Rxjava 2.0 wrapper on Google's Android Firebase library.
RxJava wrapper on Google's Firebase for Android library
[DEPRECATED] Android Library to implement Paging support for Realtime Database in RecyclerView.
A plug and play modular toolkit for integrating the Chat feature on top of Firebase!
An Android Library that provides social login for 15 platforms within by RxJava2, Kotlin and Firebase Authentication.
Send push notification from server to mobile application.
Rx (Version 2!) wrapper for the Firebase Android library
Java wrapper library to send messages to Android clients through Firebase Cloud Messaging
Android library to transform Firebase Cloud Firestore documents, queries, and collections into LiveData
A library to use Firebase on a native Android application
Firebase Cloud Messenging Helper Library - Helps you to send fcm notifications or data to your Android projects
android library to let you build your own layout with firebase console
On demand Android login activity utilizing the FirebaseUI library expanded for new user creation (registration) and multiple languages. Password and Google Auth.
Demo app for implementation of Firestore Paging library in Android app.
A sample android application to test Safaricom M-Pesa STK push using @twigaeng android-daraja-sdk library
An additional set of Firebase UI bindings for Android, based on the FirebaseUI-Android library
FCM : FirePush is a lightweight Kotlin/Android library to send FCM push notifications to Android, iOS & Web like a pro.
Android library that helps to construct and launch system tray notifications from FCM Notification messages received when the app is in foreground mimicking the default format and behavior applied when the app is background.
Kotlin Coroutines helpers for Firebase Library
Android Application developed on Google Firebase platform, for both Student and Admin users with 10+ functionalities.
An extension library that you can use Google Play Services Tasks API smarter.
Android Library wrapper for Firebase Storage functionality.
Simplified wrapper for Firebase Analytics to provide utility helpers
An Android books library organizer using Firebase Database, AdMob, Firebase Analytics, Goodreads Api and Retrofit with a MVP architecture.
QR reader library with CameraX & Firebase ML for Android.
geofencing application for android use firebase database and Geofire Library. The original tutorial link and all credits goes to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rwz-F4YOMBM&lc=z23ver0rkmjuxrd1zacdp432mpjzhqh2vpqugdk2iklw03c010c.1525394303781475 and Farhad2015/Geofence-GeoFire
An android project which implements all java libraries required for Firebase auth with custom token.
This android application created by using firebase , firebase authentication , firebase storage and glide library.
A light-weight android library that can be quickly integrated into any app to use analytics tools.
Implementation of basic recycler view along with cloud functions and android notifications
Easily managing generic objects which are retrevied from Firebase
A Firebase Wrapper-Library made to simplify mobile-backend programming on android
An Android library that pull images from Firebase Storage and show them in an image slider
A simple library to get data from Firebase by just passing the database reference path
This project was realized on Android Studio. Firebase was used.
Android application - Library management system using firebase API.
A simple library for Android to get list of labels from an image using FirebaseVisionImage
Firebase Database library to use the firebase database services .
Android Application for Book Storage using Firebase Realtime Database for applying CRUD operations
[WIP] Library that provides an easy way for Firebase Developers to implement mPesa payments in their apps.
A light weight Fcm push notification sender library for Android
Library to get JSON Reponse of the given reference from Firebase.
Library for android mobile devices responsible for remotely blocking a device using Firebase
Heal-O-Chat is a Social Media Application for people who have been feeling less motivated in life or are losing hope. This platform allows users to chat with people and share their thoughts and feelings with each other and thereby let go of stress, anxiety, and depression that they've been feeling for long.
An Android app to automate the basic functionalities of library using Firebase.
Kotlin Flow wrapper on Google's Firebase for Android library
A Library to implement an Assistant for Firebase Realtime Database in Android.
A Library to implement an Assistant for Firebase Firestore in Android.
Android app to sell books among thee college. Database Connectivity Firebase.
The Android library for our integrated Firebase chat solution
Plug and play chat library powered by firebase
JCoil is an android application that through the Coil library, downloads images from urls and also labels them through Machine Learning (Firebase MLKit). 🖼🔬📥
A Simple ODM Library for Firebase Cloud Firestore for Android
A simple library containing fragments to help displaying a list of items from the Firebase database
The last thing you need to do is you have to copy the firebase libraries to your folder. Download firebase php libraries from here. Download the source from here you will get a zip folder. Inside that zip you will find an src folder. Inside the src folder you will get 3 php scripts. Copy all these 3 scripts to your project folder inside wamp. Now you can try sending a push notification. You can apply CSS to your web panel code to make it look good.
Testing firebase on android using Libgdx and the gdx-fireapp library
This Apps is about chatting and academic information for Islamic University of Indonesia this apps technology using firebase cloud messaging for sending a message and receive notification directly to communicate the data to our server, this apps is using Volley library
Android News Application With Weka Machine Learning Library
Demo Android application showing usage of Firebase with Inngage library
Android media library app. Allows searching and storing games, books, movies and TV shows data. Developed using Kotlin, Firebase, MVVM, Material Design and Retrofit.
A library that makes it easy to read lists from Firebase and JSON generators.
Default android app template with MVVM architecture, firebase crushlytics & some of useful libraries (WITHOUT Dagger2)
It is an android app for users for better, faster and easier retrieval of information and live updates of library through the Firebase database
This android app has integrate libraries and funtionality of iHealth device BG5 and FIREBASE
My Forum Application using Firebase Authentication and Real Time Database, ListViews , Prettytime library
A module for Godot Engine that provides a selection of functionalities from Google AdMob and Consent Library (GDPR)
A simple project demonstating the use of libraries like Firebase Authentication (Google SignIn), Realtime Database and Firebase Recycler Adapter.
Advanced quick note taking app built with Rx android, Room Persistence Library, and SQLite + Firebase as back-end.
Simple Android application with google firebase authentication and Android MPChart library
Firesnap is a ORM library for Firebase database
Sample Face Recognition Android app using Firebase MLKit and dlib library.
This is a simple library manager that helps to create users ( using Firebase Authentication ) and then help to add books by the admin itself. These books can be viewed by the users and whenever the book is added to the list a notification pops up as a message. This app doesn't show the lime limit of the book to return as we thought it would. It is developed in the older version of the android studio.
An android based files and notes managing application using firebase libraries.
Android based Lost and found system, using ZXing library and Firebase
Complete android app, connected with firebase and using some Async libraries and design
An Android Chatting rooms app Using Firebase authentication, database and third party libraries like Picasso.
An Android library to store user data remotely (on Firebase) and synced it locally using SharedPreferences.
Tugas UTS Android Menggunakan Fragments, Image processing library & Firebase Cloud Messaging Notification
demo online store app by using android-java, firebase database and 3rd party libraries
ToDo List Android application. Using Firebase for Authentication and data storage and the Android data binding library for the Views
Projects Ranging from Music player , Sqlite to authentication with custom and google accounts. These accounts have been created using Android Studio , music library , battery manager, firebase, and cellmanager.
To Do List Application which uses Cloud FireStore with Google Firebase to manage/change the data real-time maintaining persistent data. Added third-party libraries for UI design.
A QR and Barcode scanner for android mobile devices using Firebase Machine Learning Toolkit, Material design, MVVM architecture, Coroutines and Jetpack Libraries.
StalkCode is a Android application that helps you keep track of your coding performance by providing analysis in form of graphs.Features of the Application are It gives info of UpComing Contests, Uses Firebase as a Database , Implemented Android MP Chart library for variety of graphs, Recycler View for display of codes Solved ,etc
geofencing application for android use firebase database and Geofire Library. The original tutorial link and all credits goes to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rwz-F4YOMBM&lc=z23ver0rkmjuxrd1zacdp432mpjzhqh2vpqugdk2iklw03c010c.1525394303781475
Improvemented library on top of CameraX-Object-Tracking
The complete Library system with a android application interface for students and Web interface for administration. This project contains the list of books in the online database and students can search for the book with reference to the title, author, book_id and section in their application. The firebase push notification before 3 days of due date. Profile of students with books borrowed and their due date.
Chatter is a mobile application where users have the opportunity to chat with each other and also, create groups. In this mobile application Firebase Realdatabase, Storage and Cloud Messaging is used. In addition to firebase, various third party libraries and material design features are also included.
A sample application showing basic usage of Firebase JobDispatcher. It uses the library to schedule a task (that requires an internet connection) to run every 30 seconds.
An open image library with the capability to upload user's image to the cloud and fetch. Showing some images from PIXABAY image API. A user can log in using Google and they can upload their own image to the cloud. Firebase is used for storing data. Tools Used : Android, Pixabay image API and Firebase.
Android simple realtime machine learning labeler from camera using firebase ml-kit and fotoapparat's camera and frameprocessor library
This is an android camerax object detection tutorial.This tutorial uses Firebase ML library for object detection.
Android application used to connect the refrigeration engineer to the customers with using Firebase technology , MVP patterns and handful libraries
A simple but light weight Android Library for auto dectecting users phone number for Firebase Phone Sign up Method
Android | iOS | React Native - Working with Networking, Firebase Analytics, Service, Views, Material UI, SQLite, Augmented Reality Demo Codebases, Android ML Kit, Popular Library Implementations & More
Using the full gamut of the Android framework,trending libraries, Material design and a variety of Google Play services and Firebase services. Demonstrate whole development process(design document -> mock-up -> develop client and backend -> unit tests and instrumented tests -> release)
Android demo app. Clean Architecture, MVVM, Single Activity, Navigation Component, Room, Retrofit, WebView, Paging Library, LiveData, Coroutines, Hilt, Foreground Service, Bound Service, Notifications, Glide, Timber, Amplitude Analytics, Firebase Crashlytics, Multiple Themes Support
Toy app in Kotlin to compress images, and upload them to Firebase. The compression process was based on the Compressor library.
This is the demo project for demonstrating the Google-Firebase Authentication, Realtime-Database and FirebaseUI-Android library capabilities. Make sure to create new project on firebase console and add your google-services.json file in it.
This challenge is an Android Application called Travelmantics. It will help user find holiday deals. To complete this challenge, you are expected to complete this course 👇 https://app.pluralsight.com/library/courses/android-app-android-studio-firebase/table-of-contents
I made a simple chat application right now.Everyone can sign up with their email and can send a message to message people who have already signed in. This application totally depends on Firebase. I used storage ,real time databeses and messagin parts in the application. There is a profile section in the app and lastly i used OneSignal library for notification purposes
Its an Firebase Based Android on to one chat application. Where people could chat with a single person or people can also created chat groups. I'm using Firebase Authentication, Firebase Database, Picasso Library for retrieving picture from Firebase Storage. Its an ongoing project.
Interview Preperation app, made with use of Android Volley,Firebase,Card View and Recycler View and Picasso library and lots of love.
Android app which shows the user subway stations of Minsk in different ways. Written on Kotlin with use of VIPER, Dagger2, Firebase, Room Persistence Library, Retrofit, RxJava2, Moxy
Android app that enables users to exchange books with other nearby users using GeoFire library, Google Books API and Firebase Realtime Database.
1-using Firebase Realtime database , Authentication and Storage 2-using thired Libraries as butterknife ,Glide,Android Image Cropper ,Stories progressView and using material desgin
Major Project Done using Android studio as the front-end and Firebase as the Back-End. It also uses OneSignal libraries for Notification
The Firebase JobDispatcher is a library for scheduling background jobs in your Android app, this is a simple sample, for make it real. 😬🌮
A simple and sleek Android client powered by newsapi.org, built to demonstrate the use of Modern Android Development Tools, Clean Architecture, And the most common android third libraries. Created By Eng. Alaa Eddin Albarghoth
App Resturent is a online food ordering app project and this project contain two apps, a user app to order the food from resturent and another is a owner app to receive the order and to view the open order and upload new food for order. Responsibilities: • Responsible for designing the UI of the Application using XML. • Responsible for java coding • Testing the application functionality in different android versions. • Responsible for store data in Firebase database shows in recycler view . • Responsible for creating FirebaseRecyclerAdater using FirebaseUI. • Responsible for creating Navigation Drawer Layout, Click Events and Recyclerview click event • Responsible for the use of library like picasso library to view the image from database. • Worked in all phases of the project including all phases design, developing, testing & deployment.
An eCommerce android application integrated with the Firebase's Real Time Database , Authentication and Storage. The app integrates JSON , external libraries and implements shopping cart features such as register/login for both admin and user , pull/push products list from API and add/remove item to the shopping cart.
It is a integrated tool involves acceleo, Google Firebase, Amazon AWS services and a large number of android libraries and APIs to build an APK from a Goal Model written in Extended tgrl language.
This project is has been created using google services such as firebase and tensorflow lite. The pre-trained libraries have been employed to an android application to detect and recognise objects.
MyFitnessHelper - my Capstone Project for Java/Android course in Epicodus. MyFitnessHelper - an Android application that allows user to track Fitness activities according to location (zip code). Application uses Yelp API data and OkHttp library for HTTP requests. Technologies used: Java, Android Studio, Firebase.
Delta Aura is an Android Application which is build using Firebase authentication and using firebase database and technology used is Glide Library,Sign in with Google,Email and Phone Verification and it is used to connect people and socialize them and we also provide event related information necessary updates to our users.
This is a simple chat application powered by firebase. I implemented this as a way to learn more about android development. The project involves a number of great technologies. All the way from firebase authentication to importing croping libraries to help the user upload very cool profile photoes, I have extended my knowledge in this tech and if you want to get it just simply pull it from here. Thanks!
TestYO is the android project which first extract question and options from docx file with the help of open source library apache poi. This app download files from firebase and then save it in its local database. It also creates online test environment for user.
This is an android app which could be efficient for Students to keep track of their educational condition and University events and news (registration started, Exam date and routine published etc.). Also this app uses Firebase database, Navigation Drawer Layout, Fragment, View Pager, some external Libraries and so on.
ACADEMIC PROJECT: Android based application that enables students to trade goods by coding the program in Java to create fragments for user profile, a list of products to trade, and feedback section. Extracted data from Firebase database to feed product information into application and designed the UI using XML and such libraries as Picasso and Retrofit for photos.
This a an Android based mobile application which basically enables user to have hustle free payment procedure. Apart from that this android mobile application will take care of all your trip history, transactions, help user to manage their vehicles. This app uses firebase for two factor authentication, Room persistence database for storage of the user data. This projects also uses some of the libraries and external resounces for UI design and navigation purposes.
This is an example for an android application in which we get to use the correct form of a camera runtime permisions fragment and its functionality and a standar register and login service using sql for the database not like in my other example that i have used firebase. The project its built outside android studio so you can use the libraries and project structure that you like using this activities cause if you want to change the project within android studio and adding a service it may be a mess if you had a big project going on
An internship project at Turkcell, showcasing modern Android development tools and MVVM + Clean Arch. This E-commerce App employs cutting-edge technologies, common libraries, Firebase technologies, Kotlin, and Android Architecture Components.
A full stack Android personal finance and wealth management app built in Android Studio with Java, XML, Firebase Authentication and Realtime Database, Stanford CoreNLP, AnyChart JavaScript library, Google Cloud Functions written in Node.js, and the Plaid, Dialogflow, News, and Twitter (via Twitter4J) APIs.
A Kotlin-based mobile application built with Jetpack Compose and Android Jetpack libraries, designed for creating balanced teams with ease. Users can add players, manage competitions, upload player images, and access advanced features like weather integration and SWOT analysis. Leveraging Firebase for storage and Hilt for dependency injection.
Android based digital library application. Spring Boot, Hibernate, Retrofit, MySQL and Firebase services
Old Android demo app (developed in 2020 and released at Play Market for demonstrating my coding practices at that time). Clean Architecture, MVVM, Single Activity, Navigation Component, Room, Retrofit, WebView, Paging Library, LiveData, Coroutines, Hilt, Foreground Service, Bound Service, Notifications, Glide, Timber, Amplitude Analytics, Firebase Crashlytics, Multiple Themes Support