Powerful and flexible library for loading, caching and displaying images on Android.
Image Cropping Library for Android, optimized for Camera / Gallery.
A powerful image downloading and caching library for Android
An Easy Image/Video Chooser Library for your Android Apps
A simple image cropping library for Android.
An image loading and caching library for Android focused on smooth scrolling
An Android library for managing images and the memory they use.
Android library (AAR). Highly configurable, easily extendable deep zoom view for displaying huge images without loss of detail. Perfect for photo galleries, maps, building plans etc.
Super Image Picker is a powerful image selector. Support for huge image preview (such as 10000 * 5000px), support for image cropping, configurable avatar mode and normal mode, support for a variety of image load library
An Android transformation library providing a variety of image transformations for Glide.
Photo picker library for Android. Support single choice、multi-choice、cropping image and preview image.
Instagram Style Image Cropper for Android (Library)
A powerful, flexible and easy to use Video and Image compression library for Android.
Android library that provides for multiple image selection.
Modern image picker for Android
Library for animating images with continuous scrolling effects
An Android image processor library providing a variety of image transformations for Fresco.
Customizable Android full screen image viewer for Fresco library supporting "pinch to zoom" and "swipe to dismiss" gestures. Made by Stfalcon
An Android transformation library providing a variety of image transformations for Picasso
[DEPRECATED] Library to select mutliple images for android
SVG image parser for Android. Converts image to list of native android.graphics objects which can then be speedily rendered on Canvas, and provides callbacks to allow image elements to be manipulated programmatically.
[DEPRECATED] An image downloading and caching library for Android
An easy to use and well designed image compress library for Android, based on Android native image library. Put forward a framework for quick switch from different compress algorithm.
Banner slider is an easy to use library for implement image sliders in android apps.
An Android library for panning an image horizontal and vertically
Fast computer vision library for SFM, calibration, fiducials, tracking, image processing, and more.
Simple library for placing media type tags or text over an ImageView
A memory efficient Android image transformation library providing cropping above Face Detection (Face Centering) for Picasso.
This library offers some barebone code for android common to most applications. It provides simple classes and pre-written functions for - internet access, shared preferences storage and retrieval, image picker and bitmap operations, file read and write, recycler view, image downloading and quick database support
A Photo Editor library with simple, easy support for image editing using paints,text,filters,emoji and Sticker like stories.
Android library project for providing multiple image selection from the device.
An Advanced Compress Image Library for Android / 高效、简洁的图片压缩工具库
Dali is an image blur library for Android. It contains several modules for static blurring, live blurring and animations.
Multiple image select library for Android. Take a picture or Select from gallary
A memory efficient Android image transformation library providing cropping above Face Detection (Face Centering) for Glide.
Road Runner is a library for android which allow you to make your own loading animation using a SVG image
Extremely Smooth and Easy Cropping library for you
Pluto is an Easy, lightweight and high performance slider view library for Android. You have the flexibility to customize it to any view since it based RecyclerView.
A new canvas drawing library for Android. Aims to be the Fabric.js for Android. Supports text, images, and hand/stylus drawing input. The library has a website and API docs, check it out
Android Library for downloading and saving images
An easy image editor integration for your Android apps.
Asynchronous image loading library for Android
📫 RubberStamp is an Android library that makes it easy for you to add a watermark to your images.
Android library that enables the parallax effect like in IOS. Perfect for a login page and UX Experience
DaVinci is an image downloading and caching library for Android Wear
ImageWorker is a Library for Android to Save Images in External Storage
Android demo project as sample usage for Facebook's Fresco in detail, which is an awesome image loading library for Android.
This library is used for converting Bitmap or Drawable images to Round or Circular Shape. Round image view for Android or Circular Image View for Android.Tags Android Round Circularimageview Circle Rounded Corner imageview library.
Simple library for Android to asynchronously fetch images, cache them and display them on ImageViews.
SquareImageView is a simple wrapper library for Android ImageView
Optimized asynchronous multithreaded image loading library for AdapterViews.
Plugins for Glide 4 image loading libraries for load SVG
In this sample Android Project,we use Retrofit and Picasso library for loading image from the server in listview.
Utility Android app for generating color palettes of images using the Palette library. Written in Kotlin.
Image Cropping Library for Reac-Native Android, optimized for Camera / Gallery.
Tomo is a collection of fast image processing effects for Android
Library for GIF results, preview, play, share everything at one place!
Minifier is a lightweight android library for image resizing, format changing and quality focusing in reduce file size 🖼.
Image Cropping Library for Android
A library of image editing filters for the Android OS.
Easy to use and customizable media picker library to pick multiple images(with compression) and videos for Android.
WAProfileImage - A library for Android for choosing and editing profile image like WhatsApp
Android library for applying color look-up table (CLUT) image transformations on bitmaps and imageviews
Slider is android library, which makes you bit more attractive for sliding images. It will be useful for displaying movie casting and crew pics, on-boarding pages etc.
The Composable Images is a library providing Jetpack Compose wrapper for Glide, Picasso, and Coil.
Android Simple Network Library for HTTP and Image Requests with cool features implemented with Simple Demo using some Material Design UI Elements.
An Android transformation library providing a variety of image transformations for Coil, Glide, Picasso, and Fresco.
A RxJava based library using native code to convert images to Lowpoly for Android
High-performance library for converting YUV_420_888 Android Camera images to OpenCV RGB Mats
This tutorial explains, how to integrate twitter in android application. The example below using twitter4j java library for login to twitter and allows to share a simple text post and image post in users twitters timeline.
A library for Android provides blurred drop shadows to ImageView similar to iOS image backdrop shadows.Provides fast canvas draw as no renderscript needed .The similar shadow blurred effects can also be seen in iOS Music App.
Android Library for making scale-able and rotatable image views or giving this power to your own image view. This repo has been depreciated.
A small Android/Kotlin library for adding image effects/filters to photos and videos
A library to generate color palette for view, imageview and image from URL.
A RatingBar library for android, you can customize size ,color ,spacing and image easily!Support right to left。效果可以参看:https://juejin.im/post/6844904143220391949
An simple android library for writing text on the image.
An android library for zooming image from any context to full screen.
CroPicker is album and image Picker Library for Android. Supports import a list of Albums and support multiple image selection.
Simple Android library which allows you to create a chunk for NinePatchDrawable at runtime. So you are able to load 9.png images, for example, from assets of your application or from other source.
A memory efficient Android image processor library providing cropping above Face Detection (Face Centering) for Fresco.
A Canvas/Image Editor library with easy support for canvas/image editing using paints, drawable sticker, and text sticker in Android (Kotlin).
:octocat: Easy, sample and flexible library for loading, caching and displaying images on Android. written in Kotlin
Real-Time Image Compression Library for Android Camera w/ RAW-compression support
Little nifty library for Android to blur a Bitmap and overlay it with a color or another image
A WebP format image decode library for Android 2.x
Asynchronous image loading library for Android
A library to filter image and camera for Android, faster then gpuimage
AR-based library for Android which is capable of detecting faces and overlaying images above the user’s head
Android library project for cropping images by circle border
Common library for Android,Util class just like Http, Image,Database and so on,is a library convenient to develop.
Android TensorFlow Lite Machine Learning Example.This is an example project for integrating TensorFlow Lite into Android application This project include an example for object detection for an image taken from camera using TensorFlow Lite library.
An android library for displaying Facebook/Instagram inspired feeds
Java Image Processing Library for Android
An Rx/Flow gallery which allows to set and do limited or unlimited multi-selection on pictures and retrieve selections. Its based on MVVM clean architecture and supports pagination based on page size. It also returns the selected pictures for your tasks. It uses Android Database Cursor API to query images from device storage asynchronously using RxJava or Kotlin Flow API and returns them based on provided page size value when its scrolled. It also provides open to implement delete option to permanently remove pictures from gallery. It can be used with in your app or as a foundation for your own android library.
Android QR Code Scanner is an Android App is written in Java that uses the Android Jetpack CameraX library for previewing the camera and image analysis along with the ZXing open-source bar code scanning library.
An image loading and caching library for Android focused on smooth scrolling
A simple drop-in image management library for Android. Used in the app reddit sync
Android library for showing images side by side.
This is a powerful library for edit, scale and crop an image in android
An attachable image zooming library for the Android ImageView.
Aim of this project is to help children for using their android devices as a coloring book. They can use predefined pages or create their own pages. In order to create own coloring page there are some image processing techniques and libraries used. Canny Edge Detector algorithm is implemented for creating black edge lines. After having lines other parts of picture replaced with transparent layer so when user starts coloring the page he can easily color transparent layer. After finishing coloring result image will be on device’s image gallery.
A powerful (super fast) image loading, and memory caching library for android. With Pearl you can also save Json String and retrieve it later on if you want to display data in your app while the smartphone is in offline mode.
interface for ImageLoader and implementations with Glide and Picasso
An Android library for zooming and cropping image.
Swatches and colors for dynamic theming of layouts using Volley and Palettes library in Android.
Benchmarking project for image loading libraries on Android.
Best way to pick Image. An extraordinary library for Android
Android library for a radar view with scan and load points as image or colored circle
Provides Jetpack Compose support for different image loading libraries.
Android application to display horizontal recyclerview with glide library for image display using Kotlin Programming Language.
An Android library allowing for easy, configuration-less, touch view switching.
Unity plugin for getting Images from Camera roll on Android or Photo Library on iOS or taking photos with the camera.
Random image generator library for Android
This is sample application for using facebook fresco and imagechooselibrary to upload the picture from library or camero for android mobile app
An android library of powerful video view for android, with play,pause, volume ,full screen image buttons and functions.
TFLite-Image for Android - TensorFlow Lite inception model image library for Android
An image processing library for Android
An Android library used for loading large images efficiently.
Flutter plugin for selecting images/videos from the Android and iOS image library, and taking pictures/videos with the camera
Eclipse port of PhotoView image zooming library for Android
🖼️ A plugin for saving images and other media files in the device's pictures directory (Android) or photo library (iOS).
Android library to get clean pastel colors as placeholders for your images 🎨🎨
Android library for Bottom navigation which supports colored images in navigation items.
This application using Image Cropping Library for Android, optimized for Camera and Gallery.
Open-source library for image processing in Android.
Media Image picker library in kotlin for Android 🥳
AirBrush is an Android library for simplifying the creation/handling of placeholder images that are shown while images are loading.
Open-source tag-based image hosting API client library for Android
Highly customizable but easy to use image gallery library for Android.
A simple library for Android which caches the Images/JSON from server
Android library project for picking (multiple) images from gallery or camera.
An Android transformation library providing a variety of image transformations for Glide-4.0
MVFetcher is a library for downloading image and json also cache the data
Leon is an android library written to makes it easy for the programmer to display a set of images in a simple way using Picasso.
Android MultiPicker library for select video or images
Android library that provides endless scrolling effect for a given background image
Android Kotlin Application for download remote images using recycleview -image loading library
Android library #1 on GitHub. WIL aims to provide asynchronous remote image loading, caching and displaying. The purpose of the WIL is to abstract the downloading (images, pdf, zip, etc) and caching of remote resources (images, JSON, XML, etc) so that client code can easily "swap" a URL for any kind of files ( JSON, XML, etc) without worrying about any of the details. Resources which are reused often are continually re-downloaded and cached, WIL doesn't use infinite memory.
A Sample App for Coil Image Loader Library for Android using Kotlin!...
Android library for sharing an image on social media.
Converter for High Efficiency Image Format(HEIF)
Coil is a new android library for image loading it has following features are as follow :-1). fast 2).less boiler plate code than piccaso and Glide library 3).made up of kotlin Coroutines 4).modern
HSMultipleImagePicker is a library for Android which allows you to pick multiple images from the phone.
A library to implement RoundedImageView like User Interface for Profile Image in your Android App.
An Android library for image capturing and picking
A basic image downloading and caching library for Android
Image Cropping Library for Android, optimised for Camera / Gallery.
Image Cropping Library for Android, optimized for Camera / Gallery.
imageOpt image CDN, client library for Android, to construct parameterized imageOpt URL from plain image URL
A lightweight library for Android developers to deal with image downloading, fast and simple!
Open Java Imaging Library. Originally Jon's Java Imaging Library, for image processing
A library for image manipulation with power of renderScript which is faster than other ordinary solutions.
A powerful image downloading and caching library for Android
A library with methods for transitioning between Bitmaps (Android)
Library for loading, caching and displaying images on Android.
An android library for detecting face in the image, and identify the crop area.
Android library for receiving Philips Hue Images.
Example to demonstrate loading an image from URL using the Picasso library
Android application for downloading images from URL using Picasso Library and Volley Library, also Save in Internal folder using Kotlin Programming Language.
An android library for making simple image slider carousels
Library for most common Image related tasks on Android.
Android Image Slider view new version for android library.
A GIF Library for Android applications
Android library for multiple image selection.
ImageListPreference for android to create per item image list in preferences. Project created as Library. This library will not be updated anymore. Newer updated libarary can be found here: https://github.com/arnabJ/Android-ImageListPreference
[Android] A simple project for loading images into GridView. Compared several different image loader library, such as Facebook Fresco, Picasso and Universal Image Loader.
Android/Java - Library which provides default list items (with one image and up to three line items) as well as corresponding list adapters and list fragments for several purposes.
This is the best library for downloading image from web in android I have tested all the version of the Android work perfectly
Sample code provided by www.tutorialwing.com. This code demonstrates use of glide library to download image from server. For more info Visit -
Android library that creates custom recyclerview which loads the images for you!
image-picker library for android, classtinginc/react-native-image-crop-picker 에서 사용
Learning purpose Android app for exploring Okhttp and Picasso library
An Android library for uploading images and videos to Aliyun-OSS(安卓后台上传照片视频到阿里云OSS)
ImageListPreference for android to create per item image list in preferences. It's a library project. It's been updated to support latest Android versions, Old version can be found here: https://github.com/Proficient-Apps/Android-ImageListPreference
Android library for listening to Image Reader surface (Library developed to be used as binding in Xamarin)
An image gallery component library for Android, written in Kotlin 🖼
A simple library for Android to get list of labels from an image using FirebaseVisionImage
Android library for producing a video from recorded audio and a single image.
wrapper for image-chooser-library and android-crop
A library collection of editable ImageViews for Android
An image loading and caching library for Android focused on smooth scrolling
A simple and a lightweight library built in Kotlin for the selection of photos and videos from a user's device and presenting them in a Gallery app like UI that can be configured as a standalone photo or video picker or both as per use-case. By default, it scans all the photos and videos in the device. Android clients can provide a specific folder to scan, and it will only show all the media (images and videos) from that folder only. Clients can also configure in-built validation rules and message prompts around those validations.
Lightweight Image Loader Library for Android
Library to decode ICO files into a list of Bitmap-objects for Android - based on image4j
Basic image manipulation library for Android.
A simple android library, with a custom adapter for a listView with image, title and detail.
This is a small aplication for applicate filters to images. The applications contains the library of ragnraok (https://github.com/ragnraok/android-image-filter)
Android library that provides for multiple image/video selection.
A library that uses Repository Pattern for Android.
This android application integrates third party library 'Picasso' for rendering Images from internet onto your android application.
An multi image selector library for Android. Support single-choice,multi-choice,preview,delete,edit image and other functions.
Android application to distinguish and sort list items by name (A - Z) and random color for image user
Glide is a popular open-source Android library for loading images, videos, and animated GIFs.
An Android library for fetching data (Text and Images), and a sample app using it
(1) Name :- accelormeterSensor Description :- Using acceloremeter sensor to print Sensor event values. (2) Name :- ActionBarDropdownNavigation Description :- Action bar with dropdown navigation type. (3) Name :- android-actionbar-master Description :- Action bar buttons like add/delete/show. (4) Name :- Android Contact ListView Description :- Fake Contact listview. (5) Name :- AndroidListViewActivity Description :- Listview by extending ListActivity. (6) Name :- android-pulltorefresh-master Description :- Pulltorefresh demo. (7) Name :- Android-PullToRefresh-master Description :- Pulltorefresh handmark demo. (8) Name :- Android-Universal-Image-Loader-master Description :- Universal Image loader. (9) Name :- AnimationAllInOne Description :- Animation like fade/zoom/rotate. (10) Name :- arrayloop Description :- Different types of loops for arraylist items. (11) Name :- autocompletetextimagedemo Description :- Autocomplete with image and text. (12) Name :- BarcodeScanner Description :- Intent for Barcord scanner from google play. (13) Name :- bluetoothtoggle Description :- Toggle on/off bluetooth. (14) Name :- buttonpressed Description :-Status of button is pressed or not. (15) Name :- call Description :- Using TelephonyManager to get device phone number. (16) Name :- calling Description :- Intent to make call to specific number. (17) Name :- cellid Description :- Get cellid to get location. (18) Name :- Compass Description :- Google Glass - compass. (19) Name :- countrycode Description :- Get country code using Locale. (20) Name :- CustomLinkyfy Description :- Using custom linkyfy for various intents. (21) Name :- customlistviewBaseAdapter Description :- Listview with custom base adapter. (22) Name :- custompopup Description :- Dialog custom popup. (23) Name :- CustomSpinner Description :- Custom spinner with default value. (24) Name :- custom-ui Description :- Social Auth – custom UI. (25) Name :- databaseFromAsset Description :- Access database from asset folder. (26) Name :- dragndrop Description :- Drag and drop image demo. (27) Name :- expandablelistview Description :- Expandable listview demo. (28) Name :- flightmode Description :- Toggle on/off flight mode. (29) Name :- FragmentsTest Description :- Simple Fragment demo. (30) Name :- gallerydemo Description :- Image Gallery demo. (31) Name :- GestureDetection Description :- Detect gestures from user. (32) Name :- google image loader api complete Description :- Google image loader. (33) Name :- gpsonoff Description :- Toggle on/off GPS. (34) Name :- gpsonofstatus Description :- Get status of GPS on/off. (35) Name :- Gridlayout Description :- Grid layout demo. (36) Name :- gridviewsimple Description :- Simple grid view. (37) Name :- gsondemo Description :- Gson demo. (38) Name :- hbcustomlibaray Description :- Custom library demo. (39) Name :- HBfragment Description :- Fragment demo with detail and list view. (40) Name :- hideappfromlauncher Description :- Hide app icon from launcher. (41) Name :- highlightedittext Description :- Highlight the selected text. (42) Name :- home pressed Description :- Detect home button press. (43) Name :- HorizontalScrollViewActivity Description :- Horizontal scroll view demo. (44) Name :- ImageGridActivity Description :- Image grid using lru cache. (45) Name :- imageloadergoogle Description :- Google Image loader for auto complete. (46) Name :- imageloaderListViewWithJSONFromURL Description :- Image loader in listview pasring. (47) Name :- InstalledAppNames Description :- Get list of installed apps. (48) Name :- itemcount Description :- Item count calculation. (49) Name :- jasondemo Description :- Jason parsing demo. (50) Name :- jasonparsedemo Description :- Various kind of object json parsing using pojo. (51) Name :- JSONExampleActivity Description :- Json parsing post. (52) Name :- Jsonparsefromtxtfile Description :- Json parsing from txt file. (53) Name :- layoutadddynamically Description :- Adding infinity layout dynamically on button press. (54) Name :- layoutweightdemo Description :- Using layout weight for UI. (55) Name :- Linkedin Description :- Linkedin integration. (56) Name :- linkedinbest Description :- Linkedin integration. (57) Name :- Listview_baseadapter_getItemViewType Description :- Listview with getitemview type for different ui view per listitem. (58) Name :- LiveWallpaper Description :- Live Wallpaper demo. (59) Name :- MyAndroidAppActivity Description :- Simple string buffer. (60) Name :- mypopup Description :- Custom dailog. (61) Name :- notification Description :- Simple notification demo. (62) Name :- Notification_count Description :- Notification Badge count. (63) Name :- Paginated ListView Demo Description :- Pagination for listview. (64) Name :- PayPalSDKExample Description :- Paypal integration. (65) Name :- PinItDemo Description :- Pint it integration. (66) Name :- progressbardemo Description :- Progressbar demo. (67) Name :- ProximatySensorDemo Description :- Using Proximaty sensor for printing values. (68) Name :- pulltorefresh and dragndrop to gridview Description :- Pulltorefresh and drag n drop to gridview. (69) Name :- readtextfile Description :- Read simple text file. (70) Name :- recentRunningBackgroundAppList Description :- Get list of apps that were running recently. (71) Name :- rfile Description :- Get id value from view using r file. (72) Name :- ribbonsample Description :- Ribbon sample demo. (73) Name :- roatation Description :- Get status of rotation on/off. (74) Name :- rotatecenter Description :- Animate image rotation at center point. (75) Name :- screenorientation Description :- Get status of screen orientation landscape/portrait. (76) Name :- SdcardFormat Description :- Format sd card. (77) Name :- selectspeed Description :- Select speed ui txtsheild. (78) Name :- sendemail Description :- Send an email using intent. (79) Name :- share-bar Description :- Social Auth – custom UI. (80) Name :- share-button Description :- Social Auth – custom UI. (81) Name :- sharemyapp Description :- Share app apk from device. (82) Name :- signature Description :- Signature using image bitmap paint. (83) Name :- SimpleListView Description :- Simple listview demo. (84) Name :- smserrors Description :- Send sms and get various exceptions. (85) Name :- socialauth-android Description :- Social Auth demo. (86) Name :- Stopwatch Description :- Google Glass - Stopwatch. (87) Name :- SwitchButton Description :- SwitchButton toggle on/off demo. (88) Name :- textlink Description :- Text as a link url. (89) Name :- Timer Description :- Google Glass - Timer. (90) Name :- toggleButton Description :- Get status Toggle button on/off. (91) Name :- triangledrawable Description :- Draw triangle using drawable xml. (92) Name :- uninstallapp Description :- Uninstall app. (93) Name :- unknownsource Description :- Toggle on/off unknown source flag. (94) Name :- videodemo Description :- Simple video view to play rstp files. (95) Name :- videoviewdemo Description :- Video view to play Youtube files. (96) Name :- ViewPagerDemo Description :- Simple viewpager demo. (97) Name :- ViewpagerInDialogPopup Description :- View pager inside Dialog pop. (98) Name :- webviewnonxss Description :- You tube video play in webview using video id. (99) Name :- webviewyoutubeapi Description :- Simple video play in webview. (100) Name :- zoomtry Description :- Zoom in and zoom out animation.
Powerful Image Processing Library for Android. It accumulate knowledge and resource scattered around the web about image processing. This library consiist of various algorithms and techniques to process image.
Slideshow is Android library for previewing multiple images.
ProPicker is a file picker (image, video, file) library for Android. It helps you to pick any file and return the result in a convenient way
Customize your toolbar with beautiful style for your Android project
RoundImageView is a library that displays round corner picture and circle image for Android.
Simple library to display the images in android devices with the ability for multiple selection
Created the :imageLoader library for loading the images. in any android app
Android library for pick up images, it has been developed in Kotlin
An image loading and caching library for Android by using RxJava2
A library project for Android to easily display overlapping image list like on Instagram.
Android library for scale image and swipe up/down to close
(1) Name :- ActionBarSearchView Description :- Action bar search view. (2) Name :- Adsfree Description :- Admob integration. (3) Name :- AndroidDayDreamDemo Description :- Day dream demo. (4) Name :- android query demo live Description :- Google play live app details parsing. (5) Name :- Arc GIS map Description :- Arc gis map integration without hash key. (6) Name :- aviarySdk Description :- Aviary integration for image operations. (7) Name :- BetterGestureDetector Description :- Gesture accrate detection. (8) Name :- BlinkText Description :- Blinking text. (9) Name :- BuzzBoxSDKHelloWorld Description :- Buzz box integration cron scheduler. (10) Name :- CircularProgressBar Description :- Circular progress bar. (11) Name :- ContactNumbersDemo Description :- Get contact details from device. (12) Name :- ControlViewheight Description :- Manage height of specific view. (13) Name :- ControlViewHeightSeekbar Description :- Two listview manage appropriate hieght. (14) Name :- DownloadManagerAndroid Description :- Download specific file online. (15) Name :- Facebook Integration Description :- Facebook integration. (16) Name :- Graphview Description :- Graphview demo. (17) Name :- HB 1337 Description :- Virus and antivirus. (18) Name :- HomeButtonEvent Description :- Block home button press. (19) Name :- HomeLauncher Description :- Home launcher demo. (20) Name :- InAppPurchaseTut Description :- InAppPurchase demo. (21) Name :- KeyboardCustom Description :- Creating Custom keyboard demo. (22) Name :- MapDemoGeofencing Description :- Location map for geo fencing. (23) Name :- MapDemoV2Final Description :- Map demo for google version 2. (24) Name :- OpenGLESSquare Description :- Opengl moving square. (25) Name :- pagination numbering 2 Description :- Pagination type 2. (26) Name :- Pagination numbering Description :- Pagination type 1. (27) Name :- PhoneGapCordova Description :- Phone gap simple cordova demo. (28) Name :- PhoneGapCordovaCamera Description :- Phone gap for camera. (29) Name :- PhoneGapCordovaParsing Description :- Phone gap for parsing. (30) Name :- PhoneGapCordovaSMS Description :- Phone gap for sending sms. (31) Name :- RotatingWheel Description :- Rotating wheel by user interaction. (32) Name :- RotatingWheelSocialsites Description :- Rotating wheel by user interaction for socialsites. (33) Name :- RunningBackgroundServices Description :- Get Running services in background for package name/class name. (34) Name :- SearchList Description :- Searching from a specific list. (35) Name :- SearchViewContacts Description :- Search from contacts details. (36) Name :- SlidingDrawer Description :- Sliding drawer from bottom over another activity. (37) Name :- SpeechToTextDemo Description :- Convert speech to text. (38) Name :- TextToSpeak Description :- Convert text to speech. (39) Name :- TouchCordinates Description :- Get coordinate of user touch intergration. (40) Name :- TreeViewListDemo Description :- Tree view integration demo. (41) Name :- UninstallDeleteapp Description :- Uninstall another app from my app after removing admin permission. (42) Name :- ViewPagerCustomWidthFragment Description :- Fragment in viewpager. (43) Name :- WearableNotification Description :- Wearable notification. (44) Name :- WearablePages Description :- Wearable pages. (45) Name :- WidgetDemo Description :- Widget demo. (46) Name :- CameraIntentAll Description :- Camera demo for picture as well as video demo. (47) Name :- CameraOverlay Description :- Camera overlay image as aim shooting game. (48) Name :- DrmIntegration Description :- Drm Integration library for authorize users apk file. (49) Name :- SwipeRefreshLayout Description :- SwipeRefreshLayout Pulltorefresh like google. (50) Name :- TwitterIntegration Description :- Twitter Integration. (51) Name :- CameraADev Description :- Custom Camera for picture as well as video capture from android developer. (52) Name :- DataBaseSQLiteCRUD Description :- Simple SQLite CRUD funtions for contact database. (53) Name :- DataBaseSQLiteDBUtility Description :- Simple SQLite DBUtility all files and basic operations. (54) Name :- CustomDropdownMenu Description :- Custom Dropdown/Poup Menu. (55) Name :- CalenderSimpleView Description :- Simple calender view as well as timestamp using calender class. (56) Name :- CalendarProviderADevIntent Description :- Calender provider Intent from android developer. (57) Name :- AnimationTextViewAnimateLayoutChanges Description :- Animation of adding view inside another view using animatelayoutchanges. (58) Name :- DragnDropLowVersion Description :- Drag n drop funtionality for low version. (59) Name :- GoogleWalletAdev Description :- Google Wallet Integration from android developer. (60) Name :- AndroidShootingGame Description :- Android Shooting Game without opengl. (61) Name :- ViewPagerAnimation Description :- ViewPager page transformation for pages like alpha,scaling,rotation. (62) Name :- GoogleCloudWirelessPrintingIntent Description :- Google cloud wireless printing integration from google developer. (63) Name :- Barcode_or_QRCode_Scanner_openurl Description :- Barcord/QR code scanner from google play and open result url in browser. (64) Name :- MSServerListSyncSample Description :- List Sync Sample using MS Server. (65) Name :- SlidingMenuAPI Description :- Sliding Menu jeremyfeinstein library like facebook,gmail,etc. (66) Name :- GCMIntegration Description :- Google cloud messageing integration for notification. (67) Name :- NoiseAlert Description :- Detect noise or blow sound. (68) Name :- GregorianCalendar Description :- Basic Gregorian Calendar information. (69) Name :- getVariableName Description :- Get name of the variable not its value. (70) Name :- GoogleAnalyticsV4Adev Description :- Google analytics integration V4. (71) Name :- FlipboardAnimationAdev Description :- Animation like Flipboard. (72) Name :- Html5Camera Description :- Camera in Html5 without phonegap. (73) Name :- CopyPasteClipboard Description :- Copy & Paste Clipboard textual data. (74) Name :- AndroidPhpMysql Description :- Php and Mysql data parsing in android. (75) Name :- SpellChecker Description :- Check spelling and give appropriate suggestion for enter text. (76) Name :- PdfReader Description :- Read pdf file.Barcode/QR code scanner. (77) Name :- BarcodeQRcodeIntegration Description :- Barcode/QR code scanner using ZbarScanner lib and also Zxing lib without intent. (78) Name :- InstagramIntegrationApi Description :- Instagram Integration using sample demo. (79) Name :- Logger Description :- Read logger/logcat using api. (80) Name :- SmsControl Description :- Control device via sms codes. (81) Name :- EncryptDecryptString Description :- Encrypt string and Decrypt the same string. (82) Name :- FloatingActionButton Description :- Floating Action Button. (83) Name :- DownloadAndUnzipFile Description :- Download And Unzip File. (84) Name :- MoPubAd Description :- MoPub Ad Banner integration . (85) Name :- ListViewParsingDB_AndroidStudio Description :- ListView Parsing in android studio. (86) Name :- CustomCamera_AS Description :- Custom Camera using surfaceview. (87) Name :- ResizeableBox_AS Description :- Resizeable Box like crop. (88) Name :- AudioRecorder_AS Description :- Audio Recorder. (89) Name :- DateAndTimePicker_AS Description :- Date And Time Picker. (90) Name :- CustomActionBar_AS Description :- Simple Custom ActionBar. (91) Name :- CustomSpinner_AS Description :- Custom Spinner with default text item. (92) Name :- SendEmail_AS Description :- Send email in background after authentication. (93) Name :- GoogleAnalytics_AS Description :- GoogleAnalytics integration demo for crash and screen. (94) Name :- BroadcastReciever_AS Description :- Broadcast Reciever for sms ,call and boot receiver. (95) Name :- Azure Description :- Azure storage gsi credentials zip dowload. (96) Name :- InAppPurchase_AS Description :- In App Purchase simple demo. (97) Name :- iOS_Listview Description :- Simple Listview in ios. (98) Name :- iOS_Database Description :- Sqlite Database in ios. (99) Name :- MessangerList_AS Description :- Messanger Listview UI send and recieve. (100) Name :- FindingFriend_AS Geofencing for enter and exit another pin.
Using a powerful image downloading and caching library for Android
[WIP] A reactive image decoding library for Android
A powerful image downloading and caching library for Android
A lightweight image caching library for Android Apps
Flutter Plugin For Saving Image Path to Library (Android Only)
An experimental image downloading and caching library for Android
Deco is tiny library for android image loading and caching.
kotlin openCV Android library for manipulating image color, saturation, brightness. Using the library we can create various image filtered images
This library is for uploading the images from android applications to the CloudfyImage server
Library providing URL generator for Ackee's resizin.com image server
Repository for android application using OpenCV library in version 2.4.9. Real time image processing.
A sample app to demonstrate drawing of items via Android's Canvas library. Also, usage of GPUImage library for filter application on an image.
ProportionalImageView is a simple library for your Android project that allows you to set a ratio on Image View component.
Flutter plugin for selecting images from the Android and iOS image library, and taking new pictures with the camera.
Android Library For CircleImageView 可以实现圆角矩形、圆形、椭圆图片
Sample code provided by www.tutorialwing.com. Picasso library is used to download any image from server. This library take care of image caching. This code contains a sample code to use picasso library. For more info Visit -
[CODEBASE SHOWCASE] Create an image loading library that will be used to asynchronously download the images for the pins on the pinboard when they are needed
A project for retrieving a big data rows from web with the help of Retrofit library, rxJava - Observable and Glide for the simple images display.
Url Image management library for android. You can download, set image
Image Processing for Android is a library that provides over 30 image filters.
Android Library for working with image list selection and single image selection
A wrapper around the UIL image library for android image loading, used in the Bandsintown android app
The subject of this research was to build an image processing library from scratch for the Android application. The main goal was to create a stack of primary filters, functionality for color correction, and successfully implement it within the actual Android app. (Project under the CS Bachelor Degree)
this library is used for loading android listItem async data.unlike other imageLoader ,this lib can load any async data for listItem not just image.
Recylcerview onclick, with random person API, that makes use of libraries like Glide for images, and Circular Imageview for android
An open image library with the capability to upload user's image to the cloud and fetch. Showing some images from PIXABAY image API. A user can log in using Google and they can upload their own image to the cloud. Firebase is used for storing data. Tools Used : Android, Pixabay image API and Firebase.
This repository demonstrates how to upload an Image from the Android Phone Gallery and Upload it to A remote Server. The Application will require VOLLEY library for HTTP requests.
NetworkImageView is a simple but a very useful way of writing and using image views in Android for handling network images using glide library.
Android library project for providing multiple image selection from the device.
Sample Android application demonstrating the use of Fresco open source library by Facebook for image loading.
Library project for loading Images on ImageView from resources or from internet for Android
An Android Library for sharing intents, specifically made for sharing images from URL and has the ability to share text + generate playStore url from the package name of the context used
Android Application that demonstrates the use of Glide image processing library for loading images into recycler view items
An Android transformation library providing a variety of image transformations for Glide.
E-commerce native java android app using the data binding library and glilde for image rendering
A simple library for viewing an image file on Android from local storage.
Augmented Reality Senior Project utilizing image processing library implemented in openGL for Android
A Circular image loading and caching library for Android with circular Progressbar
Camera with Still Image and Video recording Library for Android Development purpose.
An Android transformation library providing a variety of image transformations for Picasso
Android library for displaying a wearable's hero image on a companion device.
A library for lazy load of images in Android saving data in cache memory.
A Facebook like Image and Video picker library for Android written in Java
Android Project for event management including youtube channel integration,glide image library,retrofit,PHP,MYSQL
Submarine is an Android library for loading MediaStore like Image, Video and Audio from local storage
A nice library for android to choose local images and videos.
Glide Android Library Example which is fast and efficient open source media management and image loading framwork for Android.
Testing OpenCV Library 4.1.0 for Android in Android Studio 3.4 using Kotlin and OpenCV example - Image Manipulation
The application mainly consists of a map view, once opened it gets user GPS or Network location and requests for nearby venues from Foursquare APIs. Application should cache the retrieved venues so that on next application start up, cached venues are displayed until fresh new venues are retrieved from server. It then places pins of each venue on the map, pin images should be venues images retrieved from Foursquare. Clicking on any pin should open an info window with the name of the venue, when clicking on the info window allow user to check-in in this venue. For user to check-in, this user should be logged in using OAuth implementation of Foursquare login. • I am using Job queue manager library to easily schedule jobs (tasks) that run in the background, improving UX and application stability. You can find it here (https://github.com/path/android-priority-jobqueue) • I am using EventBus that simplifies communication between Activities, Fragments, Threads, Services, etc you can find it here (https://github.com/greenrobot/EventBus) • I am using Retrofit that turns your REST API into a Java interface. It depend on Okhttp and Gson library You can find it here (https://github.com/square/retrofit) or (http://square.github.io/retrofit/ ) • I am using foursquare-android-oauth You can find it here (https://github.com/foursquare/foursquare-android-oauth) • I am using google play services
It's a demo project for a sample library AKImageDownloader, its an Android library to download images
JJKGlider is a library to pick images and videos from gallery with the help of Matisse Library, and then load selected image or video to ImageView and VideoView using Glide and BuildIn Android Features respectively. To be honest, I created JJKGlider for my personal use as I'm a laziest man in the world and don't like to repeat same stuff. But if you guys wanna use it for yourself, I won't mind it all! :)
This is a sample for RecyclerView which populates data from the DataSource class. The images are loaded using Glide Library for image loading and caching
Carousel effect in Android - Effect is achieved via ViewPager class of Android. Used web-scrapping of a link via JSoup library. Picasso Library used for lazy-loading of images
An online photo browsing and searching app for Android. Uses Flickr for the image library and Google Maps for location based visualizations.
Robust, reliable and concise media loading (i.e. Image, JSON, PDf, etc.) library for Android focused on smooth scrolling. It also supports in-built configurable memory cache.
Android app that shows a list of the top rated and most popular movies by using themoviedb.org JSON API. Implements libraries as Picasso for image downloads and caching, Volley for HTTP request.
Android Basic Application with communicationg server and by using 3rd party libraries like Butterknife for view injection, Dagger2.0 for Dependency Injection, Rx-Java and Retrofit for network communication and GSON for image loading form the server etc.
Android App using android retrofit library to manege restful methods with server, the main idea for this application to manege Employees, registration and login using token authentication, the application also include a logo builder using SVG images and upload the images to the server
This is a library for custom drawing using canvas. By adding this module, you can integrate a drawing board where you can easily draw anything and can be later saved as an image.
PhotoViewer is a simple wrapper library for Android Compount Controls. Square Image View is an Image View with an square dimension. Rectangle Image View is an image View with a rectangle dimension. SpiralPhotoView is a view group which is used to place multiple image view that is portrait or landscape in a single Spiral view.
Fetch images as per search query and retrieve results in to Grid View. Uses Kotlin and Java as technologies. Internally uses MVVM,LiveData,ROOM persistence library. Retrofit and Kotlin coroutines for Networking calls.
A library to help with database setup; working with queries like insert, create, delete, drop, select; for using rest api consumtion; shared preferences; image zoom in and zoom out, applying font to the entire layout, checking if internet connection is available or not, setting an image view in square shape, circular shape, with initial letter or avatat, and replacing null in a string and replacing true or false with 1 or 0, switch button, custom toast message, datetime utils, location services, location address, validation of different types, set max length, set character counter, check if url is valid and much more. Check out the README.md for more information and latest update. You can check out the website 'https://amitjangid80.github.io/multiutillib/' as well.
https://github.com/bumptech/glide An image loading and caching library for Android focused on smooth scrolling
An Android library for managing images and the memory they use. http://frescolib.org/ https://github.com/facebook/fresco
A custom android camera library for taking and cropping images on the fly. Best works with the fp05 device.
It is an agro based app where every farmer known as registered sme and he or she can sell bulk amount of product directly to cutomer by Posting his commodity through this app. Three types of User can Login. Custom User Interface, Fragmentation, Recycler View, Search, External Libraries like glide for fetching image from server, circular image view and retrofit used for backend api calling. All data are fetching from api provided by company.
App Resturent is a online food ordering app project and this project contain two apps, a user app to order the food from resturent and another is a owner app to receive the order and to view the open order and upload new food for order. Responsibilities: • Responsible for designing the UI of the Application using XML. • Responsible for java coding • Testing the application functionality in different android versions. • Responsible for store data in Firebase database shows in recycler view . • Responsible for creating FirebaseRecyclerAdater using FirebaseUI. • Responsible for creating Navigation Drawer Layout, Click Events and Recyclerview click event • Responsible for the use of library like picasso library to view the image from database. • Worked in all phases of the project including all phases design, developing, testing & deployment.
One of the most common task was to create Circular Image View. Whenever i get a new project, there is a screen where you have to implement Circular Image View. Either it will be in profile screen or within some listing. Today we will see what are the different ways to create Circular Image View in Android. There are lot many libraries to customize your Image View and make it rounded. Here the Android function for creating Image view and optimizing the cache .
Developed an java based Android application for “ Face and expression detection for smart cars”. This project project has following important modules: Developed an mobile application called “ Mobility X” This App consist of 3 modules : Face detection on video playback, Image capturing and integrated YOLO library. Also integrated OpenCV library for various image processing algorithm.
A library to help with database setup; working with queries like insert, create, delete, drop, select; for using rest api consumtion; shared preferences; image zoom in and zoom out, applying font to the entire layout, checking if internet connection is available or not, setting an image view in square shape, and replacing null in a string and replacing true or false with 1 or 0.
This is a sample code for how to use Picasso library in android. Picasso is open source and one of the widely used image downloader library in Android. It is created and maintained by Square. It is among the powerful image download and caching library for Android.
A simple easy-to-use android app for scanning QR Codes; It uses Android Jetpack CameraX library for previewing the camera and image analysis along with the ZXing open-source bar code scanning library.
This is a project for my MSc Course called Applied Information Systems. It consists of an Android application that utilizes the OpenCV library for image processing and a piece of code for an Arduino controller. The final product is a car that uses the cellphone's camera to navigate itself between 2 dark lines.
This is an Android Application which demonstrates the Map Search Application Functionality. The Application uses Android components such Activities, Fragments, Content Providers and Broadcast Receivers. It also uses third party libraries like dagger, retrofit, mockito for Junit testing and picaso for images CDN. It also implements advance concepts of android like recycler view, viewpager, onMapList with different set of layouts.
i used flickr Json data downloading to the app using AsyncTask I made http request and got Json data and parsed it RecyclerView and RecyclerViewAdaper I used callback functions I used picasso library to download images I used RecyclerView.OnItemTouchListener interface and its methods to detect some clicks. I implementted GestureDetectorCompat interface I used GestureDetectorCompat class to detect clicks and implemented its methods . I transferred data between actyivities using putExtra I used searchManager to allow the user to search for an image
this demonstrating utilizing the LibGDX Library and simple physics for velocity, gravity, as well as collision detection it multiple states from start to game over. update: This also shows scrolling background as we split the background into image sized segments that are repositioned every frame, thus create the illusion of a game level.
An android application which helps a layman to understand the blood reports by capturing image of the report using google’s tesseract optical character recognition library for character recognition.
🧩 Android library to pick an image from gallery or camera. Super easy. Inline result. No need for FileProvider, custom UI or localizations.
Use Instagram API to display Images with specific hashtag under Android Studio. Used picasso library for displaying. Add Drag&drop feature which can be used with scroll together
Here u can find Window Detectors made in C++, Android and Python. Programs are using library OpenCV. Additionally it contain image base used for creation Cascade Classifiers
An application which shows the list of Dogs in Kotlin, using Android JetPack libraries, Navigation, Lifecycle,LiveData,MVVM,Room,RxJava, Retrofit, Glide for Images, Data Binding
An android app which stimulates tinder like card swipes along with faster loading of images due to pre-fetching using picasso library for enhanced experience.
The application uses a volley library to fetch the news from the API and uses a glide library for image processing and chrome custom tabs to view the detailed article associated with the news in the application itself.
This is the Blood Bank android application. The idea of this app is to be able to find donors in our city with a specific blood group and also share our request for urgent blood in the community of our city. Working This is a simple PHP web server using a free hosting provider: http://000webhost.com There we have our MySQL database and some PHP scripts that are our APIs. For android the languages we are using are Java and XML. Tool Android Studio Libraries Used Volley: https://gist.github.com/RISHABH3821/bc48fe91119c2efa14cfab1accc71376 Glide(For loading images): https://github.com/bumptech/glide Fast Android Networking (For better Image Upload): https://github.com/amitshekhariitbhu/Fast-Android-Networking
This is a sample project which uses following android components : 1. MVVM Architecture 2. Kotlin Language 3. Databinding to bind the data to view. 4. Navigation Component for navigation. 5. Moshi library for parsing JSON 6. Kotlin Coroutines for async tasks. 7. Retrofit for network calls. 8. Glide to download and set Images. 9. Constraint layout
We at NavGurukul, Made this application while learning Android application development. We used many components like recyclerview, cardview, fragments, viewpager, APIs etc in this application. We used Volley Library for the network communication and Picasso Library for the image.
Imagino is the Image Library For Android. It is used to load Image from Remote Url. So what is new in that ? Here comes the advantage of using it.
🌒 This is an Android app that explores the use of the NASA API. The app displays the Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) on the home screen and can search the NASA image and video library. The app is built using Java, Android Studio, Android XML, NASA API, Retrofit by Square for API processing, and Picasso by Square for turning image URLs into ImageViews.
This is a library is used for remote file(Images for the time being) sync to Android application and cache it in memory to prevent fetching the same again from remote for further requests.
An android app which returns details of a movie such as actors, producers, release year etc when the user performs a search. It uses OMDb (Open Mobile Database ) for getting the data about movies, uses Volley library to fetch the data from OMDb and uses Picasso for loading images.
Wired Article Android Mobile Application . Gets the last 5 articles in wired.com and checks the most common words in every one of them . Then it translates the most common move words into the Turkish Language. Used Volley as a module for sending request , Yandex API for the words translations into the Turkish Language , Picasso Library for pure and fast download and implementation for images and JSOUP Library to parse the HTML code .
This is an Android Java Library which provides file picker capability for file type such as video, image, docx, pdf, txt, xls, and ptt. It is equipped with its own file picker UI separated by media type such Video & Image / Files. It is still in prototype stage and the file picker UI is still not supported for android 9/29 and above API.
FYP - Final Year Project - B.Eng in Mechatronics Engineering: Calorie-counting/diet-management Android application using ML image classifier and Bluetooth kitchen scale. This app uses the TensorFlow machine learning library, trained with the MobileNet image classification model, to detect food types. With the food classified, nutritional info is retrieved from the USDA nutritional info database, and the user can use a Bluetooth kitchen scale to record the weight value. This is used to calculate the calories and macronutrients of the food item or overall meal. Can be used with text-input for search and weight values also. Currently integrated with the "Skale 2" Bluetooth scale, but further support being added. Work in progress.
This is a Android App where user choose the wallpaper for the mobile screen.In this ,we use Unsplash API (Rest API) and popular android libraries like ButterKnife for binding view,Glide 4 to load image from server ,Retrofit for sending requests and handling responses ,GSON to convert JSON to Java Objects , Realm to save data in Android application.
Android Image Slideshow app. It utilizes the Picasso image library for caching of images. See the PicassoCache class where status indicators can be set along with other features. The slideshow is implemented with a ViewPager and Fragments and slide delay is set with a Runnable thread.
Android Tutorial 1. Android Studio Tutorial 2. Android Studio Overview 3. Android Intent 4. Android Spinner 5. Android ListView 6. Android Fragment Lifecycle 7. Android Passing Data between Fragments 8. Android WebView 9. Android ActionBar 10. Android Custom ActionBar 11. Android Animation 12. Android Capture Image 13. Android Custom Fonts 14. Android Location API GPS Tracking 15. Android Location Google Play Services 16. Android Increase Gradle Build Speed 17. Android NavigationView 18. Android SearchView 19. Android GridLayoutManager 20. Android MVP 21. Android Picasso 22. Android Internal Storage 23. Android External Storage 24. Android Shared Preferences 25. Android SQLite 26. Android Notification 27. Android AlertDialog 28. Android GridView 29. Android Gallery View 30. Android ProgressDialog 31. Android AsyncTask 32. Android BroadcastReceiver 33. Android ListView Custom Adapter 34. Android ViewFlipper 35. Android ButterKnife 36. Android Non Scrollable ListView 37. Android JSONObject 38. Android XML Parser 39. Android Runtime Permissions 40. Android Data Binding 41. Android Data Binding Advanced 42. Retrofit Android 43. OkHttp Android 44. Android Login Registration App 45. Android Interview Questions 46. Android Multi Search 47. Android Layout LinearLayout 48. Android FrameLayout AbsoluteLayout 49. Android ScrollView TableLayout 50. Android Navigation Drawer 51. Android CollapsingToolbarLayout 52. Android ImageView 53. Android TextSwitcher ImageSwitcher 54. Android AutoCompleteTextView 55. Android ProgressBar 56. Android SeekBar RatingBar 57. Android Toggle Button, Switch 58. Android Countdown Timer 59. Android ExpandableListView 60. Android Date Time Picker 61. Android Radio Button 62. Android Floating Widget 63. Android Checkbox 64. Android CardView RecyclerView 65. Android RecyclerView with Dividers 66. Android ViewPager 67. Android Drag Drop 68. Android Floating Action Button 69. Android SnackBar 70. Android Swipe Refresh 71. Android Shared Element Transition Animation 72. Android ConstraintLayout 73. Android ConstraintLayout Example 74. Android TextInputLayout 75. Android Percent Layout 76. Android Google Maps 77. Android Google Maps Example Tutorial 78. Google Static Maps 79. Android Google Maps Current Location 80. Android Google Map Route Drawing 81. Google Places API Welcome to Retrofit Android Example Tutorial. Today we’ll use the Retrofit library developed by Square to handle REST API calls in our android application. Table of Contents [ hide ] 1 Retrofit Android 2 OkHttp Interceptors 3 Setting Up the Retrofit Interface 4 Retrofit Android Example Project Structure Retrofit Android Retrofit is type-safe REST client for Android and Java which aims to make it easier to consume RESTful web services.
A Android Aplication written in java without external libraries, that downloads and parses Images from Flickr.com and shows them in a recyclerview and lets you search for a specific image and keeps you informed about new images related to your search.
An easy android library to show a preview for any links that you pass it to our edit text and return link info like image,title , description ...so on
Demo app for How to Integrate Facebook-sdk in your android app and login with facebook. I have used Glide library to set the Profile Image and Butter Knife to instantiate the object of the Widget very easily
An Android demo app for the Jetpack Paging 3.0 library. It showcases a paged API source and the caching mechanism with Room. It also displays random cat images and lets you pick your favourites.
NewsVilla is an Android based News Reader Application with News.org API, Implemented a Recycler View for News Feeds with Volly Library for taking a News through URL with a standard MySingleton Class and Glide Library for Image Processing. Chrome Custom tabs are implemented for the detailed Information of Clicked News.
Experimental image downloader for Android. Right now this only caters to simple image downloading. It's easy to use though, so you might wanna try it out. Do not hesitate to open PRs for this though. Still a WIP. I also have to make this as a library. :D
In this Demo project I am using retrofit, kodein(kotlin dependency injection),Kotlin Coroutines, MVVM in kotlin, Room database, Glide library for image loading, Android Navigation Architecture, Groupie library for recyclerview, this app includes signin, signup, profile detial, get lists of items from web service and store in local database,
Problem statement:- We have developed Android App for Sign Language Recognition. The app has an camera frame that would capture image and predict the image. Model development:- The model is built on Keras Library. Using the CNN Layers(Conv2d, Maxpooling ), Then one fully connected layers after Flatten. The Google colab notebook link https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1ORq0MmADxuXFIxINXUnLFYKkU9zVtL-j The model is built as .h5 file. To use it in android we need to convert it in tflite file Android App has tensorflowInterpreter library to use the tflite file for predictions in java
Expert system is a computer program that uses artificial-intelligence methods to solve problems within a specialized domain that ordinarily requires human expertise. Developed in Android operating system using Fragment and third party libraries such as Volley library as a web server and Picasso for image loading.
This android application depicts the recommended architectural pattern(MVVM) for developing android apps. The data for the app is fetched from https://api.github.com/users then the JSON data is parsed into Kotlin Object through Retrofit and MOSHI library. The users' avatars are loaded into an image view using Glide library, and the images are shown on the app through a recylerview adapter. An onClick listener is implemented on the recyclerview to navigate to a detail fragment where the user avatar and login name is then displayed.
This android application tells you the hourly weather of cities you enter. The cities and their states are mapped using API. Also, we have implemented Serializable interface in order to pass data between various activities and XML Parsing for parsing data from www.wunderground.com. The square.github.io/ library is used for displaying images.
Make an android app which can display a grid of products(with attributes like name, image, price). It should have an imageslider on top, to display featured product images. Add a toolbar/actionbar searchview that can help with a client-side search for the offline catalogue you build. Provide a menu item for language change, and implement the entire thing for any 2 languages of your choice. Preferably ENG+ any local language. Assume necessary things. Provide the best solution you can! You can use libraries, but implementation without the use of external libraries would be preferred (you can surprise us with some mock API calls, etc).
This project is for a Udacity course about Android development. In this project I implemented a movies app that downloads and presents movie lists from TheMovieDB.org. The app implements an SQLite DB, content provider, list adapter, sync service, JSON data parser, and uses Picasso image loading library.
Shimmer is an Android library that provides an easy way to add a shimmer effect to any view in your Android app. It is useful as an unobtrusive loading indicator that was originally developed for Facebook Home. Shimmer for Android is implemented as a layout, which means that you can simply nest any view inside a ShimmerFrameLayout tag, and call to start the animation from your code. That's all that is required. The layout will use the values you specify either on the tag (using custom attributes) or programmatically in your code, and generate an animation on the fly. See the API reference for further details. Here's an example of a composite view, consisting of an image and some text below it, that shows the effect in action:
Universal Resource Handler is a general purpose library based on Java & Android API for downloading any kind of resource (Images, Json data, Xml etc...) from a provided URL. Universal Resource Handler downloading and caching any given resource is asynchronously processed in a separate background thread to make sure the UI main thread is not frozen or blocked by any mean for a better UX and code design. Thanks to it's memory caching system, saving or loading from the memory cache is never been easier. All resources are downloaded from a URL (or CDN) and then cached in the memory for any instant later access. The memory caching system is based on the LRU (Last Recently Used) algorithm, which is a powerful caching algorithm that automatically evicts resources being held in the cache and not used for a certain amount of time.
Present users with a grid arrangement of movie posters upon launch. Allow users to change sort order via a setting: The sort order can be by most popular or by highest-rated (movie data fetched from the Internet with the MovieDB API) or by favorite movies (movie data fetched from the local database). Allow users to choose enabling offline use or not via a setting: When enabling offline use is checked, movie posters and movies' basic information will be saved to users' local app cache folder for future offline usage, and will be automatically updated approximately every 24 hours. Created three tables (Movie, Trailer, Review) in one local database. Implemented Content Provider to access the database to fetch favorite movies data. Allow users to tap on a movie poster and transition to a detail screen with additional information such as: original title / movie poster image thumbnail / a plot synopsis / user rating / release date / trailers / reviews. Allow users to view and play trailers via an Intent either to launch in Youtube app or a web browser (if Youtube app isn't installed on the user's phone). Allow users to mark a movie as a favorite in the details view by tapping the star floating action button. Allow users to delete a movie from the favorite movie database by tapping the star button again. Color grey on the star indicates the movie is not stored in the database. To display the details requires an API request. Color yellow on the star indicates the movie is stored in the database (including trailers and reviews). To display the details does not require an API request. Implemented sharing functionality to allow the user to share the first trailer's Youtube URL from the movie details screen. Allow users to interact with the app via a widget: When click the widget title, the app main screen opens directly. When click one of the widget movies' list, the clicked movie detail screen opens directly. Implemented deep links, so that when users go back from one movie's detail screen, it will come back to the app's main screen instead of jumping out of the app directly. Allow users to get a highest-rated popular movie notification every day. Incorporated libraries to simplify the amount of code, such as: Using Picasso to fetch images and load them into views. Using RecyclerView and ConstraintLayouts to implement efficient layout design. Used adapters and viewholders to populate list views. Used databinding to populate details views. Support custom layout-land design to use up white spaces when the phone is rotated to landscape mode. Support different dimensions on Android tablets. Support default language: English and another language: Chinese. Support accessibility for vision-limited users. Stored all the strings in string.xml. Stored all the dimens in dimens.xml.
Uses: Location Services, Internet, Google APIs, Images, Picasso Library, Implicit Intents, TextView Links Application Specification: - This application acquires and displays an interactive list of political officials that represent the current location (or any specified location) at each level of government. - Android location services are be used to determine the user’s location. - The Google Civic Information API is used to acquire the government official data (via REST service and JSON results). - Different layout for landscape orientation for 2 of the activities in this application. - Clicking on an official’s list entry opens a detailed view of that individual government representative. - Clicking on the photo of an official will display a Photo Activity, showing a larger version of the photo. - An “About” activity shows application information (Author, Copyright data & Version)
Student ID Roll Image Capture: Keeping track of student class attendance is an important process in understanding and measuring student performance. However, because of the difficulty of the manual process and the expense of scanning equipment, the strict adherence to attendance keeping has been lacking. The presence of cameras and processing units make mobile phones an adequate tool for performing these tasks. The UWI student id card has a bar code that contains the student’s unique identifier. The Android app can use a bar code library to scan the code and add the student to the roll. The app may need to scan the code very quickly and give visual confirmation of the success of the operation.
Project Overview Project Overview Most of us can relate to kicking back on the couch and enjoying a movie with friends and family. In this project, you’ll build an app to allow users to discover the most popular movies playing. We will split the development of this app in two stages. First, let's talk about stage 1. In this stage you’ll build the core experience of your movies app. You app will: Present the user with a grid arrangement of movie posters upon launch. Allow your user to change sort order via a setting: The sort order can be by most popular or by highest-rated Allow the user to tap on a movie poster and transition to a details screen with additional information such as: original title movie poster image thumbnail A plot synopsis (called overview in the api) user rating (called vote_average in the api) release date Why this Project? To become an Android developer, you must know how to bring particular mobile experiences to life. Specifically, you need to know how to build clean and compelling user interfaces (UIs), fetch data from network services, and optimize the experience for various mobile devices. You will hone these fundamental skills in this project. By building this app, you will demonstrate your understanding of the foundational elements of programming for Android. Your app will communicate with the Internet and provide a responsive and delightful user experience. What Will I Learn After Stage 1? You will fetch data from the Internet with theMovieDB API. You will use adapters and custom list layouts to populate list views. You will incorporate libraries to simplify the amount of code you need to write Ready to start building?
Sketch is an image loading library designed for Compose Multiplatform and Android View. It is powerful and rich in functions. In addition to basic functions, it also supports GIF, SVG, video thumbnails, Exif Orientation, etc.