library containing an activity for displaying jokes, and an Android app that fetches jokes from the GCE module and passes them to the Android Library for display.
This app. consists of four modules. A Java library that provides jokes, a Google Cloud Endpoints (GCE) project that serves those jokes, an Android Library containing an activity for displaying jokes, and an Android app that fetches jokes from the GCE module and passes them to the Android Library for display.
This project consists of four modules: A Java library that provides jokes, a Google Cloud Endpoints (GCE) project that serves those jokes, an Android Library containing an activity for displaying jokes, and an Android app that fetches jokes from the GCE module and passes them to the Android Library for display.
The app consist of four modules. A Java library that provides jokes, a Google Cloud Endpoints (GCE) project that serves those jokes, an Android Library containing an activity for displaying jokes, and an Android app that fetches jokes from the GCE module and passes them to the Android Library for display.
A Java library that provides jokes, a Google Cloud Endpoints (GCE) project that serves those jokes, an Android Library containing an activity for displaying jokes, and an Android app that fetches jokes from the GCE module and passes them to the Android Library for display.
Telling jokes app with multiple flavors (paid/free flavors),consist of four modules. A Java library provides jokes, Google Cloud Endpoints(GCE), Android Library containing an activity for displaying jokes, and an Android app that fetches jokes from the GCE module and passes them to the Android Library for display.
This app consist of four modules. A Java library that provides jokes, a Google Cloud Endpoints (GCE) project that serves those jokes, an Android Library containing an activity for displaying jokes, and an Android app that fetches jokes from the GCE module and passes them to the Android Library for display.
Android Nanodegree | Project 4: Build It Bigger: A project for the Android Nanodegree program which demonstrates the ability to create an app with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints.
Build It Bigger is an Android app which tells jokes. This app is created with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints. This is a Project 4 of Udacity's Android Developer Nanodegree.
A joke telling application that uses a java library to supply jokes, an android library to display jokes, Google Cloud endpoints to fetch jokes from. App has different flavors and uses a multi project build
Chatter is a mobile application where users have the opportunity to chat with each other and also, create groups. In this mobile application Firebase Realdatabase, Storage and Cloud Messaging is used. In addition to firebase, various third party libraries and material design features are also included.
An app with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Could Endpoints. The finished app will consist of four modules. A Java library that provides jokes, a Google Cloud Endpoints (GCE) project that serves those jokes, an Android Library containing an activity for displaying jokes, and an Android app that fetches jokes from the GCE module and passes them to the Android Library for display.
BuildItBigger is an app with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Could Endpoints. The App consists of four modules. A Java library that provides jokes, a Google Cloud Endpoints (GCE) project that serves those jokes, an Android Library containing an activity for displaying jokes, and an Android app that fetches jokes from the GCE module and passes them to the Android Library for display.
A joke-telling app with multiple flavors, that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints (GCE). The finished app consists of four modules: A Java library that provides jokes, a (GCE) project that serves those jokes, an Android Library containing an activity for displaying jokes, and an Android app that fetches jokes from the GCE module and passes them to the Android Library for display.
This project is developed for completion of Udacity which test the knowledge of Gradle for creating free and paid version of app using same code.This project consist of that uses multiple flavors, free flavor conatins ads while paid flavor is ad free. App uses a Java library which provides jokes, Android library contains library to display joke and (GCE) Google Cloud EndPoints to Fetch jokes. This App fetches joke from GCE and pass it to Android library which displays it.
This is the Udacity Gradle final project. It is an Android application with different product flavors (free and paid) that uses Google Cloud Endpoints to connect to java library. Gradle Multi-project build
Used Gradle to build a joke-telling app that has both a free and paid version. This included factoring functionality into libraries as well as using build flavors to modularize the construction of each variant of the app. I also configured a Google Cloud Endpoints development server to supply the jokes.
Joke Telling Android Application to make you laugh. Used Gradle to build a joke-telling app that has both a free and paid version. This included factoring functionality into libraries as well as using build flavors to modularize the construction of each variant of the app. I also configured a Google Cloud Endpoints development server to supply the jokes.
Joke Telling application for Udacity Android NanoDegree. https://www.udacity.com/course/android-developer-nanodegree--nd801. In this project, you will use Gradle to build a joke-telling app, factoring functionality into libraries and flavors to keep the build simple. You'll also configure a Google Cloud Endpoints development server to supply the jokes.
Used Gradle to build a joke-telling app that has both a free and paid version. This included factoring functionality into libraries as well as using build flavors to modularize the construction of each variant of the app. I also configured a Google Cloud Endpoints development server to supply the jokes. Fourth Project in Android Developer Nanodegree by google.
Used Gradle to build a joke-telling app that has both a free and paid version. This included factoring functionality into libraries as well as using build flavors to modularize the construction of each variant of the app. I also configured a Google Cloud Endpoints development server to supply the jokes. This project is developed as prt of Android Nanodegree program.
A part of the Android Developer Nanodegree program. Used Gradle to build a joke-telling app that has both a free and paid version. This included factoring functionality into libraries as well as using build flavors to modularize the construction of each variant of the app. I also configured a Google Cloud Endpoints development server to supply the jokes.
The app is the fifth module of Android developer Nanodegree of Udacity's submission which is about how to deal with google-cloud messaging, produce private JAR libraries and adding flavors to provide a paid and free version of the app. The free flavor of the app has ads implemented in it.
Chat Android library. Facebook like messenger. Smileys, Stickers , Voice notes, Share pictures . Presence management . Audio and Video calls. Chat Cloud SDK
Direction Api In Android Google Map. This is an android library which provides you a direction path between two points (locations) such as device location to destination location. To use this library, you need to create a project on Goolge Cloud Console and enabble the Map SDK along with Google Direction Api.
A full stack Android personal finance and wealth management app built in Android Studio with Java, XML, Firebase Authentication and Realtime Database, Stanford CoreNLP, AnyChart JavaScript library, Google Cloud Functions written in Node.js, and the Plaid, Dialogflow, News, and Twitter (via Twitter4J) APIs.