Android rest api libraries



A wrapper for the openweathermap REST API

MIT License
Updated 16 Nov 2020

A simple rest API client library

Apache License 2.0
Updated 06 Jun 2020

Android REST client library (supports RESTful JSON API)

Updated 13 Oct 2020

Consuming REST API using Retrofit Library with the help of MVVM, Dagger2, LiveData and RxJava2 in Android

Updated 17 Sep 2020

A simple android application that uses Retrofit library to read data from REST api

Updated 12 Oct 2020

A client library for interacting with the Gogs REST api.

MIT License
Updated 21 Nov 2020

NewAndroidTwitter is an Android wrapper library to access Twitter REST API version 1.1

Apache License 2.0
Updated 18 May 2017

An Java library to wrap the publicly available Reddit REST API.

MIT License
Updated 19 Mar 2019

A simple Android RESTful library for integrating with RESTful JSON APIs

Updated 30 Apr 2019

Online Music Streaming Player.Plays music from a Rest api's url.I am loading data from rest Api using volley library here.This app also allows to download,share,play music .

Updated 13 Nov 2020

An Android library for interacting with a RESTful SIRI interface for real-time transit data, such as that currently deployed by MTA BusTime API

Updated 27 Dec 2019

A sample user interface for an Android app that uses the SiriRestClient Android library to interact with SIRI-based APIs for real-time transit data.

Updated 07 Aug 2019

restafari is an android library mostly oriented to facilitate REST API calls to a server and storing the server API response to a local SQLite database.

MIT License
Updated 04 Mar 2020

Simple and light Rest API calling library for the android.

Updated 14 Sep 2018

Demonstration of networking from REST API into an Android application using Kotlin, Retrofit and Room persistence library.

Updated 01 Nov 2020

A lightweight mock rest api library for Android

Apache License 2.0
Updated 11 Oct 2020

An android Library supporting RESTful APIs.

Updated 06 Jul 2019

This project is the library Rest API communication using Retrofit library. This library used OAuth2. Implemented image or file upload.

Updated 31 Jul 2019

Convenience library for REST requests on android

Updated 31 Mar 2016

A useful Retrofit based Android library for REST API calls.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 02 Apr 2019

WalkOver is a library to create simple and light weight REST API's in Android and Java

MIT License
Updated 23 Oct 2019

Android application with rest-api using volley library

Updated 16 Nov 2019

A library to communicate with Android app using REST apis

Updated 25 Apr 2020

This is an android application that fetch some data using Volley REST API library

Updated 14 Sep 2020

Ytel API Android Helper Library

Updated 11 Oct 2018

Android library utilizing Github's RESTful api

Updated 10 Jul 2016

Android client library of Wialon Rest API

MIT License
Updated 13 Nov 2017

Android library for Sprout ReST API.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 02 Oct 2013

Android library for ReST API.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 15 Jan 2016

Android ap[plication using LibraryCloud rest API to search for and save catalog data

Updated 17 Mar 2015

Android-Library, which combines Volley and Gson for making simple JSON-Requests consuming REST-APIs

Apache License 2.0
Updated 21 Mar 2019

Its an Android Application in which accessing data through REST API with Volley Library

Updated 15 Nov 2019

This an Android Library for Evertec. The purpose of this library is Create a API that Make some request an get response for a REST full web service

Updated 08 Dec 2018

Android Library to call REST api

Updated 18 Dec 2017

This is rest client to call webservice or API. You can easily get data from the server using REST CLIENT. File uploading, image uploading and video uploading is easy using this REST CLIENT. It contains with okhttp library.

Updated 02 Aug 2018

Retrofit 2.0 and Picasso libraries Enabling Offline Cache displayed on a recyclerview. SQLite database.

Updated 01 Dec 2018

Android REST Client using Retrofit2 library; test JSON and XML APIs

Updated 30 Jan 2018

Restful api (importing JSON data using android networking library an displaying it in recycler view )

Updated 31 Jan 2018

App that uses Retrofit library for REST API using geolocation.

Updated 07 Mar 2019

This is my first android app building with Adnroid Studio using Java, implementing external moviesdb REST api and internal SQLite database

Updated 29 Apr 2020

Fetching data from REST API into a android application using Retrofit library

Updated 23 Nov 2020

Web Controller using OkHttp to request REST API server and store data locally using Realm.

Updated 28 Jun 2020

With this small library you can consume a RESTful json api very fast, using java, this also works on android.

Updated 18 May 2015

A restaurant finder with Google Maps API and Retrofit Library

Updated 03 Apr 2018

An android library project to query the eve online REST API.

GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
Updated 16 Jul 2017

An android app that uses Restful APi using Retrofit and GSON library to make HTTP calls

Updated 10 Jul 2018

This project is the library Rest API communication using Retrofit library. This library used OAuth2. Implemented image or file upload.

Updated 31 Jul 2019

Android app consuming Github Rest API with Retrofit library

Updated 30 Sep 2019

Consuming REST API using Retrofit Library in Android and Themoviedb

Updated 09 Sep 2018

Android wrapper library for using google sheets REST API

MIT License
Updated 22 Jul 2015

An Android REST clients library to send request and retrieve the response from RESTful API or read the dummy data in Android app.

Updated 04 Mar 2016

Retrofit is a REST Client library (Helper Library) used in Android and Java to create an HTTP request and also to process the HTTP response from a REST API.

Updated 06 Nov 2020

The Android client library used to access the fiplus REST API

Updated 16 Sep 2015

Tugas Client Server Mata Kuliah Pemrograman Lanjut dengan library retrofit dan Rest API django

Updated 07 Apr 2020

using the Retrofit library to handle REST API calls in an android application

Updated 16 Sep 2019

Fetch data from remote server using REST API with the help of volley library

Updated 16 Jul 2018

It's an android app to call REST API's using Retrofit2 Library.

Updated 31 Jul 2020

Consuming REST API with JWT from Spring Boot using Retrofit Library in Android

Updated 03 Sep 2019

A wrapper library for REST API.

Updated 09 Sep 2020

An Android App to show basic networking using Retrofit library and Fake REST API.

Updated 16 Jul 2020

Android paging library implementation with RxJava and Handling Empty States. Based on

Updated 19 May 2020

This is a library made with WorkManager and OkHttp to provide a way of async Rest API call.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 18 Jul 2020

UnOfficial Java SDK for developers to interact with the Nalo SMS REST API.

MIT License
Updated 13 Apr 2019

A simple android application that uses HTTPClient library to read data from REST api using MVVM architecture and RecyclerView

Updated 17 Oct 2019

Android sample project that contains different examples of REST API call to the server using Retrofit2 Android Library.

Updated 14 Sep 2017

Made an Android App that takes in the XML of an website (API) that offers cat pictures and randomly generates 6 new and different cat pictures by clicking a button. This app integrated JSON Objects, Picasso Library, and conversion from XML to JSON.

Updated 06 May 2017

AndroidOSms is in a library allowing you to consume easily API REST SmsApi of orange Ivory Coast (divide into zones AMEA) in your projects Android.

Updated 24 Apr 2018

In this tutorial series, we’re building an android movie app that will fetch, movie list from a REST API. Using: - Kotlin - MVVM architectural pattern - Paging library for Pagination - RxJava - Retrofit - REST API

Updated 06 Oct 2019

The open source Pandora Music library for Android.

GNU General Public License v3.0
Updated 11 Aug 2019

Android library with helper methods for creating a REST API interface

Updated 21 Nov 2014

A simple android application that uses Retrofit library to read data from a REST api.

Updated 12 Oct 2019

Android Retrofit is an sample android application using the Retrofit library for making REST API calls in android, this application will display Recent (user names)answers from the Stack Exchange API.

Updated 23 Jul 2017

SpaceX Launches were listed with the integration (Retrofit Client) of SpaceX Rest Api. And then FrescoLib image management library used.

Updated 20 Jun 2019

A material design android application to show the implementation of CRUD operations using REST APIs. The library used for restful communication is Volley.

Updated 18 Jun 2020

an android movie app that will fetch, movie list from a REST API. Using: - Kotlin - MVVM architectural pattern - Paging library for Pagination - RxJava - Retrofit - REST API

Updated 18 Jun 2020

this example provide information that how we can get data from get and post api through volley library

Updated 27 Feb 2020

This app basically Uses Rest Countries API ( ) to display all the details of the country. Also I've used SVG Library to process the image in svg format using AndroidSvg library.

Updated 30 Jul 2020

A simple app that displays the profile of Game of Thrones characters (name, age and popularity) fetching the data from a remote server using a REST API. It's implemented using MVVM architecture based on Android Architecture Components library (Room, LiveData etc.) and programmed using Java programming language.

Updated 15 Oct 2019

Android app cover important topics like REST Api with volley library , Notification channels , Broadcast Receiver , list view with custom adapter

Updated 25 Nov 2019

A sample android client consuming rest api using OkHttp library. json-server is used for quick backend

MIT License
Updated 26 Apr 2016

Consuming REST API using Retrofit Library with the help of MVVM, Dagger 2, LiveData and RxJava 2 in Android

Updated 21 Dec 2019

Simple library for Android that allows to make REST API requests in a quick way, and allows to automatically store thre result in the database or memory for a future use.

Updated 30 Mar 2017

Android App in Kotlin demonstrating JSON parsing, REST Api using Retrofit 2, RxJava2 & Local Database with Room library.

Updated 22 Sep 2019

The application mainly consists of a map view, once opened it gets user GPS or Network location and requests for nearby venues from Foursquare APIs. Application should cache the retrieved venues so that on next application start up, cached venues are displayed until fresh new venues are retrieved from server. It then places pins of each venue on the map, pin images should be venues images retrieved from Foursquare. Clicking on any pin should open an info window with the name of the venue, when clicking on the info window allow user to check-in in this venue. For user to check-in, this user should be logged in using OAuth implementation of Foursquare login. • I am using Job queue manager library to easily schedule jobs (tasks) that run in the background, improving UX and application stability. You can find it here ( • I am using EventBus that simplifies communication between Activities, Fragments, Threads, Services, etc you can find it here ( • I am using Retrofit that turns your REST API into a Java interface. It depend on Okhttp and Gson library You can find it here ( or ( ) • I am using foursquare-android-oauth You can find it here ( • I am using google play services

Updated 07 Jul 2020

Android application that displays the weather forecast utilizing the OpenWeather REST API. Created to test out and display some newer Android libraries and the MVC / MVP architecture.

Updated 01 Aug 2015

Using Retrofit, Retrofit is a REST Client library. In this Application The TMDb API is used that uses HTTP requests to GET data and displayed in Recycler View.

Updated 22 Feb 2018

Aplicación de película de Android Kotlin que obtendrá una lista de películas de una API REST. Utilizando - MVVM architectural pattern - Paging library for Pagination - RxJava - Retrofit - REST API

Updated 30 Jun 2020

Movie Mania is an Android App , which shows new release and upcoming hollywood movies . It uses TMDB REST API. It uses multiple libraries and tools like Volley , Picasso , cardView etc .

Updated 05 Apr 2020

Android - JAVA code to parse JSON data from REST API and display it in Table format using TableLayout with sorting and pagination (without Paging library).

MIT License
Updated 01 Sep 2020

A simple app that displays the profile of Game of Thrones characters (name, age and popularity) fetching the data from a remote server using a REST API. It's implemented using MVVM architecture based on Android Architecture Components library (Room, LiveData etc.) and programmed using Kotlin programming language.

Updated 07 Sep 2019

A library to help with database setup; working with queries like insert, create, delete, drop, select; for using rest api consumtion; shared preferences; image zoom in and zoom out, applying font to the entire layout, checking if internet connection is available or not, setting an image view in square shape, circular shape, with initial letter or avatat, and replacing null in a string and replacing true or false with 1 or 0, switch button, custom toast message, datetime utils, location services, location address, validation of different types, set max length, set character counter, check if url is valid and much more. Check out the for more information and latest update. You can check out the website '' as well.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 14 Sep 2020

A library to help with database setup; working with queries like insert, create, delete, drop, select; for using rest api consumtion; shared preferences; image zoom in and zoom out, applying font to the entire layout, checking if internet connection is available or not, setting an image view in square shape, and replacing null in a string and replacing true or false with 1 or 0.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 08 May 2019

What is Retrofit?Retrofit is a type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java. You can make network requests using Retrofit and it is used in android to call RESTful APIs. Why Retrofit? Though it is not necessary that you use a library like Retrofit for the network calls in your application. But if you will not use a library you have to take care of a lot of things, and it increases the task and amount of code. Whereas Retrofit has predefined methods to quickly perform network requests. We also have other libraries in android for example volley, but if you are still using Volley for network operations then it is highly recommended that you should migrate to retrofit now. Retrofit is better than volley. In this Retrofit Android Tutorial series we will learn a lot of things. We will learn - Building RESTful API using SLIM framework - Making the calls from our android app using Retrofit - We will also learn deploying the REST API

Updated 06 Jun 2020

This is a Android App where user choose the wallpaper for the mobile screen.In this ,we use Unsplash API (Rest API) and popular android libraries like ButterKnife for binding view,Glide 4 to load image from server ,Retrofit for sending requests and handling responses ,GSON to convert JSON to Java Objects , Realm to save data in Android application.

Updated 07 Nov 2020

This is a sample app that showcases a number of key technologies including: REST-ful API, Retrofit, Dagger2, RxJava2, Gson, Airbnb's Epoxy Library for RecyclerViews, Android Architectural Components (Room, ViewModel, etc.) and JUnit testing.

Updated 10 Mar 2020

Android application for finding teams in your town for playing basketball. External libraries used: Retrofit, Facebook SDK. This app is a client for rest api that I wrote, named BallinApp in my repositories.

Updated 27 Mar 2018

Android Tutorial 1. Android Studio Tutorial 2. Android Studio Overview 3. Android Intent 4. Android Spinner 5. Android ListView 6. Android Fragment Lifecycle 7. Android Passing Data between Fragments 8. Android WebView 9. Android ActionBar 10. Android Custom ActionBar 11. Android Animation 12. Android Capture Image 13. Android Custom Fonts 14. Android Location API GPS Tracking 15. Android Location Google Play Services 16. Android Increase Gradle Build Speed 17. Android NavigationView 18. Android SearchView 19. Android GridLayoutManager 20. Android MVP 21. Android Picasso 22. Android Internal Storage 23. Android External Storage 24. Android Shared Preferences 25. Android SQLite 26. Android Notification 27. Android AlertDialog 28. Android GridView 29. Android Gallery View 30. Android ProgressDialog 31. Android AsyncTask 32. Android BroadcastReceiver 33. Android ListView Custom Adapter 34. Android ViewFlipper 35. Android ButterKnife 36. Android Non Scrollable ListView 37. Android JSONObject 38. Android XML Parser 39. Android Runtime Permissions 40. Android Data Binding 41. Android Data Binding Advanced 42. Retrofit Android 43. OkHttp Android 44. Android Login Registration App 45. Android Interview Questions 46. Android Multi Search 47. Android Layout LinearLayout 48. Android FrameLayout AbsoluteLayout 49. Android ScrollView TableLayout 50. Android Navigation Drawer 51. Android CollapsingToolbarLayout 52. Android ImageView 53. Android TextSwitcher ImageSwitcher 54. Android AutoCompleteTextView 55. Android ProgressBar 56. Android SeekBar RatingBar 57. Android Toggle Button, Switch 58. Android Countdown Timer 59. Android ExpandableListView 60. Android Date Time Picker 61. Android Radio Button 62. Android Floating Widget 63. Android Checkbox 64. Android CardView RecyclerView 65. Android RecyclerView with Dividers 66. Android ViewPager 67. Android Drag Drop 68. Android Floating Action Button 69. Android SnackBar 70. Android Swipe Refresh 71. Android Shared Element Transition Animation 72. Android ConstraintLayout 73. Android ConstraintLayout Example 74. Android TextInputLayout 75. Android Percent Layout 76. Android Google Maps 77. Android Google Maps Example Tutorial 78. Google Static Maps 79. Android Google Maps Current Location 80. Android Google Map Route Drawing 81. Google Places API Welcome to Retrofit Android Example Tutorial. Today we’ll use the Retrofit library developed by Square to handle REST API calls in our android application. Table of Contents [ hide ] 1 Retrofit Android 2 OkHttp Interceptors 3 Setting Up the Retrofit Interface 4 Retrofit Android Example Project Structure Retrofit Android Retrofit is type-safe REST client for Android and Java which aims to make it easier to consume RESTful web services.

Updated 07 Sep 2020

This project has developed to help the religious person. In this app user can see the daily updated prayer time, list of kalima, important sura for namaz, the 99-holy name of Allah, some important hadis & tasbi. This application was developed using Java, Rest API And Volley network library. And also, I flow the MVVM Pattern with architecture component ( Databinding and LiveData and android View Model ).

Updated 24 Jul 2020

#Retrofit2 to handle network requests by building a simple log in app that will perform POST and GET requests. #Two parameter username and password. #It'll show in response name,id,mobile,type and token etc.This app have some separate Login features for customer and admin. Admin can see all the customers data. Admin can change user password on request. Also admin can delete a customer id. But a customer can not access this features. Customers can only see his profile and he/she can update his/her information. CRUD operations are done by using Retrofit library. Retrofit is used on the client side (Android) to make HTTP request to REST API.

Updated 08 Jun 2020

Uses: Location Services, Internet, Google APIs, Images, Picasso Library, Implicit Intents, TextView Links Application Specification: - This application acquires and displays an interactive list of political officials that represent the current location (or any specified location) at each level of government. - Android location services are be used to determine the user’s location. - The Google Civic Information API is used to acquire the government official data (via REST service and JSON results). - Different layout for landscape orientation for 2 of the activities in this application. - Clicking on an official’s list entry opens a detailed view of that individual government representative. - Clicking on the photo of an official will display a Photo Activity, showing a larger version of the photo. - An “About” activity shows application information (Author, Copyright data & Version)

Updated 26 May 2017

This is an Android app built with Jetpack Compose. It uses Paging 3 library to fetch the data from our own REST API server developed with Ktor framework.

Updated 31 Oct 2024

Android Studio Widget Example for displaying Cryptocurrency prices o the home screen widget with Rest API using Volley HTTP library.

Updated 18 Jul 2022

🌙 This Android app uses Paging 3 library to fetch the data from our own REST API server developed with Ktor framework.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 7 Aug 2023

SimpleApiCalls is a type-safe REST client for Android. The library provides the ability to interact with APIs and send network requests with HttpURLConnection.

MIT License
Updated 15 Jun 2024

Creators compound is an android based app which aims to bridge the gap between social media influencers and marketing agencies by providing a common platform for both sides to register upon. The app Java, Kotlin & XML, Google news REST API, Circular imageview library & a bit of Jetpack compose.

Updated 1 Mar 2023

Online store mobile application built using android studio java , volley library to fetch api's data , for the backend i built a REST api using php and MySQL as a database

Updated 2 Jan 2024

how to image

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