QR reader library with CameraX & Firebase ML for Android.
The Weka ML library for Java is FREE and provides access to various ML algorithms and neural networks. These algorithms can be utilized for a variety of purposes, including facial recognition, which can be done for free unlike APIs like Kairos or Microsoft Azure. Clone this repo, give it a star, and have fun using the facial recognition app!
Mluvii Android Library that allows developers to use Mluvii button inside their app
Vision AI is library to help developers to bring ML solutions for their apps
Simple Logging library for Android in Kotlin, It will help you to print the logs in Console and also it will store the logs in File in your mobile storage.
An Android app to identify books from their covers and give info, built using ML Kit's Text Recognition API, Android Jetpack Libraries and Google Books API
Weka Port to Android Library http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/ml/weka/
Using JavaML library with Android to do simple machine learning.
Text Recognizer Using google cloud vision and google ML library , use check different branches for implementation
This project is has been created using google services such as firebase and tensorflow lite. The pre-trained libraries have been employed to an android application to detect and recognise objects.
Android simple realtime machine learning labeler from camera using firebase ml-kit and fotoapparat's camera and frameprocessor library
This is an android camerax object detection tutorial.This tutorial uses Firebase ML library for object detection.
Android | iOS | React Native - Working with Networking, Firebase Analytics, Service, Views, Material UI, SQLite, Augmented Reality Demo Codebases, Android ML Kit, Popular Library Implementations & More
A simple code scanner app for Android built with latest CameraX Jetpack library and Google's on device Machine Learning SDK ML-KIt.
FYP - Final Year Project - B.Eng in Mechatronics Engineering: Calorie-counting/diet-management Android application using ML image classifier and Bluetooth kitchen scale. This app uses the TensorFlow machine learning library, trained with the MobileNet image classification model, to detect food types. With the food classified, nutritional info is retrieved from the USDA nutritional info database, and the user can use a Bluetooth kitchen scale to record the weight value. This is used to calculate the calories and macronutrients of the food item or overall meal. Can be used with text-input for search and weight values also. Currently integrated with the "Skale 2" Bluetooth scale, but further support being added. Work in progress.